The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 06, 1922, Image 2

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m 10* They are GOOD! Thackeray'* birthplace. Calcutta gave England one of l'er greatest novelists, for YVllllain Make peace Thackeray was born there on July 18, 1811. The novelist’s father was an Indian civil servant, as also bad been his grandfather, and his mother was the duug. ter of yet an other servant of the old John com pany. The city of Calcutta has not forgotten her famous son, and to cele brate his centenary ten years ago a memorial with an Inscription from "Henry Esmond” was unveiled In th* Church of St. John, where he was bap tized.—Manchester Guardian. 1 1 f&W • ./ v Mother-To-Be, Read This— Here Is a wonderful message to all expectant mothers. From this mo ment on, cast from your mind all dread and fear, and feel every day as the months roll by that great freedom from much of the suffering which thousands of expectant mothers un dergo, unnecessarily. And when tho Little One arrives, you can have that moment more free from suffering than you Lave perhaps Imagined. An emi nent physician, expert In this science, bos shown the way. It was he who first produced the great remedy, "Mother’s Friend." Mrs. C. J. Hart man, Scranton, Pa., says: ''With my first two rhlldrrn I had • doctor unit u nurse nnd then they had to use Instruments, but with my last two children I used Mother's Frlrnd und lisd only a nurse; we litul BO time to get a doctor because I wasn't very sick—only about ten or fifteen minutes," "Mother’s Friend” la applied extern ally to the abdomen, back and hips. It aids the muscles and tissues to ex pand easily. It penetrates quickly. It contains no narcotics or harmful drugs. It is safe. There Is no substi tute. Avoid useless greases some times recommended by tho unknow ing. “Mother’s Friend" is sold by tiruggists everywhere. NOTE—Write for valuahto free nhmtratrd book. **W<>lhrrhno<i end thfi Haby.** containing Important ftlllhoritalivo Information whlcli every exj*etant Slhcr ahould bare, and all about “Mother's fritd.’* to 11 radii eld lUgulatur Con.paiiy. AJA-4 6, mu. Ua. "Silent Room" for Testing Motors. A “silent room,” designed to enable the workmen to detect uny defect caus ing excess friction, or a breuk In the smooth running purr of the motor, be fore Its shipment Is an Innovation de veloped by a large manufacturer of automobiles. The room is designed af ter the manner of the chambers used in phonograph factories for the crea tion of records, absolutely protected against outside sounds. womatTgould NOT WORK Made Strong and Well by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound St. Paul, Minn. —’‘l took Lydia EL Pinkhams Vegetable Compound for a "• 11111111 l"i i’li 1111 111 "1 1 ired * worn ‘ out feel [llUiillliLijUS ing and painful pori |lUn9PPHy|| ods. I used to get up Lpp with a pain in my a head and pains in my mr Jl lowerparts andback. vvj Often 1 was not able 1 to do my work. I J read in your little OPI ' j|| book about Lydia E. t I Pinkhams Vege tal *’||j table Compound and I have taken it. 1 feel so well and strong and can do every bit of my work and not a pain in my back now. I rec ommend your medicine and you can use this letter as a testimonial." Mrs. Phil. Maser, 801 Winslow St, St Paul, Minn Just another case where a woman found relief by taking Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. Many times these tired, worn-out feelings and pains about the body are from troubles only women have. The Vegetable Com pound is especially adapted for just this condition. The good results are noted by the disagreeable symptoms passing away—one after another. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound is a Woman's Medicine for Wo men’s Ailments. Always reliable. THE CHICKEN SALE Co-operative Salts the Only Way to Build Up Profitable Poultry 1 nduitry. The chicken sale at Bamesville Wednesday of last week, while a suc cess and resulting in good money for many poultry raisers, has taught some lessons which must be taken into consideration, or else the chicken industry will go as all the past efforts of the farmers to secure some money making business aside from the grow ing of cotton. More than 200 people from this county participated in the sale last week and received in payment for the chickens $1,410.19. The sale in cluded 616 hens, 1,272 fryers, and 62 roosters, the total weight being 6,386 pounds. This made an aver age of 73 cents per chicken. The growers were charged 1 cent each to pay the expense of handling them, that is weighing the chickens, figur ing the value, giving check and put ting them in the car. This made a total of $19.50 expense for all this work. Barnesville put in this car its 6,386 pounds of chickens, and then 3,645 pounds sent here from Forsyth and 2,746 pounds from Thomaston, all of which it took to make the car, which was necessary to secure the price which was paid for these chick ens, which was higher by several cents a pound than any other firm could be induced to offer. The fact is, Messrs. E. P. Drexel, H. A. Cliett and D. L. Anderson, who generously devoted their time in the effort to help the chicken growers to get a good price, were up against the hardest kind of a proposition and were embarrassed by the develop ments leading up to the sale of this | car. When they went into the mar | ket to get an offer for the car of chickens they found it difficult to get any kind of an offer. Risser Bros. Cos., of Philadelphia, under date of June 23rd, wrote them th3t they had been so much disappointed in Geor gia because they had failed to get car lots when promised car lots that they did not expect to make any of fer, but if a car was loaded they would bid on it. They said they had sent a man to different points and then had failed to get enough chickens to make it profit able. Mr. Cliett would not let it stop at that and wired them again and received the offer of 18 cents for hens, 28 cents for fryers and 7 cents for roosters, which was higher by several cents per pound than they could get offered from any Georgia or Florida firm. Risser Bros. Cos. offer was with the guarantee that there would be 14,000 pounds of poultry for the car. Only two other offers were received at all, one from J. A. Kelly of Atlanta, and the other from Williamson & Dennis of Jack sonville, Fla. Messrs. Drexel, Cliett and Ander son finally guaranteed to Risser Bros. Cos. the full car with the understand ing that if the tonnage was not ob tained their man should be paid SIOO for his expenses. Thus it will be seen what a chance these gentle men took in behalf of the chicken growers of this vicinity. These gentlemen were disappoint ed at the treatment accorded them by a number of people. All that they did was solely in the interest of tho community and they did not re ceive or expect a penny out of it. Some people got impatient because they could not be waited on the min ute they reached here. Some who brought chickens peddled them around town in an effort to sell them privately, thus defeating the very purpose of the cooperative sale. There ought not to have been a chicken bought or sold here that day except to Risser Bros. Cos. This is absolutely the only way to build up the chicken industry. If the farmers and housekeepers of Lamar county expect to grow chick ens for sale and then be forced to peddle them out to the few buyers in Barnesville or some nearby town they had better stay out of the chicken business entirely. But if they want to really build up the in dustry where it will mean money and good money raise chickens so that every two or three months Risser Bros. Cos., or some other big firm will know that they can get a solid car of fine chickens when their representa tive comes hero for them and the price will then be several cents high er than they can get elsewhere and there will be no doubt about the sale for cash of every chicken that is ready for the market. The poultry growers can create a profitable cash market and build up to immense proportions the chicken industry if they will work together and with those who are trying to help them do it or they can make such a result absolutely impossible. It is earnestly hoped they will join in the only method possible to make the chicken business amount to any thing—COOPERATIVE GROWING AND MARKETING. For Congres* I am a candidate for Congress from the Sixth district, subject to the Democratic Primary September 13th, 1922, and will appreciate the vote of every man and woman in the District. E. P. FRAZER, Stonedge Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the 69th Congress, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee of said District governing the Primary election. I appreciate the support given me heretofore, and if again honored by you, as your representative I will en deavor to serve your interest in legis lative as well as other matters. Thanking you in advance for your interest in my behalf, I am, Very respectfully, J. W. WISE. TO THE VOTERS OF LAMAR COUNTY I announce myself a candidate for Representative of this county, sub ject to the Democratic Primary next September. If nominated and elect ed, I shall serve you to the best of my ability. J. D. SMITH. o Nicknamed After Diath. Certain kings of England are known In history by various nicknames, but It Is interesting to note that these names did not appear until a number of years after their death. Edmund, for example, died In 1016, and Is first spoken of as Ironside In 1297. Edward I appears in an almost contemporary chronicle as “cil oo les lunges Jambes” —he with the long legs—and did not become Longshanks till about 1600. Richard 111 is first called Crookback by Shakespeare in the third part of the play Henry VI. o— The Same Everywhere. The editor of Paisa Akhbar, a na tive newspaper of Lahore, India, says, “I have used Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy many times among my children and servants, for colic and diarrhoea and always found it effective.” o Jud Tunkins. Jud Tunkins says it’s a mistake to tell your troubles, because anybody who enjoys hearing übout them can’t be a real friend. o habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 2! Days t "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. e6oc per bottle. o Freudianism Up to Date. Psychoanalysis of the average man shows a definite love complex for that portion of the opposite sex who can render a cook stove symphony and a defensive reaction against the baby grand performer. REDUCED SUMMER FARES —TO— COLORADO OREGON CALIFORNIA CANADA NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA FLORIDA Convenient Schedules Attractive Service —Via— SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM —Also— EXTREMELY LOW WEEK-END FARES —TO— MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE RESORTS Inquire: V. L. ESTES, D. P. A., Broad and Walton Sts. Atlanta, - Georgia ■’E’ 1 Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Don’t think because you can get a big can of Baking Powder for little money that you are saving anything. There’s Only One Way to Save on Bake-Day USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER —ft cos t s on ly a fraction of a l \ cent for each baking. HH —You use less because it con tains more than the ordi- HUGpor nary leavening strength. Y\i\ best by test The World’s Greatest Baking Powder BIGGEST TIME OF HIS LIFE Portsmouth, Va., June 27, 1922. Dear Mr. Hardy:— Well, I had the biggest time of my life and every other old soldier as well. Richmond certainly opened her heart wide. I don’t believe she could have done better. I wish I could muster up language sufficient to explain it. I have not gone over any of the battlefields but Petersburg. I went by myself as I know it. I think I know it better than I could be told. I found the place where I was wound ed, although the whole battlefield is planted in peanuts, except where the blow up was. There are pine trees there. I also found the place where I got the countersign from the yankees. If you recollect Stonewall captured five hundred head of beef oxen. The lay of the ground is not changed except the breast works are leveled down to plant goobers on. (I think it is a shame). I will stay over here for a week or two, then my idea is go over the most of the battlefields around Rich mond and those in the Shenandoah valley. I guess it will take me until frost. I am stopping with my nephew and neice, Mr. and Mrs. May hew. Mr. Mayhew works in the navy yard and carried me through most of the departments. It is marvelous. I saw your father. He can tell you how I was received and how I was hand shaken. Kindest regards to everybody, GEO. W. SHERAM. AGENTS WANTED To sell tne Original Watkins Pro ducts. Good city territory still open. Get our wonderful offer and free samples. Write today. J. R. Watkins Cos., Department 78, Mem phis, Tenn. 7-27 o MAKING COTTON ANYHOW Mr. J. O. Franklin of Meansville, a substantial citizen and farmer, was in Barnesville Saturday and was warmly greeted by friends. Mr. Franklin made 8 bales of cot ton last year in spite of the boll weevil and he is expecting to do even better this year. He says the way he handles the little pest is by catch ing him and killing him, hiring chil dren to pick him from the stalks and picking up all the fallen squares. He has already picked and burned 5000 weevils from 32 acres and is keeping right up with this work. Air. Frank lin believes this is the best way to make cotton under boll weevil condi tions and he is certainly succeeding to a considerable extent with his plan. He thinks others should fol low this plan, too, and make at least a partial crop. TIRES At a PRICE 34x4 FABRICK $17.50 33x4 “ 16.75 32x4 “ 16.25 30x3 1-2 “ 9.50 30x3 “ 8.50 34x4 CORDS $24.00 33x4 “ 23.50 32x4 “ 22.75 30x3 1-2 “ 13,75 J. W. CARRIKER 12 Zebulon St. Barnesville, Ga. THROUGH OUR MEMBERSHIP in the Federal Reserve Banking System we are placed in a stronger position than ever before to take care of the requirements of all our depositors, whether large or small, whether they keep checking or savings accounts; and at the same time to give them the most modern banking service. Why not open an account with us and begin at once to participate in these benefits and the additional pro tection which this system gives to your money deposited with us? Federal reserved* BARNESVILLE BANK STATE DEPOSITORY