The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, June 04, 1903, Image 5

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WRIGHT’S fi Diarrhoea Mixture —Cures— Children Teething:, Colera Morbus, Dysintery, Diarrhoea and all affections of bowels. This is an old and thoroughly tried remedy and has never been found inefficacious when used in time. could get hundreds of testimonials for the ask ing from the best people of Middle Georgia. A trial will con vince you of its real woath. 25 cents. Prepared from the receit of W. A. Wright by D. L. ANDERSON, Druggist. SUCCESSOR TO W. A. WRIGHT. BARNESVILLE, GA. Somewhat Personal Mr. Judson Williams, of Grif fin, spent Sunday here with his friends and relatives. Rev. T. J. Watts, of Forsyth, was here a short while this week shaking hands with his numerous friends and admirers. He is do ing a great work in Forsyth. Col. and Mrs. C. R. Gwyn, of Zebulon, were in the city Sunday, spending the day with friends. Razors —in finest finish from the most celebrated forges —qual- ity of everyone guaranteed at Hightower’s Hardware Store. ’ Judge W. A. Prout was among the visitors from this city to At lanta last week where he went to attend the meeting of grand lodge of Odd Fellows in which order he is a prominent membeT. Mrs.J. W. Banks, of Johnston vilte, has been in the city several as th@ guest of the family of her daughter, Mrs. Shi Gray, on Forsyth street. Pottery —of highest class— in sets and independent pieces— warranted not to crack or craze — from age or use at Hightower’s Hardware Store Don’t Forget that you can find all kinds of Pudding Pans at Ben F. Reeves. Mr. W. C. Jordan, the popular druggist and undertaker, spent last Thursday in Atlanta where he went on business and pleasure. Old papers for sale at this office— -20 cents per hundred. Dr. R. A. Brown spent several days this week in Atlanta where he went last Saturday on business and to visit his friends. Dr. George Mitchell spent sometime in Atlanta this week where he was tha guest of friends and looking after business mat ters. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All flrupgists refund the money if it failn to cure. E. W. Grove's signature !s on car-h box. 25c. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bush were in Forsyth last Sunday visiting relatives and attending the com mencement exercises in progress there. Postell’s Elegant is the right kind of Flour to use when-you are baking cakes, pastry, etc. B. F. Reeves is never out of it. Satisfaction in Buying Groceries. Can only be had by dealing with a store that is conducted on a sound business basis, straightforward dealing, enterprising methods, short profits good treatment of customers are the only principles which a merchant can do justice either to himself or his patrons. Come to see me for anything in the Grocery Line. Fine Cigars'and Tobaccos a Specialty Yours to please, PETE L. GORDY. “THE CASH GROCER.” . F0 SAL.IT—ORE ■AySTATI QRCAW—BARCAAIN. Mrs. Floyd Murphey returned home Thursday from Hampton where she has been for the past few vveeks spending the time very pleasantly as the guest of her aunt. Postell’s Elegant is the Finest Hour on earth. For sale by B. F. Reeves. He’s never out of it. Farm For Sa'e 2o2s acres, six room dwelling, tenant house, barn, carriage house, and necessary buildings, fine pasture, 3 horse farm well terraced. Chas. W. Gkaddick. Mr. Gilbert Rosignol, of Sa vannah, is spending some time in the city the guest of friends. He is an old Goidon Institute boy and is pleasantly remembered by all who know him. Pocket Cutlery —of the most reputable manufacture ,is a specialty -at Hightower’s Hard " Ward f Messrs. Roy Blount ar*i Mer ritt-Thurman, spout •the gay lasi Sunday very delightfully >s the guest of their friends tin Forsyth and attended the commencement exercises at the Institute there. Hardware— J D. High tower’s store is provided with wares for every individual want. Mr. I. C. Collier and family, of Piedmont, spent Sunday very pleasantly in the city as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Collier. Mr. Collier is one of the good cit izens of this county. FOR RENT —One room for a gentleman, nicely furnished in the Redding house on Forsyth street. Apply to M. Burns, at depot. I Mies Alma Addy, of Greensboro, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Morris on Greenwood street. She will remain the guest of her sis ter until after the Chautauqua. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills re-1 turned home last Thursday from New Orleans where they have been for the past week visiting ralatives. They also attended the reunion while they were there. Roger’s —Floor stain finis surpasses all other preparations in elegance of effect and durabil ity at Hightower’s Hardware Store. THE BARNESVILLE NEWS-GAZETTE THURSDA, JUNE 4,1908, Mr. F. H. Hammock was the guest of friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Parham, of Piedmont, were the guests of Mrs. J. F. Parham Sunday. New line Neck Wear just re ceived. Collier k Ogletrbb. M iss Ida Pruden, of Eufaula, Ala., is with her aunt, Mrs. F. D. Bloodworth, who is quite ill. Cadet Chas. Ross, has been confined to his room several days with fever. Miss Rosa Montsalvatge, of At lanta, arrived in the city Tuesday afternoon to spend sometime as the pleasant guest of her friends, a large number of whom she has in the city. Rev. Alex W. Bealer, was in the city for sometime this week as the guest of Rev. C. W. Dur den. He is a well known devine and newspaper writer. Wanted— Forty young men and boys to work in the nursery, beginning June Ist. We furnish board and pay weekly. Write us now and make your arrangements. Smith Bros. Concord, Ga. Hon. W. M. Hartley, of Zebu lon, one of our efficient County Commissioners, was here last Sat urday looking after business and circulating among his friends. Dr. E. C. Ripley spent a day or so of last week in the city of Atlanta, where he was the guest of his relatives and friends and attending to business matters. Don’t think of buying a suit of clothes until you have seen our line just received. Collier k Ogletree. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rockwell and Miss Lucile Blackburn, spent Sunday very pleasantly in Forsyth, where they were the guests of the family of Mrs. Alice Smith. The Quickest Cream freezers —the Jersey in all sizes at Hightower’s Hardware Store. Miss Florence Jones haß been spending several; days in the £Pity as the guest of friends and Ifela tives. She was formerly aijstu dent in Gordon Institute am| lias a lots of friends here wh<|P are always glad to see her. Mrs. Gr. M. Rockwell leave* to day for an extended absence srom the city. While away sin# 1 will visit her sons in Detroit, JVJich., Buffalo, N. Y., and other points in the East. Her many friends wish her a pleasant journey. She will return home in about a month. | Miss Ethel Taylor, of Atlanta, is in the city, on a visit with friends, stopping with the family of Judge W. A. Prout. She has just graduated from the public schools of Atlanta, taking first honor. The is a daughter of Mrs. S. L. Taylor. There are family ties and mar riage ties, but none like our 60c. Ties. Com. ikk it Ookktkkk. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jf. Huff re turned Monday afternoon from Rome, Ga., where they went to visit the family of their son, Mr. Whit E. Huff, whose sad death occurred there last Friday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Huff have the deepest sympathy of the people of Rarnesville in the great sorrow which has befallen them. Cosm —W. R. Baird <fc Cos. have received that car of corn which they have been expecting and are ready for their custom ers. Call and inspect it. The students of Gordon Insti tute and people of the town will confer a favor on the Chautau qua directors by sending the names of any of their friends and relatives outside of the city to Mr. J. A. McCrary. He has a lot of Chau tauqua booklets which he wishes to mail to them —something that will interest them. J.W. STAFFORD & SONS Barnesville, Ga. WE SELL BUGGIES and HARNESS, SOLE AGENTS FOR Brazier & Dumas’ Hand Made Barnesville Bug= gies. PPPfKITOPV 0n Fors y th stree b IYCr viJl I Ulyi nextto Georgia Med' icine Company. See us before you buy. Cash or Credit. —r-sx J.W. Stafford 8c Sons. Barnesville, Ga. Fine Strawberries. Some of the finest strawberries ever seen in this community were grown by Mr. A. J. Mills, and he I has had them in abundance. Some of them measured six inches in circumference and were well shaped and delicious. Think of a red ripe strawberry six inches around and you will conclude that such berries are rarely ever seen in this section. Will Be Carried To Supreme Court. The case of the Barnesville Man ufacturing Cos., in which Judge E. J. Reugan recently appointed a permanent receiver, will be ap pealed to the Supreme court, and an effort made to set aside the re ceivership. Col. W. W. Eambdin represents the company and Col. E. A. Stephens and Col. Claud Estes represent the creditors who filed the petition. Card Of Thanks. We wish to thank our .neigh bors untl friends for their kind* ; ness during the illness and death of our father and brother, Mr. C. T. Gibson. His Sisters And Chii.dkbn. Give Ii A Trial. Just received a fresh lot of “Clifton” Hour, mad*- of native Kentucky wheat, guaranteed to be the best flour in the market. Proof of the flour is in the bread, cake and pastry. Give “Clif ton” a trial and jou will need no ar gument to cenvince you. PITTS-GRAY CO Baptising Sunday Evening. Kev. C. W. Durden announces that there will be baptising at the baptist church at the evening service Sunday night. There will be the regular service Sunday morning, A , , Commencement Exercises. Jeff Davis Institute, Zebulon, Ga., 1908. Sunday, June 7th, 10:30 a. m., precisely, Commencement sermon, by Rev. Deja F, Woodall, Pleas ant Hill, Ga.' • Monday. June Bth, 8:30 u. m,, promptly, recitations and music by Primary and Intermediate grades. Addresses at II o’clock. Tuesday, June oth, 8:30 a. in., sharp, Sopohmore and Junior ex hibition. Address at 1 I o’clock, by Hon. Joseph D. Boyd, Grif fin, Ga. Monday and Tuesday evenings, beginning at 8 o’clock precisely, dramas, tableaux, recitations and music. All exercises will be highly in teresting and worthy of your con sideration. You are cordially invited to attend. Come and invite your friends. Respectfully, W. I). Thurmond, Principal. Contributions For Gainesville. IlariHsmllo Oflght'to send a lib eral donation to the suffering of Gainesville. Any contributions sent to the Nkwh-Gazkttk will be acknowledged and promptly for warded to the mayor of that city. Towels Without Cost. Every forty-eight pound sack in which “Clifton” Hour is packed will make two good towels, the regular towelling goods being used in the man ufacture of the sacks. Ask for “Clif ton” in the towel sack. PITTS-GRAY 00. G <od Milch Cows. I have several good milch cows, with young calves, which I want to sell or trade for beef cattle. S. M. Howabd. If You Could Get The finest doubled faced satin faced ribbon at one half price, would you get it? OF COURSE. Well, how many more times would you have me tell you of this thing? My line is somewhat broken now, but what is left—and there’s lots —l’l duplicate any other merchants price—lf I have the ribbon—and cut that price half in two. I)o you understand that? Well,that’s what J mean, I’VE A FEW LADIES tIAIS- Say fifty—don’t know the names of some—but in tlie lot are some L<*jhorn hats for children. These huts sell at B 6 cents right now, today, iii our town. I’l sell ’em for 60 cents. But the most of 'em I offer at flflA cents on the dollar. Do you understand that? That’s om -t liird. I’ve get quite a lot of NEW —B R A N D NEW— things for the boys. Sus penders, Shirts and Hats. Any sort, and any price. It tool, nerve to work ’em donwn—but 1 done it—away down to. I I make matters pleasant, for you if you let me — now, TRY ME. jiih Reeves. t*. S.—A good iron wft lr Mlc.