The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, February 14, 1878, Image 1

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\ 0h X. terms of Subscription : •j c. McMICHAEL, "* Publishes. Adverlisinff Rates. sSpiuKK* rrxTTM. | 3M. I 8 M IH M sQUKfcj r.Vgo i 13*o*r# 1*500! 500 10 00 | 15 00| 25 JSonires , w 700 15 00 I 20 00 1 SO ,Bqo*4 100 I 1000 2000 j 30 00 1 40 4gqOs ! *OO 1200 30 00 I 39 00 | 60 u Column I ,noo j 2000 35 00 65 OO j 80 rColumn.. " , sa o 2500 4000 | 70 00 | 130 | Column -- j Hunt & Taylor, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BARNBBVILLE, Ga. practice in the countie VV comprising the Flint Judicia . Juit ami in the Supreme Court of the = i WT Office over Drug Store of J. ffSigwer. t i, s waiTAsas, attorney at law, ...IIVMTILLE, tiA. Will practice In the XsT pope, attorne y at law, ZEBULON, OA. fg- prumpt attention given to business. ,i uni* A - tubmeb. BERNER & TURNER, ittorneys at law, Forsyth, On. WILL practice in all the Courts, and give spe cial attention to the collection of claims. Ke ferto Wk H. Head, Banker, Forsyth, Oa., Dumas t Allen, Cotton Factors, Forsyth, Oa. lueUS-tf James M. Smith* ATTORN ey at law, ZEBILOI, OA. ir Prompt attention given to business. labaniss & Peeples, attorneys at law, Foray tit, Oa WILL practice in all th counties of the Flint Circuit. ' B. V, MARTIN. T. B. MILLS, JR. IARTO <k MILLS, attorneys a t law, Griffin, Georgia. Will practice in all the State Courts of Georgia, and the United States Courts. tarothce, front room, up-stairs, in Cunuingh tm builJlng. meM-6m |2 OO per Day. BRO.WKT HOUSE. Opposite Passe or Depot, MACOIV, - - EOUGIA. Largest, Best Arranged, and most Thoroughly Furnished Uotel in the Sotuh. E. E. BROWN & SON, Proprietors. CREER HOUSE! lOISYSS, fIA. JOE OIIEEK, Proprietor. j BOARD per month W 5 BOARD per day . ....$2 SINGLE MFAL 6Cc Also good livery accommodations, such as Carri- Mrs, horse and buggy, and good shddle horses. Also 1 L A.C K >' II to Indian Spring. 4<14-tf, CANCER Can be Cured b - Dr. Bond’s System. No Knife. Positively No Caustics. Absolutely No Pain. Remedies sent to any part of the World. Pamphlets and particulars free. Call on or address Dr. 11. T BOND, 1231 Chestnut St., Phila deiphia, Pa. julyl2 ly BARGAINS! BAB GAINS! BARGAINS!!! *EW STOCK ! I kU J*T Hl inform the public that I have re in Jt fjT *, tore *“ BrnevUle with ouo of the ****** ud Wat selected stock of Clot Ulnar. IlootM. brJint; llatM ’ tJm- Acd a general aaoortcjont in Cents Furnishing Goods iothie market, and would be plettfed . °u call and examine my ni ork loir^jes*i^T* n boUßht fol> c * sh only. at very •"*1 P i3- 3m *• *• Nussbaum. rruitland Nurseries A UGUSTA, GEORGIA. •J* Eerchmans, Proprietor. of FHCIT AND ORNAMENTAL offere-r * ' ln *^ e Southern States. Everything fruit g t L. H P*vhilly adapted to need of Southern hy being grown in this climate. Send ** *bov. ' 468 w *tich are mailed free by addressing Sepl3-tf *• i\ TAYLOR, ga„ I)KAL*R IK Groceries and Con tectioneries. 1/ Q ■ — ——- M A xt -Flour, Syrup, Molasses, I 1 *°d every of ull kln ,„, and THE If ARNES YILLE GAZETTE. STATE MEWS. Brunswick has a wheel of for tune. Talbotton wants a Library Asso ciation. Robinson’s circus elephants have been breaking through the country bridges. bruit culture is on the advance in South West Georgia. O Judge J. F. Hayes of Thomas eouuty is dead. Gov. Colquitt will address the State Agricultural Convention at Americus on the peculiar^advantage of South West Georgia. The population ol Columbus is ten thousand. I lie colored M. E. Conference has been in session at Columbus. Judge llillyer, Judge of Fultou Superior Court lias granted an in duction against the Atlanta Facto- O’- Atlauta pays by contract ninety live cents each for pauper coffins. ihe Macon Cotton Factory was sold the first Tuesday at the court iiuuse in Alacon for thirty-four thousand five hundred and twenty five dollars, to the Hanson brothers, Mr H. M. Conner, F. Miner and F. M. Farly, of Savannah. The question of assessing a tax on personal property in Atlauta has created much discussion. The question of taxing salaries has been agitating Macon. The City Couucil of Augusta has granted the right of way to the Knoxville and Augusta Railroad through certainjstreets in the western part of the city. During the month of January the police of Augusta made one hun dred and forty arrests, of which six ty were white and eighty were col ord, yielding one hundred and nine ty dollars iu fines. The mortuary report for the month of January in Augusta shows twenty-eight deaths, of which twelve were white and sixteen were negroes. During the month of Januaay tiie Ordinary of Richmond county, is sued fifty-seven marriage licenses twenty-four for whites and thirty three for col ored persons. Columbus is under good financial management, the municipal tax for the present year on realty being one half of one per cent, less than the tax of last year, which will have the effect of reducing the taxes one fourth. Estimating, says the Times, the entire taxable real etate at $3,- 000, 000, should, cause real estate to appreciate over S2OO, in value. There has also been a reduction of one-quarter of one per cent, on sales. Columbus lias more cotton in her warehouse than any other inland town except Augusta and Memphis. According to the annual report of the Chief Engineer of the Columbus Fire Department there were seven teen ala: ms given last year, and the amount of loss by fire was nineteen thousand seven hundred and two dol lars. The property of the Fire De partment is valued at forty-two thousand dollars. Tiie salaried men of Macon held a meeting one night to consider what action should be taken m reference to the action of the City Council imposing a tax of one per cent, on each and every one hundred dollars of salary. They intend to avail themselves of legal means to oppose this tax, which they regard as an imposition, and appointed a com mittee to consider and report upon the subject. The Central Railroad has gener ously consented to return all dele gates to the Educational Conven tion at Atlanta free over their rail road and all its branches, on certifi cate of attendance from Hon. G. J. Orr, State School Commissioner. Carollton has the champion, M. B. Reese, who can jump twenty three feet at one jump, running. The city sexton of Milledgeville reports three interments for the week ending February 4th, two whites and one negro, one of the former be ing a non-resident. The Whaling schooner Golden City lias arrived at the port of Brunswick with six thousand gal lons of oil for shipment by steamer to New York. Her cargo is worth seven thousand dollars; the work of seven months. The following is a recent decision of the Supreme Court of Georgia on the homestead question in the case of Cheney vs. Rosser, from Rockdale county : “When land set apart as a homestead has been sold and con veyed by the husband and wife with consent and approval of the Ordinary and the proceeds have been invested in other land will stand in place of the homestead, as to all persous charged with notice of the invest ment—so long, at least, as the orig inal homestead is not reclaimed by, or restored to, the family.—44. Ga., 108 ; 56 lb. 557.” The United States Supreme Court has decided the Missouri law regu lating the importation of Texas cat tle unconstitutional. It interfered with inter state trade. Texas cattle may now Oc shipped to any part of the North with no more restrictions than are placed on any other cattle. BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1878. Blaine’s Silver Bill. The bill introduced in the Senate, the 32nd, by Mr. Blaine, in full text as follows : A bill i6 authorize the coinage of silver dollars for circulation "and make che same u legal tender, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, etc., that silver bul lion may be deposited at any coin age mint, or at any assay office to the city of New York, for returns of sil ver dollars of—grains, standard sil ver, at such rate or piice per stan dard ounce of bullion as may, from time to time, by the Director of the Mint, with the approval, in writing of the Secretary of the Truasury, which rate shall correspond as ex actly as possible with the market rate ; and the bullion thus placed shall* in addition to other required coinage authorized by the existing law, be coined without delay, to the full capacity of the mints. Sec. 2. That any gain or profit arising from the coinage of silver dollars, shall, after the payment of thd lawful wastage, be covered into the Treasuary of the United States at the close of fiscal year. Sec. 3. The silver dollar herein authorized to be coined, shall be a legal tender, as by existing law, in common with gold coin, for all sums up to and including five dollars, and for all sums exceeding five the debt or shall have tiie right to tender in full payment, and the creditor the right to demand one-half the amount in gold and silver dollars. Sec. 4. Fine or standard gold and silver bars, bearing the stamp of any coinage mint, or of Assay-of fice at New York, shall be received by the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New York, for their stamped value, which will be the coinage rate respectively, and com certificates shall be issued therefor by the Assistant Treasurer in the same manner as coin certificates are now issued for gold coin, and the certificates so issued shall be redeem ed by the Secretary of the Treasury ou demand at the office of the As sistant Srcasurer at New York in coin or stamped bars of bullion de posited, at his option. Tnrkish Fleet. Perhaps one of the gravest ques tions of the East has not yet been settled. AH England’s efforts cl IC lo ho primarly directed ,to preventing the Turkish fleet failing into the hands of Russia as a part of the war indem nity, the armstice signed at Adriauo ple being vague enough on this point to admit of almost any construction. The invasion of Turkey by the Greeks affords a pretext for the dis patch of the fleet from the Alack .Sea, and it is asserted that vessels will be sent to the Mediterranean at once. Then comes the grand coup. As soon as the Turkish fleet em erges from the Dardanelles it will be seized by the British ironclads and conveyed to Malta. In brief, tiie high-handed proceeding at Copen hagen in 1801 will find a parallell in 1878, Indeed, one officer gave ex pression to his own ideas by saying that no shots “will be fired. This may be taken to mean that Horbart Pasha will have instructions from the Pone as to his conduct when the British fleet makes its appearance without violating the neutruality of the straits. England’s naval supremacy would then remain unquestioned. What Germany, Italy and Russia would think of such an act can easily be guessed. A dispatch from Constan tinople, dated Saturday night, seems to lend color to the above rumor. It is announced that Horbart Pasha re ceived orders to hold the Turkish fleet in readiness to sail, it was be lieved, for the Piraus or port of Ath ens. The Czar of Russia after inspect ing his troops made them the fol lowing handsome little speech: “I congratulate you upon the arm istice, the satisfactory conditions of which are due to our brave troops, who proved that for them nothing is impossible of accomplishment. Ye are, however, far from the end, and must continue to hold ourselves prepared until we obtain a durable peace, worthy of Russia.” How he Judged the Tow n, About a week ago, says the Jeffer son City (Mo.) Journal, a gentleman from Tennessee, representing a cap ital of 820,000, in search of a loca tion at which to engage in business, mve me a call, and after stating his mission West, asked to look at our paper. We handed him the morn ing Journal. To our surprise he did not stop to read our newsy local pick ups, or our attractive edilorial page, but he turned to tho advertising columns and conned over their spa ces. “Well,” said he, glancing up from the paper, “is that all. Is that the business of this town ?” “Oh, no,” said we, “here is the Tribune which has a few advertise ments that does noc appear in the Journal.” He theu counted two additional local business advertisements in the Tribune and again looked up with the remark: I “And that is all, is it? Why yon ’ haven’t got near as much of a town 1 as I thought you had.” And then we explained that we have a great many business men who ‘ do not advertise. “They are uot business men to hurt if they do not advertise,” was the answer. e could not contradict him, and we were powerless to vin dicate the “claims of the city.” He left us, saying that if he had the time he would like to look around, but he thought this was no place for him. RAISING THE HEAD. Special correspondence of The Pa., Times. Mauch Chunk, Pa , February 4. The excitement incident to the miraculous cure of Miss Amelia Greth by Father Heinan on Satur day last continues unbated. It is about the only thing talked of and the town is wild with rumors. These are, of course, shaded by the preju dices of the circulators. I called to day upon Father Heinan at his resi dence. locate.l upon the decline of the valley of the East Mauch Chunk creek. He declined to sec the Times representative. TLe paper had pub lished a dispatch from Bethlahem this morning which he said was a gross outrage, untrue and did him the greatest injustice. Fe would iot give that paper anyth ng, as lie meant to punish it. No explana tions were acceptable to he irate father, and the representative was compelled to retire for the time. Under a different garbard with a different credential, however, I fared better. He said he welcomed inqui ry into the matter and laid down this theory of life. He said he was not an ignorant man, understood the sciences and had delivered two lec tures on “ The Creation of Man” in this place. Life, according to his theory, is of three kinds : Vegetable, animal and higher, which combines with these two reason and will—be ing really the soul. The soul of Amelia Greth leaves her body and the auimal life, which is distinct from the other, remains, and she is alive all the time. Her reasonable power alone is gone. Her soul is distinct from the aminal life, and, though gone, may not destroy the latter. Her soul is the spirit of God, which he breathed into her. So much for the philosophy, which was never demostrated other than theore tically, excepting in the case of- Amelia Greth, and Father Heinan points to her case in confirmation of it. THE SOUL’S JOURNEY. In response to a question where the Soul had been during ifce Wnoo from the body, he said: k ‘The guardian angel has directed that that shall not be revealed; it would do no good and would only create mockery; one man has already been punished for his mocking, and there might be others.” At first Father Henian claimed that the wo man’s lungs bad been entirely used up and had ceased to perform their functions when the soul also left. When it suggested that this was a simultaneous departure of animal and soul life, Father Heinan corrected himself, saying he did not mean to say that the lungs were entirely gone, but terribly decayed and ot no further use. Hemorrhages have now ceased and neuralgia of the face, with which she had been af flicted, has also been cured. “This was a miracle-cure.” said Father Heinan, “ and there was no delus ion about it.” During the conversation Miss Greth was in the same room and ex pressed herself openly and freely concerning her life and cure. She said she was boru in Penn township, Berks county, this State, and is 3G years of age. Her father is dead. With her mother, she has beeu res iding with her brother, D. P. Greth, n Reading. Her limited education ishe received in the public schools of Reading. Her life is a very common place one, and, with a single except ion, uninteresting. The exception is the manner in which she lost the middle finger on her right hand. Tliis occurred seven years ago. In Reading, according to her story, a spirit appeared to her at three differ ent times, at the third visit made itself known. It was the spirit of a woman who, in this world, had been a Sister of Charity, and for some misdeed was destined to spend thir ty-four years in purgatory. She had already spent seven years there. Miss Greth could atone her fault and relieve her of the remaining twenty-seven years if she would agree to undergo some physical pain for her. This remarkable woman agreed to suffer for the deel. In a few days a discoloration was percep tible on one of the fingers. She visited Dr. McDonnell, of Reading, who sent her to St. Joseph’s Hospi tal, Philedelplra, to be operated up on. The finger was amputated at the third joint. She thus suffered the physical pain, but whether to the benefit of the purgatorial or not has not transpired. THE GUARDIAN ANGEL. About two years ago the guardian angel appeared to Miss Greth, and has been constantly with her since. She always sees it. The angel is about l\vo years old and ap pears like a child of that age. It has a sweet countenance and angelic wings. She has known Father Hei nan, she says, for years, and he has been her spiritual director. The angel directed her to come to this place and informed her that here the miracle was to be wrought. That is why she is here. The raising from her bed on Saturday was not the first that father Lleinan had doue for her. lie cured her twice before, once raising her from her bed of sickness in his own house and again at Reading, both times to enable her either to make a journey from or to his house. Now she felt confident that she was perfectly and perma nently cured. She felt perfectly well and happy, in soul and body. She is quite confident that her lungs were completely gone and that by the cure she “received anew pair.” During the time of the hemorrhages her “heart rolled up into her throat,” and she could not live un less propped up on pillows. In con clusion, she said that Rev. Father Borueman, of St. PaulY, Readmg, was her pastor, and he could vouch for her Christian character. The golden cross of which so much had been said was given her by Arch** bishop Kendrick, of Baltimore, for tfie care she had taken with a class of cateehumers at Reading some years since. Father Heinan is a Prussian, and 19 years of age was a student in one of the the Rhine provinces. In the war between France and Italy Ger many prepared for war and he was called into the service. In drill one day they formed a square. In the movement a companion ahead of him fell and bis bayonet passed through Heinan’s body. He was sick for years; there was no miracu lous recovery. While weak and disabled he pursued his studies. He was pensioned by the govern ment for the wound and still re ceives it. Ho does not have “mis sion” and is not a Jesuit. “Phil osophy,” lie said, “is my principal study.” lie completed his course in America after 1870, and was ordain ed by Archbiaop Wood. He was appointed to Reading and AUen town and subsequently to East Mauch Chunk. He has built churches at Lehgighton, Parryvillo and Berlinsville, and built up the East Mauch Chunk parish. Du ring his time a fine parochal school and nunnery have been erected here. He further said that Miss Greth was under no. improper influence, not deluded, but wa3 a pious ladv, had been so all her life, and was perfectly honest in all she had done. WHAT FATHER BUNCE SAYB. I called on Father Bunco, the Irish priest, at this place. He did not propose to say anything in refer* once to the matter. He had been there only as a spectator, and had seen and heard only what others had. He belived the whole thing had been honestly and fairly clone, <jnd that there was no delusion or (9&llHon. He paid a nigh uKratr. to Father Heinan as a man and a priest; said he was a tireless worker, self-denying and scholarly. Public opinion continues divided. The German Catholics believe thors oughly that a miracle was worked. Many Irish Catholies are skeptical and Protestants denouce the whole thing as a humbug. The latter say “Holy Joe," as Father Heinan is here popular known, “only seeks a little notoriety.” From these diver gent opinions several fisticuffs have ensued, and the feeling is becoming stronger. Some claim to believe him honest, but the victim of an emotional and hysterical woman. Several who have sesn the woman say that she is either insane or a fraud, and that she lias been able to hoodwink her spiritual adviser. She made her first extensive prome nade this afternoon, when she visi ted Father Bunce, in this place, walking about a mile each way. She came about 4 o’clok and return ed at 6.30. Dardanelles and Oalllpoll [St Louis Republican.] As around these two points, in the solution of the Eastern quess tion, the interest of the civilized world concentrates description of them will not be inappropri ate. Dardanelles, the ancient Helles pont, is the channel which separates Europe from Asia, and unites the sea Marmora with the Grecian ar chipelago. Its direction is from northeast to southwest ; its length about 40 miles, and its width varies from less than one mile to four. A strong current runs through it from the Sea of Marmora to the Archa pelago, and to prevent the advance of hostile fleets from the latter quar ter upon Constantinople, this chan nel is strongly fortified on both sides At the southwestern opening there are two castles, one on tiie European and the other on the Asiatic shore ; and about eighteen miles north-east of these are two more, making the sites of ancient Sestos and Abydos. Between the two pairs of castles is a line of modern fortifications of the most approved construction, and mounted with heavy guns. Dordan* elles has always played an important part in the military history of Eu rope and Asia. Xerxes crossed it by bridge of boats, in 480, B. G\, to enter Europe and Alexander did the same thing in 344, 8., C., to enter Asia. Leander—date not specified— swam it nightly, to visit his sweet heart Hero, and finally perished in making the trip—whether from an excels of love or an attack of cramp, has never been definitely ascertained, Lord Bryon performed the same feat of glory, and lived to boast of it. Gallipoli, the jteninsula, the an cient Tracian Coersonesus, is a por tion of the province of Rumili, in Eu ropean Turkey, aud separates the straits Dardanelles on the east from the Gulf of iSaros on the west. It extends in a southwest direction, and is about fifty-five miies long and from four to thirteen miles wide. Gallipoli, its most important town and seaport, is situated to the north eastern extremity of the Dardanelles ninety miles south Adrinople and about 130 miles west-southwest of Constantinople. Its defences, un less recently rebuilt, are of no con sequence. The town itseP, which contains a population of some 30,000 is exceedingly unattractive, but does a flourishing business injeorn, wine, oil, and various other products ot the country.: ft is also the residence of a bishop of the Greek church, who divides the s/piritual sovereignty with the managers of the Mohammedan mosques fti the vicinity are the re mains of magazines and cellars built by the Emperor Justinian. Galli poli is the oldest Turkish possession in Europe, having been laden by them in 1857. From thence, at leisure andrus circumstances permit* ted, thev advanced first to the cap ture of {Adrinople and afterwards to Constantinople. Boys And Their Bothers. Someone has written beautifully to the boys in the following manner. Here is a whole sermon in a few sen tences: “Of all the love affairs in the world, none can surpass the true love of the big boy for his mother It is pure love and noble, honorable in the highest degree of both. Ido not mean merely a dutiful affection. I mean a love which makes a boy gallant and courteous to his mother, saying to everybody plainly that he is fairly in love with her. Next to the love of a husband nothing so crowns a woman’s life with honor as this second love, this devotion of a son to her. And I never knew a boy ‘turn out’ bad who began by falling in love with his mother. Any man may fall in love with a fresh-faced girl, and the man who is gallant with the girl may cruelly neglect the worn and weary wife. But the boy who is a lover of his mother in her middle age, is a true knight who will love his wife as much in the sere-leaved autumn as he did in the daised spring time.” The Orange Business. —The orange business has not proved a remunerative one this season, from what we can learn. We are not ad vised as to the real cause of this. The markets were crowded in the start, with half ripe fruit, which no doubt influenced to some extent the low prices that ruled all along. We were in hopes that this would prjve a permanent as w T ell as profitable puvanit maac nf pur citizGUS, blit it seems their experience has been rum er sad thus far. The Florida orange, while unsurpassed for its rich flavor and size, will not keep long. They rot very fast. February, March and April may prove better months than November, December and January, and give our shippers a chance to catch up. We trust it may prove so. —Florida State Journal. The Washington reporter of the New York Bulletin thinks it settled that there will be no duty on tea and coffee imposed by Congress at its present session. lie also states that the sub-committee of Ways and Means has already decided to take off the 25 per cent, advolorem tax on cigars, it is now a mere question whether they will increase specific duty to make it equal to the advo lorem and specific now imposed, or let it stand at $2.40 per pound, or reduce it to $2.00, is the question. A Swedish inventor has contri ved a novel kind of fireman’s suit, designed to protect the whole body against damage by fire, smoke, or water, thus enabling not only to approach tire, but to pass through or into the same without injui}’. The arrangement consists in an air and water proof suit that covers the entire body, and is continually flood ed with water, the latter being in troduced‘by pipe connection with a hood, which covers the head-gear or helmet of the dress. The helmet is tightly applied to the body-cover ing dress, and the latter strapped to the body, air being applied to the inside to keep out the smoke by an air supply pipe and pump. The helmet is provided with a hollow valve mask, through which the wa ter is continually flowing, passing by a connecting tube to the hood which, as described, is fitted on the face mark and extended over the dress to shed water over the same when in use. The standard remedies for all diseases of the lungs are Schenck" S Pulmonic Syrcp, ScHenck's Mandrake Pills, and if taken before the lungs are destroyed they effects speedy cure- To these med icines Dr. J. H. Schenck, at Philadelphia owes his unrivalled success in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lungs, nature throws it off by an easy ex pectoration, and the patient has relief from the prostrating cough. The mandrake Pills must be freely used to cleanse and stimulate the stomach and liver; they re move all obstructions, relax the gall blad der and start the bile freely and tbe liver is soon relieved. It assists tbe digestion by toning up the stomach to a healthy con dition. So that the t x>d and the Pulmon ic Syrup will make good blood; then the lungs heal, and the patient will surely get well if care is taken to avoid fresh cold. Full directions accompany each prepa hation. All who wish to comult Dr. Schenck personally, can do so at his prin cipal office, corner of Sixth and Arch Sts Philadelphia, every Monday. Letters to the above address, asking ad vice, answerrd free of charge. Schenck’s Medicines are sold by all druggists. CANCER CAN BE CURED Cancer has from time immemorial been a great scourge to the human race, and is now becoming the greater. For man} 7 years it lias been held by the medical pro fession, and generally believed by the peo ple, that Cancer is incurable ; that once its roots take hold upou a victim, there is no chance for a sufferer to escape a lin gering terrible horrible disease, not only to the sufferer, but to his friends. Hap.- pilv, this fell destroyer need no longer be feared Dr. H. T. Bond, of Phila delphia, well known physician, of large experience, has for years devoted himself to the special study and treatment of Can cer, and the result of his experience is his discovery for the radical cure of Cancer without the use of either kuife caustic or plasters, and without pain. The majority of persons are greatly de ceived in regard to the first symptoms and appearance of this most dreaded disease, considering its painful from the commence ment. This is a sad mistake, carrying thousands to an untimely grave. In most cases there is little or no pain until the disease is far advanced. The only symp toms for many months, and even for years are occasionally a stinging, darting, stab bing, shooting, smarting, itching, burning crawling or creeping sensation, and in some cases not any of these. If a malady is growing worse instead of better, it is conclusive evidence it is of a malignant character and demands immediate atten tion. If you have a branny, scaly, warty appearance, with au occasional breaking out of these upon the face, lip or nose, or any other portion of tlic skin, attended with any of the above symptoms, or a sen sation of ally being on it, or a hair tick ling, it, is certain evidence it is Cancer, and there should be no delay in using Lr. Bond’s treatment. Life is too valuable to be tampered with. Dr. Bond’s treatment consists of an “Antidote” that is applied locally ; this at once arrests the growth of the Cancer and by chemical action neutralizes its maD Ignfty, rendering it harmless and chang ing it to a simple sore, which nature, as sisted by constitutional remedies, soon heals when the skin is unbroken, ami the Cancer is a hard tumor, the Antidote doe* not make an open sore, but removes it by absorption). In connection with the An tidotc is used the Specific, takeu internal ly. This tones up the general health, strengthens the patient, purifies the blood and eliminates the poison from the sys tem. Dr. Bond’s Antidote contains nei ther caustic nor poison, and can be ap plied to the most delicate tissues of the body without injury and therefore is the only remedy -that can be used iu internal Cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, cancer of the womb, etc. Dr. Bond’s remedies, with full directions for success ful treatment will be sent to any part of the world. Pamphlets and full particular free. Address, Dlt. H.T. BOND, 1241 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. julvl2-ly Dr. W. TANARUS, Park, OF ATI ANTA, GFOROTA, has tor twenty five years made the treatment or all Chronic, orOltl Nf muling Diseases, havVkaYls whl<h ether physicians cedentecl a 7V,rli a success unpre- Besldes* he has, of his own discovery and pre paration, an established painless cure for the n A T IT If MORPHINE and LAUDA II || I || H NUM HABIT, and Its cau- E| I I |l |H sea. GUARANTEEING sat •* 1 * U if* isfaction on' three days’ trial. Mall to him a full description of whatever af fliction you may have, and ten cents for reply. mm la the most genial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It Is composed of herbal products, which have a spec! lie effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from the air cells all ir ritating matter; causes it to be expecto rated, and at once checks the inflammation which produces the couch. A single dose relieves the most dlstrcsslnc paroxysm, soothes nervousness, and enables the sut ferer to enjoy *ulet rest at nicht. Beinc a pleasant cordial, It tones the weak stom ach, and is specially recommended for children. What others say about TutVs Expectorant • Had Asthma Thirty Years. Baltimore, February 1875. “I have had Asthma thirty years, and never lound * medicine that had such a happv effect.” W. F. HOGAN, Cherle* Bt. A Child’s Idea of Merit. New Orleans, November 11, 1876. “Tutt's Expectorant is a familiar name in my house. My wile thinks it the best medicine in the world, and the children fay it is ‘nicer than molasses candy.’” NOAH WOODWARD, 101 N. Poydrss St. “Six, and all Croupy.” "lam the mother of six children ; all of them have been croupy. Without Tutt’s Kxpectorant, I don't think they could have survived some of the attacks. It is a mother’s blessing-.” MARY STEVENS, Frankfort, Ky. A Doctor’s Advice. “ In my practice, I advise all families to keep Tutt's Expectorant, in sudden emergencies, for coughs, croup, diphtheria, etc." T. P. ELLIS, M.D., Newark, N. J. Bold by all druyyisU. Price SI.OO. Ojjice 36 Murray Street, New York. 11l “THE TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT.” “Tutt’sPills are worth their weightin gold.” REV. I. R. SIMPSON. Louisville, Ky. “Tutt’s Pills are a 7pec!aT"bles;ing of the nine teenth century.’’— OSGOOD, New York. “Ihave used Tutt’ & Pills for torpor of the liver. They are superior to any medicine for biliary dis orders ever made.” I. P. CARR, Law, Augusta, Qa. 11 T have used Tutt’s I’ilis live years in my family. They areuncqualed for costiveness and biliousness.” F. R. Texan. “I have used Tutl’s with great benefit.’’ W. W. MANN, Editor Mobile Register. •‘We sell fifty boxe?Tutt's Pills to five of all others.” — SAYRE & Ga. ‘‘Tutt’s Pills havebe tried to establish their merits. Thev work like magic.” W. H. BARRON, 86 Summer St., Boston. “ There is no medicine so well adapted to the cure of bilious disorders as Tutt’s Pills.” JOS. BRUMMEL, Richmond, Virginia. AND A MORE. Bold by druggists. 25 cents a box. Office 35 Murray Street, yew York. TUTT S HAIR DYE INDORSED. I HIGH TESTIMONY. FROM THE PACIFIC JOFRA.IL. • A CREAT INVENTION I has been made by l)li. J l'tt. of New A ore, I which re-tore* youthful beauty to the hair. I That eminent chemist has succeeded 111 I producing a Hair Dye which imitates I nature to perfection. Old bachelors may I Dow rejoice.” I Price SI.OO. Office 35 Murray St., Pew Yorli. Sold by all druggists. J. L. FOCC, Operative and Mechanical DENTIST, (Office up-statrs In bank building) Barnesville, - - Georgia. Hoarders, MRS. L. K. ROGERS Is prepared to take either day boarders or lodgers on reasonable terms be ing convenient to tlie Institute, Church and the business part of town. Barnesville, Ga., Jan. 22nd. is:*. GEOIIGI A —Pike Covvty. Whereas ivm. M. Kendrick Guardian of Aman da P. Kendrick applies to me, for an order to sell the real estate belonging to the said Amanda P. Kendrick. This Is t herefore to cite ail persons concerned, to be and appear at my office on the tlrst Monday In March next, to show cause If any why said order should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 19th January 1878. T. j. B LASING A ME, Ordinary. W. A STEEI), Mill Wright and Machinist, Barnesville, Ga., WILL FURNISH PLANS or Specifications for VT Water or steam Mills. He will sell Tur bine Water Wheels, Smut Machines, Bolting Cloths, Millstones, and any and all Mill Findings. He also sells steam and Portable Engines of the best make. For further particulars address as above. GEORGIA—Pike County. Whereas, M. K. Jordan, Guardian of Lizzie Jordan, now Lizzie Carriker, represents to the Court in Ills petition duly Hied, that he has set tled finally with his said ward : Tlds Is, there fore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, ir any they can. why said Guardian should not be discharged from said Guardianship, and re ceive Letteis of Dismission within the time pre scribed by law. Given under my band and offi cial signature tills Nov. tali, 1877. novs T. J. BL A SIN GAME, Ordinary. H. S. RI VIE RE, BARNESVILLE, CA., H AS .. n 52L a lar S e Stock of LIQI ORS of aU kinds, Including some of the best brand* Brandies, Whiskies and Wines. He also keeps (‘OXFEC'TIOK UII IKS, ilCliltS aud TO BACCO, in qualities and prices to suit the times. In connection he has a 2>'st '!£ and HI LI, LA. It'D SA L O (KY, And is always ready and willing to wait on Ills customers. MR. v. m. FAMIiRO, Is with him and will be glad to see his friends and customers. Golden Harvest for Faimers. Your attention is called to Cur Mammoth Spring Wheat, An entirely new variety from anything ever before introduced. It is a bright, plump grain, almost one-half inch long, making fine liour, has never had any disease incident to wheat, and produces from 60 to 80 hush els to the acre. Awarded first premium at the Cen tennial. Price 1 Package % 35 5 “ f SI.OO Sample cun be seen at this office. Normandy GiantiWhite Corn Ts Decidedly The Finest Corn Known. It was first imported, and lias been thoroughly tested in the TJ. 8. Has produced 150 bushels to the acre. Grain very birge. Pearly white. Many of the each measure 18 inches long with 2to f to the Btulk. Pronounced by leading agriculturists to be the finest corn in the world. Price 1 Package $ 50 J Large Package .SI.OO v. e want .agent to intioduce these valuable seeds everywhere. No trouble to s. 11. Send stamp for sample and special terms, and secure territory at once. N, 1. HAYES & GO., Importers and Growers of Field and Garden Seeds, . Sweetwater, Monroe Cos., Tenn. \V e have in cultevation rwo farms in this vicinity and shall continue to make importing anrl growing seeds a spncialty, and introduce nothing but pure seeds. jan2i-tf P'O ffof/o College f >jlucoia, (Georgia. Full Classical, Scientific and , Com— mercial Course. Second Term Commences Feb. 14, 1878. Wm, H. GROSS, D.D., Bishop of Savannah, President. nr- N. 8.-Catalogue wit Mull Information re garding terms, Ac., seat upon application. JanlT-6t Plano and Organ Playing Learned in a Day !Yfl ASON S CHARTS, which recently ?reatcd tuch ■r, il sensation in Roston and elsewhere, will en able any person, of any age, to Master the Piano or Organ in a day, even though they have no knowledge of notes, etc. The Boston Globe says: “You can learn to play on the piano or organ in a day, even if you never played before, and have not tne slightest knowledge of notes, by tne use of Ma son’s Charts. A child ten years old can learn to pi iy easily They are endorsed by the best musicrl peo ple in Boston, and are the grand culmination of the inventive genius of the nineteenth century ” Circulars giving full particulars and many testi monials will be sent free on application One s.‘t of Mason’s Charts, and a rare book of great value en titled, “Singing Made Easy,” both mailed, postpaid to any address for oniy U. “Worth more than *IOO spent on music lessons.” Address A. C’. MORTON, . . , , Gengral Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Agents wanted at once everywhere. Best chance ever offered. Secure territory before too late Terms t-ree - nov29-tf RUPTURE. Those wishing Relief and Cure for Rupture Shou o consult Dr. J. A. SHERMAN, 258 Broad way, New York. Nend 10 cents for his new book, with Pho tographic likenesses of bad eases before and after cure. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Shermon’s treatment. One of these fellows, a german clerk, now call ing lumself Dr. w. Q. Cremplen, Is Indicted on complaint of Dr. S. und awaits trial for forgery and embezzlement. ° J AGENTS WANTED!! FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS Wilson Sewing Machine Cos.. 829 Broadway, New York Oity; Chicago, 111.; New Orleans, La.; or San Francisco Cal. ‘TfOJieti * 03 V I.SHSZ *H ‘G •ia *to a ism. „"?!L" J pa * 8 '£* °N*"Pnoi p&. ...j;, J NO. 4.