The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, October 19, 1922, Image 6

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For Constipated Bowels^- Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomach is candy-like Cascarets. One or tvro COOPERATIVE MARKET ING IMPORTANT PROBLEM ‘'Diversified farming. plus intelli gent or co-operative marketing. is the solution to Georgia's Mm cultural crisis,” declared Aaron Sapiro of i California, noted expert on co-ope-j native marketme and attorney for the American Cotton Growers Exchange, its an address on Thursday of last week, in Atlanta, at the State Capi tol before officials and members of the Georgia Cotton Growers Co ojwrat;\e Association. The speaker, in his address, reviewed the progress of co-operative marketing, stating that during the past ten years, the co-operatives of Califronia have sold more than two billion dollars worth of farm products and thereby have made producers and business people prosperous in that state. Mr. Sapiro spoke in Atlanta as the guest of the co-operative cotton mar keting association in this state, which to date has advanced $1,500,000.00 in advance payments to its members. Mr. Sapiro, in his to the Association members, expressed him self as pleased with the progress made with the co-operative market ing of cotton in Georgia as as his unqualified confidence in the management of the cotton growers co-operative association in this state. He presented co-operative market ing as the problem of the farmer, the merchant and the banker and said that it had succeeded in California because of the perseverance of the fanners, the business experience of the merchants and the sound guid ance of the bankers. He declared that co-operatpve marketing is sweep ing this country and that it can an(l will sell profitably? for the farmers of Georgia, not only cotton, but po tatoes, peanuts, pecans and the other farm products that are grown in abundance in this state. o CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of 2* New Fall Novelties Are coming in, consisting of late designs in W AT C H ES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and SILVER. Come in and inspect them. J H. BATE & CO. JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS BARNESVILLE, GA. Barnesville Cash Market Stalled feed Beef and Pork before killing,kept on Cold Storage before cutting, giving it a better flavor. Handled through double screen ing, making it more Sanitary. Come to see us. The Barnesville Cash Market Market Street • ‘ Barnesville, Georgia tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morrvhig and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep.” Cascareta never stir you up or gripe like Salts. Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box Children love Cascarets too. THE PARABLE OF THE POSTAGE STAMP There came unto me a friend who ! ;> something of a Joker, and he in ! q-aired of me, saying, Dost thou pur j chase Fine Steel Engraved Portraits of Great Men? And I said„A few. And he said, 1 fain would sell unto thee a Portrait of Georgie Washing ton. And I asked him, Which Portrait, and How Much? And he said, it is the most famous of all Portraits of Washington, but I remember not the name of the art ist, nor yet that of the engraver, but it is Straight Goods. And I will sell it unto thee for Five Farthings. And I have also a Bronze Medal with the Head of Abraham Lincoln by a Fa mous Sculptor, and that also will I sell unto thee for Five Farthings; for I love thee, and wpuld fain see these treasures added to thy Collection. And 1 inquired of him, saying, How dost thou get that way? For I can buy thy portraits of Washington at the Postoffice for two farthings, and tby medal with the head of Lin coln do they sell at the Bank at the rate of ten for a dime. So he did not get me that time, but it was a clever trick, albeit an ancient one. And I meditated on this portrait of George Washington that is finely graven in Steel, and selleth for two farthings, that it will go further than any other portrait of Washington known to Collectors. And I said, Consider the Postage Stamp. It is Inexpensive, Unobtru sive, and well-nigh Übiquitous, but liow much it can convey of sorrow or joy. Hast thou a friend in Ari zona? Thou canst write him a word of cheer, and drop it in the corner box or hand it to the Red man at the end of the route, and the little steel engraving of George Washington will convey it all the way. Hast thou a neglected brother in Skowhegan, Maine, there is ever available unto thee in his behalf a Postoffice and a Throne of Grace, and both of them are blessings of high order. Thou canst write unto thy Congressman, protesting against his vote, or unto thy Minister thanking him for last Sunday’s sermon, and stick on a pic ture of George Washington, and go to bed with a clear conscience. And he said, All those things are worth doing, and the price is dirt cheap. And I said, There are many more lessons of the Postage Stamp, but there is one which, though it be not new, is so important I could wish that all men might learn it. The Success of the Postage Stamp is in this, that it doth stick to one thing until it doth arrive at its destination and achieve its result. And he said, That, indeed, is a good lesson. • And I said, if I could cause this lesson to go with the purchase, then would I invest* a large fraction of my visible wealth in portraits of George Washington, and I would stick one on every woman’s mirror, ancf one in the crown of every man’s hat, and say, If thou hast before thee any worthy object, Stick to it, like a Postage Stamp, and verily, though thou are punched and defaced, thou shalt eventually arrive.—Watchman- Examiner of New York. Blackheaded Pimples Quit WiIhS.S.S. Why? Pimple-Poison Goes When Red- Blood-Cell* Increase! S. S. S. Build* The*e Red-Blood-Cells. Ton can be sure of this, nature has no substitute for red-blood-cells. Pimple poiHon can’t live In the red rivers of your blood as long as there are enough rich red-blood-cells In it. More red-blood-cells! k y'lheshame of a blenrishedjace I That Is what you need when you see pim ples staring at you In the mirror. Black headed pimples are worse! Eczema la worse yet! You can try everything under the sun,—you'll find only one answer, more cell-power in your blood! The tre mendous results, produced by an Increase in red-blood-cells Is one of the A. B. C.’s of medical science. Red-cells mean clear-pure rich blood. They mean clear, ruddy, lovable complexions. They mean nerve power, because nil your nerves are fed by your blood. They mean freedom forever from pimples, from the blackhead pest, from bolls, from eczema and skin crupliona, from rheumatism Impurities, from that tired, exhausted, run-down feel ing. Ked-blood-rells are the most impor tant thing in the world to each of ue. S. S. S. will hulld them for you. S. S. S. has been known since 1t421i, as one of the greatest blood-builders, blood-clen users and system strengtheuers ever produced. S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores in two sizes. The larger size bottle is the more economical. > makes you feel kj, £3 • like yourself again LAMAR COUNTY FAIR W henever I see anything good, or any work well done, I cannot help expressing my approval and applaud ing. I feel a great interest in the prosperity of my community and my heart swelled with priffce when I ex amined the exhibits' at the fair. I knew we had the resources in and around us, but I was not prepared for the demonstration that these re sources had been so successfully ap propriated and used. Certainly no one need to perish or even go hungry in this community if brain and brawn are brought into a determined ef fort to develop the resources within the reach of every one. The attrac tive feature to me is that this show ing was not from Barnesville, or even under 'the direction of Barnesville, but the results of work from intelli gent and well trained hands from the. rural districts. It is always unpleasant to special ize in writing of a matter in which so many are interested, but I cannot refrain from doing so when I con sider the three exhibits from the com munities of Redbone, Milner and Raniah. The judges must have had some job in determining which of these exhibits was entitled to first prize, yet a close examination shows that their decision was correct. The truth 4 no exhibit of farm products at any fair yet held in our state has ever excelled these three. Every thing possible from the soil in and around Barnesville was in and no trained artist could have ar ranged the exhibits more effectively. In fact these exhibits not only do great credit to the communities named, but demonstrate beyond question that we live in the most fa- vored spot in the state, and our citi zenship is capable and dependable, having within our own little county human material of wonderful possi bilities. The display of canned goods was simply wonderful, an 4 even Califor nia would have to get a move on her to produce anything better. Our canning club under the auspices of i the A. & M. School and county | demonstrator must be producing j fruit, or such displays would not be j / possible. The needle work of the ladies was! fine, and altho I do not claim to be an expert along this line, I heard many expressions of commendation from those who know what good work is. In fact the entire round of ex hibits from the fine arts down to the hogs and cows were fine and the man agers of the fair hgve strong rea sons to be proud of their efforts, and should feel encouraged for making greater preparations for the future. Barnesville, however, is not to be left out. They realize the nearest route to the people’s hearts and have made a perfect score in feeding the hungry. The good women of our town have certainly demonstrated that they know how to feed, but they would go broke on first rounij when it comes to making any money in the way they feed for the price. To give SI.OO feed for 50 cents suits me, but they must look for their profit in the hearts of those fed. It was certainly gratifying to see the great development of our colored people as demonstrated in the ex hibits made by them. Altho they had only a few weeks’ notice the showing made does them credit and should encourage that part of our citizenship to greater effort in the future. No write-up of the fair would be complete without mention of this creditable exhibit. It is very difficult to get a clean, decent midway show. But this time we have certainly succeeded in fur- nishing amusements that will stand the test of the most critical, and Miller Bros, are to be congratulated upon their entire equipment, both the personnel of their troupe and the character of the different features of their show. Hurrah for Lamar County and the Fair for 1923. A. 0. MURPHEY. o How Better Than Pill*? The question has been asked: In what way are Chamberlain’s Tablets superior to the ordinary cathartic and liver pills? Our answer is, they are easier and more pleasant to take and their effect is so gentle that one hardly realizes that it is produced by a medicine. Then, they not only move the bowels but improve the ap petite and strengthen the digestion. I —‘ The Outstanding Closed Car Value 1923 Five Passenger Six-Cylinder Sedan 5 1985 Buick Drives Through “Third" Member An Buick car* drive through • torque tribe third member cm therear arie.> serve m cushions only. This not only makes riding easier, since the springs do not take the driving thrust but it also means that any acci dent breaking a Buick rear spring cannot ■aJaalign the axle and prevent driving the car hrtmA on its own power. The Buick Line for 1923 Comprises Fourteen Models: Fours—2 Pass. Roadster, $865; 5 Pass. Touring. $885; 3 Pass. Coupe. $1175: 5 Pass. Sedan. <1395; 5 Pass. Touring Sedan. $1325. Sixes 2 Pass. Roadster. $1175: 5 Pass. Touring. $1195; 5 Pass. Touring Sedan. $1935; 5 Pass. Sedan. $1985; 4 Pass. Coupe. $1895; 7 Pass. Touring. $1435; 7 Pan. Sedan, S2I9S; Sport Roadster. $1625; Sport Tounng. $1675. Pnces f. o. b Buick factories. Ask about the G. M. A. C. Purchase Plan, which provides lor Deferred Payments. k J. W. CARRIKER BUICK MERCHANT barnesville 9 ga. ._ v - , WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM mims Fruit, Peppermint flj and Spearmint are certainly wljjm*'' t^iree delightful flavors to ) And WRIGLEY’S P-K— the JSS 1 . pt new sugar-coated pepper- J mint gum, is also a great V treat for your sweet tooth. y ZJjr All are from the Wrigley | factories where perfection is the rule. J ¥fl Save the Jj | ink ft wrappers I < 1 J IL* — Good for * WRiGLEYS^I valuable 1 J y Measured by any standards you may choose and for every kind of motoring, the Buick five passenger six-cylinder sedan is easily the outstanding value in a closed car. It is a handsome, richly appointed sedan; tasteful in the quality of its interior fittings and in the comfort able luxury of its wide, easy seats with their fine plush upholstery. Every driving convenience is found in this car, so perfectly arranged that each function is recorded before the driver’s eyes and every control is at his finger tips. And in addition, there i x s the depend able, enduring performance and the economical, satisfactory motoring that always has been so marked in the Buick chassis and the famous Buick valve-in-head engine. D-JO-12-NP