The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, October 05, 1882, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. FREEMAN & CRANKSHAIV, DIALER> IN riamonds. and Fine Jewelry. THE NEW ntarEHT DUST PROOF CflS& Send For Price List. 31 WHITE I rAI.L ST., - - - ATLANTA, .GA BARGAINS.SSSBARGAINS 1 w* I have just returned from New \ ork and haye bought the^ *v • W Best and Cheapest I* t 4 L STOCK OF dhi’s, Boys’ and Children’s (ilolfe fHats, Bools, Shoes,Shirts, Ladies Dress wds.fftah and Shawls. ■ ’ I have taken advantage in buying rally before the adduce in price iso I urn onabled’to oiler goods as cheap as any New Yor "house. Cal [and convince •* f M. M NJOSSBATXM. scpt.7 "a ca.J{ A> 'in solidly on plutioim* £ want to sell you liHWMI, STOVES, Mil -MACHINES, Rubber Belting, Ilothefurnishing Goods &c., at a small advance on cost, and don’t you cULsrem ember Call right tb?s w^ f Yours for Business, H. R, oA#B£Rs. I)H. \V>l. A. WRIGHT Is si 111 at No. f, from corner Market, and Main swWt, where found* good i.ssortint ut of DPI'GvS, MEDICINES, FIN E PEfcFUMBRf, toilet soaps, POWDERS. LAMPS, very elicap, to make room for Siiulf, Fn o Segurs, Smoking Tobacco. PAINTS, OILS and DYE STI PES, ' * A A GOOD STOCK’DF R , ‘ With goood many other articles too numerous toTOcntion. PRICES PtHIA.SOISrA.BLEI- Don’t forget that Prewcviiit loiik uv© Frecjwhorc Medicines nre Furnish and. One dollar’s worth ot medicine oiten chits the worst ot cases short time. s °l ) t7 Secret Diseases strictly Confidential. . 8 . E\ IVTaIVN. BOOKSELLER and STATSOMER, CORNER MAIN AND TAT LOR STS. Has on hand a well selected assortment <i (School. Religious, Blank and Miscellaneous BOOKS,. stationery. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Cigars, Tobacco. Snuff, and Fancy Goods generally. Any Book not in stook’\vfll tt€ furnished on yhcn t kmice. Family Bibles sold at bnc-halt the price you pay a travelling agent. A lull line 01 MustMl Instruments In stock and will be sold at Lud- and Bates' prices. Picture Frames and Cornice a Specialty. Subscription received to the lending periodicals, 'mwtest Perfumery, Soap, end Toilet Goads at Mann's. The best 10 cent, scent, 3 cent and 2,wcent Cigars arc at Mann’s. For tie Holiiay Trade Mann’s will lie one Solid Glitter of Beauties. I have no competition in Bstrnesyille, but am running against Macon and Atlanta prices. I have but one price, is the lowest that any market gives you. PATENTS We continue to act as Solicitor;, ft; Patents, Caveats. Trade Mai as. Copyrights, etc., for the failed smr.-s. i ana da. (uha, England, franco, Germany, etc. We bit' ehad tliirty-ll\ o J't arm’ c*i invents obtained through us arc : • Met'd in ; !.e sci- KXTinc AmkricaM. This large end splendid i., as tral , v\\ klrpi''er,s3.vM)ayftr,sht'Wstht Prvrrrc.- s tf $. lent-*, is veVytkterr and lu;san ... r;.. as circulation. Address MITNN & CO., I'ateut s. 1 CS, Pub’s. Of SCIKSTIKK! AMEUICAX, 3T Flirt JU w, York. Handbook about Fatentefree. GRIFFIN FEMALE COLLEGE GRIFFIN, GrA. This well known institution will open under entirely new auspices on Mon t day. lltli a full faculty of com petent and exjWieneed teachers. A thorough ur.'i* ot instruction in all the branches of an ■ugtisli education, with ancient and modern lan- vocal and instrumental music, and and painting wiil be pursued. Location ■o .TblM tor health and moral and social ad ■itages. The building is now undergoing will be ready tor the beginning ! tUesesltfi. a - Fur full particulars cent a bring t ruis of admis sion. apptFto GKo. G. EI'TLMU, AJk, ’ x'res^Pit. For Sale. 3,00*0 Bushels lied Must Proof SEED OA T.S AT so cents plg-toushel Caa fa. by applying u>. ,\ T. E ROSE. The Rock, Ua, angst Ji* FREE! “reliable self-cure, A favorites prescription of one of the F most noted and rtMCSarful spcaiadsts in the U. “A r (cow retiredi for thscure of Xcrvoim Itebrfiiy. B, l.nnt .Humhood. iteaknrHH and ite.cay. Seal E* |nplainsoaledenvelope/rg^oMggisiacaafilLl. jv Address OR. WARD Mo. Hk ||| M J Ac , , _ __ _ a ~ Hji i THE BARNESVILLE GAZETTH A. CLARKE, Cf. MILLER. CLARKE & MILT.BR, COMMISSION MIC HANTS, No. i> Forsyth Ga. " \T7B deal in and sell of Hay, Grain, ♦ f "lour. Fruits, Vegetables, Butter Eggs, and everything in the proc.ueo line. We solicit consignments of any of u.e above articles ana guai.mtee sattsfacMonby sirict attention to bus Iness and square dealing, our store is large and convenient to business Correspondence solicited and any information in relation to markets freely given at. any time. References:—Maddox. Rucker & Cos., Bankers; Moore, Marsh, & Cos., Wholesale Dry Goods; B F. Wyiy ,v Cos.. Grocers. ‘ aug3 ROBE’S J | Business University , ATLANTA. GEORGIA. A Established *4 years The Business World in Miniature. Send for II lustrated circular. Termsete. aug Sl-iy SELECT SllLilLS FORSYTH, GEORGIA. 1 lie urinelpal of t his sclioo 1 has associated with him Mr Ch&s. J. Wallace late Frof. of Vocal and Instrumental Music Andrew Female College, Cuthbcrt oa„ and with Miss Kate MU ledge late Instructress in Brewing and Fainting in Mon roe Female College, will give attention to the u struction and culture of thirty pupils. hke number of pupils being limited ;and the best touching talent being secured for the dif ferent departments praise is not needed tocum mend the advantages of the school to the favor of an erdightenfuLnubiic. Exercises Monday, September 4th . ug< and in ad van >. e. For further Principal. Entered at tne Fost ofllce at BsrnesvlUe as .second Oas? Matter. ATLANTA FURNITURE FACTORY, 553 Marietta Street, Atlanta, oa. Manufacture Bed Row Sets RaugiDs; from sl4 to S2OO. > - % ? MV | & '% . planteus. t OlTOioors are again open at our old stand to handle your cotton. 'With TWELVE yesup experience as warehousemen, we to protect your interests by hspadling your cotton and posting you as#o the market, pro pose to devote our £ > ENTIRE* ATTENTION to l±e handling of COTTON as WAREHOUSEMEN hence our only aim and enajavor will be to advance the interest of our customers. AMe have earnestly endeavored to build up a strictly warehouse in our town, which devote its entire attention to assisting the planhZn selling his cotton. T*e propose not only to weigh your cotton, but see tbifck is properly sampled and that you vou realize its market value. Enterprfcing and lw^^Kiyers at our warehouse, and we nmhesitatingly guarantee the liigm-st market price for all cotton handled by us. Give us a trial and if we do rxmprove that wc are alive to the interests of the cotton planter, we do not ask ylur patron- Bagging and Tiep ways-on hand with Mr. T. 13. I. Y< v THE REDDING IVAR^^msh Wbare Cnpt. W. I>. I). Redding, as will be will make this house as TO A olbstrulv. BLOWW jbameaville^^ ffatEhfls, '(Ms, Jewelry, Silieriare. Being desirous of a .ing a lively tall and winter I have stocked up with Are above line of goods, and I most invite uiy friends antLcustoniera*to call and examine prices and quality bef®*”srcfllßlng elsewhere. As my mottoißßl be tcroe*d honestly with every one. AMERICAN WATCHES AMMIAS MS A SPECIALTT j- My work department is complete intrusted to mv care shall re ei ve my personal attention, and be ea r. jpfGEAVIISPioNE TO*ORDEE.^ Thanking the public for past favors, I earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. Yours to command, . O. S. HIGGINS. TJIWGEAJ ORI G STORE A. MUBPIIBOtfBJi, Proprietors. This Drug Stoie has been to be one m tfts, section. It is in d^^^HfeMbdition c. still presides at the prescriplTO AYE SEEP usually kep#in a first class We have the best line of CIGARS in Barnesvilb. sept 7 Tl. F. & NC^\, Look out for us, we have moved iatt> the D. J. Evans’ building, one door below our old stand, and next ctoor to S. F. Mann’s Book Store. We are receiving our new goods from Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, including a nice lot of "I Blacfc, Blue & Brown Cashmeres, and BROCx'vDE DRESS FLOODS. Also Cionks, Walking Jackets, Clothing, Hat Shoes and Crockery, We are keeping a fine as sortment c£ STAPLE and FANC¥ GROCERIES, which we will sell as low as antlodv. WE GUARANTEE OUR GOODS TO GIVE SATIS FACTIOiSHLU Aus and M will treat you right. Thanking you for solicit a contiuuanco of the same. Wfc ud s of Country ITcTiee. and don’t you forget it. COCHRAN & SON. Barnesville. Besf Prices. On the v. ommeivinl isure n having and price s rfyfi s. Crockery, Wood anMQTinware/ Laundry and Blacking, etc. Will keep constantly on hand for chewing and smoking, Cigars and Smith . Shovels and Tongs, Aud ited everything goods. With many thanks spare no efforts to merit of the f1! 1 ; J iff Vc^i^^^Vily, c. HIGHTOIVER. sept?-3m We3t side Pablic Square. ENGLISH &T BLOODWORTH, TVrXX.3STB R, a trade Dry Goods, Boots^S^^B They have inratock aisdtttfJ|f i ‘f ‘ * :U’-/ i‘:" ELLIES, TOBATCO, CiGJm BARNESVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1882. Booksellers and Stationers, School Books, Miscellaneous Books, School Supples, Blank Books, Artists Materials, Office Outfits, Fancy Stationary, Wedding Invitations, Foreign and American Novelties, Visitors asked to Inspect Stock, And make our store their headquarters. HOLMAN COFFIN & 00,,. aug26 . 26 Marietta, Street, Atlanta, Ga. Terms of SuUsjcriptiom One Copy, one year f•’ 00 One copy, six months 100 J. C. McMIOHAEL, Publisher. ADVERTISING RATES. i i aLTTm.3c mVlh'm 1 Square.... ]slo#|s2so , $7 00 | $lO 00 l sls 00 2 Squares... 200 I snollo 00 15 00 1 25 00 S Squares... | 30© | 700 ISOCj 2000' 3000 4 Squares... 4 oOSj io 01 20 00 l 3u 00 i 40 00 % Column.... 5 00! 12 00 30 00 13000[ 50 00 % Column.. .1 10 00 I 20 00 I 35 00 I 65 00 I SO 00 1 Column..,, j 12 00 I 25 00 j4OOO j 70 00 I 130 00 fftfSIEITERu r The true antidote to the effects of miasma is l Hostetter ’ a Stomach Bitters. This med ioine is one of the most popular remedies of an age of successful proprietary specifics, and is in immense demand wherever on this Continent fever and ague exists. A wineglassful three Jmms a day is the best possible encountering a malarious atmosphere, regulating the liver, od invigorating <the stomach. ] For sale by all Druggists uud Dealers & Ua-_ generally. j tI WJjpCE COMES TIIE UNBOUNDED % POPULARITY OP Allcock’s Porous Plasters. Because they have proved themselves the Best External in vented. They will cure Asthma, Colds, Coughs, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, and any loea^iains. Applied to the small of the back they are infallible in Back Ache. Nervous Debility, all Kidney troubles; to the pit of the stomach they arc a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. .A.llcock’s Porous Pilasters are painless, fra grant. and quick - To cure. Beware of imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLCOCK’S, the only Genuine Porous Plaster. The Bad and Worthless are never imitated or counterfeited. This is especially true of a family medicine and it is positive proof that the reme dy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprang up and began to steal the notices in which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. 8., and in every way trying uWnduce suffering invalids to .use their stuff instead, expecting to ■nake money on the credit and good "name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. 8., with variously devised names in which the word “Hop” or “Hops” were used in a way to induce people to be lieve they were the same as Hop Bit ters. All such pretended remedies or cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especially those with the word “Hop” or “Hops” in their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are imitations and counter feits. Beware of them. Touch none of them. Use nothing but genuine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. NO MORE EYE - GLASSES, Mitchell’s Eye-Salve. A certain. Safe and Effective Remedy for MLiuiiDifiumnn Producing Long-Sightedness, and Re storing the sight of the Old. Cunt Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Tu mors. Ded Eyes, Matted,Eye Las'ies, And Producing Quick Belief And Permanent (Jure. Also eoually efficacious when used in other maladies stfch as ricers. Fever Sores. Tumors, Salt Rheum, Ruins, Piles, or wherever inflamma i tlon exists, Mithchell’s Salve may be used to j adv anta 0 aU Drll ggi s t at 26 cents. | Ki DN EY-WORT 1 18 A SURE CURE for all diseases of the Kidneys and —'LIVER—- It has specific) Bottom on this most Important organ. enabUnc; it to throw off torpidity and etimiiioting tbo healthy secretion of UM —th. bow.u^ in (W. | rS hi r~y h/hp;r j ■feicala nd Military and health. Course in exi.'iit, sur no academy in the preparatory to tuition med- K.un. No extras. ■pierAcadems P. O. i \ aug3 'BINE habit thirty tteys. Ten fc.looo cured .Write ■p^fo^nhney. ADMINISTRATIONS TRIUMPH. Last week brought triumph to the stal wart national Republican administra tion in the great state of New York. The contest was between Secretary Folger, the administrators candidate and Cornell the representative of the Garfield Republiciuis of the state for governor. The state convention was he'd at Saratoga and Folger ay as nomi- nated on the second ballot. Thus the work of Guiteau is asserting itself. The hand of the administration holds fast the greatest state in the union. With this aud others, it proposes results for two years lienee. It has also a power ful influence at work in Georgia to-day. Money lAs been sent from the represen tatives of the administration to carry Georgia. Some of it has already ar rived at Bamesville and is being circa luted. What effect it will have we are unable to say so far as pro due ing results. If the democracy of Geor gia rally to the regular nominees all ov er the state and give them a hearty sup Port, the result will be success. If there is a lukewarmness or v r otes cast for the independents by democrats the result may be different. The Republicans have pledged to support the Independ ents. Remember that next Wednes day the election for governor, state house officers and members of the legis lature will be held. Let every demo crat turn out and vote for the nominees of the party. The Tatiff Commission. | Some of the members of the Tariff [Commission have visited Atlanta and %ftvarnah, While in Amlk free trade arguments \ere mad# by Mr. ,L 11. Goss, of Decatur Ga., a farmer But physician, and by Mr. Woodson Wilson of Atlanta, a lawyer. Specimens of the stalk and fibre of Rf ramie plant were presented by RicMrd Peters, of Atlan ta, who spoke of mie great possible val ue of the plant, is adapted to the soil and climate ol the (South, and which yields u fibre equal mtliat of llax or hemp, and is cheaper than either. He also exhibited a robe made from the wool of the Angora goat, and represen ted the importance of eiMouraging the production of both the piant and the animal. He did not suggest any spe cial tariff rates, however, in connect ion with existing duties being sufficient protection. A. G. West, pres identmf the understatement a#to the protection of the production of pig iron, which Avas worth from $lO to S2O a ton at the furnace, and which only cost him at his Avorks sls. He had therefore, a fair return on Iris investment and was sat*a isfied Avith the present duty on pig iron, although a reduction of it avouUl de stroy his business. The commission left afternoon for Savannah. SavannalTOie commission was ad dressed by John Screven, rice planter, as one of the deleg;£ion of merchants and planters in favor of a protective tariff on rice. He said that the rice pro duce of Georgia was about one-half of the total produpe of rice 011 the Atlan tic coast, and affout one-third of the product of tl* whole country. He read from a repoi#made last January by a special committee of which he was chairman. The domestic consumption of rice in 1881 was 175,000,000 pounds. The report declares that the average profits on American rice are dependent on the maintenance of an import duty, and that if the duty Avas removed or materially reduced, its cultivation must be abandoned, and it concludes with a statement of facts in relation to the industry for the sixteen years prior, declares that the taxation of the foitygn product is found policy, and that, at no time since 1865 could ricei have been cultivated as a staple product without the protection afforded by the duty. Even the present duty, he said, of 2% cents a pound Avas not a sufficient protection, because the Amertcan cost of raising the crop was $4,30 per hun dred pounds, Avhile Asiatic |ffie could be laid down here for $2,90. In reply to a question from Mr. Boteler, Mr. wjrev en suggested three cents per poflnd as the proper duty on rice, and lie added that this country can supply all.the rice needed for domestic consumption. James H. Johnston, chairman of the committee of the Savannah cotton ex change , made an argument on the same subject, and declared that the re duction of the present duty on rice would stop its production in this coun try and back into an uncultivated waste the rich land now devoted to that pur pose. Mr. Johnston thought Avith the price of rice kept at six or six and a half cents its cultivation wouid be prof itable. He preferred the present rate of duty with some assurance of stabil ity, than a higher mte with the ques* tion left open. Josiah L. Warren of the cotton ex change, argued against the proposed increase of duty on cotton ties, although he favored an increase of the duty of rice, an inconsistency which was refer red to by Mr. Oliver, and which Mr. Warren attempted to explain and justi fy. . H. M. Comer, anßnporter of cotton ties, took a like pospion and stated that the additional tax on cotton producers from the proposed increase would be for a cotton crop of the present yea r. 552- (XK> Before the final adjournment, Mr. Screven submitted his position. It was that the duty on cleaned rice he increas ed from 1% to 3 cents a pound; on un cleaned from 2 to2*4; on paddy or rough rice to 2; and on rice flour and rezina to 3 cents, President Hayes asked if the rice plantation is abandoned is the property valuable for any other pur- pose ? Screven replied;‘‘No, it is perfectly useless, the whole property is literally wiped out.” This closed the hearing and the commission left for Charles ton. A Cowboys Battle. Western despatches recently told# , characteristic story of lite on the plains Two drovers—one with a herd of foul thousand cattle and the other with a 1 herd of only one thousand less—had journeyed from Ari zona to Coloradoßphen they came to the point of setaration it was that the herds had become mixed up. At this distance the difficulty would seem easy of solution, hilt not so in Colorad . The drovers and their herds men talked and argued, when finally it was proposed to submit it to the arbi tration of battle. This was agreed to. Six mounted herdsmen on each side were counted off, and at the distance of fifty paces they opened fire. IJour men were instantly killed. One party then retreated from the field. It was pro posed to renew the battle, but the vic tors declined, maintaining that the Question had been settled in accordance with the terms of the agreement. For tunately this view was accepted. The dead were buried, the cattle were re turned each to its proper owner and the march was resumed. “ROUGH OH RATS.” The tiling'desired found, at last. Ask Dr ‘‘Bough on Emits.” It M. T. CASTLEBER™ 85 and 92 Broad Street, Atlanta, Ga., WHOLEALI ANDRETAIL DEALER IN UW A Full and Complete Stock of all Grades and Styles ConstoHj Orders by mail will receive catalogue aiul price lists. A FATAL MISTAKE. How a Blundering Judgment May ?>e Re sponsible for the Most Serious Results. —Mr. Edwin Booth said recently that he supposed his lungs were af fected, having a persistent cough until lie suav Dr. Mackenzie, of L<n I don, Aviio found that this sympton fl arose from a disturbance of the liver. " —N. A'. Herald. The above item, Avhicli lias been go ing the rmmds of the press, is of no spe cial significance other than to the per sonal friends of Mr. Booth, except that it brings to light a truth of the greatest importance to the world. Few people pass through life without the affliction of a cough at some point in their ca reer, 111 most cases this is comsidered tlie result of a cold or the beginning of consumption, and thousands have be come terrified at this and have sought by a change of air ;md the use of cough medicines tu avert the im pending disaster. It lHay safely be said that more than half the coughs #hich are afflicting the Avorld to-day dp not have their origin in the lungs Im are the result of more serious troubles in other organs of the body. “Liver coughs are exceedingly common and yet are almost wliolly misunderstood. Arising from a disordered state of the liver they show their results by congesting the lungs. In fact, the efforts of the liver to throw off the disease, produce cough ing even when the lungs themselves* are in a healthy state. But it is a mistake to suppose that such delicate tissues as the lungs can long’ remain in a healthy condition when they are being constantly agita ted by coughing. Such a theory would be absurd. Consumption which Avasjh ai ed at first is certain to take place unless something is done to check cause. This must be plain to every ■tought tul mind. It stands to reason, ; l^refore that the only Avay in which -liver coughs” can be removed is by rest-k ing the liver to health, a# In this connection another fact of great importance becomes knbwn, which can best be explained by the y* of an actual CA'ent. Mr. W- TO cattle dealer of Colorado, bc cam a greatly reduced in health find came east to Chicago for the purpose of ’being cured. He consulted Dr. J* , one of the leading physicians of the country on pulmonic subjects and be gan treatment for the cure of his lungs. But his cough increased while his strength decreased. Finally he determin ed to consult anotlftsr physician and ap plied to Dr. B . After a careful ex amination he Avas informed that Ids lungs were perfectly sound, Avhile his kidneys were in a most terrible condi tion. He had all the apparent syrnp tons of consumption but he was suffer ing from the terrible Bright’s disease. The symptons of consumption are often tlie sure indications of Bright’s dis ease. The above truths regarding coughs have been knoAvn by the leading physi cians for several years but the public have never been informed of them. They are serious facts, however, and should be understood by all, so that dan gers which might otherwise prove fatal may he avoided. They clearly prove one great truth which is, that the kidneys and liver are such vital organs that their health should be constantly guard ed. The distressing, backing cough s often dreaded as the forerun- and the wasting strength which accompanies it, in all probability may arise from weakened or diseasedfcidnevs or li\ r er, to restore whrch Avould cause returning health. Hoav this most desirable end may be attained has long been a problem, but few people of intelligence at the pres ent day have longer any doubts that the popular remedy known as Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver cure has done more to correct relieve and restore th( se organs than any other preparations ev er before known. There are hundreds of instances Avhich have occurred Avith in the past three months where indi viduals have believed themselves tlie victims of consumption, when in reali ty it was deranged kidneys and liver which this remarkable medicine has completely cured, as witness tlie follow- ing statement: Buffalo, X. Y., July 6, 1882.—1 be lieve it to be a fact that thousands of cases of so-called consumption can be successfully treated by simply using Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure as directed. I was one of the “given up to die” persons—had every symp tom of the last stage of consumption bad cough of four years standing, night sweats, chills, etc, etc. A season south did no good, and the fact was the case looked discouraging. 1 took Warner’s Safe Kidnev|and Liver Cure,and in tbre? months I regained over twenty pounds, and my health was fully restored. W. C, BEACH, Foreman Buffalo Rubber Type Foun dry. , . . There are thousands of people in A merfta to-day who believe they are the victims of consumption and destined to an early grav e and who are trying to save themselves by the use of consump tion cures hut ary growing worse each hour. Let all such persons stop, and calmly consider whether they are not seeking to check a disease in the lungs when it is located in the kidneys and liver. Let them treat the disease in its original stronghold and by the remedy which has been proven to he the most effective and then look for the return of health and happiness which such treatment is sure to bring. Challenging the Judge. A story comes to us through a Texas paper of a colored citizen of that state who when brought to trial for a crimi nal offense fcad his lawyer challenge several jurors who- he said, were preju diced against him- When the attorney whispered to his sable client, “Are there any more jurymen who have a preju dice against you ?” the anxious prison er replied, “Xo, boss; de jury am ail right, but now 1 wants you to chal lenge de .Tedge. I has been convicted under him seberal times already, and maybe he is beginin’ to liab prejudice agin me.” “SkStay Men,” Well’s Health Renewer. Absolute cure for nervous debility and weaknes of tli%generative functions, sl. at drug gist. Ga. depot, Lamar, Rankin. & Lamar, Atlanta and Macon Ga. The Swift Manufacturing Cos. of Co lufubus arc building a cotton factory of five thousand spindles. “BUOHUPAIBA.” • New, quick, complete cure 4 days,uri nary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disease, $1 at druggist. Georgia Depot, Lamar .Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta and Macon Ga. _ 77. jMjs£gysY'o ; A ; J| I „'■ ■ ®'\';V A yj'-A-> 'i into u! 111 i^B’£ A‘ tim u vim su nwi||v < - lea\ inn n l iM irian tj arc i ImusinHHHHt 4d arc i'il graves iiok wliioli their ignorant: can penetrate it will never a writ him; U ■ are Mire W"iil(l iiiiilc®^v^i against it, ai^®H®B Christians and law would sweep it f® /iu-tli forever. i 11 is not the waste n®HHM that eonsf itutes fW'.Js.V} i hahit money given fm-®' indulgence is never wasted?®* ! Inc has all too many any one to depreciate thA lg that can be extracted from®','.. scat t lived here and there aloinHH ! Did the drug I ring' a a genuine rest—givin" hesUH strength il vigor of mankind J and muscle, the lumdred JJim® lars per annum spent for®Hi would he money well 's<®| 'wings too muc h relief, if. a cheat, a fraud, a lie. The B steeped in silliness, its shades® and deadly as the night shado® l pas. Derision, degradation, fl tv, rum and death follow its i® (y as night follows the day. ® is the ruin that follows its use®! a wonder any intelligent being® it, or that any educated pliys® be found lo lost to all r>nnsi<lp^B , lost, 10 a;| OOllSHlo^BSg humanity as to prescribe its uJHhB i" a case requiring the most, <h*H. lemcdjes and even then as a dnflyi soil. But strange trivial ailnJfl|< mercilessly as follows the JflHP’ A emesis, intelligent men aJrvHlI ministers, lawyers and nse it, and no warning voice % •train them. The trouble is, ] IO H mg voice is believed for none ;■ vim are themselves victims to id it can conceive, ißucli less real* vvilting blight of the curse. to convey to the senses of the mu* !\ evtT I £ ae . vv tlie disquiet of a single* the sufferings of the damned in pi tory as to attempt to depict the to* of an opium victim. It must be 1* endured m all its undescribed and flfl sen liable horrors before one can coifl bend its nameless misery. But is there no help for this, no tini liig hack, can’t str<#ig willed man mil torth Ins band ancfpluck from his lifl this deadly curse? Alas! no, no turning hack, there is no help m mans own endeavor. As well n* the leper stretch forth his hand to stri* irom Ins body disease that is was* mg Ins lit 6. Ao strength of will airest or resist it, or if it could the wiH power ot the action is destroyed, and IP* has no will to exercise. Xo resoluffJ* however cearnest, cl avail, for lE*- not a matter of I'ancyror of taste—l* a desire, a material, cruel and inexoifl hie disease—requiring the most enabled skill, the finest treatment and the mo,‘■l , e /. u ! ie ‘ st patient submission to rein® dial agencies to cjbahat it. It can * cured—there is no question of that* we know whereof we speak. There afl thousands ot gratelul men and woidfl tluoughout the union who ax© and willing to testify to this fact s-fl' men and brave who have been h (fl- it were from the grave and are fl nated with health and strengtfl courage restored to friends and I to the world of usefulness and 111 hie endeavors. Men whose been a wreck, whose hopes had fl whose ambit'on had perished dragging painful lives away jiflf| por of an aimless existence. T<Sfl a man restored to a perfect G J manhood seems a return to the dfl miracles. Then hold out to thll emaciated nerveless hand acertiffll 'J bus like walking in the garden I lead to find halm. But it is true,! ertheless, miraculous as it inav J there is a cure a thorough baiirtflgl lead. From the laboratory ot Dr. JK \\ oolley, of this city, goes forth 4B : day. ami in every direct ion north, * east and west, to California, 111 Colorado, Mexico, England, Gfll Belgium and Egypt, even tothelafl Gilead itself, a wonderful cure, iP pleasant cure, carrying every whereil goes hope, health and happiness, Hil is no protean clap-trap, but a treat! ment and remedy evolved from a lomiw and earnest study, and based upon the] soundest scientific principles. It is not] for us in an article like this, to attempt an analysis of his medicine or a detail ed description of his treatment. Suffice it to say that both have been to the severest, tests and both stands in-1 dorsed by the ablest and best physieianf i of the state. Our objeef in writing this is not to j profit I)r. Woolley, but to direct public J notice to an alarming and growing ev* that of opium eating, and as a corroldß to call the attention of those already * its iron grip to an unceasing hut efi* cient remedy for their woes. And tiier in this connection we have to bb tice Dr. Woolley’s hook on the Opiifl and Whisky habit, a work replete vvifl interest to professional and men and especially interesting t<dl victims of either ol these, twin iiffl ties, opium and whisky. fl In this work Dr. Woolley treat* subject in a purely scientific myß and by ingenious pathological anjfl he gives to the true character fltd disease—for disease it becomes ;| defined and marked as the >iurfli: ver ever diagnosed. L,flff This work is ready for and can be had free of all elf *||| dressing the author. ,^®g| The Democratic party has no ior or equal in its devotion to the* p'es of constitutional all tiro time liiuintainflySrAsrafi home rule and sel£gov4N „ Republican party taids TANARUS, ami aristocracy. is eminently .the w* progressiye mejtfl