The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, December 07, 1922, Image 7

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For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Bilious Liver The nicest cathartic-laxative in the world to physic your liver and bow els when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, Biliousness, Indigestion, or Upset, Acid Stomach is candy-like “Casearets.” One or two tonight will empty your bowels completely TIRES At a PRICE 34x4 FABRICK $17.50 33x4 “ 16.75 32x4 “ 16.25 30x3 1-2 “ 9.50 30x3 “ 8.50 34x4 CORDS $24.00 33x4 “ 23.50 32x4 “ 22.75 30x3 1-2 “ 13.75 J. W. CARRIKER 12 Zebulon St. Barnesville, Ga. Lumber prices have dropped and beginning to advance. If you need anything in the building line be sure to call on Barnesville Planing Mill Co* “Everything To Build With” BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA BARNESVIILE CASH MARKET Barnesville, Georgia We handle the best steaks that can be had, yours, per pound 20c Nice Veal Tuesdays and Thursdays. Extra Select and Standard Oysters, either in cans or bulk. Pork Sausage, per pound 25c Weiners, per pound 20c Phone 187 We Deliver New Fall Novelties Are coming in, consisting of late designs in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and SILVER. Come in and inspect them. J. H. BATE & CO. - JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS BARNESVILLE, GA. by morning, and you will feel splen did. “They work while you sleep.” Casearets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Chil dren love Casearets too. SENATOR HARRIS EXPRESSES VIEWS Washington, D. C., Dec. 4.—Dis cussing the legislation which Con gress should consider and denouncing the position of the Republican ad ministration on several important measures, Senator Wm. J. Harris commented upon the questions now before Congress. He anounced op position to the ship subsidy bill; ad vocates the repeal of the tariff law and amendement of the revenue law; urges legislation to help in the mar keting of agricultural products, es tablishing a system of rural credits, and further stimulating the farm loan banks, and favorable action at once on the Henry Ford bid of Muscle Shoals. Senator Harris said in a statement today: “The ship subsidy bill, as recom mended by President Harding, is a plan of taxing the people to the ex tent of 30 or 40 million dollars for the shipping trust, In my opinion, and I am opposed to the legislation. The farmers have suffered more financial ly than any other class and they are entitled to first consideration by the Government in consideration of legis lation. When the farmers and live stock prosper all other indus tries are benefitted, but when they cannot sell their products at a profit every industry suffers. "Why does not President Harding recommend to this Mo nothing and discredited’ Congress some measures that will help the people of the agri cultural south and west? When these sections prosper every section of our country enjoys prosperity. “The election of November 7th was a protest of the people against the revenue bill passed by the Re publican Congress placing the bur den of taxation on those least able to pay and exempting those most able. This law should be amended. “The tariff law recently passed should be repealed. It has increased the cost of living for every person in the United States in order to help the Republican manufacturers who, in many cases, had contributed to the campaign. It is vicious to tax all of the people to assist in paying cam paign contributions. “The objectionable provisions of the Esch-Cummins railroad law should be repealed and a reduction in freight rates and passenger fares should be made, so that the manufac turers and farmers can make a liv ing profit. Reductions will bring more business to the railroads, in my judgment. “Congress should pass legislation that will help the farmer in market ing his crop at less expense and pre vent the middleman from getting all the profit the farmer earns. Several measures that would help the agri cultural situation, in my opinion, were introduced by me and passed the Senate at the last session. The farmers associations all over the counti-y have recommended these bills but the Republican Congress will not let them be voted upon. Why not pass these bills, and others, and give the farmers assistance in marketing their crops through finan cial facilities? “The Democrats were working on a system of rural credits to give the farmer cheaper interest rates on money. Why do the de lay this measure? The Democrats are all urging it now. “The Federal Farm Loan Banks should be more prompt in making loans and Congress should increase the present limits. “The southern cotton producer and the western wheat farmers can not receive full prices for their pro ducts as long as Europe is flounder ing about financially. It is to our interest for Europe to get on a sound basis financially and commercially. It will help our farmers, laborers and manufacturers. “Because Henry Ford contested the Newberry election is one of the reasons the Republicans have re fused to let Ford have Muscle Shoals, which would be a great help. The Republican voters have repudiated Newberryism. Why not let Ford have Muscle Shoals? He made the best bid and offered millions for a plant which the Republicans said should be junked. Why not pass this legislation now? ‘The country will force Congress to help Muscle Shoals two years from now, in my opinion. “The Republican party should not forget the farmer, the wage-earner and the consuming public.” Senator Harris is a member of the Senate agricultural “bloc” and all of his views on agricultural matters are in line with the fight being made by the “bloc.” No Worms In a Healthy Child All children troubled with Worm* have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and aaa rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC give n n*>- larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion and aa as a general Strength ening Tonic to the wh rle system. Natare will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be is perfect health * Pkaaeot to take.* ttc par bottle. MEANSVILLE NEWS The excellent play given in John Means Auditorium last Friday night by members of Jones Chapel Congre gational church, near Woodbury, was greatly enjoyed by a large crowd of our people. The proceeds, about $25.00, will be used to buy anew piano for that church. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Storey of Zeb ulon, Mesdames J. W. Holloway, Jr., and R. L. Barrett, Mm R. P. Barrett and Miss Mildred Barrett motored to Atlanta Thursday. Mrs. E. M. Slade, Mrs. Coley Slade, Misses Claudia and Earline Slade and Mr. William Slade went to Barnesville on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Edwards of Yatesville spent the past week-end with Mrs. Willie Bankston. Mr. Jas. Owen was in Atlanta Thursday. Mrs. J. S. Winn visited Mrs. Geo. Moore last week. Mr. and Mrs. 11. G. Langford and Mrs. Marvin Slade went to Atlanta last Monday. Misses Ella Wesley Elliott and Nelle Bramblett visited homefolks Saturday and Sunday. I Mrs. O. T. Dewberry, who has been quite sick for several days, is very much improved at this time. Thanksgiving was very pleasantly spent by all of our citizens. There* are many reasons why every person should be thankful and so far as we were able to observe, they seemed to be very appreciative for all God’s gracious blessings. We think it will not be long before those negroes who have gone north will be making their way back to the “Sunny South,” where they fare bet ter than anywhere else on earth. WOMEN! DYE THINGS NEW IN “DIAMOND DYES” Each package of “Diamond Dyes” contains directions so simple any wo man can dye or tint her worn, shab by dresses, skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters, coverings, drap eries, hangings, everything, even if she has never dyed before. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other kind— then perfect home dyeing is sure be cause Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak or run. Tell your druggist whether the ma terial you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton or mixed goods. COUNCIL Council Chamber, Nov. 20, 1922. Council called to order by Mayor Summers, with full Aldermanic Board present. Minutes of last meeting read and upon motion adopted. Light and Water Board reported that a street light had been placed on Perkins Lane as petitioned for and that the monthly analysis of city wa ter as per letter of November 17th, showed the same to be in excellent condition. Street Committee report ed that Holmes street work had been completed and that some necessary grading and work had been done on Greenwood street, the work on Zeb ulon street to be begun immediately. Street Committee also reported that complaints had been i#ade on account of cows being allowed to run loose thereby damaging the parks, sidewalks and club house grounds, and the Clerk was instruct ed to insert a notice in the local pa per calling attention to the ordinance prohibiting same, and the Chief of Police instructed to make cases where the violation was persisted in. Finance Committee submitted the following bills duly approved, recom mending payment and upon motion and passed the same were ordered paid: Pittsburgh Meter Cos $151.20 K. L. Jones Machinery Cos 51.78 Holmes Hardware Cos 9.70 Pay Roll 98.93 S. Batson, Agent .30 Salaries 884.10 Fifield Tire Shop 5.97 Mrs. J. M. Sims 10.00 So. Bell Telephone Cos _ 7.00 Mr. Arthur Moore appeared before Council asking for the issuance of a beef market license, stating that he wished to open a market either at ihe Ice Plant or at his residence, tating that his purpose was the run ling of a regular meet market, the atric discussed and upon motion and jnanimouslv passed it was agreed to issue no license until something more Jefinite be given by Mr. Moore as tp location and the manner of ope rating same. A nuisance on Zebulon street was reported, this committee recommend ing the same be looked into at once ind upon motion and passed the same was referred to Nuisance Committee for immediate investigation. Nothing further, Council upon mo tion adjourned. W. T. SUMMERS, Mayor. E. L. COOK, Cierk nd Trew. MOTHER! MOVE CHILD’S BOWELS “California Fig Syrup” is Child’s Best Laxative Hurry, Mother! A teaspoonful of “California Fig Syrup” now will thoroughly clean the little bowels and in a few hours you have a well, playful child again. Even a cross, feverish, constipated child loves its “fruity” taste, and mothers can rest easy because it never fails to work Pullets and Moulted Hens to Laying You have had your summer’s poultry cares. Now is the time for you to cash in on eggs. Go after those dormant egg organs that moulting threw out of gear. Go after them with the “Old Reliable” Dr. Hess Poultry PAN-A-CE-A Pan-a-ce-a puts the egg organs to work. It starts the feed the egg way. Feed Pan-a-ce-a —then you will seo red combs and red wattles. It brings bade the song and scratch and cackle. It gives hens pep. It makes music in your poultry yard. That’s when the eggs come. BARNESVILLE DRUG COMPANY J. E. BUSH, Manager Barnesville, Ga. Tell us how many hens you have. tPe neve paeJcaoe to twit. Prljesslnstant louse Killer Kills lice Plow Points and other repair parts For Avery Chattanooga Lynchburg Moline Oliver Chilled W. J. Oliver Syracuse Wiard and other Plows. BARNESVILLE HD’W. CO. BARNESVILLE, Phone 5-W. GEORGIA LET US DO YOUR JOB PRINTING. ,r^ all the sour bile and poisons right out of the stomach and bowels with out griping or upsetting the child. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine “California Fig Syrup” which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bot tle. Mother, you must say “Cali fornia.” Refuse any imitation. t spent SO year a in perfect ing Pan-a-ce-a. BUT I! EMU M.D.. D.V.S.