The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, October 12, 1922, Image 8

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'ien Good Reasons Whips iff The ‘'Perfect Point*' \ jUI Pencil —with the perfect \ C-dDA writ mg point,eliminates \ Amu all duaiJvmtagei of the \ nw old pencil point and \ l* HI ushers in anew era of \ S fflf Perfect writing. \ 1. It k always sharp. \ 2. Makes continuous, 1 //# uniform line. I \ lpH U 3. Is perfectly balanced. \VJ H 4. Always ready,—-is )l ■ valuable tune saver. L/ HI 5. finest quality I I H eraser. | I / 6. Saves money — no Q and erasers to ¥ throw away. j J pR 7. Eraser always ready —no adju tments ~ I If necessary. 8. No complicated parts. TJ H m P ft,vr * fj jfl 10. Will last for yers. | ffl&tflect {Point | Th* Prnsil rfiali Always Sharp / Lamar County Drug Cos. J O LOCAL, PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS Mr. Emmett Elder of Winchester, Ga., for many years a citizen of Barnesville and for years postmaster here, was here Tuesday, and was given cordial greetings from many friends. We pay oar agents $50.00 to SIOO.OO per month for selling monu ments and tombstones during their spare time. We want a reliable man in your territory. Write the MARI ETTA MARBLE & STONE WORKS, Marietta, Ga. 10-26 WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. WANTS # to establish a sales and service agency in this community QVERLAND and Willys-Knight cars handled by one agency permits the live merchant to do business with those who desire a high-grade comfortable low priced car as well as those who desire the larger and more luxurious car at a medium price. W E invite comparison with other cars in the same • price class as to materials, construction, riding qualities and economy of operation. 'J'HE greatly increased demand for Overland and Willys-Knight cars is due largely to the expressed satisfaction and enthusiasm of our present owners. JNVESTIGATE the used car market and you will dis cover that used Overlands of present design move at good prices and Willys-Knight cars are rare among used car stocks. 'J'HE Overland line comprises 5 passenger touring, roadster, coupe and sedan. 'J'HE Willys-Knight line —5 and 7 passenger touring, roadster, coupe and 5 and 7 passenger sedan. I F , you have or can command the facilities to establish high-grade repair shop and local sales organization, write WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC. Sales Division, Toledo, Ohio Special Prices We are offering special prices on Men’s Furnishings, Shoes, Hats and Caps for Fair Week October 9th to 14th Come to see us when you visit the Fair. The Gent’s Furnishings Go. Pierce Hammond, Manager “We've Go! What You Want Or We'll 6e! It" STAFFORD BLOCK MAIN STREET Barnesville, Georgia JOHNSON—BURNS Mr. Cicero S. Burns of this city and Miss Annie Gertrude Johnson of Mt. Vernon, Ga., were married at Macon Sunday afternoon, October Bth. Dr. Owen, pastor of the First i Baptist church, performed the cere mony, the marriage taking place at the pastorium. Mrs. Bums is* an accomplished young lady and a graduate of the State Normal at Athens. She has held the position of teacher of Man ual Training at Gordon Institute the past year and has made many friends in the city. Mr. Burns is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bums of Barnes ville. He is connected with the Cen tral of Georgia Railway and his work is mostly in Atlanta. Hosts of friends congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Burns and wish them much happiness. After a few days’ stay in the city they will be at home in Atlanta. | ——v/ Your vision is priceless. Consult us for optical work.—J. H. Bate & Cos., Optical Specialists. * * * Mr. A. S. Fryer, of Shiloh, a for mer resident of this section and an estemed citizen of his community, and Mr. J. H. Bryan of Manchester, were in Barnesville Tuesday, attend ing Lamar County Fair. They were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Berry. ! FARM FOR SALE —92 acres, well ! improved; will sell part or all. Anyone interested write or call on C. P. Howard, Milner, Ga. 10-19 Miss Addie Myers, who has been a resident of Barnesville for a number j of years and who has hosts of friends throughout the community, left this week for where she expects to remain for some months. She stated that she hoped to be able to return to Barnesville some time to make this her home again. * * * FOR SALE—One desirable house and lot in Milner. Terms. — Rochelle Woodall, Milner, Ga. 10-13 GENUINE DRY CLEANING SAVES MONEY FOR YOU The Piedmont Way of Gen uine Dry Cleaning and Dye ing saves mony for you. No need to throw away clothes that have served you well. When you have sent them to Piedmont, you’ll be as proud of them as when they were new. PIEDMONT Laundry & Dry Cleaning Company 83 Trinity Avenue ATLANTA, GA. Parcel Pott Charges Paid One Way. MEETING OF THE FEDERATED CLUBS The Lamar County Federation of Woman’s Clubs met at Johns.tonville Wednesday afternoon, October sth. The meeting was hejd at the school building, one of the most up-to-date in the county. A committe met members of the Federation and visitors in the vesti bule and extended a courteous wel come. The spacious assembly room was tastily decorated for the oc casion, ferns and crimson dahlias predominating. Owing to the forethought of the hostess club the large audience was comfortably seated, chairs having been placed in the isles and around the rostrum. The President, Mrs. George God dard of Milner, called the meeting to order and invited the presidents of the clubs to take seats with the of ficers of . the County Federation. There are six clubs in the county and all are showing marvelous growth. The address of welcome by Mrs. J. B. Fleming of Johnstonville made the clubs feel it was good to be there and the feeling was echoed in the happy response. Mrs. R. C. Johnson of Zebulon, president of the Sixth District Fed eration, was introduced and greeted with enthusiasm. Cooperation was the key-note of her timely address. Mss. W. A. Farley made an inter esting talk on the responsibility of mothers under new conditions. A discussion on the duties of citi zenship emphasized the duties near est at hand and recommended that the clubs nourish the ambition to be come a power which can put men in office on their own true worth. The program was interspersed with sweet music. The most important business trans acted was the annual election of of ficers. The 'committee on nomina tions, Mrs. Fleming of Johnstonville, Mrs. Holmes, of Milner, and Mrs. Reeves of Bamesville, found their deliberations a difficult problem since the six clubs can boast a member ship of unusual ability. In nomi nating Miss Mattie Tyus for Presi dent the chairman stated that every district in the county had an equal claim on her time and talent and it was merely a matter of convenience that her home and office was in the Barnesville district. The nomina tion of Mrs. Grady Dumas as vice president was well supported by the great things she and her co-workers have accomplished for the Redbone club. Mrs. Goddard was nominated for Secretary and Treasurer, which proved much appreciation of her faithful service since the organiza tion of the Lamar Federation. The nominees were unanimously elected. The retiring officers were reward ed with the repeated plaudit of duty well done. After adjournment the Johnston ville club suddenly turned on a lovely social affair. When delicious re freshments were being served many hand-clasps and happy greetings of neighbors, friends and acquaintances were exchanged and Hie good cheer that prevailed were enough to make such occasions worth while even if weightier matters were not weighed in the balance. Mrs. J. M. Anderson offered a resolution of thanks to the Johnston ville club for its beautiful hospitality which met with a wave of cheering approval. The next meeting of ,the Lamar County Federation will meet at Mil ner. Hie Quinine Tiiat uocs Nat Afreet ths Em-: ’realise ot its tntc and laxative effect. r.-'X A IV H U ROMO Of ININS is tiettcr that! ot.hua: > .aiaiue gnd does not cause nervousness no : tinginTiMd. Remember the fall ran.os-i .ook lor the signature cl E. w. GiOTE- Wr Office of the Federal Prohi bition Director for the State of Georgia. Atlanta, Ga. Whereas, on the 28th day of Sep tember, 1922, Federal Prohibition Agent did seize and take into his cus tody and control, the following de scribed property, to-wit: One Jordan Roadster, Motor No. 685147, when and while the same was being used by unknown parties in the act of transporting intoxicat ing liquors, to-wit: 225 quarts of illicit whiskey, in violation of section 26, title 11, of the National Prohibi tion Act, and the said property is now held in the custody of the said seizing officer as forfeited to the United States for the cause afore said. . „ Therefore, notice is given to all persons owning or claiming to own any title to, or interest in said auto mobile, to appear and make known and assert his or their claim or claims on or before the 6th day of November, 1922, as in default there of, the said property on the Bth day of November, 1922, between the hours of 10:00 A. M. and 2:00 P. M., in front of the Post Office at Griffin, Georgia, will be sold to the highest bidder for cash in compliance with the statute in such case made and provided. This, sth day of October, 1922. F. D. DISMUKE, 10-19 Federal Prohibition Director. Statement of the ownership, re quired by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1922, of Barnesville News-Gazette, published weekly at Barnesville, Ga., for October, 1922. State of Georgia, County of Lamar. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared B. H. Hardy, who, having been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that he is the publisher and editor of the Barnesville News-Gazette, and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief a true state ment of the ownership of the afore said publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, Embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regu lations: 1. That the name and address of the publisher and editor is B. H. Hardy, Barnesville, Ga. 2. That the owner is B. H. Hardy. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: None. B. H. HARDY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this sth day of October. 1922. L. F. LEWIS, N. P., Lamar County, Ga. (My commission expires 1925.) CHILDREN’S COATS LOVELY AND WARM IN THIS SPECIAL SELLING DURING OUR TRADE EXTENSION CAMPAIGN AT ABOUT ONE-THIRD OFF the prices at which they were manufactured to sell. Just another demon stration of our buying power, and our custom of passing the savings on to our friends. Winter winds can howl just as much as they please, they’ll only bring happy thoughts to the little girls who wear these coats. They’re warm and oh, so very trig-looking. In velours, veldyne and other heavy coatings, fur trimmed. THE PRICE RANGE IS $4.00 to $17.50 Come in while the Assortment is Complete Saturday, October 14th, / At 3:00 O’Clock Sharp we are going to have the I Biggest Aluminum Sale # ever held in this Territory. Hundreds of Genuine Aluminum Percolat ors, Tea Kettles, Covered Roasters, Sauce Pans, Preserving Kettles, Double Boilers, Covered Pots, Water Pails and Lipped Frying Pans will be sold at 89c a piece A.ll large sizes and sell regularly at $1.50 to $2.50 each. None Reserved. No mail or telephone orders filled. COME TO THE Griffin and Spalding County Fair which begins next Monday, October 16th, and continues through the week. Six big days, full of interest tor everybody. Free Tickets for Opening Day We are giving Free Tickess for the Opening Day and cordially invite our customers to come and be our guest§. Griffin Mercantile Cos. The Big Store Griffin, Georgia Time To Slow Up It is no trouble at all to get into a fight. A dozen people will help you get in, to where there is one willing to help you get out. ✓ It is much the same with debt It is a much easier process to get into debt than it is to get out. In times like the present, one should contract as few debts as possible, for the dollar is increasing in value and is therefore harder to get when pay day comes. We have money to loan, but urge borrowers to be care ful under present conditions. RESERVE^* THE CITIZENS SANK BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES Arthur Jackson, Pastor. o — Come to Sunday School next Sun day. Thpre is a place for you. Let every officer and teacher at tend the Mid-Week services Wednes day evening at 7 :00. B. Y. P. U’s. Sre doing excellent work now. Hear the pastor Sunday morning and evening. Subjects: “Investing in Kingdom Interest” and “The Place of Sacrifice In A Christian Life.” The Centennial Association meets with Fellowship church October 18th and 19th. Let every church in the Association send messengers, and we urge all of our members who can pos sibly attend to do So. DYED A SWEATER AND SKIRT WITH “DIAMOND DYES” Every “Diamond Dyes” package tells how to dye or tint any worn, faded garment or drapery anew rich color that will not streak, spot, fade, or run. Perfect home dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes even if you have never dyed before. Just tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. For fifty-one years millions of women have been using “Diamond Dyes” to add years of wear to their old, shabby waists, skirts, dresses, coats, sweaters, stock ings, draperies, hangings, everything!