The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 10, 1922, Image 2

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11 W4 They are GOOD! 1() , Bay this Cigarette and Save Money Caesar Rodney of Delaware rode 80 miles on horseback in one day to swing the vote of his state’s delegates at the Continental congress in favor of the Declaration of Independence, July 2, 1776. Indigestion Many persona, otherwise vigorous and healthy, are bothered occasionally with Indigestion. The effects of a disordered stomach on the system are dangerous, and prompt treatment of Indiges tion Is important. “The only medicine I have needed has been something to aid diges tion and clean the liver,” writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a McKinney, Texas, fanner. “My medicine Is Thedford’s BUCK-DRAUGHT tor Indigestion and stomach trouble at any kind. I hare oarer found anything that touches the spot, like Bbuik- Draught. I take It In broken doaee after xneale. For a long tlmo I tried pllle, which grip ed and didn’t give the good resulte. Black-Draught liver mrdiclue la easy to take, eaay to keep, inexpensive.” Get a package from your druggist today—Ask for and Insist upon Thedfprd’o—the only genuine. Get it today. 1 bmQ The wording of the Declaration of Independence is practically all by Thomas Jefferson, who was appointed to write the document by the com mittee chosen by the Continental congress to draw it up. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers s Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little “Freezone” on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then ahortly you lift it right off with fin ders. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft com, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irrita tion. . Adv. o Two billion dollars a year is the cost to the world population from a winter season, considering heating apparatus, fuel, extra clothing, food loss anti protection, enforced idle ness and sickness. A TONIC drove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its Strengthening, invigorating effect, see how ft brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The Wood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by iu Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. THE BEGINNING OF CIVIL WAR tFrom “The Montgomery Adver tiser,” Montgomery, Ala., July 27th, 1922). Are we in a state of civil war? That question is both timely and per tinent. It seems that industrial strife and hatred has grown so intense that as a Nation we cannot longer manage our own affairs and we can no longer “carry on.” Due to the coal strike and the strike of the railroad shop men, the government has declared the emergency regulation of the govern ment which were in effect during the world war are restored. In Chicago grocerymen have announced that they have voluntarily applied time regulation to the sale of sugar and that no customer can buy more than ten pounds of sugar at any one time. More than three hundred trains pass ing through Chicago have been can celled. Train schedules throughout the country have been upset and on a majority of the country’s roads, it is no longer comfortable or safe to travel. It is necessary to give priority rules and regulations for the distribution of coal. The American public is not merely discommoded. The actual perpetuity of American civilization is threatened. In half a dozen states troops are out to keep order and to protect life and property. The very ground under the feet of society and civilization seems mined and ready to go off at any moment in a great ex plosion. Is there any cause to justify this dangerous situation? We do not think so. Over a question of a dif ference in wages, thousands of men in two key industries of our civiliza tion seem willing to pull down the pillars of the temple. They should understand and probably do that this fair structure of America can be de stroyed in a short time. A house that took a year in the building can be burned down in an hour. The civilization of America will endure no longer than the people of America want it to endure. It can be de stroyed as quickly as that of Russia was ruined and by the same cause. Men are forgetting that they are Americans and remembering only that they are members of certain classes. They have submitted class hatred for patriotism. If the gov ernment does not approve their idea of what wages they ought to get, they are willing to make and are making war on the government. President Harding has said that the War Labor Board is the sole govern ment agency charged with the duty of dealing with wage controversies in the railway industry. No other agency of the government would or could have anything to do with such controversy. After dealing with the grievances of the shop men and after the strike had been ordered, Presi dent B. W. Hooper, of the Railway Labor Board, said on July 7th: “The shop crafts have been fairly heard before the Labor Board. They have appealed from the sober, con servative judgment of this board to the strike with all its inevitable sub version of law and order. “For the Labor Board to yield to measures of this kind, would be an outrage upon public decency and would hasten the enthronement of anarchy in this country.” This we think represents the opinion of the average American citizen who is neither a railroad executive nor a railroad employe. This disinterested American does not believe that there is enough to the controversy to justi fy the enthronement of anarchy and is going to support enthusiastically any methods of settlement which the government deems it necessary to adopt. It is to be hoped that the parties to the controversy will recognize their responsibilities as American citizens, and not be led off by selfishness to endanger the perpetuity of the fair structure of American civilization which this generation inherited from the generations which went before. Should the conflict spread, which seems probable, the average citizen will enthusiastically support any drastic method which the government may reluctantly adopt to preserve the rights of human life and property, j guaranteed by the Constitution. And that average American citizen is de manding now that the government use every agency at its hand to stop civil war and to make human rights and the rights of property once again safe in the land. We may congratulate ourselves the Alabama sector in this civil war is safe, orderly and well defended. Governor Kilby, of Alabama, is not one to be frightened by threats of political reprisal for doing his tjuty. He does his duty without fear of con sequences, even if that duty requires the calling out of all the troops of the state to see that the laws of Ala bama are enforced. There will be no wholesale killings or disorder in Alabama. The Alabama troops, un der a courageous, capable officer, Lieutenant Colonel Walter Bare, are on guard. If all sectors were as well guarded in America as is Alabama, American institutions would not be in danger as they actually are in cer tain parts of the country. When he is not inflamed by hatred and passion, the American 'working man, especially the railroad man, is a good lawabiding citizen. The time has come, in the apparent beginning of industrial war, when he should ask himself, “Whither are we drifting?” HER AILMENTS ALL CONE NOW Mrs. Sherman Helped by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Veg etable Compound Lake, Michigan.— ‘ ‘ Aboutone year ago I suffered with irregularities and a weak- ness and at times was obliged tostay off my feet. I doctored with our family physician and he finally said ho could not understand my case, so T decided to try LydiaE. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound. After I had taken the first bottle I could see that I was getting better. 1 took several m jl bottles of the Vegetable Compound and used Lydia E. Pinkham’3 Sanative Wash and I am entirely cured of my ailments. You may publish this letter if you wish.’’—Mrs. Mary Sherman, Route 2, Lake, Mich. There is one fact women should con sider and thatis this. Women suffer from irregularities and various forms of weak ness. They try this and that doctor, as well as different medicines. Finally they take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound, and Mrs. Sherman’s experience is simply another case showing the merit of this well-known medicine. If your family physician fails to help you and the same old troubles persist, why isn’t it reasonable to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound? Fourteen districts have been map ped out by the government commis sion which is planning to reorganize the entire system of electric distribu tion for Great Britain. MUNIciPALEECnON AND REGISTRATION As prescribed in Section 74 of the City Code, the regular annual munic ipal election will be held on the fourth Tuesday in this month, Au gust 22nd, 1922, for the election of three Aldermen, for a term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. And as prescribed in Section 82 of the City Code, only those who sub scribe to the Oath as prescribed in Section 84 of the City Code, on or befoi'e Thursday preceding the elec tion, shall be placed on the registra tion books and qualified to vote in said election. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1922, is the last day on which to register for above election. 8-17 E. L. COOK, Clerk & Treas. o In Sweden it is a popular custom for a bride to fill her pockets with bread, which she hands to everyone she meets on her way to the church. Every piece she disposes of is sup posed to avert a misfortune. THIS COUPON and 25 CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO A 50 CENTS BOX OF KANT-LEAK PATCHING WHICH IS GUARAN TEED PERMANENT REPAIR BARNESVILLE AUTO COMPANY Cadillac, Studebaker, Chevrolet Bamesville, Georgia Xothing will ruin friendship more quickly for a man than to find that the man he trusted has taken his money ami foisted a poor thing upon him. o Same Old Story But a Good One. Mrs. Mahala Bums. Savanna, Mo., re lates an experience, the like of which has happened in almost every neigh borhood in this country, and has been told and related by thousands of oth ers, as followsi **l used a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years ago and it cured me of flux (dysentary). I had another attack of the same complaint three or four years ago and a few doses of this remedy cured me. I have recommended it to dozens of people since I first used it and shall continue to do so for I know it is a quick and positive cure for bowel troubles.’ Child-birth l Valuable Illustrated Book Sent Free How thousands of women, by the simple | method, of an eminent physician, have avoided , unnecessary miseries through many months and up to the moment liaby has arrived, is fully g' W el plained in the remarkable B took. ".MetherhiexJ and the liaby." Telia also what JM ■ do before and after baby comes, probable date of birth, baby rules, etc., andKtf IT.V BT about "Mother’s Friend, |B T. used by three generations ■■ I\\ t - of mothers, and sold in all IT tA. drug stores everywhere. M Y'-fT f "Mother’s Friend" ia ap-tn V plied externally, is Bafe, free from narcotics, per mits easier natural read justment of muscles and nerves during ex pectancy and child-birth. Start usmg it to day. Mrs. E. E. Kerger, Slayton, Minn., says. "It pulled me through. Send tor book to day, to Bradfield Regulator Cos.. BA-86, At lanta, Ga. "Mother a Friend’ is Bold at all drug stores. —O Wife —Shall I put your diamond studs in your shirt, dear? Husband —What are you talking about? Do you want to ruin me? I have a meeting of my creditors this evening. GOOD REALTY Large and small larrms for sale. Also vatant lots and homes in the city. All at reasonable prices. GREENE REALTY CO. Elliott Building Barnesville, Ga. .—.—o Twelve hundred years was the age of an historic pine tree on Lake Biwa, Japan, and which recently died. It was only 30 feet high, but had a spread of 163 from east to west and 154 from north to south. 6 6 e Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. o English tennis enthusiasts are using racquets made in India, which are sold in London at about one-third of the price asked for the home-pro- I duced article. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of O Marie Novello, the Welsh pianist, has signed a contract with the Chi cago symphony orchestra to appear as soloist during the coming season. This is a distinction never before gained by a woman. o AGENTS WANTED —Agents wanted to call on the colored population with the fastest seller of its kind on the market today. Big money for those who will work. Write for par ticulars. —Indian Chemical Cos., Au gusta, Ga. 9-7 Chinese and Japanese lanterns are greatly liked as lamp shades. Those of printed silk are almost prohibitive in price and are very hard to get, but the common paper variety have much charm. , O' CATARRH Catarrh Is a Loral disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces and assists in ridding your System of Catarrh. „ _ Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. . "O- The smallest railroad in the world, the Governors Island, Fort Jay, Cas tle Williams and Filled Ground rail way, with its one engine, two flat cars, a gondola and a box car and 29,000 feet in track has been discon tinued. Plies Cored In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fai* to cure Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pueo. Instantly relieves Itching Piles. BDd you can get restful sleen after the first application. Price 60c. o “Mourning postage stamps,” now on sale in Germany, bewail the loss of the German colonies. One ex ample shows a flag at half-mast, and has a wide black border. o— STOVE AND FIRE WOOD—Sawed to fit your stove and grate. $2.00 per half cord. Howard Lumber Cos. Call Phone 74—2 Rings. tf. . o By dropping poisoned powder from an aeroplane on a sir-acre grove of trees infested with catrpillars, mil lions of caterpillars were killed in three days. o A silkworm in its brief ilfetime spins about 4,000 yards of thready Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Co* “Everything To Build With” * BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA Barnesville Cash Market Stalled feed Beef and Pork before killing,kept on Cold Storage before cutting, giving it a better flavor. Handled through double screen ing, making it more Sanitary. Come to see us. The Barnesville Cask Market Market Street Barnesville, Georgia REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES for* SUMMERJTRAVEL. To MOUNTAIN.LAKE and SEASHORE in the North, South, East or West. Tybee, “Where'Ocean Breezes Blow”, also Brunswick, 6a., Atlantic Beacn, Pablo Beach, Mayport, Jacksonville, Panama[City, Fla,, on the South Atlantis Cost. New York, Boston, Baffimore. Philadelphia and New England resorts, also diverse route fares to New York and Boston, [via Savannah and Steamship. These fares incluDe meals and berth aboard ship, Season and Week-End Fares to seashore, lake and mountain resorts in the South east and to all parts of the United States aqd Canada. These substantial re ductions in passenger fares will enable you lo travel cheaper than you have in the patt six years. For total fares, train schedules, routes, service, sleeping car, parlor car and steamship accommoda tions, ask the nearest agent of the CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY —The Right Way— ARROW CARBOLINEUM Used For Three Distinct Purposes Preserves Wood Everywhere-- Applies Nut Brown Color: Suitable for Stain ing Bungalows and Farm Buildings Kills Chicken Mites In Poultry Houses-- Applied ONCE A YEAR—See Guarantee. Keeps Flies From Cattle, Horses and Hogs-- You can make the best fly spray—See our directions. GUARANTEE We guarantee that one thorough application ot Arrow Carboiineum, either by brush or sprayer, to the interior walls, dropping boards, roosts, etc., of such buildings, after a previous cleaning, and no matter whether they are of wood, tar paper, or piaster, will extermi nate mites in same fer a whole year. For Sale only by BARNESVILLE HD’W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING.