The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 18, 1902, Image 5

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AN IMPORTANT NOTICE Contemplating a material change in our business on January Ist 1903, and in order to reduce our stock before taking an inventory, we will for the next 30 days^e^- Give Exceptional Bargains in each and every department in our stores. Remember, that we are offering our entire stock of clothing At Cost to Close Out. You will find it to vour interest to call and inspect our stock and get our prices before purchasing else , where. .. ... . ,w ' f Yours for Bonds and the Upbuilding of Barnesville, The Pitts=Gray Cos. At COST! i Commencing December Ist, and for 30 days, we will J offer our entire stock of merchandise AT COST for cash, [ This is done to make room for our Forsyth stpck, which we will move here Jan. Ist. Now is your time to buy goods [ cheap. This is no humbug, but a genuine offer, and will be strictly adhered to. Goods must be sold. Come and see. MADDUX & SON, ; Successors to Barnesvilie Mercantilo Cos. For Rent— My home on Thonias ton street. W. H. Chambers. It will be good news to the friends of Mrs. Homer Bush to know that she is rapidly improving and hopes are entertained for her complete recovery. For Sale— cottage on Forsyth street next to the parsonage. Price $660.00. Apply to H. H. Swatts, at Ex press office. A. Summers, practical painter, wall tinter and paper hanger, upholdster and sign painter. Residence, Holmes street. Leave orders at Blackburn’s drug store for Barnesvilleand adjacent towns and country. A Service on Christmas. Next Sunday at the 11 o’clock service at the Baptist church, Rev. C. W. Durden, the pastor, will preach a sermon on “Christmas and what it means to us.” The puplic is given a cordial invitation to he present to hear what he will have to say. A TEXAS WONDR. HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabe tes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularity of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist, will send by mail on re ceipts of sl. One small bottle is two "months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall 6ole manufacturer. P. O. Box 029, St. Louis. Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by W. A. Wright. Martin, Tenn., June 3, 1901. This is to certify that I have used Hall’s Texas Wonder for kidney trou ble and have never found anything its equal. Its merits are wonderful. Try it, as I did, and be convinced. Rev. R. C. Whitxell. Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. In Our Line of HOLIDAY GOODS You Can Find Something For Any One.^^^ Picture Frames, Mirrors, Shaving Sets, Ink Stands, Cuff and collar boxes, Thermometers, Work Boxes, Military Sets, Risk Bags, Perfumery, lamps, etc. Among Our Regular Line of Patents, Cn.rTy Peruvian Tonic 3Q cts. Swamp Cabbage Root 80cts' Jordan’s Sarsaparilla 75 Cts! /Jordan’s Cough Syrup 26ctS." If tried once, will be used again. forget our prescription department is always open, day or night. W. C. JORDAN & BRO. Prudent Women know the value of a savings account in a strong ,bank. That’s why so many of '.hem have a snug sum of moaey earning 4 per cent, interest in Home Savings Bank, American National Barm Bid, MACON, GA. R. A. Mekbitt, Oscar E. Dooi.y, President. Cashier. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDAY, 1 f 1902 Delightful = jfty. Miss Arley X k/\/ taining a dolig. W * p party which will litil after her marriage .*■ / Tuesday. The guests%i Al'rf /are: Mrs. E. A. Pound, b* a fffiross, Mrs. Wilson Miss May Collins, filth, Miss Clio Albertson, of Jf , Fla., M iss Martha oi Griffin, Miss Mamie ' Carters ville, Miss Meti e Barnes ville, MissJeffii Wodworth, Grif fin, Mrs. J. A4 library, Barnes ville. . SAVED AT BRIN K. “ I know I would long ago have been in my grave,” writes Mrs. S. H. New som, of Decatur, Ala., “if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I had suffered untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, AVater brash, Stomach and Bowell Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since taking it I can eat heartily and have gained3s lbs.” For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bitters is a positive, guaran teed cure. Only 50? at W. A. Wright's drug store. Mr. L. C. Henslee, of Griffin, came down Monday on business. Mr. J. B. Bankston spent Monday in the city of Macon, looking after busi ness. Mr. Dus Smith attended the Askew- McMahon wedding in Griffin Sunday afternoon. Judge C. J. Lester went down to Macon Tuesday morning to look after some legal business. Hon. W. M. Hartley, of Zebulon, was in town Monday looking after import ant matters of busiuess. We continue to keep a full line of pictures, suitable for Holiday and Bridal presents. J. H. Bate A Cos. Mrs. R. L. Swatts went up to Atlanta Monday afternoon to spend a day or so, the guest of relatives and seeing the holiday displays. Miss Ellen Dewberry spent several days last week in the city of Forsyth where she was the attractive guest of friends and relatives. ®ee our line of cut glass-tlie kind that has tli* trade mark on it, the “Real Thing.” J. H. Bate A Cos. Mrs. E. L. Rogers went to Atlanta last Thursday to spend the day the guest of friends and relatives in that city. Messrs. Alex Morris and James Bris endine were among those who spent Sunday in the city of Gritfin with friends and relatives. Mrs. J. A. McCrary spent several days last week in the city of Atlanta, wher she was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. M. Franklin. For Sale—My house and lot on Brown avenue. Will sell reasonably on easy terms. Apply, to J. C. Adamh, Jackson, Ga. Miss lone Murphey left Friday after noon for the city of Macon, where she will be the guest of Miss Gertrude Tay lor for several days. Miss Lucile Blackburn, who has been spending several weeks in Thomson and Warrenton very pleasantly as the guest of relatives, returned home last week. See J. H. Bate A Cos. if you are look ing for the best Holiday goods, Mrs. E. M. Powell and Mrs. R. O. Cotter went up to Atlanta Monday morning to spend the day in that city with their friends and relatives. Mrs. If. B. Willingham, of Thompson, arrived in the city last week and will be the guest during the holidays of the family of her sister, Mrs. J. 11. Black burn, on Forsyth street. Buy an Eastman Kodak for your Christmas present, from SI.OO t 0520.00. J. U. Bate A Cos. Rev. C. W. Durden went to Carters ville last Sunday to preach for the Baptist people at that place. In his absence his pulpit was filled by Prof. N. W. Hurst who preached two very tip joy able sermons. Presiding Elder Glenn preached a very able and instructive sermon to the Methodists in the Auditorium last Sunday morning. Quarterly Confer ence was held at the parsonage Monday night. Rev. Simeon W. Rogers has been in the city several days spending some time as the guest of his sister, Mrs. L. K. Rogers on Greenwood street. He is a prominent divine and has a number of friends in this city. Mr. A. J. Forde, of Columbia, 8. C., has arrived in the city and will be con nected with tha bakery and retaurant business of Mr. J. G. Suggs. He was formerly with him and is a baker of wide experience and will be a valuable addition to the bakery. : SOMEWHAT PERSONAL: Mr. W. F. Maliar came down Tues day night to do some work for the K. of P. lodge at this place. Major John T. Hunt was among the visitors from this city to Atlanta last Thursday. Mr. Jackson E. Bush spent last Thursday in Atlanta the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bush, Lovely Cut Glass Christmas Novelties AT Wright’s Drug Store. Agent for Wily’s Fine Candies.— Be sure to read the advertisement of Suggs’ Bakery and then patronise it. It is a good institution for the city. Mr. Clifford Johnson, of Waycross, who comes to attend the Murphey-Al bertson marriage, will stop with Mr. Roy Blount. We have the largest line of Gold Rings ever shown in Barnesville-see them. J. 1L Bate A Cos. Mr. Fred Hoyt, of New York, who is to be best man at the Murphey-Albert son wedding, will arrive in the city Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson G. Smith were among those who went to the city of At lanta last Thursday to spend the day with friends and relatives. FOR SALE— a top buggy, two-horse wagon, one-horse wagon and mule very cheap. Win son Caiukek, Zebulon street. The young men of the city will com pliment the young ladies attending Miss Murpheys house party, with a ger man Friday evening at the hotel. Mrs. C. 11. Humphrey, accompanied by little daughter, left Tuesday morn ing for Milieu, where she goes to spend the holidays the guest of her mother. Mr. A. J. Shearouse left Monday night for Savannah and other points, where he goes to look after business interests. He will be absent from the city several weeks. Miss Kathryn Lockhart left Tues day afternoon for St. Louis, Mo., where she goes to spend the holiday vacation visiting her relatives in that city. She will no doubt have a delightful trip to that city. Dont wait until the last minute to select yoiir best Christmas gift. We can serve you before the rush. J. 11. Bate A Cos. GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY FOR BROTHER An earthly h e a v e n of the c h i 1 cl r e n is Christmas time. Do your part t o add to the joy. The hap piness of all of the little ones is sure ly sufficient rewurd for slight invest ments. Suitable gifts will cost little at our store. A large stock of W atches Chains Charms. Fobs Cuff Links Studs Kings Emblems Fountain Pens Desk Sets Collar Buttons Silver Pencils Desk Clocks BATE S J EWELRY STORE Miss Pet Ferguson, of Milner* visited friends in the city Tuesday, Col. J. Q. Nash spent Tuesday night in the city of Macon the guest of friends and looking after business matters. Mrs. F. D. Bloodwortli will entertain at a linen shower on Monday afternoon next, in honor of Miss Arley Murphey. Miss. Meta Murphey, will entertain the Murphey-Albertson bridal party with a luncheon after the rehearsal Monday evening. Mr. E. T. Mallary, one of Forsyth’s most substantial citizens, spent Tues day in the city, the guest of his son, Mr. W. A. Mallary. Miss Laura Summers left Tuesday morning for Wadley and other points, where she goes to spend the holidays. Her many friends here wish for her an enjoyable visit. FOR SALE—i large lot in good neighborhood on Greenwood street— -80 x 200 feet. Appiy to Mrs. Rogers on place, or to J. A. McCrary at First Nat ional Bank. It, is with pleasure that we call atten tion to the advertisement of Ifanson & Kennedy elsewhere in the issue of the I paper. When in need of anything in their line call on them. FOR SALE—A nice suit of furniture ; cost $35.00. Will sell cheap. Apply to W. 11. E I,UN(iton. Sterling silver is cheaper than ever before. Get our prices. J. H. Bate a Cos. Hon. J. (j. Nolan, of McDonough, has been visiting the family of Mr. T. W. Cochran this week. He has many admirers in this city and is widely known throughout Georgia as one of the state’s most gifted orators. Mr. Nolan has been compared to the late Henry Grady as an orator. We are offering very low prices (jj china. J. 11. Bate A Cos. Hon. H. M. Franklin, memberof legislature from Washington county, has been in the city this week, a guest of the family of Mrs. L. K. Rogers. Mr. Franklin is one of the most promi nent members of the present house and is one of the best speakers of that body. He is well known in Barnesvilie and bus many friends here. FOR FATHER Father is preparing a surprise for you; don’t fail to prepare one for him. He ex pects it and will ap preciate it. But be economical; papas don’t like extrava gance. Here you get the cheap, the good, the useful—above all, the beautiful. Shaving Cups Shaving Brushes 1 Razors Razor Strops Shaving-Stick Boxes Mirrors Military Brushes Hair Brushes Cloth Brushes Hat Brushes Tobacco Boxes Cigar Cases Smokers’ Sets , Ink Bottles FOR SISTER “Wonder what bro ther, father or moth er will give me”— that’s what sister i# saying these days. Don’t disappoint her. But what to give her? Here’s some of the things we have for sister. We have hun dreds of other, equal ly beautiful and use ful Cologne Bottles Mirrors Hair Brushes Cloth Brushes Bonnet Brushes Combs Embroidery Scissors Button Hooks Envelope holders Hair-Pin Trays Powder Puffs and Boxes Jewel Cuses.