The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 21, 1922, Image 7

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CRAMPS, PAINS AND BACKACHE ■ - * St. Louis Woman Relieved by Lydia E. Veg etable Compound St. Louis, Mo.—“l was bothered with crhmps and pains every month and TiiiiiiillElHMHll '1 backache and limmyi!! had to go to bed as l ; could not work. My f* mother and my M whole family always .•* 1| took Lydia E. Pink w* a ham’s Vegetable m: J!. | Compound for such • ; troubles and they 11K , induced me "to try it ' (1 I it has helped me jlj! } very much. I don’t | have cramps any mnrp and I can do my housework all through the month. I recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends for female troubles.” — Mrs. Della Scholz, 1412 Salisbury Street, St. Louis, Mo. ' Just think for a moment. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound haa been in use for nearly fifty years. It is prepared from medicinal plants, by the utmost pharmaceutical skill, and supe rior methods. The ingredients thus combined in the Compound correct the conditions which cause such annoying symptoms as had been troubling Mrs. Scholz. The Vegetable Compound exer cises a restorative influence of the most desirable character, correcting the trou ble in a gentle but efficient manner. This is noted, by the disappearance, one after another, of the disagreeable symptoms. THIS COUPON and gg CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO A 50 CENTS BOX OF KANT-LEAK PATCHING WHICH IS GUARAN TEED PERMANENT repair BARNESVILLE AUTO COMPANY Cadillac, Studebaker, Chevrolet Bamesville, Georgia ASPIRIN Say “Bayer” and Insist! Unless you see the name “Bayer" on package or* on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over twenty two years and proved safe by mil lions for , Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Earache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain. Pain Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bot tles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. Your vision is priceless. Consult us for optical work.—J. H. Bate & Cos., Optical Specialists* Every size CHAMPION MAZDA and NITROGEN Lamps —10 to 200 Watts. They give most light at LEAST COST. BARNESVILLE HD’W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Chamber, Sept. 8, 1922. New Council called to order’ by Mayor Summers. Present Aldermen Anderson, Cole man, Batson, Horne, Stocks and Klugh. The Mayor arose and made a few remarks of welcome to the newly elected Aldermen, pledging his full cooperation in ttll that tended to the upbuilding and the best interests of ( the city. Aldermen Horne, Stocks and Klugh were duly installed into office, taking the Oath under Capt. E. J. Murphey, J. P. The election of officers and em ployees for the ensuing year and the fixing of salaries attached to each was inorder, and Council upon mo tion went into executive session for that purpose, the result of same be ing as follows: For City Attorney—C. Christopher. For City Physician—Dr. D. W. Pritchett. For Clerk and Treasurer—E. L. Cook. For Chief of Police—W. S. Riviere. For Deputy Marshall —J. B. Bush. For Deputy Marshall—W. W. Evans. For Supt. of Light and Water Dept.—O. J. Hermann, Jr. For Electrician at Pump Station — J. A. Matthews. For Electrician at Sub-Station— H. W. Carson. For Electrician at Sub-Station— C. Rodgers. The hiring of two drivers for Sani tary Department was, upon motion, left to the Street and Public Prop erty Committee. •The following salaries wei-e, upon motion, fixed for the year: Per Year City Attorney SIOO.OO Mayor * 400.00 Alderman j__ 120.00 Chief of Fire Dept 25.00 Per Mo. Clerk and Treasurer 137.50 Chief of Police 100.00 Deputy Marshalls (2) each.. 90.00 Supt. Light & Water 150.00 Electrician Pump Station-.?- 85.00 Electricians at Sub-Station (two) each 15.00 Upon motion and unanimously passed, Alderman Anderson was elected Mayor Pro Tern for the year. The Mayor announced his standing Committees for the year as follows: Finance— S. Batson, E. L. Cole man, G.* S. Klugh. Streets —D. L. Anderson, G. S. Klugh. Light and Water —E. L. Coleman, E. G. Horne, C. E .Stocks. Tax —E. G. Horne, S. Batson, C. E. Stocks.* Ordinance — C. .E. Stocks, G. S. Klugh, S. Batson. Health— G. S. Klugh, E. L. Cole man, D. L. Anderson. Petitions —C. E. Stocks, D. L, An derson, E. L. Coleman. Nuisance —E. G. Horne, S. Bat son, D. L. Anderson. The fixing of annual appropriations was next in ordefr and, the following were, upon motion, passed: Schools $5500.00 Carnegie Library 1000.00 ■Cemetery Association 200.00 Tl*e contract for city printing was, upon motion and passed, left to Streets and Public Property Commit tee. . The payment of $7.50 per month for care of fire apparatus was upon motion discontinued. A motion by Alderman Batson, the passed unani mousdy, that the newly elected depuy marshall be required to pur chase a uniform and cap, the same not to exceed $35.00, the said amount to be refunded at the end of six months. The Mayor instructed Ordinance Committee to have their recommendations for business and special licenses ready so that same could be heard and passed on at next regular meeting of Council. Nothing further for consideration, Council upon motion adjourned. W. T. SUMMERS, Mayor. E. L. COOK, Clerk & Treas.* Council Chamber, Sept. 8, 1922. Council called to order by Mayor Summers. Present Aldermen Hammond, An derson, Batson, Suggs and Coleman. Absent, Alderman Jordan. Minutes of previous meeting read and upon motion adopted. Alderman Suggs, Chairman Health Committee, reported that an inspec tion of the plant making chocolate milks, the product of same being sold in the city, had been inspected and the sanitary condition of same being found satisfactory. Finance Committee submitted the following bills duly approved and recommended payment and upon mo tion and passed the same were or dered paid: W. H. Crowder $ 49.50 L. C. Tyus, Sec. & Treas. -.1375.00 Salaries / Arthur Williams 77.50 A. O. Bennett, Jr 21.25 W. W. Evans 25.00 H. H. Holmes 70.00 This being the close of fiscal year the following reports were in order, the same being submitted and upon motion and passed ordered adopted, filed and made a part of the minutes, to-wit: Quarterly and annual reports of the Clerk and Treasurer and Chief of Police, and the annual reports of Treasurer of Carnegie Library, Sup erintendent of Light and Water De partment and Chief of Fire Depart ment. The closf of fiscal year marked the close of the term of office of Aider men Hammond, Suggs and Jordan, and accordingly Aldermen Suggs and Hammond (Alderman Jordan being absent) arose to retire, the Mayor, for Council and himself, extended thanks and appreciation for valued services rendered during their terms of office, both Aldermen in turn ex pressing thanks for courtesies ex tended them during their service with the city government. For some months past the physical condition of Alderman Jordan had prevented him from taking an active parf*in his Aldermanic duties, but Council was not unmindful of his long and faithful service and it was with .extreme regret that his term of office had closed. Nothing further, Council upon mo tion adjourned sine die. W. T. SUMMERS, Mayor. E. L. COOK, Clerk & Treas. Barnesville, Ga., Sept. 8, 1922. To the Honorable Mayor and Gentle men of City Council: I have the honor to submit this my report for the Quarter, beginning June Bth, 1922, and endyig Septem ber Bth, 1922. RECEIPTS To balance cash in banks June Bth, 1922 $ 5,133.13 To interest on taxes 120.15 To business licenses 1,034.00 To special licenses 10.00 To light and water rev— 6,446.60 To water and sewer taps. 140.00 To sale cemetery lots 15.00 To burial permits 81.00 To back tax and fi fas 2,549.20 To fines and forfeitures. _ 150.50 To capitation tax 441.00 To paving 379.34 To sundries as follows: M. Chaite 10.00 Phone calls on 18 9.37 Total receipts for Quar $16,519.35 DISBURSEMENTS General Government By cash, salaries $ 717.50 By cash, streets, bridges.. 470.13 By cash, care of stock #B.IB By cash, public buildings and repairs 138.07 By cash, insurance 106.25 By cash, office supplies, printing and postage 122.7.‘. By cash, office furniture and fixtures 29.37 By cash, elections T . 9.00 Sundries as follows: Dobbs & Barrett 200.00 Tax assessors 100.00 H. D. Mclntosh 2.50 J. M. Martin 14.00 L. 3. Mangham 20.00 $ 1,997.73 Light and Water Department By cash, salaries, wages. _$ 892.00 By cash, electric curtent. 3,349.82 By cash, fuel and oil 33.27 By cash, freight, express. 44.48 By cash, repairs 145.66 By cash, supplies 431.53 -f 4,896.76 Police Department By cash, salaries $ 600.00 By cash, maintenance of prisoners 14.20 By cash, extra service— 230.00 $ 844.20 Fire Department By cash, salaries and fire service $ 60.00 By cash, equipment and purchases 50.70 $ 110.70 Sanitary Department By cash, salaries $ 300.00 By cash, sewer extensions 2.00 $ 302.00 Appropriations By cash, Maintenance of schools $ 1,375.00 B\ cash, Carnegie library. 250.00 By cash .cemetery assn 100.00- $ 1,725.00 Bonds, Loans and Interest By cash, interest on loans_s 434.00 By cash, interest on bonds 2,371.63 $ 2,805.63 Total disbursements for Quarter $12,682.02 By balance cash in banks. 3,837.33 $16,519.35 Respectfully submitted, E. L. COOK,' Clerk and Treasurer. Barnesville, Ga.,. Sept. 8, 1922. To the Honorable Mayor and Gentle men of City Council: I have the honor to submit this my report for the year beginning on September Btfl, 1921, and ending on September Bth, 1922. RECEIPTS To balance cash in banks Sept. Bth, 1921 $ 694.46 To current tax 16,072.28 To tax not on digest. 88.00 To interest on taxes i_ 120.15 To business licenses 3,466.25 To special licenses 85.00 To light and water rev 25,760.32 To water.and sewer taps. 211.62 To sale cemetery lots 215.00 To burial permits 115.00 To back tax and fi fas 6,017.81 To fines and forfeitures.. 744.25 To capitation t,ax 614.00 To paving 914.82 To loans 1 3,600.00 To interest and deprecia (Continued on Last Page) Perfect Comfort on the Longest Tour The 1923 Buick Six Touring Sedan — $ 1935 Large Luggage Trunk The handsome luggage trunk carried on the rear of the touring sedan models Je as practical as it is striking. It will carry a suitcase or small luggage mo that the passengers need not be ineon vent enced. J. W. CARRIKER BUICK MERCHANT BARNESVILLE,GA. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL WJIU) IHEM Y Satisfies the sweet tooth \ and aids appetite and digestion. g* } Cleanses mouth and teeth. r - \ A great boon to smokers, \ relieving hot, dry mouth. \ Combines pleasure and m xkL \ benefit. Don’t miss the joy of the new WRI6LEYS P-K—the sugar coated peppermint tid bit! For touring to the “Big Game” this fall, driving on the boulevard, or slipping along a country road in the hazy sunshine of Indian Summer, this smart new Buick six-cylinder touring sedan offers a degree, of comfort that cannot be surpassed. Long and low in appearance, it affords perfect riding ease and comfort for five passengers. Its well-knit chassis, new cantilever springs and strong frame take up the jars and jolts of the country road. Broad plate glass windows give a wide vision to all occupants, while protecting them from chilling winds. Added warmth is provided by a heater. The interior of the Fisher built body is finished in handsome plush with individual seats in front. Driving convenience is assured by a longer steering column at a lower angle, complete instrument panel and longer gear shift lever. The Buick Li nr- for 1023 cbmpfic fourteen model*: Four*— 2 Pans. Koadittr, $865; 5 Pay*. Touring, SHHS; 3 Pas*. Coupe, $1175; 5 Pa**. Sedan, $1395; 5 Pas*. Touring Sedan. $1325. Size* 2 Pas*. Roadster, $1175; 5 P*s Touring. $1195; 5 Pan*. Touring Sedan, $1935; r Pan*. Sc n, sl9ds; 4 Ps. Coupe, $1895; 7 Pans. Tourinu. $14.35; 7 Pass. S~dari. £2195; Sport Roadster, $1625; Sport Touring. $1675. Price* f. b. Buirk Fart'>ries. Ark about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan, which provide* for Deferred Poymonr*. JL3O-8-NP