The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, February 19, 1925, Image 7

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lew Way to Quickly Stop Worst Cough t remarkable new and almpla tt-od tor treating a cough gives uf with the first doses and usual breaka * severe cough in 24 SP? treatment le based on the Lcrlptlon known as Dr. King’s w° Discovery for Coughs You " < us t one teaspoonful and hold m Vour throat for 16 or 20 sec- V ’before swallowing, without ■ ..ring With water. The prescrip ‘n’ as a double action. It not ..ithes and heals soreness and •ft-', but it quickly loosens i removes the phlegm and con ,tioa which are the direct cause V.. coughing. People have been o. shed how quickly the cough . oped with this new treat ed the whole cough condi n oes in a very short time. [ . prescription is for coughs, o colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, •' die croup, etc. It is excellent ’’Hldren as well as grownups— b r'rmful drugs. Economical, too, •ho cose is only one teaspoonful* a” good druggists. Ask for gjy“NGS CoucriS cops I Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn’t hurt one bit! Drop a lit tle “Freezone” on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of “Freezone” for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard com, soft corn, or com between the toes, and the foot calluses, without soreness or irritation. SICK WOMEN OF MIDDLE ACE Can Be Carried Comfortably Over The Critical Period by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound —Note Mrs. Headden’s Case Macon, Georgia. “Duringthe Change of Life I suffered with my whole right side and could not lie on my left side. I WaS ' n a bout two - * months and could not get up only as my son would lift me. Ip f ■ After doctoring with |BF out relief a man who ■ was rooming with us ;|pp- ' jif%_ toldmysonthatLydia E. Pinkham’s Vege tableCompoundcured his mother at the ■ ■ Change of Life, so I began taking your medicine. After taking it for two weeks I could get out of rny bed by myself. I am now 63 years old and in better health and stronger than ever in my life. I have recommended the Vegetable Compound to many suffering women, young and old, and you may use my name any where as long as you please. I will be glad to answer any letters sent to me. ” —Mrs. F. B. Headden, 5 Holt Avenue, Macon Georgia. In a recent country-wide canvass of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, over 200,000 replies were received and 98 out of every 100 reported they had been benefited by its use. For Sale by druggists everywhere. Ache? !jga.liiiri———— I • • ~ i m j Here’s quick relief ■ T ust s few drops of Sloan’s ? atted on gently—will soothe -ore, aching muscles at once, l-o nibbing —it’s the liniment .tself that stimulates the circu lation, brings grateful relief, and stops the pain! It will not stain. All druggists—3sc. Sloan’s Liniment— kills pain! \o Worms in a Healthy Child children troubled with Worms have an un -1 7'*Y 00^or * w kich indicates poor blood, and as a . ,- l ! ? c re _ ** raor e or less stomach disturbance. . - -- Si ASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly I_‘ ’ 0 C'f three weeks will enrich the blood, ini' ie digestion, and act as a General Strength ._ " i( jJ uc to the whole system. Nature will then *7 dispel the worms, and the Child will be - *sct health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. Modem Approach to the Bible By REV. A. CONSTANTINE ADAMZ Outline of sermon preached at Fredonia Congregational Church Feb ruary 15. 1925, based upon Dr. Har ry Emerson Fosdick’s most recent book, ‘‘The Modern Approach to tshe Bible.” Subject—“ Jesus versus the Theo logical Christ.” Text—“ Why call ye, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I, say.” Luke 6:46. Christianity rises or falls with the personality of Jesus Christ. Christ! was not called Christ because he had two natures, but because of the work he has undertaken and is doing. Yet men have for almost nineteen cen-! turies been debating as to the essen tial nature of His personality. The great debate started when men be gan to THINK of Christ. It was during the period from Constantine to Gregory 1. 313-590 A. D. that the personality of Jesus Christ became a subject for debate. The Sabel- lians in their zeal for the unity of God overlooked his tri-personality. While Arius held that Jesus was the Son of God, but denied his co-essen tial deity. One day during the year 318 or 319 A. D. the Bishop of Alex andria preached a sermon on “The Great Mystery of the Trinity and Unity.” Arius (the cricket in the wood pile) was present and thus the great controversy was ignited. The very theatres of Byzantium (now Constantinople) began to ring with jokes of the divisions of Christians. The theory of Arius gradually gath ered momentum until between 1539 and 1604, one Faustus Socinius for mulated from these developments the fundamentals of Unitarianism. Argument, debate, theological speculation about the personality of Jesus Christ is profitable, but we should place the emphasis where it belongs i e upon what He DOES. Jesus Christ was and is a dynamic force in the world of human events. When we cannot understand a force, what is essentially is, as in the case of electricity, we can discover what it DOES. We should base our be lief upon that. It is time to have done with quib bling over the theological Christ, and to get back to Jesus, the ethical teacher. For a long time this theo logical Christ with his divine attri butes has been exalted in the church. Creeds have been recited about Him, great anthems have been sung to Him, great rituals have been per formed before Him, and now after nearly two thousand years civiliza tion has been shaken by the most destructable catyclysm in history. The late war violated everything Jesus ever taught, and turned the world into almost irremediable con fusion. The result is a growing dis satisfaction with mere theological speculation about Jesus Christ, and a growing INSISTENCE for the life He makes possible for the world for righteousness, brotherhood, peace, principles on which alone civ ilization can endure. For nearly twenty centuries you have been praising your theological Christ, yet child labor still curses our American people. It is not the will of God that one of these little ones shoulc] perish. Matthew 18:14. Then why call le, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? For nearly twenty centuries you have been praising your theological Christ, yet racial hatred still wells up bitter in men. Wayward chil dren, oblivious to the fact, one is your teacher, and all ye are breth ren. Matthew 23:8. And that from one common origin God has made ALL the peoples of the jvorld. Acts 17:26. Science corroborates this. Then why call ye, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? For nearly twenty centuries you have been forming creeds about your theological Christ, yet industrial des potism still grinds its victims with a hard heel. As you would that men should do to you, do ye even so to. them, for this is the law and the j prophets. Matthew 7:12. Then why call ye, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? For neariy twenty centuries you, have been controversally debating; your theological Christ, yet war with j all its hideousness still curses men. ; Blessed are the peace makers, for j they shall be called the sons of God. Matthew 5:9. How can you call Him Lord, Lord, and do not the tnings which he says? For nearly twenty centuries you have been saying nice things about your theological Christ, but not every one that saith unto me. Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven: but he that DOETH the will of my Father. Matthew 7:21. God requires, not lip service, but that you do justly, love kindnejs, and walk humbly with thy God. Micah 6:3. Therefore, Why call ye, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say ? Those things which have been the custom for a long time, which SEEM NATURAL, when wound wrong, can and must be done away with if we are to keep pace with Jesus. They say that under the snow and ice of Spitzbergen are remains of tropic forests, vegetation, etc., etc. How do you explain? The climate has changed. The cradle of civiliza tion was rocked in Africa, but now we speak of Africa as the Dark Con tinent. How do you explain? Things have changed. The central part of the United States on north ward was once covered with drifting snow and ice, a mighty glacier. Why so different now? Climate has changed. Slavery once seemed natural but we did away with it. Piracy once seemed natural, it has gone. Re ligious wars once seemed natural, and we trust we have seen the last of them. RACE HATRED. THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC, COMMERCIALIZED VICE, INTERNATIONAL ARMA MENTS, AUTOCRATIC INDUS TRIES (which are not right) may seem natural, but for all that, by the grace of God, we Christians propose to overpass them. We must answer Jesus’ question. Why call ye, me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? “DIAPEPSIN” ENDS STOMACH MISERY, GAS, INDIGESTION * Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stomach, after you eat a tablet of “Pape’s Diapepsin.” The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, palpita tion and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to correct digestion at once. End your stom ach trouble for few cents. o The membership of registered trade unions in Great Britain, which reached nearly 7,000,000 in 1920, fell to 4,500,000 in 1922, according to an official report recently issued. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days “LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN” is a specially prepared SyrupTonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly and should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. ® Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. On postal money orders sent to Spain the amount of the order must be shown in pesetas and centesmos as well as in dollars and cents. COLOR IT NEW WITH “DIAMOND DYES” Beautiful home dyeing and tinting is guaranteed with \ Diamond Dyes. Just dip in cold water to lbi tint soft, delicate //L shades, or boil to dye rich, permanent j . Eggy colors. Each 15-cent j package contains di- uO rections so simple *1 fijgSi any woman can dye LvJ o r tint lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats, stockings, sweaters, draperies, coverings, hangings, everything new. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other kind—and tell your druggist whether the material you wish to color is wool or silk, or whether it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. o Benzine was discovered by Michael Faraday 100 years ago next June. o Vienna’s municipal consul recently purchased 1,867,814 square meters of land, of which 804,675 square me ters have been cut up into lots. COLDS “Pape’s Cold Compound” Breaks a Cold Right Up Take two tablets every three hours until three doses are taken. The first dose always gives wfJw relief. The second mrjjft and third doses completely break up the cold. Pleas ant and safe to TV take. Contains no ) / quinine or opiates. W Millions use “Pape’s / £j Cold Compound.” ( r Price, thirty-five cents. Druggists guarantee it. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES Account Presidential Inau guration, Washington, D. C., March 4, 1925. Fare and one-half round trip; tickets on sale to the public March 1, 2 and 3. Final limit of tickets March 9. Apply to any ticket agent or rep resentative for total round trip fares, schedules, sleeping car reservations and any other information desired. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY THE RIGHT WAY Because funds for the building of houses for those of Pernambuco who lost their homes in floods ran short of expectation, separate living places cannot be built, but a building large enough to house a large part of the pauper population will be construct ed. o ■ ■ ■■ SPECIAL NOTICE—TWO CARS OF No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY AT $33.00 PER TON; A LOT OF GOOD YOUNG MULES, PRICES RIGHT; WOOD AND COAL; AND ACID AND SODA FOR YOUR CROPS. SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY.—W. R. BAIRD, MITCHELL’S OLD STA BLES. 2-19 When a motorist from New Y’ork was arrested at Oban, Scotland, for speeding, he had only his French chauffer to testify for him, but no body in the town could speak French and the American lost the case. n Colds Cause Qrip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine.'’ E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. o Among the demands made by gov ernment employees of Great Britain are a minimum wage of sls for lab erers, a 44-hour week, a week’s vaca tion with pay each year and non contributary pensions. - O -■ ■ The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic end Isxstive effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing In the head. E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. Cost of living is decreasing in Lithunia, and bounteous crops are helping to bring better conditions there. Never before a value to equal this Special Six Sedan-at $1985 AT this new low price—the XXSpecial Six Sedan stands out as the most compelling value that Studebaker has ever offered. Here is a car that provides all of the performance, all of the comfort and all of the depend ability that any car can give— at a price that no other pro ducer can even approach. But why mention the distinc tive features of this car, when the American public itself has established the greatest of all selling arguments in its favor by buying it? STANDARD SIX 3-Pass. Duplex-Roadster ..$1125 5-Pass. Duplex-Phaeton .. 1145 5-Pass. Coach 1295 3-Pass. Country Club Coupe 1345 5-Pass. Coupe 1445 5-Pass. Brougham 1465 5-Pass. Sedan 1545 5-Pass. Berline 1600 Barnesville Auto Cos. STUDEBAKER THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR SEQUENCE Young Man—So Miss Ethel is your oldest sister? Who comes af ter her? Small Boy—Nobody ain’t come yet, but pa says the first fellow that comes can have her.—Everybody’s. o I ADVICE TO THE AGED I Ait brine* infirmiti**. such •• aluggiah I bowel*, w**k kidnay*. torpid Uvar. | Tutt’s Pills |h*ee a pecific effort on the** organ*. I •timulatina the bowel*, give* natural I action, and impart* vigor to the ayetom. I ■O . ■ More than 30 miles of streets in San Jose, Costa Rica, are to be paved with concrete, asphalt and macadam. Poultry Supplies We have in stock Buckeye Incubators and Brooders. Conkeys Buttermilk Start ing Feed. Conkeys Poultry Remedies. Oyster Shell —Charcoal Founts and Feeders. Mail Orders Filled Promptly. Barnesville Hardware Go. Barnesville, Ga. Phone 5-W i Its low price is due to Stude baker’s uniquely fortunate man ufacturing facilities. It is pro duced complete in large volume in Studebaker plants, where production costs are shared by three distinct models, which are offered in 19 body types. Don’t make the mistake of buying before you know what Studebaker has to offer. Come in and see the Special Six Sedan learn what it offers at its reduced price. Get all the facts before you decide to buy any car. Reduced Prices On All Closed Models SPECIAL SIX 3-Pas3. Duplex-Roadster $1450 5-Pass. Duplex-Phaeton . 1495 3- Sport Roadster... 1535 5-Pass. Brougham 1795 4- Victoria 1895 5- Sedan 1985 5-Prss. Berline 2060 A ll prices /. o. b. factory Terms to meet your convenience VITAMINS \ It was while experimenting with cod-liver oil to unlock the secret of its wonderful health-building virtues, that the basis of its great helpfulness to mankind, the vitamins, was discovered. Scott's Emulsion needs no introduction to the millions who during fifty years past have been helped to strength and better health. Scott’s Emulsion, the great strength-maker, serves millions of children and adults regularly. Why VrlT not you ? Scott A Bowur, Bloomfield, N. J. 34-25 Full-sized balloon tires, for which steering mech anism, body lines and even the fenders were especially designed. Au tomatic spark control. Lights controlled from switch on steering wheeL Upholstered in genuine mohair. Natural wood wheels. Dome and rear comer lights. One-piece windshield, automatic windshield cleaner, rear view mirror. Inspection lamp. Motometer,heater. Instruments, including clock and gasoline gauge, in single grouping. Step pads and kick plates. BIG SIX 7-Pass. Duplex-Phaeton .$1875 5-Pass. Coupe 2450 7-Pass. Sedan 2575 7-Pass. Berline 2650 NOTE: Standard Six —4-wbeel brakes. 4 difcc wneei9 . . Uaj extra fep'*cifl Six —4-wheel braktH, 5 ditc wheels . . $75 extra I2ig Six—4~wtee t'fc’akes, 5 disc wi.eeltt . . . $75 extra