The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 03, 1922, Image 2

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111 cigarettes m ww 10* They are GOODI JUDGE FISH ASKS FOR RE-ELECTION ]n another column appears the an nouncement of Judg William 11. Fish as a candidate to succeed him self as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Judge Fish is one of the best Jcnowri men in the State and is held in hie h esteem by the people and the lawyers, lie has been a member of the supreme court since 1896 and has rendered the State splendid service. Judge Fish was born in Macon, Ga., and at the age of four years his fam ily moved to Macon county. He graduated at the University of Geor gia and took a law course at the Uni versity of Virginia. In 1891 he was elected judge of the superior court of the Southwest ern circuit by the legislature to fill the unexpired term of the late Allen Fort. He was re-elected for the full term without opposition the succeed ing yenr, and in 1896 was again re elected without opposition for the term of four years. Prior to begin ning his new term on the bench, the memlxrship of the supreme court was increased from three to six judges and Judge Fish was nominated for one of the new places. He has been re-elected' ever since that time. In 1905 upon the death of Chief Justice Simmons, he was appointed Chief Justice by Governor Joseph M. Terrell and was re-elected for the full term the following year. Judge Fish has now been Chief Justice for seventeen years, and has made a splendid record as a member of the highest court in the state. His friends in every section feel confident that he will be re-elected to the position which lie has honored. Hot Wthcr Disorders of the bowels arc er trenitdy dangerous, particularly dur ing the hot. weather of the summer months, and in order to self and family against a sudden at tack, get a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. It can be depended upon. Many have testi lod to its excellence. SOME FINE MELONS Mr. Gary Goggans, a well known farmer Jiving some miles out on the Forsyth road, brought all the county officers a fine watermelon each last Friday, which was very much appre ciated and very greatly enjoyed by all of them. The melons were un usually fine and afforded those who received them a genuine treat. Mr. Goggans had two acres of melons, which produced a lot of very fine ones, which hi readily sold to people of the community. MUNICIPAL EECTION AND REGISTRATION As prescribed in Section 74 of the City Code, the regular annual munic ipal election will be held on the fourth Tuesday in this month, Au gust 22nd, 1922, for the election of three Aldermen, for a term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. And as prescribed in Section 82 of the City Code, only those who sub scribe to the Oath as prescribed in Section 84 of the City Code, on or before Thursday preceding the elec tion, shall be placed on the l'egistra tion books and qualified to vote in raid election. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1922, is the last day on which to register for above election. 8-17 E. L. COOK, Clerk & Treas. o The largest mastodon tusk ever discovered, found 40 feet below the surface of the earth, weighed 75 pounds and was seven feet from tip to tip. o Notice of Legislation 1 will introduce at the present ses sion ,of the Legislature a bill to in corporate the town of Piedmont in Lamar county, Georgia. J. E. BUSH, Representative, 8-2 Lamar County. LAMAR TAX RETURNS FOR YEAR 1922 Property Valuation! Decrease $171,- 775 ferr This Year. Mr. E. L. Butler, Tax Receiver, has completed the Digests for 1922, and lias booked the returns as approved by the Tax Equalizers. These re turns cover all the real and personal [ property in the county but does not include the returns of the public utililty corporations, which are fixed by the Comptroller General. The property of the Central and Southern Railway Companies, the telegraph and telephone companies, etc., come under his head. The county returns show a decrease of $171,775 from the returns of 1921, the total being $3,106,070 for 1922 against $3,278,445 for 1921. It is not known what the public utilities will amount to, but in all probability there will be no increase, which will show a decrease in the total for this year. The following will show the re turns for Lamar county for 1922 by districts: Barnesville, white —51,832,740.00 Barnesville, colored -- 113,120.00 Milner, white 425,632.00 Milner, colored 27,688.00 Unionville, white 161,748.00 Unionville; colored 25,997.00 Johnstonville, white 192,116.00 Johnstonville, colored-- 42,300.00 j Redbone, white 208,892.00 Redbone, colored 4,592.00 Piedmont white 67,088.00 Piedmont, colored 4,757.00 $3,106,670.00 The Polls are as follows Barnesville, white 456. Barnesville, colored LB3. Milner, white 153. Milner, colored 103. Unionville, white 93. Unionville, colored 68. Johnstonville, white I 73. Johnstonville, colored 96. Redbone, white 69. Redbone, colored 78. Piedmont, white 22. Piedmont, colored 42. 1,436 This makes a total of 886 white polls, including women who have registered, but does not include those who tire beyond the poll tax age. The total of colored polls is 570. GOOD REALTY Large and sra*!l ieffcms for sale. Ah wtaaflt lots and homes in tie city. All at rcraaonalSle prices. GREENE REALTY CO. Elliott Building Bamesvillo, Gbl ■ —*o At Zurich, Switzerland, winter is Vanished annually on April 24 by making a dummy of white cotton, filling it with fireworks and gun powder, and blowing the affair up at 6 o’clock in the evening. ee g Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. o In India certain species of fish can live out of water a day or two and on a hot summer’s day they may be seen making their way rather clum sily across the fields. o STOVE AND FIRE WOOD—Sawed to fit your stove and grate. $2.00 per half cord. Howard Lumber Cos. Call Phone 74—2 Rings. tf. A temple costing $3,000,000 is to he erected in Ste. Anne de Beaupre to replace the one destroyed, accord ing to an announcement of the Re demptorist Fathers. AGENTS WANTED—Agents wanted to call on the colored population with the fastest seller of its kind on the market today. Big money for those who will work. Write for par ticular's. —Indian Chemical Cos., Au gusta, Ga. 9-7 o Grant was the only president who was a graduate of West Point Mili tary Academy, and none have been graduated from Annapolis. o Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money it FAZO CMNTMENT (aiW to cure Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles !s3tsoUy relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful steeD after the 81st at'oncation. Price 60c. O It was Samuel Wesley, born in 1766, who introduced the works of Bach to the English public. He was the finest English organist of his time. GIRL NOW WELL AND STRONG Daughter Took Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound as Mother Advised Wauseon, Ohio”* My daughter al ways had backache and leg-ache at cer , ■ "itainperiodsandcould \\\mmm not be on her feet at those times. We read m m mfy about Lydia E. Pink- W liam ’ s Vegetable Compound doing W m F' rls so much & 00< * SB so she began to take (w T it. That is two years . Wtr- 'll ago and she is a dif ,lt ''' II ferent girl since then §fr I able to do any work lAg m she wants to do-al- WW she is still careful not to do heavy work -and so well and strong. We recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to all mothers with ailing daughters, and I trive you permission to publish this let ter as a testimonial. ’’—Mrs. A. M. Burk holder, Route No. 2, Box 1, Wauseon, Ohio. Something out of balance will affect the finest clock, causing it to gain or lose. The proper adjustment made, all is well. So it is with women. Some trouble may upset you completely. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound will correct the cause of the trou ble and disagreeable symptoms will disappear as they did in the case of Mrs. Burkholder’s daughter. Mothek2 it is worthy of your con fidence. The ancient Mexicans reduced gold ‘ore by dragging granite rocks over the quartz spread about in a circular grove. o To Stop a Cough Quick , take HAYES’ HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE’S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES’ HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healinft effect of Hayes' Heal in ft Honey in side the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a coufth. Both remedies are pecked in one carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. o The seven romance languages are French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Provencal, Catalan and Roumanian. - ■ ■ o- - - NOTICE —If you have any carpenter work, by day or contract, it will pay you to see me.—R. O. Harrell, Barnesville, Ga. 8-3 o For Congress I am a candidate for Congro® from the Sixth district, subject to the Democratic Primary September 13th, 1922, and will appreciate the vote of every man and woman in the District- M. P. FRAZER, Stonedge Stock Farm, Maoon, Q. To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District I hereby announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for the 68th Congress, subject to the rules of the Democratic Executive Committee of said District governing the Primary election. I appreciate the support given me heretofore, and if again honored by you, as your representative I will en deavor to serve your interest in legis lative as well as other matters. Thanking you in advance for your interest in my behalf, I am, Very respectfully, J. W. WISE. To the Voters of the Sixth Congressional District I am a candidate to represent this District in the 68th Congress. I earnestly solicit the votes and active support of my friends throughout this District, and if elected I assure you that I will be active in the sup port of the interest of the people. Respectfully, J. J. FLYNT. TO THE VOTERS OF LAMAR COUNTY I announce myself a candidate for Representative of this county, sub ject to the Democratic Primary next September. If nominated and elect ed, I shall serve you to the best of my ability. J. D. SMITH. o A coffee tree yields about one pound of coffee. o 666 quickly relieves Colds, Constipation, Biliousness, Headaches. A fine Tonic. o John Shore, Handel’s trumpeter, invented the tuning fork in 1711. o Your vision is priceless. Consult us for optical work.—J. H. Bate & Cos., Optical Specialists. In Libya smoking, drinking and dancing are forbidden by the Senussi law. In Bohemia the bridal wreath is usually made of rosemary. o A rubber substitute is made from linseed oil by a German concern. o Colds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one “Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. 0 Addison’s “Cato” was performed in Philadelphia in 1739. ,—o The river Tiber, in Italy, is 224 miles long. o AAA Cures Malaria, Chills, hnn Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. Q Fuchsias received their name from Leonard Fuchs, who discovered this species of house plants. o Two of the greatest literary pro ductions of the Chinese are a diction ary of 5,020 volumes and an ency lopedia of 32,937 volumes. CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly in fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. o The cucumber is not a vegetable but a fruit. o An electric lamp which will burn three years without current is he in vention of an Italian engineer. o CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of /'CtfcJuAi o Redwood, is one of the most en during woods in the world. . o The largest hot springs in the world are at Thermopolis, Wyo. NOTICE OF SALE ■ u Whereas, Corneile S. Marchman, of Upson county, Georgia, by his war ranty deed dated August 27, 1918, and duly recorded in Book 12 at page 66 uf the Land Records of Pike County, Georgia, conveyed to the Pearsone-Taft Land Credit Company, a corporation, the following described real estate, formerly in Pike County, Georgia, nokv Lamar County, Georgia, to-wit: Beginning on the Northwest corner of Lr>t Forty-seven (47); thence run East along the North line of said lot, 91 rods; thence South 120 rods; thence West 63 rods; thence South 63 rods; thence West along the South lines of Ix>ts Forty-seven (47) and Fifty (50), 117 rods, thence North 183 rods to the North line of Lot Fifty (50); thence East 89 rods to place of beginning. In the Eighth (Bth) Land District, containing ISO.B acres, more or less. To secure the promissory note of said Corneile S. Marchman for the sum of One Hundred Ten ($110.00) Dollars, payable in installments, and in said deed provided that in event of the default in the payment of any installment of said note said Com pany might declare the unpaid bal ance thereof at once due and payable and sell said land for the payment thereof; and, Whereas, the installment of said note due March 1, 1922, was not paid when due and is still unpaid and said Company has declared the unpaid bal ance of said note now due and pay able; Now, therefore, the Pearsons-Taft Company, formerly the Pearsons- Taft Land Credit Company, under and by virtue of the power and au thority in said Company vested by said warranty deed, will proceed to sell the above described real estate and appurtenances thereunto belong ing at public sale to the highest bid der for cash at the door of the Court House in the City of Bamesville, State of Georgia, at the hour of 11 A. M., on the 31st day of August, 1922, for the purpose of paying said indebtedness and the costs of said sale. As provided in said deed, said sale will be subject to the rights of the holder of that certain principal note for the sum of Two Thousand ($2000.00) Dollars and interest thereon at six per cent from March 1, 1922, described in and secured by that certain warranty deed recorded in Book 12 at pages 64-5 of the Land Records of Pike County, Georgia. In Witness Whereof, the said Pear- sons-Taft Company has caused these presents to be executed by its Presi dent and its corporate seal to be af fixed this 14th day of June, 1922. PEARSONS-TAFT COMPANY, By Oren E. Taft, President. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA Cash Market Stalled feed Beef and Pork before killing,kept on Cold Storage before cutting, giving it a better flavor. Handled through double screen ing, making it more Sanitary. Come to see us. The Barnesville Cash Market Market Street Barnesville, Georgia REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES fori SUMMER! TRAVEL To MOUNTAIN,LAKE and SEASHORE in the North, South, East or West. Tybee, "Where'Ocean Breezes Blow”, also Brunswick, 6a., Atlantic Beacn, Pablo Beach, Mayport. Jacksonville, Fla., on (he South Atlanlie Cost. New York, Boston, Baltimore. Philadelphia and New England resorts, also diverse route tares to New York and Boston, [via Savannah and Steamship. These fares incluße meals and berth aboard ship. Season and Week-End Fares to seashore, lake and mountain resorts in the South east and to all parts of the United States and Canada. These substantial re iductiou in passenger fares will enable you to travel cheaper than you have in the pitt six years. j k For total fares, train schedules, routes, service, sleeping car, parlor car and steamship accommoda tions, ask the nearest agent of the CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY —The Right Way— ARROW CARBOLINEUM Used For Three Distinct Purposes Preserves Wood Everywhere— Applies Nut Brown Color: Suitable for Stain ing Bungalows and Farm Buildings Kills Chicken Mites In Poultry Houses-- Applied ONCE A YEAR—See Guarantee. Keeps Flies From Cattle, Horses and Hogs-- You can make the best fly spray—See our directions. v GUARANTEE Ws guarantee that one Ihorcugh application oi Arrow Carbolineum, either by brush or sprayer, to the interior walls, dropping boards, roosts, etc., of such buildings, after a previous cleaning, and no matter whether they are of wood, tar paper, or piaster, will extermi nate miles in same for a whole year. For Sale only by BARNESVIUE HO’W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING.