The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, November 30, 1922, Image 6

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Skin Ablaze with Eczema Constant Itching Almost Unbearable! We know there is one thlnjr that stop* eerema, and that is more rc<l Mood-cells! 8. 8. 8. builds them by the million! You ran increase your red-blood cells to the point where it is practically Impossible lot in >i • 11 ii Mood-cells lncreaoe in number, blood lm purities vanish! IVo also know that night follows day. Both are facts! Itut have yon ecscma sufferers, ever actually taken advantage of this wonderful fact? Thou sands Just like you have never thought about It! Skin eruptions, eczema with nil It* fiery, Uu digging torture and Its soul tearing, unreachable Itching, pimples, block heads sod bulla, they all pack up and go, when (he tide of blood-cells begins to roll in! Blood cells are the figbtlng ghnfa if nature! S S. 8. builds them by th million! It has been doing it since 1820! ft. 8. 8. i one i*f tlie gront'-st blood n d! builders, blood cleansers and bodybuild er* known to us mortals! When you put these facts together,—then t > continue t > have erreni* and skill emotions looks more like a sin than a disease. Mrs. Arthur N. Smith, Pearl St., Newark, Ohio, writes: "My l it'lr yirf f !ft a tvrv hod rase of ettrrna. -Stir began taking S. ,S. ,S. nod u wotl now. / thunk you very muck. I le!l my friend* what a goad wad/'rine it t’. / cost!of talk too much about it, for l /.now it i* O. K " Here 1s your opporfunlf”. 8 ft. 8. ran talns only vegetable medicinal Ingredients. Bern use 8. 8 8. does build reil-liiood-cells, if routs rheumatism, build i firm flesh, fills ont hollow eheeka. beautifies the com plexion, builds you up when you are run down. S. 8. 8 is sold at all drug etnrrs, fn two sires The larger size bottle ia the more economical. makes you feel Kke yourself again S.S.S. Good Looks. "What h treat good-looking people are! How they ought to be encouraged when the generality Is so common place—good looks, when probed to their essence, are as often as not a good spirit looking out through ordi nary eyes, nose and hair." —“The Veneering*,” by Sir Harry Johnston. A SIN TO LET HAIR FALL OUT 35c “Danderine”Saves Your Hair—L : nds Dandruff! Delightful Tonic Hurry! It's your duty! Each day you see a little more hair falling out and you are making no effort to avoid baldness. What a pity. Falling hair means your hair is weak, sick—pos sibly dandruff is strangling it, or the hair root pores in the scalp are not firm and tight, thus wasting the hair growing oils. Danderine almost instantly stops falling hair of men or women and cleans every particle of dandruff away, then the hair takes on new life, vigor and strength to grow strong, thick and long. Danderine is delightful— not sticky or greasy. Go to any drug store now and get a bottle. Use it. Have healthy, heavy, beautiful hair and lots of it. Prescription Frea to All. There are many troubles which you fannot cure by the Bible and the hymn-book, hut which you cun curt )y a good persplratton und a breuth >f fresh air.—Beecher. , o 5V 2 per cent. 5Vt per cent FEDERAL FARM LOANS We are authorized to make loans in the Coun ties of Lamar, Spald ing, Pike, Butts and Monroe. S. B. WALLACE Sec.-Trea*. GRIFFIN, GA. | Spalding N. F. L. A. OYSTER DINNER AND BAZAAR AT YATESVILLE On December 9th the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist church of Yatesville will hold an oys ter dinner and bazaar at Yatesville. The proceeds of the day will go to the building fund of the new Bap tist church which is now going up. Everybody is invited to come and en joy the day and help out a good cause. The Baptist church building at Yatesville was burned recently, entailing a large loss to the member ship and they are straining every resource to raise funds for the new building, work on which has begun, and they need all the help and en couragement possible. PREVENTION —l better than cure. Tutt’a Pills taken in I time, are not only a remedy for but prevent I SICK HEADACHE biiiousaeM, coniiipLtion end kindred diuues | Tutt’s Pills SOME CONCLUSIONS BY THE WAY SIDE The way to whip the boll weevil is to kill him. The way to whip the peach weevil is to kill hint. Prac tically they are one and the same. Their habits and methods of destruc tion are identical. Now, then, what amuses me is why the cotton farmer jumps from producing: cotton to peach growing. He is simply jump ing from the frying pan into the fire, and the fire is ten times hotter and more expensive than the frying pan. Not only that, but you can gather your cotton anti market it whenever it is your interest to do so, whereas the peaches must be gathered and marketed in ten days, whether the market suits or not. Had you ever thought of this? Now it is imma terial to me whether the people grow cotton or peaches, but I dislike to see them catching at straws in their en deavors to meet boll weevil condi tions. This is a cotton growing section. The world needs cotton and the world expects us to grow it. The grain and cattle growing septions of the West might as well quit the indus tries peculiarly suited to those sec tions as for us to abandon cotton and go into other lines of production not adaptable to our section. Mind you, the West does not grow grain only, but produces everything adapted to its climate and conditions. The West and Northwest diversifies. If one crop comes up short, some other crop will come up long and equalize its production. So it is with us, and any section which pursues a different policy will suffer when the end of the year comes. I have watched closely everything the experiences and observations of those who have been experimenting as to how to fight the boll weevil, and without an exception the verdict is tjiat the farmer who accepted the situation and fought the boll weevil as directed by the Agricultural Department at Washington has come out on top, and is today self sustaining; whereas those who abandoned cotton and jumped into all these other much ad vertised side issues are “cussing” their luck. For this cotton growing section they are side issues and ac cessories, and the experiences of this year have proven it beyond question. When 1 speak of this section, I mean the Sixth Congressional district. The conditions of climate and soil in South Georgia and Alabama are dif ferent from ours. Peanuts, cane, peas and hogs and cows are not a profitable proposition with us, except as side issues. Our main money crop must’of necessity be cotton sup ported by all these sides issues like hogs, cows, corn, peas, chickens and such like. They give you something to eat, but when you want some money to make you feel independent, you must have a few bales of cotton. Successful farming is a survival of the fittest. Old slip shod methods will not meet the situation. The time has come when it requires the same intelligence, the same will pow er and energy, the same business equipment to succeed at farming as is required by any other line of in dustry. The negro is not equal to it, except under the persistent, intelli- gent direction of the white man. So let us make no mistake for 1923. Let us familiarize ourselves with the experiences and demonstrations of 1922 and so into the new year fully equipped to prow cotton as our mon ey crop supported by all the side is sues within our reach, but by no means depeud solely upon these side, issues for our main support. A bal anced ration is advocated for animals and human beings, and a balanced farm production .is absolutely de manded if we would live and thrive. A. 0. MURPHEY. REVITALIZE! I) There are thousands whe S are ailing just a little, whe | I need a tonic to energize and I levitalize, who should util- 1 ize the nourishing benefits cf | Scott’s Emulsion Your body does not re f quire powerful drugs or stimulants, but does need nourish ment vitalized with health-building vita mines, to help re store normal resistance. A. Bowne Bloomfield, N. J. 2.'^J Mongoose Belie* Appearance. The mongoose is the most contra dictory of four-footed creatures. He looks milder than new milk; but ths naturalists give testimony that In tfat presence of a cobra he is the moot furious, rampaging thing that wears fur —the Terry McGovern of the ani mal kingdom. For that the world must, respect him, even when It shuts its doors in his sad little face. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers \ ifl K nJJ' Doesn’t hurt a bit! Drop a little “Freezone” on an aching corn, in stantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fin gers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irrita tion.—Adv. —i Clumsy Animal. Badgers are, for the most part, clumsy animals, with stout and squat forms, as though they had been fat tened out from above, downward, says the American Forestry Magazine. This flattening includes both head and tail, the latter being rather stout and broad. BREAK A COLD IN FEW HOURS “Pape’s Cold Compound” Acts Quick, Costs Little, Never Sickens! Every druggist here guarantees each package of “Pape’s Cold Com pound” to break up any cold and end grippe misery in a few hours or money returned. Stuffiness, pain, headache, feverishness, inflamed or congested nose and head relieved with first dose. These safe, pleas ant tablets cost only a few cents, and millions now take them instead of sickening quinine. Volume of Sound Important. A wedding in Afghanistan is fol owcd by much noise ami merryin-ik ng, the Idea being that the more that is made the more suecess :ul the marriage will he. FARM LOANS We are prepared to handle an un limited amount of farm loan business at 6ls per cent per annum with a reasonable commission. We can lend for 5,7, or 10 years time, in amounts ranging from SI,OOO to $40,000. If you are in the market for a loan on your farm, let us submit you our proposition. “QUICK SERVICE” IS OUR MOTTO cJCII or write— CLAUDE CHRISTOPHER Barnesville, Ga. Correspondent for STATE & CITY BANK & TRUST CO. (Formerly Old Dominion Tract Cos.) RICHMOND, VIRGINIA MR. FLEMING RAPIDLY IMPROVING Mr. J. B. Fleming, who had his left foot amputated some weeks ago as the result of an accident when his automobile was run over by a Cen tral train, has been doing just fine ever since the injuries were sustain ed. He has been at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. F. Wooten, on Thomaston street, where he has been given every possible service and at tention. Mr. Fleming expresses deep appre ciation for the thoughtfulness and kindness manifested toward him by the people of Barnesville. He says his room has been full of flowers, of which he is very fond, sent in by the good women of the city, which has helped him wonderfully in bearing his misfortune. Mr. Fleming has all along been es teemed by the people of the county and section, but his friends did not know how much they thought of and appreciated him until this misfortune came to him. He has endeavored to lead a useful and upright life, which, after all, is the greatest thing a man can do, as he has found out by the friends he has made among all classes of people. g w Nose stopped up?W Imentholatum I clears itAf MR. HOLMES IMPROVING Mr. John M. Holmes, of Sparta, who was seriously hurt in an automo bile accident some weeks ago, is im proving rapidly as a patient in the Piedmont Sanatorium in Atlanta. Mr. Holmes had both upper and lower jaw bones broken, and sus tained other injuries, but it is very gratifying to his hosts of friends that he is improving so fast. He will probably have to remain at the sani tarium several weeks longer. He is a son of Mrs. W. P. Holmes of Barnesville and has hundreds of friends throughout this vicinity. DYE BLOUSE OR BABY’S COAT IN "DIAMOND DYES” Each package of “Diamond Dyes” contains directions so simple any wo man can dye or tint her old worn, faded things new. Even if she has never dyed before, she can put a rich, fadeless color into shabby skirts, dresses, waists, coats, stock ings, sweaters, coverings, draperies, hangings, everything. Buy Diamond Dyes—no other kind—then perfect home dyeing is guaranteed. Just tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to dye is wool or mixed goods, Diamond Dyes pever streak, spot, fade or run. LIBERTY BONDS HAVE BEEN CALLED The secretary of the treasury has called for the redemption of certain registered and coupon Victory Notes, to be redeemed December 15th, and the First National Bank here an nounces that it will be pleased to handle the transaction for any of the citizens who wish it. The officers of the bank will be glad to serve you in this line if you want them to do so. e Hie Quinine That uoes Nat Affect the Ilea'’ Ceccuse of its tonic and laxative effect. I.AX.’. IVK liROMO QUININXJ is better than ortiinar Vjixine and does cot cause aervousuess n< naii'S. in head. Remember the full uameat Kik ior th' siaoature * f E. W. GROVE. O Youth Preserver. A noble life aim is more than nn ambition preserver: it is also a pow erful health and youth preserver. Tr is a tonic that prevents premature aging. When the faculties are em ployed in working out a splendid des tiny we are happy, contented: the mind is so fully occupied that it can not deteriorate or Inst* its buoyancy. And \( is tile mind that keeps the body yontie. Isolds Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E W. GROVE'S sien&ture on box. 30c. o The Things Worth While. Education is the calling forth of nil those qualities by which man is dis tinguished—it is “proficiency in liv ing." What ministered satisfaction to the man of seventy, eighty, ninety in recalling his past life? only the recollection of how far he had dis played in intercourse with his fellow men those qualities with which a true education Is concerned—love of love, hate of hatred, fellowship, service to the community.—The Friend tLon doc). IF SICK, TODAY! TAKE NO CALOMEL “Dodson’s Liver Tone" Straightens You Up Better Than Salivating, Dangerous Calomel and Doesn’t Upset You—Don’t Lose a Day’s Work-Read Guarantee I discovered a vegetable compound that does the work of dangerous, sickening calomel and I want every reader of this paper to buy a bottle for a few cents and if it doesn’t straighten you up better and quicker than salivating calomel just go back to the store and get your money back. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your thirty feet of bowels of the sour bile and constipation poison which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that one spoonful oT this harmless liquid liver medicine will relieve the headache, biliousness, Something to Think About By F. A. WALKER BEWARE OF SHADOWS TO MAKE one’s self lmppy, to keep on the sunlit trails, to go about the day’s duties with a light heart and a willing hand, one must keep constantly in the splendent, radi ant rays from the worlds above. It is not easy to wear a smile when troubles hover near, but by continued effort in tiie right spirit, it can be done. Many of our annoying perplexities are of our own making, consequently they can be avoided by turning from them when they first knock at the door of our hearts for admission, and shutting the door in their faces. We are inclined to brood over some fancied wrong until it becomes a formidable ghostly thing that haunts our life from day to day. We are prone to forget that we are rational beings possessed of spiritual powers capable of turning night into day by a grain or two of faith, which in our moments of despondency we frequent ly overlook, or cast aside in quest of a balm of our own. We art not willing to accept the sacred promises given to us by the Master of Men, simply because we prefer the shadows of doubt rather than the glorious sunlight of endur ing truth, so we continue to stumble and fall in the darkness of our crea tion and blame the Fates for our mis erable plight. Human vanity and an exalted idea of our blood-and-flesh prowess are in most cases responsible for the sor rows, tears and disappointments that usually beset us. We make pitiable jobs of our work but we stubbornly refuse to change our methods even though they bring ns nothing but regret and pain. And generally we rest fairly con tent with our failures, for we keep multiplying them and courting their company when we know in our hearts that we should pursue a contrary course. We wish to he assured of brighter days, but in our blind eagerness to find them, we deliberately turn our backs upon the paths that take to the hills and choose the rougher roads that carry us down to the dark valleys. If we would not waste our years in ignorance, we must lift our eyes up to tile light of Wisdom, place our bands confidently in her always friend ly palm and be content to be guided by tier kindly counsel and illuminat ing smile, for there is no other way by \Vhieh we can hope to overcome Impeding obstacles and reach the heights. (© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.) wtismotH - o Art in Advertising. "Nobody wants my corsets for fat women.’’ "You mustn’t bill them that way. Advertise them as slenderizing.* o Old Gold and Silver bought.—J. H. Bate & Cos. coated tongue, ague, malaria, sour stomach or any other distress caused by a torpid liver as quickly as a dose of vile, nauseating calomel, besides it will not make you sick or keep you from a day’s work. Calomel is poison—it’s mercury it attacks the bones often causing rheumatism. Calomel is dangerous. It sickens—while my Dodson’s Liver Tone is safe, pleasant and harmless. Eat anything afterwards, because it can not salivate. Give it to the chil dren because it doesn’t upset the stomach or shock the liver. Take a spoonful tonight and wake up feel ing fine and ready for full day’s work. MR. AND MRS. JORDAN RETURN HOME - ■ Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jordan re turned home Friday evening from Johns Hopkins, at Baltimore, where they went some weeks ago for treat ment, Mrs. Jordan submitting while there to an operation, from which she rapidly recovered. Mr. Jordan was thoroughly ex amined by specialists, who greatly relieved him of some fears he had about his physical condition, assur ing him there was no serious trouble with him, which will be a source of much gratification to all the people of the community. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan have been given hearty welcome home and ex tended congratulations over their im proved physical condition. BUDDED PECAN TREES FOR SALE ALL STANDARD VARIETIES WRITE FOR PRICES W. B. LAMAR Park Frot, Thomasville, Ga. November, 1922 2-23 Q Has a Skyscraper. In central Massachusetts, east of the Connecticut valley, is a ridge of hills, which after crossing into New Hampshire, sends up a well-known watch tower known as Mount Monad nock, 3,186 feet, says the American Forestry Magazine. This range con tinues northward sending up an occa sional peak like Mount Sunapee, the southern Kearsarge and Mount Cardi gan. “COLD IN THE HEAD” Is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent “colds” are generally in a “run down” condition. HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Treatment consisting of an Ointment, to be used locally, and a Tonic, which acts Quickly through the Blood on the Mu cous Surfaces, building up the System, and making you less liable to "colds.” Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. -o Providence Evidently on the Job. My husband had just bought a car and. was learning how to drive. One beautiful Sunday afternoon we drove out into the country. On the way back it had grown very dark and my hus band had increased, the speed. Sud denly, the car turned half way around on the road and the engine died. We didn’t notice the railroad track until a speeding passenger train tlew past, about two yards from our car!— Chicago Journal. Good Health. If you would enjoy good health, keep your bowels regular. No one can reasonably hope to feel well when constipated. When needed, take Chamberlain’s Tablets. They are mild and gentle. o Good for the Dressmakers. Testimony in a recent lawsuit be fore a London court was to the effect that a woman who aspires to "hold her own” In the exclusive circles o t English society, must have from 30 to 40 new gowns a year at an average cost of S2OO each. e Habitual Constipation Cured . ia 14 to 21 Days • "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take, a 60c per bottle. o Will Our Arms Vanish? According to one scientist, our arms and legs will gradually disappear from our bodies, though he estimates tIHS calamity as not occurring for at least 10,000 years. Meanwhile, we do not hare to worry.