The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, July 27, 1922, Image 2

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Pimples Keep Young Men Down! They Make Women, Too, a Puzzlel How S. S. S. Stop* Skin Eruption* Positively. Pimples and akin eruption* have a price,—you pay for every puntuje. Mack-head and pimple on your face. Pimples produce prejudice and prevent prosperity, your heart may he gold, )<£> F. R. 8. Will Kid Ton /. V of the Crushing lUm^^ trul who wants to ki a eruptions? Pimply men don't look like the owners of anything. Pimply women, too, are puzzle*, with no prospect* and no power. Young men and women, here’s the positive way out. Physics and purgatives will fail. What you need is a scientific blood-cleanser. H. 8. 8. its one of the most powerful destroyers of blood impurities. You can prove this in a short time. 8. 8. S. has been passed on by a Jury of millions of peo ple Just like yourself. It is considered one of the most powerful vegetable blood-purifiers and flesh-builders in existence. That’s why you hear of so many underweight people putting on lost flesh in a hurry, why you hear of so tnany rheumatics being freed from tills ecourge, with 8. 8. 8. Start today with B. 8. 8. and see your face clear and your skin get ruddier, your flesh firmer. It will give you a boost in your career. 8. 8. 8. is sold at all drug ■■tores, in two sixes. Tlio latter fcizo fs the more economical. 0 The Difference. With most of us men our clothes nre in style as long ns they nre wearable; whereas with the women their clothes are wearable only as long as they ara in style.—Boston Transcript. REDUCED SUMMER FARES —TO— COLORADO OREGON CALIFORNIA CANADA NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA FLORIDA Convenient Schedules Attractive Service —Via— SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM —Also— EXTREMELY LOW WEEK-END FARES —TO— MOUNTAIN AND SEASHORE RESORTS Inquire: V. L. ESTES, D. P. A., Broad and Walton Sts. Atlanta, - Georgia D ;BCourajj: ng. Another new planet hus been dis covered and we haven't got acquainted With half the old ones yet. THIS COUPON and gg CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO A 50 CENTS BOX OF KANT-LEAK PATCHING WHICH IS GUARAN TEED PERMANENT R F P AI R BARNESVILLE AUTO COMPANY Cadillac, Studebaker, Chevrolet Bamesville, Georgia Administrator’s Sale GEORGIA—Lamar County. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Lamar county, grant ed upon the application of B. R. Smith, as Administrator of the estate of Jas. M. Smith, deceased, late of said county, to sell the lands of the said Jas. M. Smith, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and distribu tion, there will he sold before the City Hall of the City of Bamesville, at public outcry, to the highest bid- der, in the City of Bamesville, be tween the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in August, 1922, as the property of the said deceased, the following described lands, to-wit: Lots 5 and 6 and 7, Block “C,” Oakland Heights, City of Bamesville, originally Pike county, now Lamar county, Ga. A plot of said Oakland Heights is of record in the clerk’s office at Zebulon, Ga., in deed book “4,” page 175, to which reference is made. Said lots being 40x100 feet deep. This the 3rd day of July, 1922. B. R. SMITH, Admr., J. M. Smith, deceased. I ■ l ■ *—O CITATION GEORGIA—Lamar County. To Whom It May Concern: J. S. Talley having applied to me to be appointed Administrator on the es tate of J. 1). Williams, late of said county, deceased, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said J. S. Talley should not he appointed administrator of said estate on the first Monday of August, 1922. This, July 3rd, 1922. B. H. HARDY, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA—Lamar County. v To Whom It May Concerns Whereas Mrs. C. 11. Humphrey, ad ministratrix of C. H. Humphrey, represents to the court in her peti tion, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered C. H. Humphrey’s estate. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Adminis tratrix should not be discharged from her administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in August, 1922. This, July 3rd, 1922. B. H. HARDY, Ordinary CITATION GEORGIA—-Lamar County. To Whom It May Concern: Whereas E. Langford, Administrator of S. C. Charping., represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered S. C. Charping’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, lo show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in August, 1922. This, July 3rd, 1922. B. H. HARDY, Ordinary o LEGAL NOTICE O. E. KRollings vs. A. E. Kitchings. In the Superior Court of Lamar county, March Term, 1922. Attachment and levy upon one fifth interest in ISB acres of land, the same being interest of defendant. To A. E. Kitchings, defendant: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held on the first Monday in Septem ber, 1922, and make your answer in the above named and stated case, a? required by the order of said court. Witness the Honorable Wm. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court, this 6th day of June, 1922. S. J. CHILDERS, 2-6-8 Clerk Superior Court. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers X\ 1 TO /}J / / Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little “Freezone” on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fin gers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny, bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or com between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irrita tion. 2L *. Adt. 8,000 HIKING CLUBS IN GREATER NEW YORK They Swing Along Highways and Through Woods in Groups of Varying Size. New York.—One must walk nowa days to be In the swim. Statistics gleaned from the out-door departments of the newspapers, from the Boy Scout and t’ampflre Girls’ organizations, from the Y. M. C. A. branches and kindred bodies, from scores of amateur athletic clubs and from the leading dealers in sporting goods, indicate that “Best Walkers Make Best Citizens," Says Mayor of New York. today there are no less than 8,00f) hiking clubs in Greater New York, with a total membership of more than a quarter of a million men and wom en, who are keeping themselves In the [■ink of condition and experiencing the real joy of living by getting regularly out into the open country with no oth er means of locomotion than their God given legs. The city of New York has taken offi cial notice of the movement. On three occasions recently Mayor Hylan has congratulated the hoys and girls of the public schools upon their enthusiasm In taking up the new sport of hiking. In his dedication of the great new pub lic playground in the Bronx the other day Mayor Hylan extolled the athletic tendencies of the boys and girls and impressed upon them ttiat there was no better or more profitable way in which they could pass their vacations and utilize their holidays than by the excursions into field and forest of their walking clubs. He gave the same message to the Amateur Athletic U lon of Brooklyn a few days later, r when a club of East Side boys and visited him at city hall preparatory to a hike to the tomb of Roosevelt at Oyster Bay he assured them that the best walkers among them would make the best citizens. Walk and Be Well No less enthusiastic a champion of the walking game is Dr. Itoyal S. <'ope!and, city health commissioner. ‘‘The benefit to health and the safe guard to morals to he found in long walks," said Dr. Copeland in an in terview, “are ton apparent to speak of them. If one takes long walks alone it is well, for lie walks the road of health, hut if he takes long walks in company it is better for he adds the tonic of companionship to his exercise. Walking is the one form of exercise In which there is the minimum risk of overdoing it. In short, I consider walking the most beneficial of all exer cises and it is never out of season.” “Never in my life-time,” said Ed ward R. Wilbur, manager of a nation ally known sporting goods store, “have I known such a demand as now for out door garments and shoes and stock ings and appliances for the tourist’s luncheon box. The rapid spread and tremendous popularity of the walking club idea Ims no parallel in our ex perience. “The hiker can make his requisite just what he feels like spending. Henl ly, there are only two or three articles Indispensable to hiking—thick walking slices that allow lots of room, thick woolen socks and clothing that wili give freedom of limb. He should have a canvas or leather musette bag, such as the soldiers used in France. The Cow In the Knapsack “To get the real benefit and joy out of hiking luncheon should be carried and prepared and eaten in the open. Bread and cheese, a few slices of bacon, some coffee, a can of condensed milk, and a cake of chocolate fur nish high-powered fuel for the hiker and are readily and happily assimi lated even by those who In their pre hiking days were afflicted with di gestive apparatus so feeble as to balk pt crackers and milk. Fortunately for the hiker, he can replenish his simple larder at any cross-roads store and provide himself with the most nutri tious and appetizing food in a form that can he conveniently carried. “No single development in the prob lem of food transportation for the hunter, fisherman, hiker and all lovers of the out-of-doors can compare with the gift bestowed by the man who first found the way to make con densed milk, thereby putting a dairy in every man's knapsack. Before lone there will he a national association of hikers, and Gail Borden will be its pa tron saint. Such an association could do much to encourage the spread of the most beneficial and universal of all outdoor pastimes, map out interesting routes, secure the establishment of shelters, rest-stations, and camp sites at suitable locations, and insure the rights of pedestrians on country m cigarettes W They are GOOD! |fVP Buy this Cigarette and Save Money Grim Dream. The Harcourt peerage is n revival of a title which had become extinct. There is a curious bit of family his tory connected with that Simon Har court who was created an earl by George 11. Ills daughter, with him at Nuneham, was much disturbed by a dream one night in which she saw her father lying dead in the kitchen at four o’clock in the afternoon. The fol lowing morning the earl went into the park. He was not seen again till a laborer was attracted by the barking of a dog to a well in the grounds. There the body of the dead earl was found, head downward, in the rnud. It is supposed he overbalanced while rescuing his little dog, which had fallen into the well. The corpse was taken into the kitchen of the house where it was laid on the dresser, ex actly at four o’clock in the afternoon! The story is often told at Nuneham, and seems to be ’veil authenticated. — Montreal Family Herald. Westminster’s Bells. It Is only on very rare occasions that the peal of the Westminster abbey bells is heard; but on Princess Mary’s wedding day the bells in the north west tower added their joyful notes to tiie proceedings. The tenor bell is very old, dating from 1430, and two of the others were presented by Ga briel Goodman, a dean of Westminster in Queen Elizabeth’s time. The octave was incomplete, however, until some little time ago, when two additional bells were added; and the existing six were at the same time rehung and tuned. The peal rung on February 28, which consisted of just over 5,000 changes, promises therefore to be of exceptional interest as the first full one beard from the abbey bells. A Tonic For Women s "1 was hardly able to drag, I was so weakened,” writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. “The doctor treated me for about two months, still 1 didn’t get any better. I had a large fam ily and felt 1 surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. I had heard of GARDUI The Woman’s Tonic “I decided to try it,” con tinues Mrs. Ray . . . “I took eight bottles in all ... I re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. 1 have ten children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... 1 can sure recom mend CarduL” Take Cardui today. II may be just what you need. At all druggists. EJJ American Housewife Holds Purse. Statistics show that the Ameriear housewife handles 90 per cent of al the country’s retail expenditures. o A. TONIC Orove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON tc Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect 60c. o A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder troubles, gravel, weak and lame back, rheu matism and irregularities of the kid neys and bladder. At your drug gist's or by mail, $1.25. Small bot tle often cures. Send for sworn testimonials.—£. W. Hall, 2926 Olive St., St Loois, Mo. — Adv. ENNIS—ROSS On July Bth Miss Elzie Ennis and Mr. Willie J. Ross, two well known and popular young people of Lamar county were married, the ceremony being performed by the Ordinary of Lamar county in his office in the presence of a number of friends who were present to witness the pleasant event. Scores of friends have extended hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ross on account of their mar riage and wish for them a long and happy life. o For Congress I am a candidate for Congress from the Sixth district, subject to the Democratic Primary September 13th, 1922, and will appreciate the vote of every man and woman in the District. E. P. FRAZER, Stonedge Stock Farm, Macon, Ga. To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the 68th Congress, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee of said District governing the Primary election. I appreciate the support given me heretofore, and if again honored by you, as your representative I will en deavor to serve your interest in legis lative as well as other matters. Thanking you in advance for your interest in my behalf, I am, Very respectfully, J. W. WISE. To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District I am a candidate to represent this District in the 68th Congress. I earnestly solicit the votes and active support of my friends throughout this District, and if elected I assure you that I will be active in the sup port of the interest of the people. Respectfully, J. J. FLYNT. TO THE VOTERS OF LAMAR COUNTY I announce myself a candidate for Representative of this county, sub ject to the Democratic Primary next September. If nominated and elect ed, I shall serve you to the best of my ability. J. D. SMITH. o Hail drifted so that it covered fence posts, held up trains and killed 26 head of cattle at Gray, lowa, Au gust 7 and 8, 1883. Some of the hailstones were 13 inch:s in circum ference. o AGENTS WANTED—Agents wanted to call on the colored population with the fastest seller of its kind on the market today. Big money for those who will work. Write for par ticulars. —Indian Chemical Cos., Au gusta, Ga. 9-7 o Energy required to climb Wash ington monument is provided by eat ing half a doughnut, or six unsalted peanuts, or five olives or four pret zels, says a Carnegie physiological chemist. HOW’S THIS? HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what we claim for it—rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor mal conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. —O Mica, the transparent, heat-resist ing mineral, familiar to many through its use for windows in heating stoves, has now become so essential in elec trical industry that the larger elec trical supply manufacturing com panies own and operate their own mines. o Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days '. “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Ha bitual Constipation It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. • Very Pleasant to Take, e 60c per bottle. o Pogo sticks were invented about 300 years ago by a Translvanian blacksmith to jump from rock to rock in Crossing streams, according to records of G. Pilarczyk, of New York. CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of o Natural soaps are found in the Soapberry of Chili, the Spanish root and the bark of the soap tree in Peru. PALM BEACHES AND THE PIEDMONT That’s the combination for coolness and comfort dur ing hot days. It’s economical, too, be cause the thorough way of The Piedmont makes your suits last longer at a wear ing. Palm Beach and Wash Suits —for men and women cleansed in just the proper way, and returned to you promptly. PIEDMONT LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Company 83 Trinity Avenue ATLANTA, GA. Parcel Post Charges Paid One Way. o Uncle Eben. “Dar ain anything but unemploy ment ahead,” said Uncle Eben, “foh de man dat spends four hours of de day gettin’ into his workin’ clothes an’ de other four washin’ up to quit.” PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. A. CORRY, M O. Office—Collier Building Phone 83. J. Office Hours 7to 8 a. m., 11 to 12 a. m., 5 to 6 p. m. Bamesville. Georgia DR. C. E. SUGGS B. F. Reeves Building Residence Phone 15_J. Office 148 Office Hours—lo to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Bamesville, Georgia C. J. LESTER Attorney-at-law Bamesville, Georgia DR. J. M. ANDERSON Physician and Surgeon Jffice, Postoffice bldg. Phone 28L Residence, Thomaston street Bamesville, Georgia DR. C. H. WILLfS Physician and Surgeon Collier Building Bamesville, Georgia D. W. PRITCHETT Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office over Bamesville Drug Cos. Bamesville, Georgia M. F. COCHRAN Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 173 Residence 43 Bamesville, Georgia HERMAN M. JOHNSON Attorney At Law Office, Stafford Building Bamesville, Ga. CLAUDE CHRISTOPHER Lawyer First National Bank Building Bamesville, Georgia o Worst Accident in Ktstory. The most appalling accident in hii* tory was the falling of an amphithea ter In Rome in the time of Tiberius. Fifty thousand persons were crushed NEXT DOSE CALOMEL MAY SALIVATE YOU IT IS MERCURY, QUICKSILVER,. SHOCKS LIVER AND ATTACKS YOUR BONES. Calomel salivation is horrible. It swells the tongue, loosens the teeth and starts rheumatism. There’s no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dod son’s Liver Tone—a perfect substi tute for calomel. It is a pleasant vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but | it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Calomel is a dangerous drug, be sides it may make you feel weak, sick and nauseated tomorrow. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No salts necessary. Your druggist saya if you don’t find Dodson's Liver Tone acts better than treacherous calomel your money is waiting for you. AGENTS WANTED To sell tne Original Watkins Pro ducts. Good city territory still open. Get our wonderful offer and free samples. Write today. J. R. Watkins Cos., Department 78, Mem phis, Tenn. 7-27