The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 18, 1902, Image 6

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Christmas Cakes! .WbFjßake Cakes When ■ Bafe?f frl wWf r Keep the bakery running fyjr p**tr lt -t mrfjo yoi| .** me bakery to rfittaiil in your town, with out your help ? lean sell you cake* cheaper than you can make them through Xmas. Eggs are scarce, but I will try and keen enough to keep these cakesln stock for Christmas. If Jv> $* •V* *s• *’ /b ** •?* •' *■•" '? " •'V* * Fruit Caki—it’s grq £ 40c per ll*. >,Old Fashioned. Pound. Cake. #t 9 l / iß>v\p>- : ' ’ f{ rtr tfMiy Roll; ffltf'jpfer fib Unit! 1 ’ . uT. M iii hpilpM * i Oottooiuat litty ctr Jdteko,/!£><;> tb/ii Yayer Cuße,' if>. ,lv:l,|.j Ui'w jlJvivhoolH <1 .’’l M ar.UUtvC.akff, JHH> Ik iJiai/io I liv/ .ystlqiiiM e)‘)V. .m'M ,TWi $ 1 TO^RY o :■iWtym nil ■ ■ ‘iJ-rttrtlde I frclffCtik* 1 , 1 ml., 0& ‘FT), • .jjmnqye yabnoM CuGoqßut Remember the baker ,j(;[ | );t) j ii( J ( ,j ~i H tnily;! •" J <t*U .11 .1. .mo.: J-. *ii • fv-’ T i 1/. * u. SuuuS. i•i■? * - I.i ' v/ ft • *•! ! no bioihodilpimi .'if. , i dm- !•••) i ; "' ’ . I ‘)v> ti illintH .!) wwd-ml ,ml 4 hyj; MK Restaurant upw open, ready for . business—meals 25 cents, iIL J **• • • ,<• i. ilf -1 rTi r • . M ~ t i.. 4 ! COMING! ONE NIGHT ONLY. THE CAMP=RODGERS CO., PRESM'N'HW? " f ‘ ■ : ' 'V .I'yuOiJoGAK '.u un'iiV .< > J. .noll VibwT 'l-'-i 1 | The 4 Act Sensational Western Drama, ** Xi-biw *i hi: j■ ; ■") nidi i i>v)ilail)i tnbuoK 1V:>1 ouinim-iif-i .1 ./. ,il( j W- ittJ . 0011)1 ( 111 ■'! 1 liJO l)idV m,tJ:VJ:ir! -:i! 1:1-. The James Boys THE FAVORITE fSOUmERiN) AOTOUi. ,70/.< mi- j * Mr. Sheppard Camp. ' ‘ 1 SDPSrtRTKD BY "UHOtCj JtfOllt ‘ t J “MIO 41 i’ll.tit*Ji \J . u*" ’ j ■ Mr. Ed, Rodgers;;; iWWBKttsfSL ;;.l Illi >. I '■■‘■“AND. ill UUI:.*I - 1 *>l ■ ij• )i !"nl . TANARUS ) if. .4T/■ M lt i - Miss Bianehe A Wrath, -aewm ,: b# Lift’ of tllii Btmlffiji, a* tlie R%*T ■ J‘' it,' shoeing lin’tWlocAl Wtim> of &>■■ ~ and Jesse James- " iiT Tnw as the'title might imply, a 'production*in wftidii tltood shed Bominatfs, but a high-class interpretation of the James Boys, Frank and Jesse. This is a play in which a beautiful love story is interwoven with i- . 1 1 'the thrilling careeriof the Bandit Kings of the World, (living a true represelitatio;i of the escapades iiV which Frank iiui J.ejw engaged, showing, of: Or, tjatnuela, (Llye biljn ing of the tiamuels lliwiiestoad, the TbciUii 3 Kosout 1 of Mrs. tmls. Mother of the Jiimes Boys, aiih'Kelda iawleton, pAimised of Sesse, from the of the Fn|nus Hue'ilia Chief, Quantrell, i feeUndl vuy’nloG j i R tjlfii if.l goivan-: - . U;J/ '^^^nieririrß^'^oaHng^on^^ ■ ' yt J RNTSf^En i?Y THE NEC.KQ SERYANTij, , L\GE AND USA, | ■who are alivnys on Hknd ‘‘When the dAFuwl Troopi Noblmj’* hos t Fail te see the Assassination of Jesse James |y tlje Traitor, Bob l font / ' 1 ||: I Callerv 25c.—Rear of Reserved Seats 85c.—Reserved Seats bOc. S&iS'iiii'J* A0 all kinds. sßrefcd MoJJjj-,, - DoUghnuts, l 8H) Kll iliovs OUTOn (ill fit 1/tjJUI ( But, if you/trtdkl.bako yuan' f brake an>yßwaypld4 iUmdell yquli r Hi* . Y L asKh reded, Cocoanut in Bulk., T ilsutr 7T uoaffouT iK ( iCiurj*nitit, .>4liVn/it/ UnwAUbu Nrdv, ,fi rthrt 1 1.K.-lifl.i .nyfi.pllfi '{thluH ’taaijy. mwiwmMimims n ,rvJ*. n mm { &W Ant'd lyftilMr oJ aomoo <nf the. i:\ksvili.y-:C® miwazeTte Thursday, DEC^MK^igTSfe SupfcgUNClL’S t Decisions. T The Jcouxcin ( decisions were liaruieddjr.i.E, days ago by the Supre. in cases, going npfrotn by tii.ttior-Gourtd' j ISO;' i phPmf et‘ rpheyttWtt. l *,■ 1? ef b¥e Judge Red The <jp\&6 strpCribr court. .‘‘‘’lper f m> ! fjittie. 1 .Tvbairn Exceptions to "a i i solve air cplY ebme 'to j the'' Hppfe'mb'u theU bpiy by an I'brdind'ry bill Lictxcepwodiy and not by a fast 115.0 $ 2., ,\V r Uiie rajslwl a Bale of the of 'an insol y.ent debtor through the Medium jdf a receiver prderji of a S sfcatx; eourt may, o{-i >14)0 i applioa ftion of trustee appointed after "an of stf'ch 1 debtor as p u bankrupt/ for a I transfer of such ifundin thedtatie court to him-, i; U; 'charged’ with tup cost”and' expen ’ seiy of ecu verting the property of K>f .H sj.iß!/ I .!ff;i I'jvifl ,V f! rii thc„dc''kOt .cash,- yet...where kthe property of a debtor has been seized under the order of a state •orttrt- arwt-pla^cl'-in the - hand<v-*f a tempprury receiver, and after .rhe;jiWtjudiei*tioU of suOh pyjfdoh as 'a bankrupt, and before tne c'on- Srsionuf hjs property into qish fry the receiver, e tiiiVt'>f,uyi application to ‘rthe state court, is entitled to the jx>s session of the property for the ptirpoihi ofrta; njg sojll at(d ifftered in' the court- of fjank ruptcya!.od(>ih)>tß,. To fliMJfche) part of tlie , judgl.. of i; 'thc/ kUtP court to order the transfer of such property fd thV'tfTftM qolidi nAn lhat! thH fe'es'fb'f’fno a'tthGiHys and receiver shall be first paid, Whofre no I6u)nd. and! LluitAiesbdndS' of (tbe-recdlMdr iriiitjnil payments may be made,.iObo ' pfej'- the bankn#cy M%fht judication and eHtanlisnnieiit ot tHeyukpefetW .noif ilo .7t¥dgmh l rtftHr<eVe¥keitP l iol nwol ai ! W. W. LaOnWinl >for‘ 'pi aid tiff A nr ■ i<f,. :^,'rr uuiDpald} iKewirrtaini&iDodd, contra. ,o r > :-rr*H TI 4 * *o(> r.-cHfj ikWiH 1 BhkeFVfe ! / ; Ba?ker. ‘ R4fore Jfld^ i ßtekga i ir. r Pi , kt}' 1 s It jiyd r'io r I Cnllrt. Mot 1 t-v.n.q tuU Cobb. J. —This waff An l applica tianrtor a discharge ffonn cusstody tif-one fly ho had,; bttqn ad j udged go \ a lailiu-je to. comply', with an order Jaipur mg liim fo'j pay allimony to his yvife; and,-: lUj view/of the evijlbncq, therp wfie* ny,error In iitefysing such applicad tirm, \ .Tudgnte'nt afßrtned. (Xb fur tndf (Opinion.)' ' T. E. Batte'rsoii, for plaintiff iiF error. i\V. 11l Tayloriand Illoyd Gleve ltuid, contra, n t i Ji t; iiifliiO —tn —vTre — r rfr —rt yab.-.tifi: ■ OASTQR|A< Bear* the ® Vou Have Always BougU •vj 4! <4 ’l**ll 1 1; 'f, 1‘ 1 1 j)/ ,f. It doesn’t take touch of alttauks-; niaii p&fffl., n v ll .iigfiv , j - '/Y. pian his: own mistakes because lie makes •VhO'lttbii i .1 1 *I );-‘ :! >j'nil/I otiol e-iI.C ce keeps mighty pppr. ~, ikpj.prd V,nto <ire<Kh ■.HUfi.qua4iO T "u oiiiaat .pass through a'Aoojptiiaibeled W‘PHsti; w ‘ ,, 'l | l < l; ' v neTu-mY/ I>uh : - I: i .1 . ■ Tiibi.-dl '■ and Excess Of Smoking Affected My Heart So I Had To Sit Up To Breathe. Dr. MUey H*art Cure Cured Me. TheiY A Within £ that 1 Ins u nttire deleter ious leffcct upqn tile CAittiac or .heart oerres th,an the.eacessiya use pt tpbaycq. Pain,and tenderness aroulia the 'heart, art o)preSsive i fseikig ih lhe chast, diokuiji seii.-aHon m the thrpat,-itfcomkm from . pivOie Jett side arid Smothering spells urnigiit when the sufferer has to sit up tb- Ued tw bwiathe are the, most common svmotoms of a weak heart.. SinuiWert'li'hW'leeMhaw# and: w lk, ifrt tfri)r mea'“Ug sho*d<i ;be warned in time, by the following,expafienc*: “1 WaV gieaity troubled with an affection lieatt, doe 11hiokioexoewivtsmokriig beijcu ai}\ice l.w# directed to begih a course of treatment which in cluded Dr. Miles' Heart 'Core l . Dr. Miles’ Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills, togethei wsWb Ifatiririgi ctf. I fAithtuitg followed the direction, civqn and am plfaaad to say, Aat nty cure is' complete and permahent. Be fores beginning the use of yof rcniedjes I sm s 9 ..h^yPSvLvouU; not,kURJPJ' still atid sunefed greatly pom sex-ere pains mtaiiad sthei: hearts MnrtyEtfthes at night I would be forced to.assume a.suang. gjstwr to get mv breath, and for the time being it cffirßft'icga&asaiafa^ in tin tnsS I dah .'cheeWnllt 1 reboAifnend-Dr. I MM JJefrt ,C>fe. Reu> aad other remedies to all sufferers from heart or iierVbas Ot>W>les. w YmjA ttAilf, EYfitfit 11*11., Haitian. Ala. d if Alb drnggisfs stll asnv’ 'fMthMWHf brfj'btit tte Dr. Miles‘ Remedieni' Send fo*toebonk on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, lnd. January Sheriff Sales tYiU be sojd faf fore the qonrt house doOT ip;the Zcbuiojv, PiJie couii- da.jjfe- Jlrgt Tu e sda y 4 n-. ■'J an . ISClt.'tJPtwWn hotirs of PrO’cloclca. m. and. .4_o’Alack.,p. in., to the hudicst bidder for cash the following described property to-wit: — Fifty (60i op less in the soiyli oast eorty-r tit tot Ko,i tn aw iwlitvV-iat- o# IXlpv 'Wtintf., J lsottlWl^>rsr : Mrr™'stxtlr Hie north hy Mrs. Berry Lynch, on the east hy J. B Haw kins, on the .soutli by lot No. tty and on t{ie $ and to Katisry two fi, fas. in favor A. D Can at the same time and place the following de- Horibed property to wit: One hundred and five (105> arris* more or less off of the south side of lot No. One hundred and seventy six < 178), also the east half of the south east quar ter of lot No. One hundred and seventy seven (177), containing twenty five [2s] acres more or less, also the west half of the north-east quarter of lot No. One hundred andftieventy seven [l77], containing fJnMJs,[:&J aet*# more or less; also twentjr-fi vj> Jt.'Sl ajrel or less of the west side of th(psLiirh-Si-ej!t .qmii ter of the said lot No. One mthoreii finosev*' enty seven[l77J, known as the .Tug factory lot: also ten and one half [lO aWy trirjTf ! "'itr tffi's in the south east corner of lot No. Two hun dred and eicht [2oß]; Said parcels containing in all One hundred ninety and one half [litOjij acres more or less, all in the Bth district of s-id county of Pike. Levied on as the uroDertv of Benjamin Salter'. MOW** WS&& n. fa Lsaued from the superior (rourt of Upson county in favor of Frank W. Stanley avainst mer purchaser. This the 12th day of Decem ber 1902. J H. Milker, Sheriff. DOCTORING FREE. Tlie British Doctors Are point; TMff' to lntr<Kluce Themselr**, toy Miljr Month's Services are Gi , All Who Call at Their ({^l Second St. .n,.......... .... A staff of eminent physicians and surgeons frop the Brinish Medical In their care in tht| couny-y, established a The eminent gentlemen have decid ed to give their services entirely free (medicines excepted)to all invalids who call upon them for treatment be tween now and Jan. 7th. These servic- SP minor surgical operations. The object in pursuing this course is to become rapidly and personally ac quainted with the sick and afflicted, under no'flßtiditions will any charge in every case they ui^Ljsteke. Male and female weaWess, catarrh and catarrhal deafness, also varicocele, rupture, goitre, cancer,.the opium hab fit ad"iill4dlßrtrse* sof*tli‘fe *r<tq;6tml , *are : cured by their treatment.. . Office hours: 8 p. iMj. fcmm| ’days, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. j Special Notice —If you can't call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. niCJeorgia. own i ’ !nd '.’^oiric 'lights. The towii has recovered ’ ffcbliiOO'JjhnY’fflAinQ7jf ram y’**ar a gOjatMhis one* more on >in' high rwil as 'if never <U<L Ijel'iU'e, ready ImYa'' to'frphbir'e’ SYStWn ana lis rapidly jaiUiug ou clu • Columbn# Ehgair>'K.*&iiL.i- U Ui '*-■ Xbec nbov*h own)p 1 initmluurw>?ihw itcA’-'whieh apjieareKl wo# <4rfy :lastr "week"Avill be" liigliTv appreciated by the peoplefYjf JBarnejaiylLft,... goes to show tjpljpe progressiveness ofan enterprising Alf>n|lyjtje korld x #t free advertising by the newspapers. There is “IW* fyf the town thSl will be and do ing and shows an spirit. Plenty pf and har rrmAkM eftbrt are• bQtind 1 to wifi. > OvP. tnetr; rIA :i /c,H -Itn 11 ?1‘ Oyer-Work Weakens Your Kidneys* - - Unhealthy Kidneys Make Imjmre Blood. . e i J O?? All the bli%e4 rp ®RM r body passes through your kidneyan<;e three minutes. , gvt kidneys are your TTftijOx blood purifiers, they fil rwfjsfej,' !) ter out the waste or yvv\ VtSry impurities in the blood, S.X-V if they are sick or out L order, they fail to do cess of uric acid in the . . i blood, due to irffgtgr t ed kidney trouble. Kidney trouble cause* quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as thorn* they had heart trouble. Qjfear es over-working in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced Ac the kidneys, but now modern science prr vee that nearly all constitutional diseases Fave their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you c*..make no tntstake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild •and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney-remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most pisixoGf in&qaffk and is sold on its merits t^*** {8 by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar to es. You may have ajag? sample bottle by mail Hoaeora.aou>Mt free, also pamphlet telling yov how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Cos.. Binghamton. N. Y. py MOZLEY’S LelollQilflll flk Regulates- the Lively Stoaiack f aud- Kidneye^— For biliousness, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure and nervous prostration. FurlWef, el&te; (fefeitar wi L,yuyji| Klixir. traffic's, tor ifaFtirm aha thoroftgß brgjUnE t4guTaTfo(j T jKcl.emon Elixir. 50 cents and *I.OO a bottJe at druggist. ffly by t>r. If. MpzlC'y. Atlynta ~ : t, I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for about fifteen trouble beifmmy livju:, stoiaapb bow,e^.yjtiL*QJl4blfi hewiaeijes. Lemon Elixir 'eut’eu'mfe. My-appef goodt'And’ t MtFwell: Flfod a barrel of other medicine, that did me no good. Charles Gibharc. No. 1515 Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Jji.'TJ? J> MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseness and Bronchitis.* 25 cto. *t Dwiggist. , r-y? • VA A GOLD RING FREE S get one. Cures Baby’s Ills. It’s the best and safest remedy tor babies and children FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT ZSL CENTS. * \M The following notice appeared in the Atlanta Journal one night ed through democratic influence. He is a sturdy youth of Barnes ville, T. E. Howard. Representa tive Bartlett got him the place, This is very gratifying to the many friends of the young man B named and as we iifvtlk iflectlnreiliU/uppji liimsefi ——*vw ia B and his town and state. Barnes ville boys will distinguish them selves when they are given an oppo m.A.'.aiaH.a-;.*-!-- - trinity. m j#%. iaWps * HAPPY COMl’,lN,\Ti.x. During the \forkPs Fair I bought a bottle of Cheney’s Expectorant at the suggestion of a druggist for a severe Coal con {'fact ed whifeonaJake steam er. Nothing fhas iJ eFer f |tq)t*id. rntpr'e plbasantly of effetfrually anal aih hfiver without, a bottle,. P, L. Mdrg , Chicago. 111. > : - r-=F _ * A Orewt CHseovery. DROPSY '• CURED witlvvegetabla, plb.. Wini 4 toms toiO Trial treatment fur .. A nished free to every suf ?t i' ' ferer: nothing fairer. PGK’ST' fi *** q For cireulars, testimo- Vr" 'f ’ j n * a^s ’ etc - ’ apply To e ■ > <p.‘A dr. h. h. green's sons. Box L, Afhmta .’Gff. ” •: l ]f If |P| ~S ££# lon *l. IdMjejSondi ilk®- Superior Court. | q BdClf lleorgSt. jf | if —If GEORGIA PIKE COUNTY. y Notice is hereby .given to the publicr M4£b een filed in thie "Sfiree oT tne'cJerK of the Superior Sfltfl, as t:f ovided H • mw foc-tftff-purpwre TTf confirming and validating the “Public Improvement Bonds/’, to tiler anunm t PT“$ K) ( GOG,, pro posed to be issued by the pity of Bar rvesvTLd, on which an’ election was held, in said city on Dee. 2nd.ig.902, and \Vliich election resulted in favor of is suing said Bonds.;,and that by virtue of an order of said Court jjromttatl live. 10, 1902, said petition “trill be heard be lyrjj-JTis Honor, Judge E. J. Reagan, at Are Coitft"House at Zebulon. Ga., at 7 o’clock p. m. on Erid ay Dec. 20th; 1902, at, whlcß’tipie will pro ceed to lu;ar and determine whether said JVohds validated and con- Judge County, tnis I)ecembe.r f jLpth 4902. fbigned) J. B. MAftaEvre, Clerk 3r.2£w- 1., BETTER THAN A PLASTER. . v A piece of fiannei dampened ~tvitfi Chamberlin’s Pain Balm and bound on 1 the effected parts, is better than a plafii 1 .toiJpj-ta laj*-<hiek or for pains in the* Jioi w<elWtl Fain Balm has no sup erior as a liniment for the relief of seeted musclar and rheumatic pains.' EoYsaleby Jxo. H. Blackburn. CITY BARBER /HOP. , Hair cutting a specialty, by best of artists. My QUININE HAIR TONIC is guaranteed i<T stop hair foom falling out. S[ & M. JONES, Prop., .a u. y \ Main street, next to P. Oi JAIL w . 2 PABTORZA. Bem the _yj His Kind You Hat* Always Bocgld aWEORGIAy y AND SUPERB SERVICE %TIaf L PO,NTS IN Ml Southeast i i Mi. Connecting at t P \ SAVANNAH with | ST EAMSHI PJbTN£^ \ Hi ..(■-, t : : PC-YiNQ SETWfeEN r 4141 Jx t-P JLS. O* ■# >sb f New York, •, T j -r Boston, ryu i * % i ols ! bonodha AND ALL POINl? NORTH AND EA^T i -i-• —?-■ ft *~Compl ete'TnTorfnafToir," rate*, schedules pf train IN aacrfl ' 1 Sailing dates of steamers : ! .... cheerfully furnished by , . an>; agent of the pon?papy. i( . is fe.hiiß ".piiv-rfunt yLl.’iqm sr THCO. D. KUNE.O : V*. A. WIN BURN, iV> Qanoral Sup’t, Traffic Manager, DhT oi 4fcl General *>• J- BOBtrtSON, Asa’t Qanaral Paaa’r Agant. SAVANNAH. QA. A [ I r | I :raL 1 Ur m iCg? ;> % l /mBWm I i L CJ AMgSg/Sf; / ■4S5' . r*®** *S:.: i.uu MltSi l; Sv Adajm^. 7 to tired women. Having suffered for r seven yam with Weeklies* aAd Hear ; ingrdwn ffi. and • tried;sev eral doctors ; and different remedies j , With no success, your \tjine of Car<k>i T was fjie oijiv- tbjng. which helped me, ?5“:? VCT cured me It sec medio InnW -w the weak , the system and correct irregularities, ! - By ‘‘titpd tri&MjS", Mrs. Addins means'nervous w-ometi -who have' ' indnsMf, falling of thA 1 Wbnjh. ovarian troubles or'any of : tliese ailments that women haviei You ran chre yourself at home with: this'groat women's remedv, Wmi of Cardui.-’ Write of OtJriiui cured thousands of cages which doctor? have failed toWneht. WJhy TKttd.egifjr to trot well today? AU r druggists have g! .00 bottles. Fi>r { any stomach’ liver nt boWel disoivf der Thedford’s Blck-l>raUght* shoiiM besiaed."-'' here t idc s. sb .ii 3 ■'■ J ? fMr*ss, flrlrtnjf y * gyiupUuo*. TkntLaqW A4*%eorr Iteparr faboy WiNEo'CARDUI