The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, September 28, 1922, Image 3

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WOMAN TOO WEAKTO WALK Now Works Nine Hoars a Day.— Lydia E. Pickham’s Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength Union Village, Vt. —“I was weal: and nervous and ail run-down. 1 could not Pi walk across the floor without resting and I had been that way for weeks. I saw your advertisement in the paper and after tak ing one bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s V e tab 1 e Com lt was doing me and I took seven more in *>: l. all. Before I finished i.ii... 11 was able to work nine hours a day in a steam laundry. I cahnot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust ail sick and suffering wwnen will take it. It has two years since I took it and I am strong and well. ” —Mrs L. A. Guimann, Union Village, Vermont This is only one of such letters we are continually publishing showing what Lydia E. Pinkhara has done for women, and whether you werk or not Mrs. Gaimann’s letter should interest you, Many women get into a weak, nervous run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Co mpound at the first sign of trouble. Good health is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. I Every size CHAMPION MAZDA and NITROGEN Lamps—lo to 200 Watts. They give most light at LEAST COST. BARNESVILLE HD'W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA WITH AN AMUSEMENT PROGRAM ABSOLUTELY UNRIVALLED-FEATURING MORE - EXCLUSIVE FEATURES THAN EVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE FAIR - •~BIX DAYS THOROUGHBRED RUNNING RACES D A /-fTC THREE DAYS WORLD’S CHAMPIONSHIP OCTOBER 16-21 AUTO RACES—OCTOBER 12, 13, 14 The Greatest Racing Program Ever Presented In the History of the Southeastern Fair, WORLD’S FOREMOST VAUOEVILLE, PRESENTING THE BIGGEST THRILLS OF 1522. 12 Big Grandstand Acts. MAGNIFICENT FIREWORKS AND FREE MOVING PICTURES EVERY NIGHT * NATIONAL HOG AND CATTLE SHOW The Greatest Assembly of Pure Bred Livestock Ever Seen at a Southern Fair. MILLION DOLLAR LIVESTOCK PARADE, Friday, October 20. , MAMMOTH POULTRY SHOW# Featuring official show of the District Rhode Island Red Club of America. A banner year for the Poultry Breeders at the Southeaster); Fair. Reduced Rates on All Railroads. Ask Your Agent or Address R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary, Box 1006, Atlanta, tia. • Admission 50c: Children 25c; School Day 15c to. all, attending; public or.prlvat* school. Write for Free Premium List; I SOUTHEASTERN FAIR ASSOCIATION R. M. STRIPLIN, Secretary. Atlaj\ta-Qetafaerl22l FREE FOR OUR READERS We have made arrangements whereby every housewife who reads this paper can obtain a copy of “Re liable Recipes” absolutely free of charge by simply writing the Home Economics Department of the Calu met Baking Powder Cos., 4100-28 Fillmore Street, Chicago, 111. “Reliable Recipes” contains 70 pages of recipes and other informa tion appreciated by every housewife. It is illustrated in colors and will prove quite helpful in preparing the daily menu. We have also made aiTangements with Calumet Baking Powder Cos. whereby their Home Economics De partment will cheerfully answer all questions pertaining to cooking, kitchen equipment, etc. There is absolutely no charge for this ser vice. Write the Home Economics De partment of the Calumet Baking Powder Cos., 4100-28 Fillmore St., Chicago, 111., today for a copy of “Reliable Recipes.” No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an na hearthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regn larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and act as a general Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispei the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health ” Pleasant to take. GOc per bottle. They are GOOD! IU THE PARABLE OF THE FROG UNDER THE BRIDGE Once upon a time there was a frog who lived in a nice, dark damp house at the end of a brook where it came forth from the lake. For there had been a place where they raised cran berries, and they led the water forth in its season and flooded the cran berry meadow. But that was in the daysv of yore, for the cranberry meadow hath no more cranberry. And the frog had a nice, dark damp house, under a bridge, with the lake at one end and the little brook at the other, and on the sides were planks. And I came unto this place in the good old summer time, and I beheld and said, That little brook is all to the good, for a spring feedeth it, and the water floweth; but the dam is old ,and the planks are decayed, and the place leaketh, and maketh pools where mosquitoes may breed. Go to, now, we will tear out the old bridge, and fill in the flume with gravel, and wall it in with stones. And this closed one chapter in the cranberry industry of our great na tion. Now the men who worked for me pulled away a plank. And the frog was in terror. For he said, The oof of mine house is broken up, and the sky is about to fall in upon me. And they tore off another plank, and the frog was in more terror. And the sun looked in, and there was nothing hid from the heat thereof. And they tore off some more plank. Then began they to shovel in the gravel, for they said, Behold, we have tom away the supports, and the water presseth hard against the planks at the end; and if it once shall get started through here, we shall not be able to stop it; therefore must we shovel hard. And they cast gravel in on the right side, and the frog jumped to the left side. And they cast gravel in on the left side, and he jumped back to the right side. And they cast'more gravel in on the JOHNNY J. JONES’ Exposition Shows, with the Lakewood Attractions, will Offer the Greatest MIDWAY Ever Seen at Any Fair or Exposition BIGGEST AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTU RAL EXHIBITION EVER SEEN IN THE SOUTH, With Displays of Boys’ and Girls' Club Work. GREAT RADIO EXPOSITION right side, and he tried to climb up the planks at the end toward the lake. And his eyes bulged out, and hi sheart beat so hard that his sides shook. And I spake unto the men, saying, Stop, and let one of you climb down and cause that frog to jump out to ward the brook; for what profit shall it be to us to hurt one of God’s crea tures? And when the man jumped down, then was the frog more terrified than ever; ami he jumped several ways at once. But in spite of himself* he jumped out into the brook, and there he was safe. Now the men shoveled in many loads of gravel and filled up that house that had been the frog’s. But he found another house in the brook, where he could sit on a nice slippery stone, with water up to his neck. And he said Honk, honk, honk, which is frog language and meaneth, This is a good old world. And I thought of the many and startling changes that come in this world to frogs and philosophers, and I resolved to be as brave as the frog. —Watchman-Examiner of New York. A TONIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. WARFARE, ON BOLL WEEVIL Warfare on the boll weevil— called a “Billion Dollar Bug”—has been declared by Georgia agricul turists, looking toward the cotton crop of 1923. It is estimated according to sta tistics, that the weevil did a total damage of a half billion dollars to the 1921 cotton crop alone. A bill for this year remains to be present ed. The winter of 1921-22, it is stated, was peculiarly favorable to the insects hibernation, and in some sections conditions have been fa vorable for their propagation. Hundreds of schemes proposed range fropi hand-picking the weevils to setting certain species of ants upon their trail. Some have pro posed leaving all fields clear of cot ton for a season. Dr. A. M. Soule, president of the State College of Agriculture, at Athens, Ga., has issued a statement on the subject of the weevil through the agricultural department of the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railway, which has launched a cam paign for fighting the boll weevil. “Now is the time to fight the boll weevil so as best to insure the pro duction of a satisfactory crop of cot ton in 1923,” said Dr. Soule. “An active and uniform campaign on the part of our growers will give this in sect a setback from which it will take him some time to recover. “Weevils that are now in the im mature bolls are to furnish the seed crop for 1923. If not destroyed in the course of the next few days or weeks, they will go into hibernation. “If we can prevent the weevil from going into hibernation in a highly matured and vigorous condi tion, we have therefore minimized his chances of survival very ma terially. • “The procedure 'to follow when this is done is immediately to rip up the cotton stalks. It is much bet ter to plow them down and bury them completely. r “Let. us spare no effort to destroy the stalks in every field in Georgia just as rapidly, as possible.” The Key That Unlocks the Door to Long Living. The men of eigHty-five and ninety years of age are not the rotutid, well fed. hut thin, spare men, who live on a slender diet. Be as careful as he will, however, a map-past middle age will occasionally Cat too much or of some article of food not suited to h/is constitution, causing indigestion or constipation and will need a dose of Chamberlain’s Tablets to move his bowels and invigorate his stomach. When this is done, there ifi no reason why the average man should not live to a ripe old age. The London waterworks system will shortly possess the largest reser voir in the world. It has been un der construction for ten years and when completed will have a capacity of 0,500,000,000 gallons. o The Vatican contains 11,000 apartments. o- Habitual Constipation Cured ln 14 to 21 Days •■ ' - “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative fpr Habitual Constipation It relieves prornpUv but j should be takeft regulaflf for rt to Ti days to induce regular acHofi."' k Stimulates jfid * Very; Weasant to. .’Hake ‘•Wc pep bottle. , . . ’ .* foot foments 15Pluid Pracjgj | jy pTriniffliß] I PER GEWt f AVe^ctahlclVcpwatioaWM* , similntin£thcFoodbjrlte6id®^ j Thereby Promoting ** 1 ‘ ChecdMncss i\ neither OpiaiaMorphincnJ I] Mineral. Not Narcotic i | Bt&caf ouifcSMMflflHßL i AmtptntSmf \ Senna t| I I I A helpful | Constipation and Diarrhea 1 and Feverishness^ i Loss OF SLM-P I! facsimile Si^L 0 * Exact Copy of Wrapper. TIRES At a PRICE 34x4 FABRICK $17.50 33x4 “ 16.75 32x4 “ 16.25 30x3 1-2 “ 9.50 30x3 “ 8.50 34x4 CORDS $24.00 33x4 “ 23.50 32x4 • “ 22.75 30x3 1-2 “ 13.75 J. W. CARRIKER 12 Zebulon St. Barnesville, Ga. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on 9 Barnes ville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To. Build With” BARNES VILLE, GEORGIA New Fall Novelties Are coming in, consisting of late designs in W ATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and SILVER. Come in and inspect them. J. H BATE & CO JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS ; ;;y EARNESVILLE, GA. i. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always / . Bears the s ' g TW ft Jfv to fur se W For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY.