The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, June 29, 1922, Image 2

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Indigestion Muir percons, otherwise vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangers us, and prompt treatment of indiges tion is Important “The only medicine 1 have needed has been something to aid diges tion and clean the liver," writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a McKinney, Texas, farmer. *'My medicine is Thedford’s BLACK-DRAUGHT for Indigestion and stomach trouble of any kind. I have never found anything that touches the spot, like Black- Draught. I take it In broken doses after meals. Tor a long time I tried pills, which grip ed and didn't give the good results. Black-Draught liver medicine Is easy to take, easy to keep, inexpensive." (let a package from your druggist today—Ask for and insist upon Thsdferd’s —the only genuine. Get It today. 1 exfll Long Day Coming. The friction net up on the earth by tin* tidal drag is acting as a brake, causing the earth to turn more slowly, thereby Increasing the day's length h.v one two-hundredth of n second In a Century. The effect being eventually a day 0fM,400 hours. DYE STOCKINGS OR SWEATER IN "DIAMOND DYES” “Diamond Dyes” add years of wear to worn, faded skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, hang ings, draperies, everything. Every package contains directions so sim ple any woman can put new, rich, fadeless colors into her worn gar ments or draperies even if she has never dyed before. Just buy Dia mond Dyes—no other kind—then your material will come out right, because Diamond Dyes are guaran teed not to streak, spot, fade, or run. Tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. o His Justification. In a small country school, during a recess period, the teacher In charge of the playground saw one of the boys about seven years old strike one of. the glris. "Norman,” said the teacher, “no gentleman would strike a lady.” After cureful thought the hoy replied: “Well, uo lady would tickle a gentle* man.” CHlLDßEN require vitamine - bearing food in abundance to keep them growing and in strength. Scott’s Emulsion builds op tbe body and strengthens the bones. fA It contains elements that art rich in health-build- Tjf ing ritamine. w. Scott At Bowne. Bloomfield. N J 22-f Rich Asphaltic Deposit*. Bituminous sands 150-200 feet thick lie along the Athabaska river for 73 miles. Drawn out by the sun the tar runs Into deep pools. Similar sands are found at Intervals front latitude 57 degrees north to beyond the Arctic circle. The soaked area Is possibly 10,000 square tulles In extent. This deposit represents the largest known occurrence of solid asphaltic material. GOOD REALTY Large and small farms for sale. Also vacant lots and homes in the city. All at reasonable prices. GREENE REALTY CO. Elliott Building Barnesville, Ga. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that at the next session of the Legislature I will introduce a bill to create the office of County Commissioners of Lamar County, prescribe their duties, terms of office, etc. J. E. BUSH, Representative Lamar Cos. SUCCESS Dr. C. W. Durden in Christian Index. Every man desires success. The humble peasant in his hut, the king on his throne, the artisan in his shop, the professional man in his office, the citizen in private life, the diplomat in the council of the nation, the farmer, the lawyer, the doctor, the merchant, the preacher—all with prayer beseech the goddess of fort une to send propitious winds to waft them into the harbor of success. Success is a beautiful word. It blends the shimmerings of sunshine with the fragrance of flowers, the ! rippling laughter of joy with the glad song of peace. It affords solid com fort to those who toil in field, in mine, in factory, at loom in dusty mill, and at the desk in office. It keeps men young and unwearied at their task, and women joyous in all their deeds of love. It wipes from the brow the fretful frown of care, and gives to man poise and strength ip all his work. It makes childhood happier, and lends to age pleasing retrospection. Jt fills up the tedium of weary hours with vivacious planning, and ban ishes wonted lassitude from recrea tion. It softens the asperity of na tions, and gives time for repose and culture. It drives away hungering but invites to the banquet board happy contentment. It is the field of corn and wine, a peak in the delectable mountain of human expe rience. SPECIAL EXCURSION TO TYBEE JULY IST —o — The Central of Georgia Railway announces that it will run a special low rate excurison to Tybee and re turn on Saturday, July 1, from Car rollton, Atlanta, Columbus, Macon and intermediate points, fare $7.00 for the round-trip from all points ex cept Forsyth $6.22, Bolingbroke $6.50, Macon $6.00. Tickets will be sold for afternoon trains of July 1, and limited to leave Savannah on any train returning un til and including train leaving Sa vannah at 9:00 P. M., July 4. TYBRISA, on the Strand at Tybee “Where Ocean Breezes Blow,” is the largest and most attractive dancing, bathing, picnic and amusement pavil ion on the South Atlantic Coast. Its bath house is the best on the beach, and its bathing suits the last word in Style, Beauty, Color and Design. There is dancing every afternoon and evening to music by Billy East’s fa mous Olympia Orchestra. On the pavilion are refreshment, cigar and candy stands, lunch counter, where the best of everything can be had at reasonable prices. There is also a parcel check room on the pavilion.• Courtesy and service are assured the patrons by Hoyt Ware, Manager. Hotel Tybee, Seabreeze Hotel, Ocean View Hotel, Curry House, Izlar Cottages, Durden & Powers’ restaurant, Pressler’s Cafeteria, the Plaza Restaurant, and numerous cafes, lunch rooms, drug stores, sou venir shops and other resort essen tials are within easy distance of the beach, the railway station and the pavilion. For schedules, sleeping car ac commodations, etc., apply to nearest agent or to W. H. Fogg, Division Passenger Agent, Atlanta; W. W. Hackett, Division Passenger Agent, Macon; S. C. Harris, District Passen ger Agent, Columbus. 6-29 STUDENT SECURES A GOOD POSITION Mr. L. R. Nicholas, a former Gor don Institute student, who recently graduated from the School of Com merce, Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta, Ga., has secured a very fine position in the Rond department of the Citizens’ & Southern Bank. Mr. Nicholas was offered a number of very fine positions, but elected to en ter the banking field. Since entering Tech, Mr. Nicholas has been very nctive in the various school activities, aside from winning many class honors. He was on the editorial staff of the college paper, also the college annual. He was a Captain in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, and was awarded a SIOO cash prize for having the best drilled company in the institution. He was a member of the R'. A. R., the South Georgia Club, and the Gor don Institute Club. Also the Sigma Phi Epsilon, Social Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. Honorary Fraternity, and the Phi Kappa Phi, Commerce Fra ternity. He was a member of the Y .M. C. A. Cabinet, and the Glee Club. Mr. Nicholas is a very ambitious young man and paid a reat deal of his expenses through school in install ing filing systems and auditing bank records. Common Sense About Eczema and Eruptions! Here’s Something About S. S.S. That You’ll Be Glad to Hear. Tou might Just as well know It right yiow,—the cause of skin eruptions, pimples, blackheads, boils and so on, is right in the blood. There is no get ting away from It. Science has proved It. We prove it. You can prove it. When the cause of skin troubles and eruptions is in the blood, it isn t com- I,et S. S. S. Give You An Angelic Skin! mon’sense to simply treat the skin. A bottle of S. S. S. will prove to you what is happening in-your blood. S.S.S. is a scientific blood cleanser, —it drives out the impurities which cause eczema, tetter, rash, pimples, boils, blackheads, blotches and other skin eruptions. When these impurities are driven out, you can’t stop several very nice tilings from happening. Your lips turn nat urally rosy. Your eyes sparkle, your complexion clears, it becomes beau tiful. Your face looks like that of a prosperous, ruddy, well-fed, refined gentleman, or if you are a woman, your complexion becomes the real kind that the whole world so admires. S.S.S. is also a powerful body-builder, be cause it builds new and more blood cells. That’s why It fills out sunken cheeks, bony flecks, thin limbs, helps regain lost flesh. It costs little to have this happen to you. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores, in two sizes. The larger size is the more economical. SOUTH GEORGIA LETTER Dear News-Gazette: To show my appreciation of your visits as the weeks come it makes me feel that I ought to write you once in a while as several of my friends have expressed a desire that I write. I am getting anxious to come and make my old home town a visit and grasp the hands of some that I have known all my life. It is a great joy to me to see and be with them. I often go back and live over my life with them, many of whom have gone to their reward, whom I hope to meet again. The last week has caused sorrow to come in my life as well as joy. My daughter, Mrs. Smallwood, who lives at Amsterdam, was operated on for appendicitis last Sunday, but I am thankful she is doing fine. My daughter here presents me with my 16th living grandchild, a girl. One of the saddest things that has happened since I have been here was the draining in Flint river last Thursday of Mr. Mize, one of the big gest retail merchants here and his clerk, a Mr. Owen. They were try ing out anew gasoline boat. The river was full and the waves were too great when they got out in the cur rent of the stream and they both went down. It was 36 hours before their bodies were recovered. They both were members of the Baptist church. Mr. Mize was a teacher in Sunday School. The whole city was in mourning over such a loss. They say that more people went to their burial than was ever known here. The crops here are spotted. The best farms have good crops for this year. 1 took a trip of 150 miles be low here and I saw some of as good corn as I ever saw grown. They have not had excessive rains down there. The tobacco crop is as good as the ground can grow. They have been gathering tobacco for two weeks. They will get about through by the 4th of July. If they get a good price they will have a good time down there. They will plant beans after the tobacco. The vines run up the old stalk after the leaves are off, thereby save from sticking them. I am sorry the crops are so backward in middle Georgia. I hope yet that they will come out and make a good crop. I have seen that the case sev eral times in my life time. I hope to come to Barnesville next month and grasp the hands of my old friends. I have never forgotten or ceased to love them. It is a fact that a man my age separated fi'om friends of his youth lives mostly in his young er days. His mistakes he would love to blot out; the good deeds he loves to cherish. My faith is that we reap the things we sow in this life' that we now live. Wishing everybody good luck and that I may be permitted to see you all soon, I am as ever a well wisher, F. M. MEANS. Amerieus, Ga. No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or I ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and ait as a general Strength ening Took: to the wh lie system. Nature will then throw offer dispel the worms, and the Child will be Id perfect health. Pleasant to taka. 60c per bottle. 0 Aflp Cures Malaria, Chills, UUU F ever > Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. ff. T. ANDERSON OF THE MACON TEE GRAPTH STRONG FOR GOVERNOR HARDWICK “Having expressed myself as being of the opinion that Governor Hard wick had made an earnest and hon est effort to serve the people of this state and their best interests in a con structive, courageous and intelligent way, and that he should be re-elected to the governorship, constituted the reason for my presence in the assem blage enumerated. From observa tion I am convinced that he is the most aggressive, energetic and daring man who has occupied the Governor’s chair in many generations, and if Georgia is to derive any benefits from the two years for which he was elect ed, she must see to it that he has two more years in which to complete some of the good things he has set on foot. “For many years we have suspect ed or believed that the state’s busi ness was run in a loose, slapstick way. The auditors and investigators em ployed by Governor Hardwick have just finished their report showing losses of the people’s tax money run ning into the hundreds of thousands of dollar?. Department heads are al lowed to draw money under the blanket item of ‘expense,’ accounting to no one for the items, and this ex pense may cover some political junket or some pay to a fence-fixer. The auditors show that the much be-la bored farmers of Georgia, with all their other troubles are paying taxes on their fertilizers without receiving the benefits they are paying for. The oil inspectors don’t do enough work to even become familiar with the lo cation of the gasoline tanks they are supposed and paid to look after. The chemists paid to analyize food and see that all food is pure are not fur nished with enough samples to keep the analyzers busy for a decent part of their time. The people’s money is being ruthlessly and shamefully wasted. Win* Hard Fight. “Hardwick promised to stop up these gaps and wastes, regardless of the political fortunes of himself. He has tackled the biggest job under taken by a Governor within my recol lection. He has done it, despite the fact that it brings on a fight with the biggest and most powerful politi cal machine that ever fastened its tentacles around the throats of the people of this state, and that if he can be unhorsed and punished for his audacity it will be done. “I wish him all success, and re peat that if the people are to be al lowed to unshackle themselves they should keep Hardwick where he is until he proves himself. I am not his campaign manager, nor even a committeeman of any kind. I pre fer to look on and to represent the people, rather than any candidate. That is the function and responsi bility of a newspaper man, primarily at least for the present I do not pro pose to depart from this position.— Atlanta Georgia.—Adv. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J.A. CORRY, M. D. Office—Collier Building Phone 83-J. Office Hours 7to 8 a. m., 11 to 12 a. m., 5 to 6 p. m. Barnesviile, Georgia DR. O. E. SUGQS B. F. Reeves Building Residence Phone 15-J. Office 14fl Office Hours—lo to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Barnesville, Georgia C. J. LESTER Attorney-at-law Barnesville, Georgia DR. J. 111. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon Jffice, Postoffice bldg. Phone 281 Residence, Thomaston street Barnesville, Georgia DR C. H. WILLIS Physician and Surgeon Collier Building Barnesville, Georgia D. W. PRITCHETT Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Barnesville Drug Cos. Barnesville, Georgia M. F. COCHRAN Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 173 Residence 43 Barnesville. Georgia HERMAN M. JOHNSON Attorney At Law Office, Stafford Building Baruaavilla, Ga. CLAUDE CHRISTOPHER Lawyer First National Bank Building Barnesville, Georgia APPRECIATES THE PULPIT AND PRESS “The Press is mightier than the sword.” The press and the pulpit are the two great factors in forming and maturing public sentiment. We are grateful to God that they have used their great influence to show the evils of and dethrone alcohol, and point to the more excellent way, that of total abstinence. This same in fluence has blessed ar.d sent on their way rejoicing organized Mother Love, or Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. It was fortunate indeed for the temperance cause when the state papers, our dailies, gladly gave their columns to the W. T. C. U. for the promotion of prohibition. Mrs. August Burghard of Macon, Ga., is Director of Publicity, and by her gifted pen many columns are filled in the Atlanta Constitution, the Sunday American, Macon News and Macon Telegraph, Union Signal and Bulletin. The Atlanta Journal col umn is admirably filled by Mrs. W. H. Preston of Atlanta. Many of our county papers have their columns opened in the interest of the tem perance cause and the good of hu manity. The Bamesville News-Gazette has always been a strict prohibitionist, and its columns have been used by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in their “labors of love.” We appreciate the strong and sensible words of our editor, plead ing for total prohibition, as a nation, as a county and as individuals. May his words sink deep into the mind and heart of his readers, thereby making stronger prohibitionists that are ever ready to be law-abiding cit izens and promoting its enforcement. MRS. W. P. MILLER'. o A TONIC Grove’s'Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON tc Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c. SINGING AT MDWAY There will be an all-day singing at Midway next Sunday, to which the public is invited, particularly are leaders of singing invited. There will be dinner on the ground, all the people of the community are expect ed to carry basket dinners for pro viding a repast for the visitors. It is probable that the pastor, Rev. George R. Brown, who was recently called to the church, will preach a sermon at the 11 o’clock hour. This is an annual event and will be largely attended. o 666 quickly relieves Colds, Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches. A fine Tonic. Cox College Begins its Eightieth Year September 15, 1922 NEW EQUIPMENT ' MODERN COURSES SKILLED INSTRUCTORS. Musical Advantages Unsurpassed Write for Catalog. Lowest Terms. Addres COX COLLEGE, College Park, Ga. Seven Miles Out of Atlanta. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on s Bamesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA SUCCEEDS WHERE DOCTORS FAIL Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound Often Doe* That. —Read Mrs. Miner's Testimony Churubusco, N. Y.—“l was under the doctor’s care for over five years for limmiilllillim backache and had no 1111 relief from his medi ffiitntfr Ti cine - One day a w neighbor told me MEgabftabout your Vegeta §lF Compound and I took it. It helped me so much that I wish Hi i| advis e all women lil <X~. j J to try Lydia E. Pink backache. It is a great help in carrying a child, as I have noticed a difference when I didn’t take it. I thank you for this medicine and if I ever come to this point again I do not want to be without the Vegetable Com pound. I give you permission to publish, this letter so that all women can take my advice.”—Mrs. Fred Miner, Bor 102, Churubusco, N. Y. It’s the same story over again. Women suffer from ailments for years. They try doctors and different medi cines, but feel no better. Finally they take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and you can see its value in the case of Mrs. Miner. That’s the truth of the matter. If you. are suffering from any of the troubles women have, you ought to try this med icine. It can be taken in safety by young or old, as it contains no harmful drugs. ■—o—■ Foiled Again. Detective Brandenburg’s attention was attracted to a blind man on Cen tral avenue Friday afternoon who he thought was watching him.—Arkansaw Thomas Cat. o To Stop a Cough Quick ~ take HAYES’ HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle ef HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes’ Healing Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton aDd the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. o Citizen’s Plain Duty. In social and political relations, as In business, we have no right to ex pect the other fellow to do what we ourselves are unwilling to do. If we see what should be done we should do it regardless of what the other fellow does or when he does it. o CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of O r Altitude and Oxygen. At an altitude of eight miles, which Is the limit reached by airplane, the air contains about one-fourth of the amount of oxygen found at the surface of the earth. At sea level, the oxygen content of the air is 21 per cent —at eight miles above it is less than 5 per cent.