The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, November 30, 1922, Image 7

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For Constipated Bowels —Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomach is candy-like Cascarets. One or two Latest New York Fad. New York has u man engaged in what lie says Is a gainful occupation, who appears in the city directory as a tattooer of dogs. Inquiry reveals the fact that many owners and fanciers of dogs have their names tattooed on the dog’s skin. WHAT FUN I T IS TO BE HUNGRY! YOU can’t be well and hearty un less you are properly nourished — you can’t be strong unless your appetite is good. For a keen appetite, good digestion, rich red blood, and the “punch” and “pep” that goes with perfect health. You need Gude’s Pepto-Mangan. Take Gude’s for a short time and note the big difference in the way you look, eat and feel. Your druggist has it —liquid or tab lets, as you prefer. Gude’s pepto-Mangan Tonic and Blood Enricher Marriages That Last. According to rlie Buddhist faith, the marriage tie contracted In this world will carry over to the nest. When circumstances prevent a marriage In this world many Japanese men and women commit suicide in the hope of a happy married life in the world to come. o Chamberlain’s Tablets Have Done Her a World of Good. “Chamberlain’s Tablets have done me a world of good,” writes Mrs. Ella L. Button, Kirkville, N. Y. “I have recommended them to a number of my friends and all who have used them praise them highly.” When troubled with indigestion or constipa tion, give them a trial and realize for yourself what an ercellent medi cine it is. o- The Cure. n. Chicago doctor says that the ■hro'ilc grouch Is really fatigue !n --:oxleation. If we could get tiie grouch :o rest up maybe he’d give ns a rest. THIS COUPON and gg CENTS ENTITLES YOU TO A 50 CENTS BOX OF KANT-LEAK PATCHING WHICH IS GUARAN TEED PERMANENT REPAIR BARNESVILLE AUTO COMPANY Cadillac, Studebaker, Chevrolet Bamesville. Georgia o Thought for the Day. “A woman of forty is at Iter most it tractive ago. allowing always that slut makes no effort to look twenty.”— from ‘Taiuela Herself.” o No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion ondattas ageneraiStrength ening Tonicto the while system. Nature will then throw off or dispei the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health ~Pleasant to taker 60c per bottle. O • Just ,So. Woman’s sphere Is the home; man’* fear is that the landlord will raise the rent on It. —Boston Transcript DISEASES OF MEN and WOMEN Our large ami growing practice l’as been built upon a rcpe- tition of successes, doing the right thing in the right wry JBOMI hundreds of times with uniform success. It will pay you in \ both time and money to consult us free and learn the truth about your condition before placing your case wit.i anyone. Our treatment is no experiment it has proven effective in hundreds of cases. Write for testimonials irom patients we jt the following diseases are among those we treat successfully Blond Poison Nervous Debility Weakness & 1 **, You may arrange Bladder Trouble Stomach Trouble Rheumatism weekly or monthly Kidney Diseases Burning Discharges Lo* V|e or ™t>. ,ur ° uavmects. Ulcers Specia Diseases Obstiyctions Dra.n* payments. Vein. Skin frames Catarrh We use the new vaccines and ..nimal strums with wonderful success in weak •ness, catarrh and bronchial troubles and all chronic and special diseases o. *> and women. Everything strictlv private and confidential . PTT I7*Q Kistula and Rectal Diseases treated by pamlcsf met 'dt—no ciu .rlLdCjO, t inr and no detention from busmen. In umw ' esc troubles we will make no charge if we fail to accomplish satisfactory results. DR. HUGHES and Associated Specialists 29P/ a COTTON AVE. MACON, GA Long established and trustworthy, permanently located, our reliable remedies for men. Hours dailv ’fi fo Stmcavs *# to I nn\y. tonight will empty your bowels com pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. “They work while you sleep.” Cascarets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. MRS. ARMSTRONG’S WORK APPRECIATED Last Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock a number of cars swiftly glided up Greenwood street, the occupants in tent upon their joyous mission, stop ping at the palatial home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Reeves, for the purpose of giving their lovely daughter a “Sur prise.” The door bell rang, and it was thrown wide open, in rushed many of the members of Circle Three, each one congratulating Mrs. Armstrong upon the earnest and faithful year’s work she had performed as chair man of Circle Three.” After a song, Mrs. T. A. Lifsey, vice chairman, recalled some of the work, and eternity alone would tell what had been done. Each one was given an opportunity to express their joy and pleasure of the work. One of the members gave hers in poetry: Once upon a time a tiny little girl FVayed at her mother’s knee, But now she mixes her prayers with ours, As Chairman of Circle Three. You all know who I’m talking about, In our band of Circle Three; Some know her as Mrs. Armstrong, Others as just Emily. When asked to be our leader While we upheld her hand, She answered with tears and a tremb voice, “I’ll do the best 1 can.” She has used her phone and used her car, And many times her voice, With those silvery tones touching the chords of gold, They’ve made our hearts rejoice. Now as she comes to the end of the year With her duties “blest, well done,” She has the best wishes from Circle Three, And the love from every one. Mrs. Armstrong’s words of gen uine appreciation for the “Surprise” were beautiful and expressive of her life and work. When Mrs. Perrin Collier gave words of greeting she said we brought a little remembrance, Madam Chairman, as a token of our love for you. When Madam Chairman opened the box and saw the beautiful silver candlestick she exclaimed, “You all are too sweet and good, and I have not words to express my great ap preciation for these beauties.” Several members of Circles One and Two were with us and gave happy greeting, and our future motto will be, “Loyalty and Love.” Song, “Bless Be The Tie That Binds,” was sung with the spirit and understanding, and we were dis missed by an earnest, fervent prayer, led by Mrs. Yarbrough. MRS. W. P. MILLER. -o Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT faik to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or I rotruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can gel restful sleep after the fust application. Price 00c. ——o The Road to Heaven. "Key ain’ no direct road t’ heav en,” said Charcoal Eph, moodily. “Hit may look Ink Kit. hut yuh got t’ go ’round a heap o’ crap games whnr de deacons done stopped t’ rest.” —Rich- mond Times-Dlspatch. FALL CEREMONIAL IN SAVANNAH Alee Temple, Ancient Arabic Or der Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will hold Fall Ceremonial at Savannah on Devember 7, at the Guard’s Hall at eight o’clock in the evening. Illustrious Potentate Robert B. Hubert has appointed Committees to handle all the details and a large class of candidates will cross the hot sands on this date. The committees appointed include prominent Shriners at Savannah and at other points in Alee’s territory, and there will be a number of candidates from out of town. This will be the first Ceremonial since the return from the Imperial Council meeting at San Francisco, and the notice of same will be hailed with delight by all the Shriners in the territory. THE FLORIDAN New De Luxe All Pullman Train Be tween Chicago, St. Louis and Jacksonville, Fla. Tri-Weekly Service December sth, 1922, to April, 1923. This high-class, all-steel Pullman train will carry sleeping car passeng ers only, no coach passengers. Go ing South it will leave Chicago from Illinois Central 12th Street Station, and St. Louis from Union Station, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, leave Birmingham and arrive Jack sonville Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays; going north leave Jackson ville Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days, arrive Chicago and St. Louis Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. The first train will leave Chicago and St. Louis on Tuesday, December 5, and Jacksonville on Thursday, De cember 7. THE FLORIDAN is a solid steel train, the finest that human ingenui ty can devise. Its dining car service will be notable for its excellent cuisine, the discrimination in selec tion of menus and the capability of its chefs. The train crews, the rail way representatives and the refined atmosphere of THE FLORIDAN will all combine to make it a traveling home where courtesy and smartness will tend to take away the fatigue incident to ordinary travel. The Central of Georgia will handle THE PLOR'IDAN through certain sections of Georgia. BRIEF LIFE OF TOM WATSON One of the most interesting, though brief, works written and pub lished in Georgia recently is “The True Tom Watson,” just issued by the Sage Publishing Company, Flat iron Building, Atlanta. It is a sketch of the “Sage of McDuffie” which presents the high lights of the spectacular career of the writer, orator and statesman in a most vivid and interesting manner. It is from the pen of William W. Brewton, an Atlanta attorney, who was for years an intimate friend of Mr. Watson, and the material from which it was prepared was furnished the author by Mr. Watson himself. There is an introduction by Dudley Glass, the well known newspaper writer. Some of the famous trials in which Thomas E. Watson was counsel are reviewed, as are the campaigns in which he fought for himself or his friends, while extracts from some of his most noted addresses or editorials are given. Notable is Watson’s re ply to Booker T. Washington on the negro question, which is reproduced in full. The work is said to be meet ing with an exceptionally large sale. It will be mailed to any address, postpaid, for 25 cents, or can be found upon the principal news stands throughout the South. A TEXAS WONDER For kidney and bladder trouble?;, gravel, weak and lame back, rheu matism and irregularities of the kid neys and bladder. At your drupr ?ist’s or by mail, $1.25. Small bot tle often cures. Send for sworn testimonials. —E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive St., St Louis, Mo. —Adv. Your vision is priceless. Consult us for optical work.— J. H. Bate & Cos., Optical Specialists. Nature Does Work Better. One of the simp windows along Fifth avenue Ims been displaying a big purple iris made of paper with a tiny electric light inside, transforming it Into an incandescent lily. But some times. if you art watchful in the gar den on a dark summer night, you may se>- how nn’ure does this more dell- I cntel.v. nmr in a great while a firefly tarries inside some silken Iris, shining through the petals with ti rich and In termittent glow.—New York Evening Post. BLYTHE—JONES Miss Clementine Blythe, an attrac tive and popular young lady of the Milner community, in Lamar county, and Mr. Bernice Frank Jones of Yatesville, were married Sunday evening, the ceremony being per formed in the Ordinary’s office in Bamesville, and being witnessed by some friends of the two happy young people. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left at once for their home in Y’atesville. They are splendid representatives of two ex cellent families of this section and they will be accorded hearty congat ulations by hosts of friends, all of whom will wish for them a long, happy and useful life. • o A TOINIC Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. / FIGHf ONWEEVIL Belief Growing That Campaign Should Be Waged Alio In Fall and Winter. (By J. A. Johnson, District Agent) Over South Georgia there are many evidences that show, as at no time in the past, how a determined fight is being waged to produce cot ton despite the weevil pest. These things also show that more and more the belief is growing that the fight against the enemy needs to be car ried on in the fall and winter as well as in the spring and summer. Since the advent of the weevil, county farm agents and others interested in the fight have urged the importance of stopping the growth of cotton stalks well in advance of frost in order to drive the weevils away in search of food. For a time the failure of this piece of control work to be tried to any great extent led the advocates to feel their efforts were largely wasted. In many counties this fall the plow ing up or the plowing under of the stalks on many acres impresses one with the fact that results follow even if long after a practical campaign has been waged. Another evidence of efforts to se cure more efficiency in cotton pro duction is the activity of stump pull ing observed on so many farms. The large and early seeded acreage of fall sown grain crops shows also that further steps are being taken to beat the pest by having more winter graz ing for live stock and more grain and hay to feed. The county agent and committees of farmers and of business men in numbers of counties are formulating farm programs for 1923. There is no little significance attached to the universal recommendation that much attention be given to the farm dairy cow, the brood sow and the poultry flock. That giving increased atten tion to these is practical on the aver age fiam cannot be denied. With the prevailing keen interest on these lines of production perhaps the State’s an nual bill for imported meats and pro ducts of these will be decreased. The actual progress made during the short time of one year by giving in creased income on thousands of farms and in the improvement of the quality of this trio of livestock and the quantity of the products secured from the cow and the hen points to ward a greater day for these in Geor gia’s agricultural advancement and development. ~li' works this way : * Jt starts circulation. This scatters congestion The in flammation disappears— and along with it the pain. Relieves pniniu! rheumatic twinge?too. colds in chest. Keep it han-Jy. Sloans Liniment-fo/Z* pain! } England’s First Motorist. Tlie first driver of a motorcar in England was .lames pullenger of VVey bourne. and the trial of the car took place October 17. IBD.Y It was driven by hen/Inc and was a two-seater, and traveled nt 11 mile* an hour on a good road. As pi ri n SAY “BAYER” when you buy Aspirin Unless you see th© name “Bayer” on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over twen ty-two years and proved safe by mil lions for colds, headache, toothache, earache, neuralgia, lumbago, rheuma Make That Old Suit or Overcoat Go Through Another Winter HAVE IT DYED Ladies and Men’s Clothes Cleaned and Dyed OL-DEST-REASONABLEBEIST WK PAY POSTAL. RKTUHN CHAHOKS Southern Dye Works ATLANTA. “ 0K0R...A LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING. BARNESVILLE CASH MARKET Barnesville, Georgia We handle the best steaks that can be had, yours, per pound 20c Nice Veal Tuesdays and Thursdays. Extra Select and Standard Oysters, either in cans or bulk. Pork Sausage, per pound 25c Weiners, per pound 20c Phone 187 We Deliver New Fall Novelties Are coming in, consisting of late designs in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and SILVER. Come in and inspect them. J. H BATE & CO. JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS BARNESVILLE, GA. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA tism, neuritis, and for pain in gen eral. Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell bot tles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaccticacidester of Salieylicacid.