The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 18, 1902, Image 7

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Hightower’s Hardware Store IS THE PLACE TO FIND FITTING Holiday Presents. i P j iff T $• if-: . in feotli ftseftilfanfLornaiaental artHclfts.. In £44itipn r to a long list of handsome items in hardware, his I "shoir cases and "shelves contain clever 'designs'" m Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Pottery, etc. As presents, I I handed down to be treasured, by posterity. These | # are I price. .Meantime,* “Santa Claus” has not forgotten I -a tgfrfeat Hiaaiyfl 4 J things for their amusement and pleasure. „ A if tu 51.0'7 tf\ tt C% m i. II i From the Factory f o the Bank. The savings department of tl4 tfitizens Bank of ■!, Barnesville should receive part of the contents of the . yi $9 m a^ er what the income may be, a certain amount can aiid should be set use in old age. I a , f iJitizensßank trf Barnesville e ~- ■ anKjUfitsipf SJ ; .OO and upwards, and pay 8 %o''4mJs&m <Hi &iSfesflif>oiits. 1 %‘^ a ,3A *3f£ u eyv Cashier. J.W.Cas)aiiiss, , \J\ President!. i ‘ f.*j J t .r, JJiJli £i C- .! .• ?.'>■* il- *i wvfjfl? . •f# I*' 1 *' | I Seasons and Styles. , Command go but the appetite .remains the same. O • V Sine Steaks an 4 Roasts Are as necessary and as much wanted this season ds last and vfjj) are’stni in the‘marK't'to"sup|)ly these \vantftr'"“Wet will take your o|oers by ph@^,'’.'.(j|r.’o , jftnd.B; deliver promptly. “ Our ineaHT,* fifth and oysters are aLwiya frpsh and ficsjb-clasa. .■ j rAj #. F. fIATTHEWS & SON g[ h! /i ilium fijj *" i: ■ —ti J; f Ld, s P/ntJ i gmmvwfii vriß3<i Insurance, Fire g Accident. I rior?n?nj SA. Murphey. oursef against I%e and Accidents. |p> Two hnndiecl young men Mul ladies to mb ■ ■[ qualify for pnyfllg positions. If you are in ■lMbvl write luafu’tsome ilhie-^ —i. ■ ■' tT Leinvj ?x vtyO i tem MmttactnceOo toil We are retoil clothiers in the g —9 a® '!•©&■■ wqv, tfs rf v they selL Our Atlanta store is tlm lar gest men’s and boys’ outfitting establish ment in the South. In purchasing from us, you not only secure a saving of the middle-man’s profit, but you secure the #* # t Orders sat^acjjb&jl t Setf® ill V & EI/EMAN BRQX. (OUR ONLY ATLANTA STORE) ii, 13, i5 and ir Whitehall Street. tiSMAN bros ATI ANT A TiFORniA eiseman bros., Washington, D C A I LAI 11 A, ULUHU.A. Baltimore, Md. *SS BARNESVILLE’S „■ CHEAPEST PLACE. IS THE OPINION OF THE LADIES IN KKGAIUtTOAMSN F. *4 >r HKF.VF.S Joke. . \ Vpjhen the ladieß^oftth^V 3 t(Mn nave passed judgement on a'tiling -you“may put it down that they are generally correct. The tavor jibte fi>| r|f;fhe ladies but of every one else on the fjtis|hdss jttfSrMrrjhlF; JSdewl iB J nothing if nof well merited. He plane and lias been eminently toepifo stock consist of ’the freshest and assisted in his efforts by Mr. S. C. aQfaaipmg; jdmJa Jim.. jißhtr.-hgnA: ,man r ip fact \w has become ,f?o identified jutijßhe business s that 'he seems’a of it. ! Tbgether they have made their 'store one of the tieit' kjiioWnGvhtl most . poplar, places in towh. They have ani. advaftiseinent iji this week’s paper which ylhahciiiUl peruse,' fof they lilt (if Christmas goods and fays 'sd they will continue to bpgr.tlie rop utation of being the town.” .b->/_;--vvi />ull -u Rtfivemliei-, they keep; nearly I,] h fiUIT *•f * I til ft V.t )' II everything, and want you fo call, on them at onoe. e • n c. i The forecast dfstiddeitehanges inflie weather serves notice thatg jiuatsp, ’voice and, a heavy cough may invade the sanctity 6t 'heaft'h'iu’yOu r Own liotrle Cautiquyieonle, have a Lottie of One., m^ibted xd Bough Cure f<J¥*my presefft'gooa health, ang prob ably myTifg^'^s^^ OMRS draws out the inflamation, heals and soothes the nMioonW yi®iani-£3iS4|..And strengthens -the lmlgß. for ■ M jHo fi. ‘ ■ L f! ,HpLiEB. Barnesv.ifie, Qa. Milner, Ga. nU: . f ■ •! f?f I i ti' ■ . MILNER. Lena Watson, of! Ky., is the guest of Miss Dora Warde, Miss Evelyn Reid,, of Griffin, if Yisiting frienjsj pojHL ;.Ji,, |§: Miss Mamie Harper, of Union virie spent Sundaylvith Miss Ldcy Darden. Mr, Holton Tyus visited home folks here-SiindaJyC'l 'i - £££<}%>"■ Mr#, L. A. Carter'and son, Charlie, of'fi'eYr OTiffin, were* in town Sunday evening. SchooJ closed lu?t& yesterday. Misses Lizzie and Myrtice Wil liams are its, town at present. I)J\ Rolf Hunt is here for awhile. Mrs. IPafinle Berrvj? Visited Bar nesville Thursday lu|ir Mr. J. L. Duncan was in ncsville Saturday.. Mr. T. J. Hunt went to Atlanta' Saturday. ■ I|J[ ' [ r Mr. of Orchard.jjjnll, wasthegdApil of Mr. wMJh felmert *™eluy. , . m Jim Hunt, W Forsy^'*was hif sister, Mw.< S.unday. Mr. Aikin and sister, Miss 3#? \pf a v n rtf# gan county with relatives. “Amicus. ” For Over Sixty Yearn. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup &j£3i:rm&tgfri children while teething wiwi*per fecfisaccess. It soothw the child, mtsMra remedy for diarrhoea. It will re every part of the world at 2o cents a bottle. Be sure ask to for Mrs. 'W™*^w ? F'"BrniliTlwg - take no other kind. - v L '■ S - w> —■ .nSEJriAI I Dyspepsia kfWL. I KIDNEY jA l[y | AYAMtA “V AU -J ! I ' UUI^MEDiCINECa. ■ I CA.j THfc IXICATi J‘ TANARUS" /~N It Attracts Trade f W jbwer in Build! nFT T / Jiimmm The editor of daily and weekly papers taßiTgreater inter est in and do flu' welfajte" of thf loogdity-inf Jiich they lira. tßnifj&W ij|i meu, vAt-they arejTo moire directly benefited by the Jfesults of their public spirited ports than film merchants and property owners il iumb names on. tjie adifor’s subscription iiWfftadlo .atiSte }> r - 1 ' An tVadeTitv tfie ’ ioMif in whicji it is published ±he im w4iile^ibWd i r ni-ifeAmli' possesses can hardly be estimated,. tliis assertion will be convinced of ■tiptrntfififi? 'paper'' is iji jfavbr of the plaouJjf if given a fair living patronftge by hpme business men will guard well their interests, just as the mer chant guards the interests of his individual enstomef. r But if a niggardly support is dhled otit to it and it i* cfilnpeliled tq solidt custom from-lieighboring cijties it cinnot in justioe to those patrons exert itsSlf in behalf of its own tow'ii as it otherwise would. ,Try a syStefin'df liberality in tlie matter of expenditure aud mark tlm result.—Ek. A SUGGESTION.] p'hisfis the season of tlj#,.yepr when the prudent ana careful housewife rc plknislies Mr supply of Ghamberlih’s Cough Jjtemedy, It) isfeoffcAiu ®9)bo needed before the winter is ovfer, ajid rasults are mrtbii uMiY prompt? and sat isfactory when it is kept at home and given as soon aMlu! cold is ..contracted ■a|d biKrarii. iehßtTi | ‘ , opte getjtlicd pi the gystent* In almost every instance a sejvere cold may be warded olTliy tak iitg this remedy freelw as Sdioii as, th 6 first indication of the cold appears. T|aere-is-nwdnnger- in gtvtng •tt-fco-eML■ dfkm for it contains no harmful sub stance. It is pleasant take—both adtilts am! children likw it. Buy it and ysu wii# get the liSst. jjlt always cures. Ffir Mjhjl hj: jt|)i |l&u kburn. S Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dioosts whait yopu(|^'w" A Silver l ea. | . , f ,j . ~ , ’•iPtyi'fl Mr. and Mrs. Emfnctt W. Elder will give a silver tug iit their home op Thomaston street on the eve ning of December 17t h. \A gppd many egrds lniw lnaen issued fpr ibis event and iF will, nf doubt be oiie of the most en able things that lpis occurred (U'h ! •qiiito Awhile.' ' ’ cr ', . .X L-i •"j.", • -?• .i. ■. '■■j)-;"" 1 .-.'. nfeeitwi PROFIT ow .TOii SKfA'i The matter of feetf is of tmmenduurjs td trie farmer. , Wndi}j|t loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date, far-rntm-kuows whatjir to IftqJL, CfIMS i .tfi, g the most milk, his pigs to; get the most to Bujt howabo^tthochtl|ren ? Ar “ th, ' ! ' f uSiiSr to ' science, a iE>ae ioQy . S Jiones t and, undevdoped ,., a. flesh and muscle food if they food if there is anemia.^ ’ yf9 , )15l' o 'tsqft focS*; the Cod Liver Oil in it [§£*' ‘’feMrt the Lime and Soda make bone ts tfea Standard: M l r-. d t% •fed] t & „d mint I sample. I L.< sure that thin picture in ] fi3tuLmJu\ I the form of a label is on the immM&J ol every <*M U IfiMrw) F.muUion you buy. VHs3 Scott&Bowne CHEMISTS, [sBuHOBSHy 50c. and sli <ll druggist*. Castor IA The Kind You mavo Always BoagUt, and wlvicli has been In use for over 30 years, has Vojrne thra of A mul lm beeii matle iimldt Ids peiv 1 W<u^r-jr/ a Allow boo A#) f <nt ih tmS All,Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but l 'J tliat trifle with and eiular.gdr the Infants and Children—Experience against UxpejdAtei)t. ■o substance. Itp ago is its guarantee. It nyul-xtllayS l?eli-erishness. It cures Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, curesHUoUstlfjiatioA and Flatulonoy. It assimilates the Food, Stonuuih aWI JBowcls, giving healthy (Uhl natl|rarslefpi The Paimcetv-The Friend,. l( j, u , a U GENUINE ; CASTOR I A ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 'll, K y.y 1 .-• TKI TT f. giyfri 'l, jj£j&‘l\;‘ I I --111 .gMin-t-ITXIIY/ | "SMSJLJJ Of*. PROFESSIONAL A. PIERCE KEMP, M. I)., J GENERAL PRACtITIONER, BAItNKSVHbK'.GA. < ' in. u ~ ~ . , Office over Jordan’s Drijju Stelul 1 i *'l Residiinoe: Thomanton street (’Phone 9. r ] taa Ji J JIfTO , T' r T T' DR. J. M. ANDERSON, “ r PHYSICIAN AND SHAGE^N, iSskjA RNBSVtLiiE, GA. Heii!il4ta<K, ThomaHtonintreet. f - CO3|RY, if. D„ iaifcjijwiidk ga. IpmMlence: Phone "-Is. Olßnohottra: 7 t<o JSIt. ! ri# -• lllto 12 a. m, 6jf nflij) nt J. R. SIMS, DENTIST, i BAKNEBVILIjE<JhA. UfOUfi*! ovor H. F. Heevmf t' r-r j s o * ~~ V C, H. PERDUE, I TO r ? DENTIST, rrj S^f/ If v tji uJe p\. V .a, rdt4* 9-ve* : ,j -- #- "■■>! ' ■ J. P. TfiuRMAN, PHYBI©W!fN AND.SURGEON, r „.JwIuNESVILbK, GA. hj Ofttce .m*r JhWlfii. Hi-om’ ilriiK UMblflpi*-, ThoiimHton nlk-eet; 'Phonjjj No. 1. Calls promptly attended. DR K L RETD, , .-y a| ; Oflltco over First National Hunk. . JfrMldeiW-’tt. MKH<4 Inp. . 'ui 7 Jin AI-U.i-1.~. |-47(ir, Dm ?! Try. EDWARD A. STEPHENS, ATTd3*N®Y-A-^uvy' ft • BARNESVILLE, - UEORpIA. ( General practice In all courts—State an<J otiatod. I , _ -.gniiHYiafl W. W. LAmiDIN— ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BARNEM/iLLE, - GEORGIA. [ 0f fOWs -fftoteand F<ffi<Al=WHjsll#llyY!r oompoalng the Flint circuit. Loam* negotiated. C. J. LESTER, Farm and city loans negotiated at fice formerly occupied by S. N - tf 3l - Im, Pope -■ibUnlll <sPpo, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office, at Zebulon and Griffin. GEO. W. GRICE, PHOTOGRAPHER. Work done promptly and neatly. Office over Middicbrooks Building. w.'n. Hmflßnyyix'i. car ftffcyiSkGil 4 ifi ■:'' 71 OllOftt 9W MMBAnwrttfT PtOl# * A k B/iUIfIP.Sf/1L,1,H GA. jfc Jordan, Gray & Cos., i Funeral Directory: hi pay Plmpi* f4.,; ,tjight tywr" i. In ■■m 4% stopped min: r JITSS-S'i :■ ■ OOmUHATIOWr yaa—>l ■— ky anU. TIiIAiTIIOTTLK FHKE Permanent Cure, not only lamporary vallalLfot all Naaroea Diaoaoaaa, JCpllopMy , Hpasmn, Bt. VittlS* Ja| Danoo, Debility, iighuustlon. Founded 1871. y i 111) BH II mu(1.031 Arch St., Philadelphia. ' • Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Oigests what you eat* This preparation contains all pf th£ dlggstanta and digests all kinds or fdod. Itglveslnsfaot relief and never fallf to cure. It allows you to ep. t aU tM-foof" you Want. The mostsensitlvf stooutet s can take It. By its usemanf thousands of dyspeptics pave beeq curftd after everything else failed. Ii prevents formationof,gas on the Btom. ach, relicving all distress after eatings, ; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.; It can’t help but do you good Wcpurcdonlybyl f!. (). likWitt&Co., ohlcao* The (1. bottle ceptuius ‘l'/% times the &oc. siMt^, Jno. ii. Blackburn, Harnesville, Gaid 1., ilhtmcH, Milner, Ga. ,—.., - r -i; Perfect and Peerless j deaduwtolea I toye and builds up tlrifheatth | : and strength of the patient I I wW< using tfae remedy. I umCSOL ia a luminary in I I * tfce medical world. It ha* cured I Ij and will continue to cure more I I of th& Above diaaases than a¥ jL I ; TLia great and thoroughly teated I U *ti*-ver <jaw*tr&-•' ftwwrfr"-* H I fallihl v if taken as directed. I I Try it and he convinced that I I tt'WiWPndcr and a bleasing to II St!"'r-iwl humanity. < * ■■ vWSfidfl.OO per bottle, or 8 bet- I 9 ■gjjtSTorJfc. For sale by druggiat*. 9 , mm 'Aend.tobnp for book of partic- ■ 9 Tma wonderful cures. If Ii I your drttggist cannot supply you I 9 I it will be sent, prepaid, upon I 3 I receipt of price. Addrcaa: | # LAMAS * RAMCWmsUO CO.. Allaala, da. V M IMsIrlMU* Agtata W u^- — , ,Tno H. Blackburn. Barnesville. Ga.