The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, August 24, 1922, Image 2

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111 cigarettes ¥;-.J They are GOOD! int Bay this Cigarette and Save Money The ribbon manufacturers of the United States are organizing a “Make It of Ribbon" campaign in order to further the interests of the industry, which represents an investment of $20,000,000 and an annual business of $60,000,000. APPLLICATIOFORCHARTER GEORGIA —Lamar County. To the Superior Court of said county. The petition of H. J. Kennedy and Mrs. Baird, of the said county, shows to the Court the following facts: Ist. Petitioners, together with their associates, desire to be incor porated under the name of KENNEDY & BAIRD TRADING COMPANY, for the period of twenty years, with the right to renew said charter at the expiration of said time. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain and to carry on and maintain a gen eral trading business in the city of Barnesville, and to buy and sell live stock, to buy, hold and sell real estate and personal property suitable to purpose of corporation, to buy and sell grain, produce, cotton, cotton seed and hulls, coal, shingles and any other article or articles that may be dealt in by said corporation, and to make contracts, borrow money, loan money, to sue and be sued and do any and all acts that may be neces sary in the operation of said business. 2n 1. The principal place of busi ness will be in the city of Barnes ville in the said county of Lamar. 3rd. The capital stock of suid cor poration shall be Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) with the option and privilege of increasing this amount to Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) by a majority vote of the stockholders. The capital stock shall be divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, and they de sire to begin in business when ten per cent of the capital stock is paid in. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscriptions to said capital stock pnid in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. 4th. Petitioners desire that said Corporation may have the right to elect a Board of Directors, a Presi dent, Vice-President and Secretary and Treasurer by a vote of its stock holders, and to have and make all propef and necessary by-laws, rules and regulations that are necessary and may be proper for the carrying on of said business and also to have and use a common seal. Wherefore, petitioners file this their petition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and pray that after the same has been advertised by law, that the Court by proper order grant this petition. H. J. KENNEDY, Attorney for Petitioners Filed in office, this Bth day of Au- gust, 1922. S. J. CHILDERS. . Clerk Superior Court. Georpin, Lamar County. Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lamar County. I, S. J. Childers, Clerk of the Su perior Court of Lamar County, here by certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for a Charter, as the same appears of file in this office. This, Bth day of August. 1922. S. J. CHILDERS, 8-31 Clerk Superior Court. o To prevent grade crossing acci dents a Texas man has invented curved concrete curbs to be erected in highways in such a manner as to require automobilists to reduce speed on approaching railroads. - O-" A. TONIC •rove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and* Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then •Pl*ciate its true tonic value. Grove s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So Pleasant even children like it TO* blood weds QUININE to Purify it and iLn to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs! and by j“ Stfenth ening, ImWor •ting Effect. 60c. T LOVEY LUNCHEON A delightful affair of F'riday was the luncheon given by Miss Rosalind LeSuaur, complimenting two recent brides, Mrs. Harvey Kennedy and Mr.?. John Dyal of White Oak, Ga. The color scheme of yellow and white wps effectively carried out. Covers were laid for ten. LOCAL MARINE GOES TO BRAZIL TO REPRE SENT COUNTRY AT FAIR Washington, August 21.—Bound for Brazil to represent the military forces of his country at the Centen nial Fair to be held at Rio de Janei -1 ro, Eddie Rufus Baggarley of Bames -1 ville, Ga., has embarked on the U. S. S. Nevada, recently reported en route for South America. He is one of the U. S. Marines especially selected for this interesting service. Young Baggarley, who is a son of Henry J. Baggarley of Barnesville, was particularly fortunate in being assigned to this duty. Many of the detachment have served overseas, and in order to qualify each man had to have an excellent military appearance as well as a perfect military record. Not more than 170 Marines are bound for Brazil ,and they represent nearly every State of the Union. The Centennial Fair, beginning in September, was planned to celebrate the 100 years of Brazilian Independ- ence. The Marines, including the fa mous Sixth Regiment Band will be required to perform light military du ties. They will take part in the of ficial ceremonies, incidental to the fair, and will have an opportunity to view what is expected to be the great est exhibition of the kind ever held in South America. According to present plans the Marines will re main at Rio de Janerio for at least three months. THE MARKET FOR HOGS The Macon Telegraph, which has long been an ardent advocate of di versified farming, recently asked the Swift & Cos. packing plant at Moul trie about the progress being made in growing hogs in Georgia. The reply gives information and encouragement to the industry in this state. In view of the recent progress made in La mar county in the hog industry, the letter to the Telegraph is of interest to the people here. It shows that there is a wide margin now between the demand and supply of hogs and that there is likely to be a good mar ket for all the hogs which the farm ers may grow. The following is the letter from Swift & Cos.: Answering your letter of August 10 with reference to the progress that has been made in Georgia since the erection of the Moultrie packing house and other packing houses about the same time Moultrie started, I have no information with regard to the importations of meat products into Georgia at that time. I think, however, that the hog census of 1910- 1920 pretty well tells the story. The total hogs on Georgia farms in 1910 was 1,900,000, and in 1920 the cen sus shows a little over 3,000,000. ,This shows an increase of 1,000,000 hogs in ten years. The Moultrie plant was constructed in 1914, and as I understand it, there was practically no increase in produc tion in Georgia previous to 1914 so that the development up to 1920 real ly covered a period of six years. This shows an increase up to 1920 of 50 per cent and this would figure out that if all of the million hogs wore marketed to the different pack ers in the state, this increase in local production displaced 100,000,000 pounds of imported product. If Georgia with 3,000,000 hogs is supplying 25 per cent of the con sumption of pork in Georgia, we would have to produce 12,000,000 hogs in order to discontinue buying pork meat from the West. It really will not take 12,000,000 hogs to feed Georgia because the hogs are constantly being better bred and finished for the market and are constantly increasing in average weight marketed. In 1910 we as sumed that the average weight of Georgia hogs was about 100 pounds when marketed. At the present time our hogs at Moultrie are averaging 190 pounds and at the rate of de velopment which has been going on for two years we believe the hogs at 'Moultrie will average 200 pounds within the next two years. From this basis of figuring, it should work out to mean that if Georgia doubles the present number of hogs that we will be producing as much pork in Georgia as is consumed in Georgia. lowa has about ten million hogs. Very truly yours, * h. m. McDowell, Swift & Cos. Moultrie, Ga., Aug. 14, 1922. WORN OUT AFTER SHE COOKED A MEAL Took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound— Read the Result Cincinnati, Ohio.-“I suffered for a year with nervous troubles and irregular iiinimiiiH *t‘ eß before I toot 11wUb1||||| Lydia E. Pinkham’s HUPgPiUlil Vegetable Oom pound. My back W'y H pained all the time Wt H anfl 1 was unfit for "7** housework. I was ■ worn out if I cooked L if 8 meal, and was un [h II a hle to do my wash- Ur ‘l|| ing. My girl friends “ i j" and my sister told * / me if I would take * “lynni-Vegot.ahle Com pound and Liver Pills I would be re lieved. After taking the first bottle I felt better, and neglected it awhile, but found I could not do my work until I was stronger. So I took the Vegetable Compound again and now I am the mother of al9 months old boy. He is fat and healthy and I am sure I could never have carried him if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound. I recommend your medicine to all women although I am young to be advising some one older.”- Mrs. Christ. Petroff, 318 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound contains no harmful drugs and can he taken in safety by any woman. o Macauley, when a child, could read a chapter of a book, and remember it completely; in later years he could write a history without referring to text books because he rmembered everything he read. CALOME MAY TURN ON YOU NEXT TIME NEXT DOSE YOU TAKE MAY SALIVATE AND START WORLD OF TROUBLE. Calomel is mercury, quicksilver. It crashes iijto sour bile like dyna mite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. If you feel bilious, headachy, con stipated and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a bot tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone for a few cents which is a harmless vege table substitute for dangerous calo mel. Take a spoonful and if it loesn’t start your liver and straight en you up better and quicker than nasty calomel and without making you sick, you just go back and get your money. Don’t take calomel! It makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson’s Liver Tone straightens you right up and you fee! great. No salts necessary. Give it to the children because it is perfect ly harmless and can not salivate. —. o Twenty-five students recently sail ed on the steamship Conte Rorro for .in educational tour of Italy, as guests of Banca di Napoli and a number of wealthy Americans of Italian extrac tion. WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS Lame every morning, achy and stiff all day, worse when it’s damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try the remedy your neighbors use. Ask your neighbor. Mrs. James Jackson, 118 Atlanta St., Barnesville, says: “When I stooped I got such a catch in the small of my back I became helpless and would have to be carried to my chair. Sharp pains constantly dart ed through the small of my back and he least move sent knife like pains through me. I became so dizzy I had to sit down until the spells passed as black specks came before my eyes. I had unbearable pains thru my head and my kidneys acted ir regularly. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and in a short time was cured of every sign of the trouble. I haven’t had any recurrence of the trouble.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil burn Cos., Mfrs . Buffalo, N. Y. —o Music is to become part of the daily instruction in the public schools of the Virgin Islands. This new cource will be under the supervision of Bandmaster Alton A. Adams, of the naval band. GOOD REALTY Large and small farms for sale. Also vacant lots and homes in the city. All at reasonable prices. GREENE REALTY CO. Elliott Building Bamesville, Ga. PRIZES AWARDED Mr*. C. O. Summer* For Prebyterian Church Win* Firtt Prize. The News-Gazette advertising con test came to a close Thursday after noon last week at 6 o’clock. Before it closed there developed quite a lively interest and there was spirited rival ry between quite a number of peo ple. If a number of those who were in at the last had been active earlier in the contest the result might have been different. The ballots were placed in a box Thursday afternoon and the box sealed up and kept unopened until Friday, when a committe composed of Mayor W. T. Summers, Clerk S. J. Childers and Mr. E. Langford, cash ier of the Barnesville Bank, opened the box and began to canvas and count the votes. It was a big job, requiring diligent work for several hours, not until late in the afternoon was the count completed As soon as the count was finished and verified the results were an nounced by the committee, which is published below. Mrs. C. 0. Summers for the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian church was awarded frst prize of $5O; Mrs. C. M. Dunn for the Wo man’s Bible class of the First Baptist church the second prize of $25; Miss Mattie Gordy the third of $l5 and so on, according to the list, through the eleventh. Decision of Judges. Georgia, Lamar County, August 18, 1922. We, the undersigned, having been asked by the News-Gazette to act as a committee to canvas and count the votes in the News-Gazette advertising contest, certify that after a careful investigation into all the votes de posited and found in the box we find the persons whose names appear on the attached sheet to be entitled to the prizes offered in the contest. Respectfully submitted, E. LANGFORD, S. J! CHILDERS, W. T. SUMMERS, Committee. The Liit. 1. Mrs. C. O. Summers. 2. Woman’s Bible Class. 3. Miss Mattie Gordy. 4. Mrs. McEwen. 5. E. M. Jones. 6. Charlie Walker. 7. Mrs. J. W. Adams. ' 8. J. C. Fisher. 9. H. C. Dumas. 10. A. E. Bush. 11. Mrs. A. E. Sealey. APPRECIATES VOTE I wish to thank the citizens of the city for the splendid vote given me in the City Primary Monday. It was a generous expression of confidence which I very greatly appreciate and in return I shall strive earnestly to render valuable service in an effort to promote the prosperity of Barnes ville. Very respectfully, E. G. HORNE. CONGRESSMAN WISE HERE Congressman J. W. Wise of Fay etteville, who is a candidate for re election this year, was in Bamesville a day or two the past week and cir culated among the people of the city and community. He expressed him self as being very much pleased with his prospects for re-election. A SCHOOL BARBECUE The Teacher and Patrons of Chap pel School gave a barbecue at the school house at Chappel’s Tuesday, which was largely attended and which proved to be an event of much pleasure to all who attended. Miss Elizabeth Hightower is the teacher and has done a fine work there. She is greatly appreciated by the patrons and students. The barbecue was an informal af fair and was given with the view of emphasizing the school and educa tional interests of that community. There was an abundance of barbecue, splendidly cooked and seasoned, served with other good things to eat, making a magnificent dinner. Miss Hightower had a number of her pupils to sing a number of songs which were well rendered, after which the people mingled socially for an hour or two, all expressing pleas ure at being present. o Whirling beetles, while insects, spend their lives on the surface of the water. . o STOVE AND FIRE WOOD—Sawed to fit your stove and grate. $2.00 per half cord. Howard Lumber Cos. Call Phone 74—2 Rings. tf. A school to train labor leaders is to be established in Cincinnati by the American Federation of Labor. Lumber.prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA Barnesville Cash Market Stalled feed Beef and Pork before killing,kept on Cold Storage before cutting, giving it a better flavor. Handled through double screen ing, making it more Sanitary. Come to see us. Cask Market Market Street Barnesville, Georgia REDUCED ROUND TRIP FARES for SUMMER TRAVEL. To MOUNTAIN,LAKE and SEASHORE in the North, South, East or West. Tybee, “Where Ocean Breezes Blow”, also [Brunswick, 6a., Atlantic Beacn, Pablo Beach, Mayport, Jacksonville, Panama'City, Fla., on the South Allzniic Cost. New York, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New England resorts, also diverse route fares to New York and Boston, via Savannah and Steamship. These fares incluDe meals and berth aboard ship. Season and Week-End Fares lo seashore, lake and mountain rescrls in the South east and lo all parts of the United Stales and Canada. These substantial re ductions in passenger fares will enable you lo travel cheaper than you have in the patt six years. For total fares, train schedules, routes, service, sleeping car, parlor car and steamship accommoda tions, ask the nearest agent of the CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY —The Right Way— ARROW CARBOLINEUM Used For Three Distinct Purposes Preserves Wood Everywhere-- Applies Nut Brown Color: Suitable for Stain ing Bungalows and Farm Buildings Kills Chicken Mites In Poultry Houses-- Applied ONCE A YEAR—See Guarantee. Keeps Flies From Cattle, Horses and Hogs-- You can make the best fly spray—See our directions. GUARANTEE We guarantee that one thorough application ot Arrow Garbolineum, either by brush or sprayer, lo the interior walls, dropping boards, roosts, etc., of such buildings, after a previous cleaning, and no matter whether they are ot wood, lar paper, or plaster, will extermi nate mites in same for a whole year. For Sale only by BARNESVILIE HD’W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING.