The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 14, 1922, Image 2

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Goodbye Boils! Are yen “op to the Berk" In blood Im >orltte.T 8.8.8. U one of the grwiteit . fclood-purlilem known. Try It* | THROUGH OUR MEMBERSHIP in the Federal Reserve Banking System we are placed in a stronger position than ever before to take care of the requirements of all our depositors, whether large or small, whether they keep checking or savings accounts; and at the same time to give them the most modern banking service. Why not open an account with us and begin at once to participate in these benefits and the additional pro tection which this system gives to your money deposited with us? BARNESVILLE BANK STATE DEPOSITORY H. G. JORDAN & SON. i i ' 1 Market St. Barnesville, Ga. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Get our Prices Before Buying TIRES At a PRICE 34x4 FABRICK $17.50 33x4 “ 16.75 32x4 “ 16.25 30x3 1-2 “ 9.50 30x3 “ 8.50 34x4 CORDS $24.00 33x4 “ 23.50 32x4 “ 22.75 30x31-2 “ 13.75 J. W. CARRIKER 12 Zebulon St. Barnesville, Ga. LET US DO YOUR JOB JPRINTING. S. S. S. Will Rid You of Both, Pimple., Blackhead, and Skin Eruption*. A boll Is ft volcano, —your Mood In 80 chuck full of poisons that theso “boll" out Into a boll. Tlfey'll keep “boiling- up" until you destroy them completely by the use of 9. S. 9., ono of the most powerful blood-cleansers known to science. 9. 9. 9. has stood the test of time. The power of its Ingredients is acknowledged by auth orities. Its medicinal Ingredients aro guaranteed to be purely vegetable, plight off. It clears the skin of plm- Iples, boils, blotches, blackheads, acne, leczema, rash and other skin eruptions, land does It thoroughly. It drives out lot the blood Impurities which cause ■rheumatism, makes the blood rich and pure builds up lost flesh. It helps to manufacture new blood cells, —that’s one of its secrets. S. S. 9. Is sold at all drug stores, In two sizes. The lv ger size U the more economical. GENERAL PRESENTMENTS To the Honorable W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court of Lamar county, officers of the court and citizens of the county: We, the Grand Jury, drawn for and serving in this, the September Term of Superior Court of Lamar county, respectfully submit the fol lowing? general presentments: Equipment, and Building. We find the road equipments hard ly adequate but in fair and good con dition, particularly fourteen mules which were in fine condition, two mules slightly crippled. The court house and county offices are in good shape and well kept. The county is to be congratulated on having so splendid a county jail at such a small cost. We find it to be thoroughly adequate for years to come and in perfect sanitary condition. County Officer. Having examined the books and records of the Ordinary, Clerk of the court, Sheriff, Treasurer, Tax Re ceiver, Justice Court dockets and Tax Collector, through our different committees, gladly certify to the neatness and accuracy and faithful ness with which the same are kept. Special mention we feel should be made of the report by B. H. Hardy, Ordinary. It sets forth that the county is not in debt but had a bal ance of something like two thousand dollars left from the taxes of 1921. He also stated that the expenditures for the year of 1922 will be well un der the income for the current year. This result has been obtained through the special efforts of Mr. Hardy, who has sacrificed his own business and spent his money in some cases in consummating under difficulties his plans. For this we feel the thanks of the county are due him. Schools Our committee on county schools beg leave to make the following re port: We find that it is not the duty of this committee to make a detailed report on the books of the county school superintendent since this grand jury provided for an annual report by a paid auditor on the books of all the county officers, this report to be made at the meeting of the first grand jury of each year. We feel constrained, however, to say from our knowledge of the schools and from reports coming in that the schools in the different parts of the county have started their fall terms in good order, considering the age of the county and means at hand. We wish to commend our county board of education and superintend ent for the progress made up to this time and feel that their labors are along right lines, and that in a short time the system of schools will be thoroughly organized and will be sec ond to none in this part of the state. Taxes The report which the Ordinary made before our body showed that due to a reduction of tax values of nearly $200,000.00 for 1922, con fined largely to personal property, the county tax rate had to be in creased SI.OO per SIOOO.OO for the year 1922. The state tax rate is five mills, and county school tax rate is five mills, making a total of $21.00 per SIOOO.OO for the county at large. We find that there is still uncol lected for 1921 about $1600.00 coun ty tax, and a proportionate share for the state. Executions have been is sued and leviek made for its collec tion and it is expected that much of this amount will soon be in hand. Under the extremely hard financial conditions which have existed we think this is a fair record for our county. We find that quite a number of those who are required under the law to register with the Ordinary and pay a special tax have failed to do so, notwithstanding we are informed by our county officials that repeated efforts have been made by them to' get the parties to do so. This is an important matter and unless the law is complied with we urge our officials to present all such parties to the grand jury for indictment as the law requires. Law and Order W feel that our county is to be congratulated on its observance of law and order. We have experienced no crime wave such as has visited many other counties and sections, and our investigations convince us that even the normal amount of crime is on the decrease among our people. There has been some vio lations of the present prohibition law but our officers have been dili gent in their efforts to enforce this law. and the efforts have been re warded with gratifying success. We earnestly hope that the citizens of our county as a whole will not only stand firmly for the law, but that they will frown upon every tendency to set it aside in the punishment of crime, for only within the law is there security for eur lives, liberty, and property. tn several instances we note that fine* for violating the laWB, more ee- MR. AND MRS. DUNN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. €. M. Dunn enter tained at a beautiful dinner party Thursday evening at their home in compliment to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Prout. The table, beautifully appointed in every detail, had in the center a sil ver basket filled with a graceful ar rangement of marigolds in two shades of yellow, while under the basket was a large plate mirror sur rounded by beautiful asters of two shades of pink mixed with maiden hair fern. An elegant five-course dinner was served by little Misses Annie Kate Dunn and Dorothy Tyus, with Miss Sallie Howard assisting. The color scheme of pink and yellow was very effective. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Prout, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Daniel and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dunn. So numerous are mossuitoes in some localities in South America, that the wretched inhabitants sleep with their bodies covered with sand three or four inches deep, the head only being left out, which they cover with a handkerchief. n Dr. Charles Sheard was the first American to receive the highest hon ors the British Optical society can bestow, when he was invited to ap pear before the Imperial college of London and deliver the Sir Thomas Young memorial lecture. THAT KNIFE-UKE PAIN Is Only One of Nature’s Warnings of Weak or Disordered Kidneys. Have you a lame back, aching day and night? Do you feel sharp pains after stooping? Are the kidneys sore? Is their action irregular? Use Doan’s Kidney Pills-r-the medi cine recommended by so many Barnesville people. Ask your neigh bor! Mrs. Mattie Willis, 328 Central Ave., Barnesville, says: “When standing at my ironing I had a heavy, dull ache through the small of my back and had to sit down and rest. When I stooped I had a terrible, knife-like pain through the small of my back and when I tried to straight en, a catch came in my back and it was difficult to get up. My kidneys didn’t act right and I used Doan’s Kidney Pills, bought at the Lamar County Drug Cos. After using Doan’s I was freed of the trouble and an occasional use of Doan’s keeps my kidneys in fine shape.” 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil burn Cos., Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. pecially those forbidding the making and selling of whiskey, have been entirely too small, where imposed by the city court. This body feels that fines should be imposed that would be heavy enough to have a detrrent effect. Special Recommendations We recommend that the Ordinary employ an auditor to go over the books of each county officer from the beginning of the county up to Jan uary 1, 1923, and yearly thereafter up to January of each year. This report to be given to each March Grand Jury’. We also recommend that all jurors receive $2.00 per day, court bailiffs $2.00 per day and riding bailiffs $4.00 per day for their services. We also recommend that our rep resentative take the necessary steps to have the city court of Lamar coun ty abolished and we hope that future grand juries will make the same recommendation. We feel that the city court is too large an expense for the good it does, and its work could be done by the superior court. We feel that the governor should give farmers first consideration when appointments are made to fill vacan cies on the board of trustees for the agricultural schools of the State. We wish to extend our thanks to his honor. W. E. H. Searcy, Jr., and to the solicitor, E. M. Owen, for the courtesies extended and services ren dered us by them. We also wish to thank our foreman, clerk and chap lain for their efforts to serve our county ami our body faithfully. We request that the clerk of the Superior Court furnish a copy of these presentments to our governor, also a copy to the Barnesville News- Gazette with the request that same be published at the usual charge. This, Sept. 7, 1922. 0. W. HOLLAND, Foreman. W. T. SUMMERS, Clerk. *' Ordered that these general pre sentments be entered on the minutes court and be published as recom mended. Sept. 7, 1922. Win. E. H. SEARCY, * . i. S. C. F. C. Children Cry for Fletcher’s CASTORIA The Band You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of s* - on the wrapper all these years //> . just t 0 Protect the coming generations. Do not be deceived. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. Never attempt to relieve your baby with a remedy that you would use for yourself. What is CASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Comfort —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS sy Bears the Signatureof^^^gp In Use For Over 30 Years jh The Kind You Have Always Bought ® THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. New Fall Novelties Are coming in, consisting of late designs in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and SILVER. Come in and inspect them. J. H BATE & CO. JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS BARNESVILLE, GA. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA Barnesville Cash Market Stalled feed Beef and Pork before killing,kept on Cold Storage before cutting, giving it a better flavor. Handled through double screen ing, making it more Sanitary. a Come to see us. The Barnesville Cash Market Market Street Barnesville, Georgia