The Barnesville news-gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 189?-1941, March 05, 1925, Image 3

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- to regain I Strength ESI Ibrings joy to you and your friends. man, woman and child Kv. iris to have strength and cor mr„ height. It means the joy of liv- Rr To be minus strength and under- Bfizbt often proves low fighting- Rer in the body. It often means K u are minus nerve-power, minus red Kis in your blood, minus health, ■inus vitality. It is serious to be Kinus, but the moment you increase E'e rumber of your red-blood-cells, Ku begin to become plus. That’s why ■s S since 1826, has meant to thou- Ends’of underweight men and wom- E a pins in their strength. Your |cdy fills to the point of power, your Esh becomes firmer, the age lines Eat come from thinness disappear. r ou look younger, firmer, happier, nd you feel it, too, all over your ody. More red-blood-cells! S.S.S. aids lature in building them by the mil on ! There are no unproven theories bout S.S.S., the scientific results of ach of its purely vegetable medici al ingredients are admitted by au horities. Begin taking S.S.S. today, t will give you more energy, vitali v and vigor and a more up and go ng appearance. S. S. S. is sold at all good dreg HI stores in two sizes. The larger size is more economical. U w |§e£ Q You Feel gi|jO. J,iJL /jbe Yourself Again Hastings’Free Flower/ 'si Seeds/ Hastings’ is giving away Absolutely Free, 5 Seed Packets of Beautifu Flowers to each 1925 customer. Hast ings’ beautiful, new 112-page, 1925 Catalog shows these flowers in full natural colors. The front cover pic ures the great Stone Mountain Confed erate Memorial This Big Seed Book is the Standard Planting Guide, with valuable culture directions and accurate descriptions of all kinds of seeds, plants and bulbs. It has over 250 pictures from actual photographs and is bigger and better than ever. Brimjull of informa tion, it’s the most useful Seed Booh ever published. You need it for ready reference al most daily. Be sure to write for it today; a post-card will do. It comeg to you entirely free by return mail. H. G. HASTINGS CO., SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. ACHES AND PAINS All OVER BODY Mrs. Proctor Reports Great Benefit by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Sharpsburg, Pa.— “I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable_Com " pound to all suffering | iMTHfc women. I have taken f° ur Lotties of it and mr'' I feel 100 per cent better. I was dizzy m ■ and weak with no H appetite,no ambition m A W and with a tired feel '%■ -- ■ ’’ tng all the time. I had aches and pains i all over my body and V had the headache a % good deal. I saw — ■ i —.a—J your advertisement in the ‘Pittsburgh Press’ and thought it might help me. I have been greatly benefited by its use and highly recom mend it for all ailments of women.”— Mrs. J, H. Procter, Box 1, East Lib erty Station, Pittsburg, Pa. - uch letters prove the great merit of the Vegetable Compound. These women know by experience the benefit they have received. Their letters show a sin c re desire to help other women suffer !r‘g from like ailments. Let these experi ences help you—now. In a recent canvass of women pur chasers, 98 out of every 100 report ben eficial results bv taking Lydia E. Pink ram s Vegetable Compound. Sold by druggists everywhere. “DIAPEPSIN” FOR INDIGSETION, GAS, UPSET STOMACH ,c ~' oon a s you eat a tablet or two , tape’s Diapepsin” your indiges - gone! Heartburn, flatulency, ' '• palpitation, or any misery a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor your stomach and digestion for ; v \ cents. Each package guaran- J by druggist. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days r-fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails ~ :• Itching. Bliad. Bleedin# or Protrudin* relieves Itching Piles, and you - restful sleep after first application. AUDITOR’S REPORT Judge B. H. Hardy, Barnesville, Ga. Dear Sir:— In accordance with instructions, we have completed an audit of the records of Lamar county for the year ending December 31st, 1024. Report showing the result of our in vestigation is submitted herewith. Every detail in connection with the county’s affairs for the period under examination has been carefully checked and the report that follows is correct. We thank you for the opportunity of service. Yours very truly, DREWRY AUDIT CO., By J. H. Drewry, Certified Public Accountant. COMMENT Financial Statement Tnis statement is included as a matter of information to show the progress being made in the admin istration of the county’s affairs. The assets as scheduled are subject to some shrinkage, as we have listed the balance in the Digests, making no allowance for errors, insolvents, etc. However, based on former years, this shrinkage would not amount to over five hundred dollars ($500.00), which would still leave an excess over lia bilities of more than $10,000.00. We have included in this statement only the quick assets; when you take into consideration the permanent in vestment, such as road machinery and equipment, court house furniture and fixtures, the excess of assets over lia bilities will be much greater. The main point conveyed by the state ment is that the county has operated for four years, paid all its bills and at the end' of the four year period is able to show a balance in excess of its obligations. In our opinion this is a remarkable showing and worthy of commendation. B. H. Hardy, Ordinary A record of disbursements by war rant for the period under investiga tion. Records of this office were found in their usual good condition, and the administration of the coun ty’s affairs from this office bear evi dence of capable supervision. W. C. Jordan, Treasurer A statement of the receipts and disbursements from January Ist, 1924, to January 31st, 1925. This statement covers a period of thirteen months, in order to include all the retiring Treasurer’s activities. All monies passing through his hands have been accounted forjand all dis bursements have been made only upon approved warrants. Gus Smith, Tax Collector Statements of this office, carried on four separate sheets, showing the condition of the Digests for the State and county property, for the years 1923 and 1924. The records of the office were found in excellent condition and all funds have been properly accounted for. Outstanding Warrants A schedule of the outstanding war rants as at December 31st, 1924. These warrants have been paid and are held by the First National Bank. S. J. Childers, Clerk Statements of the receipts and dis bursements of this office, showing the source of revenue and the disposi tion thereof, from the Superior Court and the City Court. Records of the office neatly and accurately kept, and as evidenced by the state ments all funds accounted for. Respectfully submitted, J. H. DREWRY, C. P. A. Financial Statement January Ist, 1925. ASSETS . _ Cash in bank 27.20 Balance in 1923 Digest- 4,315.83 Balance in 1924 Digest 12,125.80 Road tax due (estimated) 1,500.00 Total $17,968.83 LIABILITIES Outstanding warrants paid by First National Bank and due them $ 6,791.7 I Net bal. over and above all indebtedness 11,177.0 b Xota l $17,968.83 B. H. Hardy, Ordinary 1924 Disbursements Roads and Bridges— Equipment $ 2,134.5 Materials Salaries - 9 ’ 23L81 $19,756.25 Superior Court— 57 0.31 Jurors * . l1(! a7 Extra service _____ $ 1,687.18 * ‘-000.00 3£S $ 2.377.14 T _ 614.16 i? 11 .i 8.51.20 Public buildings 3 *771*25 Printing and’stationery— 437.24 Lunacy q oq- c r. Miscellaneous Total disbursements by warrant for period $38,447.84 W. C. Jordan, Treasurer. Receipts and Disbursements, January Ist, 1924, to January 31st, 192 P: Debit Balance on hand January Ist, 1924 7 -- $ Received from Gus Smith, Tax Collector °2> d - Ao Received from B. H. Hardy, Ordinary, road tax ‘’W'-j Received from —sundr.v Received from State Treas urer, gasoline tax ** Total $67,055.17 Credit Paid on approved war rants issued prior to January Ist. 1924—535,371.91 Paid on approved warrants of the 1924 issue 31,656.06 $67,027.97 Bal. on hand (verified) ._$ 27.20 Gus Smith, Tax Collector 1923 Digest County’s Property General tax on Digest 530,226.16 Public utilities 6,538.44 Collections N. O. D 10.86 Interest collected 206.10 Total. $36,981.56 Credit Paid to County Treasurer as per receipts in file $31,122.31 Insolvents, Errors and Reliefs General tax $ 332.90 Public Utilities (Milner Tel. Cos.) 7.00 $ 339.90 Commissions— Collector i— $ 715.60 Receiver 487.92 $ 1,203.52 Solvent Fi Fa’s on hand (uncollected 4.315.83 Total $36,981.56 State’s Prorperty General tax on Digest $15,113.08 Professional tax on Digest 330.00 Poll tax on Digest 1,340.00 Collections N. O. D • 5.46 Interest collected 103.05 Total.. $16,891.59 Credit Paid to State Treasurer as per receipts in file--$15,710.27 Insolvents, errors and re liefs 445.95 Commissions— Collector $ 412.10 Receiver J- 416.18 Total 1 $16,984.50 Overpaid State on 1923 Digest $ 92.91 1924 Digest—County’s Property General tax on Digest—s29,so6.s3 Public utilities 6,479.69 Collections N. O. D 17.21 Total $36,003.43 Credit Paid County Treasurer as per receipts in file $22,750.00 Commissions— Collector 517.54 Receiver 610.09 Total $23,877.63 Balance in 1924 Digest-_512,125.80 1924 Digest—State’s Property General tax on Digest $14,753.26 Professional tax on Digest 315.00 Poll tax on Digest 1,442.00 Poll collected N. O. D 24.00 Gen’l tax collected N.O.D 8.60 Total $16,542^86 Crerit Paid to State Treasurer as per receipts in file $ 8,822.60 Commissions — Collector 277.18 Receiver 411.41 Total $ 9,511.19 Balance in 1924 Digest-_$ 7.031.67 Outstanding Warrants Number Amount 2667 $ 56.64 8 142.00 75 96.00 6 77.15 7 • 32.00 8 -65 9 12-.00 80 12.70 2 125.00 3 8.00 4 90.40 5 2.00 6 2.00 7 170.96 2709 34.00 12 4.50 13 125.00 14 70.00 15 70.00 16 800.00 17 6.00 19 " 100.00 20 108.00 22 1,101.34 23 1-00 25 125.00 38 8.00 39 6.00 40 12.00 41 6.00 42 3.00 44 115.00 56 68.83 57 2,000.00 59 90.00 61 87.00 71 1,000.00 73 16.50 74 7.10 l Total, $ 6.791.77 NOTE: —All above warrants have been paid and held by the First Nat ional Bank. S. J. Childers. Clerk City Court Received from Fines and Forfeitures: January Term $ 479.75 April Term 1,532.60 July Term 749.35 JUST how to ease much unnecessary suf fering for yourself is one of the most important things in the world for you to know, right now, mother-to-be t Learn the simple truth; follow the simple method of an eminent physician who dedicated his life’s work to this great accomplishment tor your benefit 1 . “X was ir. labor only 25 minutes with my l&at child, but suffered agonies with three previous children,” writes an enthusiastic mother who used "Mother’s friend." Eight now, from this day on. and right up to the day of childbirth “Mother’s Friend" should be used. FREE BOOKLET Write Bradfield Regulator Cos., Dept. BA 7, Atlanta. Ga , for free Booklet (sent in plain envelope) telling many things every expectant ; mother should know. "Mother’s Friend" is sold at all good drug store*. Full directions will be ! found with each bottle. Begin now and you will realize the wisdom of doing so a* the weeks rod by! October Term 986.45 Total $ 3,748.15 Disbursements —Solvent Costs Solicitor $ 866.36 Clerk 424.77 Sheriff 711.09 J. P.’s 130.18 County Police 378.00 $ 2,510.40 Insolvent Costs Solicitor " $ 358.00 Clerk 240.00 Sheriff 327.80 $ 925.80 Total--. -$ 3.436.20 Bal. on hand, turned over to successor in office--$ 311.95 S. J. Childers, Clerk Superior Court Received from fines and forfeitures $ 150.00 Disbursements —Solvent Costs Solicitor $ 17.50 Clerk 5.00 Sheriff , 13.50 $ 36.00 Insolvent Costs Solicitor $ 57.35 Clerk 18.17 Sheriff 38.48 $114.00 Total $150.00 Balance in Insolvent Ccrsts Due Solicitor $ 59.90 Due Clerk 19.03 Due Sheriff 40.17 $119.10 - ■ o- New Jersey leads in the number of zoned municipalities, having 66. The Ananias Club—“T am going to call up the light company to come out and inspect our meter. This bill is so small I’m sure there is some thing wrong with it and I don’t want to cheat them,” said the father. — Cincinnati Enquirer. Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic destroys the malaria! germs which are transmitted to the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. Price COc. The Princess of Manaco is very fair and the prince exteremely dark with shingled hair, and both are ex tremely rich. O To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE S signature on each box. 30c. An automatic highway barrier that drops into place from an overhead position when an approaching train enters an electrical circuit which operates the release mechanism has been installed near Racine, Wis. oAnother a Studebaker THE STANDARD SIX BROUGHAM $1465 /. o. b. factory HERE is anew, high-grade closed car that offers both smart appearance and practical convenience— at a very reasonable price. Four wide doors— full width seats—full-size balloon tires. Stylish—with its low-hung body—lacquered a rich, deep blue in contrast to the satin-black top. Smart —with its oval rear-quarter windows, ornamental top braces and genuine Millais upholstery. Plus the performance of the world-famous Studebaker Standard Six chassis. Tremendous power—remarkable pick up—and flexibility unequaled by any other car within hun dreds of dollars of its price. See this new Studebaker Brougham. Learn its exceptional value, before you buy. Barnesville Auto Cos. THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR Rats are never molested in the precious metol mines of Virginia City or Gold Hill, Nev. The lower levels of those deeps were literally alive with the rodents. , - —o- Strikes have been so frequent in Poland recently that they have great ly deterred progress of that country. j j 11 # , Colonials of truest IVinils or type OUR forefathers built no better chairs than these by Hey wood-Wakefield whose experience dates back to 1826. Add to this our own reputation for handling quality furniture, and you are certain to be pleased wfith our Windsor Chair offerings. Middlebrooks Furniture Cos. Bread is being made from cocoa. —o ■ PERFECT HEALTH Tutt’s Fill* kmmp th* In pnvinet order. Regulate the bowel* and produe# A VIGOROUS BODY A •ovvr.ign remedy for eick heedeche, constipation. Tuft’s Pills