The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 13, 1922, Image 2

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-A -J" 111 cigarettes They GOOD! 10 , Bay this Cigarette and Saoe Money IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving remembrance of our son and brother, Charlie Harmon Morris, who, just a year ago, July 4th, went to his heavenly home. Our daily prayer has been and will be, that the influences of his short, sweet life, may so live on that hearts of many may be turned toward God. While our hearts are still crushed, we are trying to learn the sweetness of endurance. May the kind Father bless every one who has in any way tried to lighten our burden of grief, and especially those who by written messages, words of love and sympa thy and by beautiful flowers, for the past week, have come very close to our hearts. To the friends who so tenderly placed a beautiful offering on the little lonely mound in the fam ily lot we say, “God bless you.” Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Morris, Miss Edna Morris. —o Tired "I wm weak and run-down," relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of Dalton, Ga. "I was thin and just felt tired, all the tlmei I didn’t rest well. I wasn’t ever hungry. I knew, by this, I needed s tonic, and as there la none better than — CARDUI Tbs Woman’s Tonic . . . I began using Cardu!," continues Mrs. Burnett. “After my first bottle, I slept better and ate bettor. I took four bottles. Now I’m well, feel just fine, eat and sleep, my skin is clear and I have gained and 6ure feel that Cardui Is the best tonic ever made.” Thousands of other women have found Cardui Just as Mrs. Burnett did. It should help you. At all druggists. 8.17 And That’s tha Truth. "De mnn tint's most willin’ to stir tip trouble," Raid Unrle Ebon, "Is gen erally de one dat's least able to look out foh hlss’f when It arrives." ASPIRIN Insist on Bayer Package /^W\ Unless you see the name "Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over twenty two years and proved safe by mil lions for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bot tles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeidester of Salicylieacid. Dally Thought. The world’s great men have not com monly been great scholars, nor Its great scholars great men.—Holmes. o STOVE AND FIRE WOOD—Sawed to fit your stove and grate. $2.00 per half cord. Howard Lumber Cos. Call Phone 74—2 Rings. tf. BEAUTIFUL WINDOW DISPLAY BY MISS MORRIS Miss Edna Morris, who is gifted as a painter and teacher, has a beautiful display of hand-painted articles in the show window of Mrs. Hattie Ty ler’s store. There are numerous ar ticles of glassware, woodenware, leather goods, etc., which she has artistically hand-painted, and which she is offering for sale. Miss Morris is situated so that she can give les sons to any who may wish instruc tion. The display window will be of interest to all the ladies of the com munity and county. Ye Editor Plays Safe. Miss Birdie Mack gave a saxophone solo which she played beautifully. Miss Mack Is a popular member of our most exclusive set and is also noted for having once whipped a gentleman who did not appreciate her saxophone { playing.—Boston Transcript. To All Women Who Want To Look Young—“ This is to let you know that Hagan’s Magnolia Balm is the best thing I ever used. It does just what you say it will do for it cer tainly makes one look young. I will never be without it from now on. I remain, Truly, (signed) Mrs. Mary A. Tuffly, 222 Humboldt St., Fort Worth, Texas.” Use this famous liquid face and toilet powder. In stantly beautifies. Brunette, white, pink, rose-red. 75 cents at drug gists or by mail. Lyon Mfg. Cos., 42 So. Fifth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.—Adv. FREE EVERY DAY Beginning Monday, July 17th, we will give away, absolutely free, until further notice, one quart of Ice Cream each day. For particulars read our circulars or phone 20. City Drug Cos. o Statement of the Condition of The Bamesville Bank Located at Barnesville, Lamar coun ty, Ga., at the close of business June 30th, 1922, as called for by the Superintendent of Banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $156,471.75 Demand loans 647.00 Loans Secured by Real estate 31,925.27 United States, and State of Georgia bonds 16,150.00 Stock in the Federal Re serve Bank 1,800.00 Other stocks and bonds-. 675.00 Due from Federal Re serve Bank 4,610.81 Furniture and fixtures._ 3,500.00 Cash in Vault and Amounts Deposited with Approved Reserve Agents 7,560.64 Checks for Clearing House 1,012.66 Other checks and cash items 300.00 Overdrafts 241.26 Other assets not included above 350.30 Total $225,244.69 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Undivided profits 1,226.18 Dividends unpaid 8.00 Individual Deposits Sub ject to check 40,798.29 Demand certificates of deposit 5,000.00 Savings deposits 36,331.62 Cashier’s checks 159.80 Bills Payable to Banks in in this state 10,000.00 Bills Payable to Banks in in other states 10,000.00 Notes and Bills Redis counted w r ith Federal Reserve Bank 61,720.80 Total $225,244.69 GEORGIA—Lamar County. Before me came E. Langford, cashier of Bamesville Bank, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by’ the books f file in said bank. E. LANGFORD. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 10th day of July, 1922. L. F. LEWIS, N. P. Lamar County. MONEYTOLOAN On improved farm lands owned by white fanners. Attractive Terms OLD DOMINION TRUST COMPANY For Information See CLAUDE CHRISTOPHER Bamesville, Ga. MUSIC AND LITERARY CLUB The Music and Literary Club will hold their monthly meeting at Club House, Tuesday afternoon, July 18th, at 4 o’clock. A most interesting programme has been arranged, and every member is urged to be present. The hostesses will be Mrs. Tarver Woodall, Mrs. T. 0. Galloway and Miss Grace Neely. LEGAL NOTICE 0. E. Kitchings vs. A. E. Kitchings. In the Superior Court of Lamar county, March Term, 1022. Attachment and levy upon one fifth interest in 188 acres of land, the same being interest of defendant. To <A. E. Kitchings, defendant: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the first Monday in Septem ber, 1922, and make your answer in the above named and stated case, as required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable Wm. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court, this 6th day of June, 1922. S. J. CHILDERS, 2-6-8 Clerk Superior Court. o BUYS WARREN HOUSE Mr. Norman Peacock this week bought the home on Stafford avenue erected last year by Mr. W. M. War ren, Mr. Warren having recently moved from Barnesville, now being located in Atlanta. The home is a very pretty bunga low cottage, modem and convenient in all its appointments and Mr. Pea cock and his family will be extended congratulations by their friends in acquiring such a desirable new home. They will move in at once. o Statement of the Condition of The Citizens Bank Located at Barnesville, Lamar coun ty, Ga., at the close of buisness June 30th, 1922, as called for by the Superintendents of Banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $210,655.01 Stock in the Federal Re serve Bank 2,550.00 Other stocks and bonds. 5,452.40 Banking house 7,000.00 Fui'niture and fixtures.. 2,558.48 Other real estate owned 8,000.00 Cdsh in vaults and amounts deposited with approved reserve agts 23,64-1.11 Other checks and cash items 1,148.21 Overdrafts 657.29 Total $261,665.50 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 35,000.00 Undivided profits 13,421.08 Dividends unpaid 40.00 Individual Deposits Sub ject to check 59,678.83 Time certificates of de posit 45,802.29 Cashier’s checks 204.75 Certified checks 25.10 Bills payable to Banks in this state 10,000.00 Bills Payable to Banks in other states 15,000.00 Notes and bills rediscount ed with Federal Reserve Bank 32,493.45 Total - .$261,665.50 State of Georgia, Lamar County. Before me came B. H. Hardy, president of Citizens Bank, who be ing duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. B. H. HARDY. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sth day of July, 1922. J. B. ADAMS, N T . P., Lamar County, Georgia. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS The TAX DIGEST FOR THE YEAR 1922 is complete and open for inspection. Any person or per sons dissatisfied with the valuation of his or her property as fixed by the TAX ASSESSORS may appeal to the MAYOR AND COUNCIL at or be fore the regular meeting Monday night, August 7th, 1922. E. L. COOK, Clerk and Treasurer. o norrioie i nougni. At the movies a film was on. show ing the children trooping back to school after the holidays. Half a hun dred tots were shown following the teacher Into the building. Across the aisle a shrill voice piped up: “Mumuia! i?av. mamma. is ft-"' ■•!! o*>e family?" Hi* Quinine That oees Nat Affect the Hud 'teeauae of it* tonic and laxative effect, LAXA IVS BROMO QUININE is better than ordinan uiniae and doea not cause nervousness no igingin head Remember the fall name to. •i .'or the signature of E. w. GROVE. Xc Lots for Your Money Should Not Tempt You USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER That’s What Millions oS Housewives Do —They know that Good ( V fwijffyfrl Baking Powder can’t be Vsold for less; that “More for the means bake-day failures, waste of time and money; that best by test Calumet means economy. The World’s Greatest Baking Powder Statement of the Condition of The Farmers Bank Located at Milner, Lamar County, Ga., at the close of business June 30th, 1922, as called for by the Superintendent of Banks. RESOURCES Time loans and discounts $ 84,289.64 Demand loans 611.40 Loans Secured by Real estate 22,805.61 Other stocks and bonds- 225.00 Banking house 1,600.00 Furniture and fixtures*-_ 1,832.00 Cash in vault and amounts deposited with Approved Reserve agents 3,907.49 Due from Other Banks in this state 210.56 Overdrafts 170.24 Other assets not included above 630.05 Total $116,281.99 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund 5,000.00 Individual Deposits Sub ject to check 17,248.59 Time Certificates of De posit 22,487.30 Cashier’s checks 29.64 Bills Payable to Banks in this state 12,000.00 War Finance Corp 29,314.34 Notes and bills rediscount ed with other banks in this state 1,040.00 Certificates of deposit for borrowed money 4,162.12 Total $116,281.99 State of Georgia, Lamar County. Before me came G. P. Wheeless, cashier of Farmers Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. G. P. WHEELESS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this sth day of July, 1922. J. W. GRAHAM, N. P. • o To Stop a Cough Quick r take HAYES’ HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVES O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve should be nibbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Haves’ Healing Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the shin soon stops a cough. Both remedies are packed in one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. No Oil From the Banana. The bureau of chemistry says that there is no oil manufactured from the banana itself. There Is a preparation known as isoamyl acetate, which is used for gilding, etc. It hns the odor of the banana and is often termed b.-!- rann oil. o WANTED—Loopers. Good pay and steady work. Forsyth Hosiery Mills, Forsyth, Ga. 7-27 Charter No. 6243 Reserve District No. 6 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Bamesville, Ga., in the State of Georgia, at the close of business on June 30th, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, ac ceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement of this bank (except those shown in b and c) $348,269.67 Overdrafts, unsecured 335.58 U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) $ 50,000.00 All other United States Government securities (including premiums, if any) 84,642.38 — 134,642.38 Cther bonds, stocks, securities, etc 13,900.00 Furniture and fixtures 2,000.0® Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 20,815.18 Cash in vault and amount due from national banks 71,378.51 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank (other than Item 12) 1,412.63 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 2,500.00 Total $595,253.95 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 80,000.00 Undivided profits 20,247.24 Circulating notes outstanding 49,200.00 Cashier’s checks outstanding SOSES’ Total of Items 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 598.35 Individual deposits subject to check 228,507.34 Dividends unpaid 2,500.00 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 231,007.34 Time depoiits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other than for money bor rowed) 164,201.02: Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 32, 33, 34 and 35 164,201.02 Total $595,253.95 State of Georgia, County of Lamar, ss: I, L. C. Tyus, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. C. TYUS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of July, 1922. M. P. OWEN, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. B. Smith, T. J. Berry, R. A. Stafford, Directors. REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES for SUMMER TRAVEL. To MOUNTAIN.LAKE and SEASHORE in the North, South, East or West. Tybee, “Where Ocean Breezes Blow", also Brunswick, 6a„ Atlantic Beacn, Pablo Beach, Mayport, Jacksonville, Panama City, Fla., on the South Atlantic Cost. ; New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New England resorts, also diverse j route fares to New York and Boston, via Savannah and Steamship. These fares jincluDe meals and berth aboard ship, : Season and Week-End Fares to seashore, lake and mountain resorts in the South east and to all parts of the United States and Canada. These substantial re ductions in passenger fares will enable you to travel cheaper than you have in the patt six years. For total feres, train schedules, routes, service, sleeping car, parlor car and steamship accommoda tions, ask the nearest agent of the CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY —The Right Way—