The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, February 05, 1925, Image 3

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Tells How to End < Night Coughing To quickly stop hacking, irritat- J coughing at night, a very aim. treatment may be had that to„ enables you to sleep the whole “ight through undisturbed almost it once. . . , The treatment is based on a re markable prescription known as n r King’s New Discovery for "nrnrhs. You simply take a tea rZnt'u! at night before retiring, L nold it in your throat for IB oj seconds before swallowing it, Jrithout following with water. The ’ Wrption has a double action, it not only soothes and relieves ir ritathm and soreness, but it quick v loosens and removes the phlegm rVd congestion which are the direct ; .oc of the coughing. So no mat ter whether your cough is dry and or loose with much mucus, 4 coughing soon stops, you can nem’lv sleep your accustomed time “i-wnit a break, and the whole •ough condition goes in a very short i roscription contains absolutely; ;I coties or other harmful drugs, of merely benumbing tha ' it actually helps the system nthrV'W oft the trouble in a perfectly nni’-ral way. Furthermore, It Is very economical, the dose being only ona teasp 'nful. It is highly recom- Tnpnded for coughs, chest colds, tlck nne hoarseness and bronchitis, and is "ond rful for children’s coughs and Csmcdic croup. On sale at all good druggists- Aslc for gR-KJKIGg COugHS Prosperity... We are anxious to see this city, the surrounding community and each individual in it prosper. Building up a good bank balance and wisely investing that money means future prosperity for you, your city and the community. BARNESYILLE BANK STATE DEPOSITORS JUST RECEIVED CAR LOAD TERRA COTTA PRICES RIGHT Barnesville Planing Mill Cos. “Everything To Build With” BARNESYILLE, GEORGIA H. G. JORDAN SON Market St. Barnesville, Ga. DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES Get our Prices Before Buying THE PARABLE OF EXCESS BAGGAGE I and Keturah we travel now and then. And we have learned some things, among which is this, that it is not well to load ourselves unduly with Excess Baggage And we be held this, as we journeyed, that a family rode in a Train with us, and spent the First Half of the Journey trying to account for the Baggage they had brought, and the second half in an effort to distribute equita bly among themselves the Baggage when they should arrive. And the burden of their conversation was questions like unto this: Didst thou bring the Black Bag? Where is it? Art thou sure thou didst put my galoshes in the Brown Bag? And their arms were not so weary as their minds. But I anil Keturah know that that is not the Best Way to travel. Now I have known folk whose Journey through life is disquieted Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. * Very Pleasant to Take.r 60c per bottle. and impeded by their Excess Bag gage. There is the Excess Baggage of the Grudge and the Excess Baggage of the Fancied Slight, and the Ex cess Baggage of Resentment. Be loved, is not the Burden of life heavy enough without these? And how shalt thou stretch out an helping hand to lighten the load of others if thou art hindered w'ith these things? And why dost thou carry the load of sins that are forgiven, or of fears that are groundless? And why shouldst thou make a Burden of thy Religion? It should be to thee for Wings, and thou makest it a Weight. It should be an Inspiration, and thou makest it an Impediment. Wherefore lay aside every weight, and the Excess Baggage that doth weary body and soul, and go thou forward Joyously on the Journey of life. For this is the will of the Good God who gave thee this pil grimage to perform.—New York W atchman-Examiner. o FOR SALE—4O bushels Laredo Soy Beans at $9.00 per bushel; 20 bushels Ottotans at SB.OO per bushel. —E. C. Vaughn, Barnesville, Ga.. Route A, Box 11. 2-5 o The dead letter office receives 16,- 500,000 dead letters and parcels a year, and 9,000,000 postcards and postals. —o STANDARD BRED BABY CHICKS, “STERLING QUALITY,” from selected pure bred flocks. Quality guaranteed. Send for list.—SENACA POULTRY FARM, Box 9, TIFFIN, OHIO. Est. 1905. 2-19 CONSTITUTION AND BY LAWS OF WOMAN’S CLUB (At the request of the officers we are publishing below the old and the revised Constitution of the Woman’s Club): REVISED CONSTITUTION Article I. This club shall be known as the Barnesville Woman’s Club. Article 11. Its object shall be the general improvement of Barnesville and moral, educational and social up lift. Article 111. Its officers shall be: A president. Three vice-presidents. A recording secretary and a cor responding secretary. A treasurer. A parliamentarian. The executive board to be com posed of officers and chairmen of standing committees and two mem bers selected by the president. Article IV. Annual meeting and election of officers to be held in May, one-fifth number of members to con stitute a quorum. Special meetings may be called by the president. Article V. Dues shall be one dol lar a year. No member shall be eli gible to vote unless dues for year are paid. BY-LAWS Section I. The president shall pre side at all the meetings and conduct them by a formal order of business. In her absence, one of the vice-presi dents shall preside, or in * their ab sence any member who shall be se lected by the president or the club to preside. Section 11. First vice-president shall be chairman of cemetery com mittee. Second vice-president shall be chairman of educational committee, for cooperation with P.-T. A. in all educational activities. Third vice-president shall be chair man of civic committee. Section 111. The recording secre tary shall keep a correct record of all the meetings. The corresponding secretary shall receive, read to the club, and answer all letters relating to club affairs and preserve all club papers. She shall make a written report of all the year’s transaction and present outlook of the club for each annual meeting. Section IV. The treasurer shall receive, collect, hold and pay out all' club moneys, subject to the order of the club. She shall keep a correct account in detail of all moneys re ceived and expended by her and shall render her report in writing at an nual meeting. Section V. • All detail of business may be attended to by the evecutive board when it is not convenient to call a full meeting of the club. Section VI. The duties of Parlia mentarian shall consist of: Instruct ing the membership and assisting the president in parliamentary decisions. Section VII. Committees: The following standing committees shall be appointed by the president: 1. Cemetery. 2. Educational. 3. Civic. 4. Forestry. 5. Sanitation. 6. Club House. 7. Publicity. | Article VIII. This constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote of membership. Article IX. Term of office. No person shall hold more than one elective office at the same time. The term of office shall be for two years and no officer shall succeed herself. OLD CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF “LADIES’ AUXILIARY” Constitution: Article I. This Club shall be known as the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Chamber of Commerce. Its object shall be the general improvement of Barnesville. Article 11. Its officers shall be a president, two vice-presidents, a re cording and a corresponding secre tary and a treasurer. There shall be a board of eight directors, which shall be composed of the officers of the club and two members selected by the president. These officers shall be elected annually by the club. The meetings of the club shall be held once a month. Article 111. The club shall hold its regular annual meeting in Jan uary, at which the officers shall be elected by ballot. Seven members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Article IV. The dues of the club shall be 10 cts. a month, and any member who allows a year to go by and a notification by the treasurer to pass unheeded shall have her name dropped from the list of members. By-Law*: Section I. The president shall pre side at all meetings and conduct them by a formal order of business. In her absence one of the vice-presidents shall preside, or in their absence any member who shall be selected by the president or the club to preside. Section 11. The recording secre tary shall keep a correct record of all the meetings. The corresponding secretary shall receive, read to the club and answer all letters relating to club affairs, and preserve all club papers. She shall make a written report of all the year’s transactions, and present outlook of the club for each annual meeting. Section 111. The treasurer shall receive, collect, hold and pay out all club moneys, subject to the order of the club. She shall keep a correct account in detail of all moneys re ceived and expended by her and shall render her report in writing at an nual meeting. Section IV. All details of busi ness may be attended to by the ex ecutive committee or board of di rectors when it is not convenient to call a full meeting of the club. "NASH" Nash Leads the If arid hi Motor (,ar I nine Special Six Sedan Five Pas-setiffSts $1225 ~ gfgr ~) /. o. b. Factory L M Bill' Jil |lv "Ji . KL ' ' - 112V2'inch Wheelbase A Brand of Performance That Will Amaze You , S-P-E-E-DI 60 flashing miles per hour when you want it. That’s the result of the new-type engineering C. W. Nash has incorporated in the design of this perfected valve-in-head Special Six motor. R-O-A-D-A-B-I-L-I-T-Yl Extremely low swung and beautifully balanced, this car seems literally to drive closer to the road at high speed. The price, $1225 f.o. b. factory, includes 4-wheel brakes, full balloon tires, and 5 disc wheels at no extra cost. SPECIAL SIX SERIES-ADVANCED SIX SERIES Models range from $1095 to $2290, f. o. b. factory W. H. CROWDER Barnesville, Ga. Children. and Soothing Syrups, espe cially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. The Bank Examiner We not only look after our Bank’s affairs very carefully, but you are further protected by the Bank Exami ner, who is liable to walk in on us un announced any time and ask to count our cash and go over our books. We welcome his visits, for when he gets through, if there is even the sligbest error in our accounts or meth ods, we hear about it RIGHT THEN. We consider the Bank Examiners our friends as well as yours, and besides, we have always been complimented by the Examiner. We invite you to deal with our old, reliable Bank. The Citizens National M. P. OWEN, n o „ BARNESVILLE , Cashier DCUIK GA. The Bank of Service