The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, October 19, 1882, Image 6

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WBps/ HBPpc Arc asking good for. KnUn Disease, Paral- W\ Kidney Disease, (Jon* fcyspep'iia, Rheumatism, l, and all birmlax diseases. aderful curative power is cauiie it purifies and en* i blood, thus beginning at ation, and by building up i, drives out all disease. Lured of Rheumatism. HBore, Md., May 7, 1680. wav much shuttered by HBHK when I commenced strength enough to at- houseliold duties. the’.turd bottle n<s I HHI dai’y, and i it 10 all. It r A r-. 5. PINK HAM'S compound. I'alnful Complaints and ffnlumiM in to our bout female population. 'or Woman. Invented by 11 Woman. Prepared by n Woman. “illi'a! DKrurerr S’nri' Ih© ll.urn of History, i the drooping spirits, invigorates and o organic functions, gives elasticity and i< step, restores the natural lustre to the s on the pale check of woman the fresh fpring ami early summer time, ns Use It and Prescribe It Freely "®e sintnnes, flatulency, destroys all craving , and relieves weakness of tho stomach. ; of bearing down, causiSg iialn, weight Is always iiermaucntly cured by its use. of Kidney Complaints of either t ompoimJ Is unsurpassed. I'INKIIAKTH IiT.UOU riJUIFIKR > every vestige of Humors from the e tone anil strength to the system, of r child. Insist on having it. npound and Blood Purifier are prepared Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price of ; bot tles for s;>. Sent hy mail in the form loronc'*, on receipt of price, $1 per Im -s. T’inkiiai if roely answers all letters of oaeBct. stamp. Send for pampWet. .ould he without LYDIA E. PINKH AM’B !. They cur#oonstipation, biliousness, of tho liver. 35 cents per box. iold by (0 Mother— “ You did wrong in wearing that thin dless, this cold dnm&light.” Pmtphfsr-'Btd, and am now paving ilia penalty. Sarah GWI Buffered in the same way; please get that whlPn relieved her." JVoMei'~ “Nonsense! I’ll do no such thing, hut will send for our Doctor.” JRwifflfcf***— “Our Doctor keeps one in hed a 1 long a vast quantity of medi jbe (' Ji — 'v- V ‘W vS)ai3m^il£3W^*sSP % 1 is she dangerous and what and auricular forces are*not in iqui there an increased action BHKwtal circulation voscillates, suspended Nature flHftfofhrr—■“ tHop, for heaven's sake stop and go ll^Rpfof/< er, after two week* have expired— ■K we weeks and no relief, i wiii procure that which in a low tone—”l am glad, and think the only thing that will restore me to health.” *—= Slather-" Get out of my house, you old hum* if .Daughter—" Well, mother, you see how rap idly I ha vs unproved since discharging • our Doctor * and I commenced the use of that which I so much v needed. The effect has been most wonderful. The one relieved my head, cured the constipation, while the other imparted strength, came to the help of S* Hatuie and made me feci new.” THE COKEEffeION. Mother—" Very true, and I believe they have . saved your life. I now confess that Dr. Dromgoole’e p- English Female Bitters is the most wonderful female . meaieme and iron tonic I ever knew, and that Bailey 1 * Saline Aperient is a pleasant and sovereign remedy for headache, constipation, acid stomach, biliousness, etc., etc.” Family Medical Adviser tee. Address J. P. Dromgoole A Cos., Louisville, If. Wain English! I)UR FREE Circular tells the rest Kansas, June Mtb, 1962. ■ HamlH BsMZDX Oo.—Gents—l used the Pastilles as B directed and they completely cured me. In about on* B week from the time I commenced using them I began ■ to sleep well and I continued to use all the box with B constant improvement and since that time ■ Oct, 1861) have felt like anew man. I truly hope that many of the sufferers will hod out that yon hare a specific fo HLnervous weakness and be oared by the same. . Respectfully Yours, —— ■ P. B.—You will not ijublhih my nume but persons visit. you may be referred to me end I wiii answer them. If To every young-, middle age or old man with nervous or physical debili w or iinpotenoe sealed circular is sent BBh-ce. Send full address on postal card to HARRIS REMEDY CO. St. Louis, Mo. ■, we want your address. You need our remedy end be convinced of this. HL *n l BEAT MAD SrLj.ogs EASY and EAST. tiau by boy o f 1 the ML'NT. October Ki.—The fol- Tfßvlng stt*Tueit sitowirg the exact linoiH-ial coiHlftion at tlie I'osrt-olikc Dtv pailmeut ut the close of the fiscal year ended J line 30,18&2, was to-dav prepared by Mr. James J. Smith, chief fx)ok-keep er of .the sixth auditor’s office: TotaA receipts. 41,870,410.13 to total expendi tures, excess of rwcemts. si .830,77*>.40, ,\moan! appropriatedf Or the several divisions of the l nited States mail service, tofether with amounts expended thereof and the un expended kdawesnee yivep ljrlow. For star route ap propriated, $7,900,090: amount paid out, 85.00<C,440.5: unexpended $2,196,533.6", For railroad transportation—Amount appropriated, $11.033.282: amount paid out $10.677,618.85: amount unexpended. jf'>,tsLk2s. For ]K>Btal cards—Amount apjiropi iatert. $1,426,000; amount i*aid out, .3*j; amount unexpended, $122,502.70. For steamboat transporta tion—Amount appropriated. $925,000; amount paid out, s4o* 604.76: amount unexpended, $961,495.21. 1 n-niand it and take no other iron pre paration except Browns Iron Bitters. It is Itest. General Longstreet, United States Marshal of Georgia. h;i6 received the money appropriated by Congress to pay for the services of the United States Deputy Marshals appointed by Col. Fitzsimons for the election in 1880, and it is now lieing paid out to the claim ants. Hit is. i Hr, Ii AYKSYILLK, 01110, beb. 11, 1880. I am very glad to say I have tried Ilop Bitters, and never took anything that did me as much good. I only took two Kittles and I would not take SIOO for the good they did me. I recommend them to my patients, and get the best results from their use. C. B. MERCER, M. D. The Wilson Park Company is about in’Atlanta. The gen pplßk composing the company have nought about four hundred acres of . land beyond Ponce de Leon Spring, along the line of the Richmond and 'Danville Railroad, which they intend ito make attractive, fn this area tJicre I will lie a race track of a mile, and with in a smaller track of a mile. The iurtilevmd will iass just ii m ront of the park, and will open into Peachtree street. It is proposed to make it the place of popular resort for Atlanta. c< Tough on Chill*,'* Cores 5 cases for 25 eta. in c*sh or stamps. Mailed by John Parham, Atlanta, Ga. English Female Bitters is intended for ooung girls as well as married ladies, wh Aave by some exposure, become ir regular, pale and feeble, with headache, leucorrhcea,ii%inside and back, falling ofVomb, or female weaknesses or ex, fpAi. Its use strengthens and tones the Btonmch,invigorates the nerves,gives iron to blood, corrects irregular uterine actios and removes unnatural obstructions. Foaming and sparkling Bailerft Saline Aperient is the cheapest and most delightful purgative in use. Foi dyspepsia and habitual constipation, if delights everybody. Mr. A. K. Singleton of Upson county will be a candidate for the position ol Door keeper. The Times says. Mr. Singleton was a brave confeder ate soldier and lost one of Ids legs at the celebrated battle of the Wilderness ami is unable to do physical labor. He is a good citizen I'filTy competent to discharge the duties of the office he seeksJHd the legislature would do a patrHu service by electing him. He is nocnronic office seeker, but simply asks for this position to assist him in supporting and educating hia family. He ia in every way worthy of the posi tion and we hope the house of repre sentatives will elect him. men say nothing *i ,ms times.” Wise men use uothing in dangerous disc;use but the best aulb most approved remedies. Thus Kidney-Wor is employed universally iu eases of dis eased liver, kidney and bowels- It will ■ost vou but a trifle to try it. and the result will be most delightful. Bring your cottof to our Fire Proof warehouse. We are in the market all the time, wet or dry, low or high and still give the highest market price. Staf ford Blalock & Co’s. (io to Stafford Blalock & Cos., and see their beautiful line of China, (ilasss, Queen and Majoeica ware. ('all and seethe beautiful shades of Embroidery and Knitting silk at Star ford, Blalock & Co’s. 1 've looked the town over and nothing compares with Stafford, Blalock & Co’s, line of Hamburg, both in beaty and price. The Middle Georgia Times says: At the residence of ltev. Wm, H. Richard son, the bride's father, on Thursday, Oct., 12th, Mr. John Kennedy, the gen tlemanly book-keeper at Flint River Factory, and Miss Ella Riclinydsoifl were united in marriage, Rev. len officiating. A t'ougli, Col J or Sore Tliroa should be sloped. Neglect f; tly ramltsln an Incurable l.iinc Disease or C'oiiffsi|- lion. BHOWVS BIIOMHIAL TROCH ES are certain to give relief in Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases. f'oFtlilrty years the Troches have been recommended by physicians, and al ways give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried, but having been rested by wide and constant use tor nearly an entire generation, i liej have at tamed well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Public speak rr and si iigcis use thorn to clear and streng then the Voice. Sold at twenty-live cents a bos very where. . ectlMy Mr. W. I>. Buchanan of Meniwether county died last week from a relapse of Typhoid fever, lit was a good citizen audit prosperous farmer. Merchants make out your list of crockery, glass, wood and tinware that you ait' in want of and send it to u.% we" will attach prices and save you ruinous freights and breakage that you always get from the far off East. Mcßride & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Mother*! Slot tier* : ! Slot tiers !! ! Are you disturbed at. night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating p of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get .. bottle of MKS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRI 1* It will relieve the poor little sufferer lu mediately— depend upon It there is no ml ake about it. There is not mother on earth ho has ever used it, who wll uot tell you ator that it will regulate the bow els. and giver to the mother, and relief and health to the, alld, operating Uke magic. Ills perfectly safe to use In all cases, and |#ea3ai)t to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. *6 cents a rattle and ca-’y Practical Treatise - ON MIDWIFERY, (By Hortou IIow;ml, M. D.) Giving elaborate instructions in all that pertains to the structure, fung tlons anti health of the Female Or gans of Generation and treating ful ly of Conception. for the Pre vention of Conception, Development Labor, Nursing, Diseases of the Womb, the best remedies, etc. Thjj whole being rendered moie plain by many important ILLUSTRATIONS. ■Large Octavo Cloth bound, will be sent on receipt ofsl.oo by mail. Philaflelphia PtMisMi Cos., 7:19 Filbert Street, Pa. octl2 I iriura ATLAXTA * GA ' , 1 f Reliable evidence givn nd V/ IT ABI T reference lo and physicians. OTTD P Send for rnv Book or* the U All HaMt and its 'hire. Free. ' asm i FREE! J|FrEL!ABLE SELF-CURE. A %rpri prescription of oa* of the tmocMfUl fpecro lists hi the U. a. EXTRACT. THE GREAT VEGETABLE PUTS DESTROYER bu* SPECIFIC FOR INFLAMMATION AND HEX* ORRHAGES. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. |s&araß&ssislsi Patent] Back or Bide, he Otatawat (H MkW! toe ue wbeu /enaoral of clotftin? incon- T.atont, U a (Teat bel;> la r.U.vlng inflamniatory ca*. Hemorrhages. or from toy o,uae,U apeodtly oontr.Jlad and eheggoA. Our riag,. (a uofiai uad In. kukr, *. . b 'rt alijfl In arrant luff intdraa) Diphtheria & Sore Throat. r to Eitratc promtitly. It ia a cure cure. De -I_. . :■-,).y-rniu. C-.t5 rrh YUe Extract U the only .pacific for tbi. dIMAM. Cold in iie.d fce. Oar “Catarrh Cure,” specially prepared tj meet wriou. ctace, coaUins all the curative rro;iertles of tiy Extract ; ourXinaal Syringe i lvaiuable for use in catarrhal affections, is simple and uaexpenvivc. Sores, Ulcers, Wounds, Sprains and Bruises. cooHaar and cloinslnij. Vee oar Ointment its *y> -lection with tha Extract i it \tlll aid 1h Leaiintr, uofteniiiK and iu keeping 1 out the air. Burns and Scalds. it is unrivaled, and should be kept in every family toady for use in case of accidents. A dressing c>f car Ointment will aid in healing and prevent scars. Inflamed or Sore Eyes. It can be used without the slightest fear of harm, quick y allaying all inflammation and aorenes. v.itboat pain. Earache, Toothache and Fartfiarhd When the Extract la I Cli. C CIV/ liC. used according to direc tions, its elicet is simply wonder;uL Pllpo Blind, Bleeding, or Itching. I I Ido, It is the g’iateat known remedy : rap- ialy curing when other medicine* have failed. Pnnit', >.xtriirt Sfedleated Paper for det use, ii a preventive av-ainat Chafing and Wien. Our Ointment is of treat rervice where the removal of clothing fa luv. )' l enient f For Broken Breast and Sore Nipples. cleanly and efilca oious that ni ith'-ra who have cnee lived it will never lie '.vithout it. Our Ointaient is the beet emollient that can be applied. Female Complaints • icianueed lie called in for the major!*/ of female diseases if tbs ► attract be used. Full directions accompany e&cli Dottle. CAUTION. D C vtyii At Has been imitat.4. “UIIU O UAlfaijl. The gennine ha. <h" vorda ‘‘Pd' Extract” blown in the p-la-s, ..• do::: picture trade-mark oa surrounding buff wrapper. None other is genulue. Always insist on having Pond’s Extract. Toko no outer pi o ) uratiou. It is never sold in bulk, er bu measure. Price of Pond’s Extract, Toilet Artl cies and Specialties. rOVD’S EXTR ACT .. #I.OO nnd I.*S Toilet Cream 100 i Catarrh Cure.. . 7S Bcntlfrke 04l 1 Uiuhter . I.lp*i3tlve *?5 Inhaler 1.00 ToIIr; soa| <-J Clir.) *>o I Xbrjil Syrinfe. . . >25 Ulßtmeiit. gO I Mcdkatrd l*aper Prepared only by POND'S EXTRACT CO-, NEW YORK AND LONDON. For ea'c by ail Dnig-riitv and Fancy Goods Dealers. O. icr i for S‘2 worth, carrisgo free, on receipt of 9‘li\ Or-lers for <!5 worthy earnagu irve, on receipS Of si, if addressed to" ' •- "'■"•il ' id w. 141 j; tin<t. Nt vi York | KIDNEY-WORT f Acts atthe SaTne^^m eo n I THECOREAT GUISE I !k POTt -a— —RHEUMATISM — As it is for all tko painful diseases of the KIDMEYS,LIVER AMD EiOWE^. It cleanses themystem cf the that causes buffering which only the victims oaa realize:. THOU3AM OF CASES of the worst forma V| this terrible Aiaoase havo been quickly and in short time! PERFECTLY CURED. PRICE, ft. 1.101 uynv, SOI.O r.V DSVCCISTS. it- Hi-nt by mail. WBLD3, mcinfltPOON &s Cj„ Burlington Vltl ; KIDNEY-WQRT MASON *vEST in the WORLOV AMn v’imiers of highest distinction at .very Great World’s Fair for fourteen years. SO A Nvw It: i stkatkojCATAloauK, 36 pp. < ". i” ready this iMfilli, and will 6* i fvi.-e to any ainlre.s, ainiounoing ORGANS '^^Jr^rm^ u,x * sst Pricfis, t‘M, Sii. -.71. . fi.'jl to an<l*m: r.lso far test painnW.t M '.SO. a ,t liAMUN OKGAN LX)., l&t Tr-taunt St., HOSTON : li Kart lftli St., NEW YORK; It i iVab ’sU Ave., GHICAGO. BORROW 'ili, * r etv Fork Weekly Witness from youf ii i- a- .rani s if it ill not j ust the Newspaper you want, it h-tsevery’-.hittis : The latest news from all parts, rep t- of Fiiltan street Prayer-Meeting, the Independ ent Catholic Church ; every thing that is of interest te woo l people; itiurkcU stories, something tointaylib. ladies— a year. Bendpostal card 9|E| tpcclmen copy. JOHN DO LG ALL ii CO., 81 Vwdfi \< I'.-r .Gi 1 I'D. Garmor ’f A liiicial Ear Drums. As In routed t 'Tons by !#• perfectly re.tortof thl hearing. Km. v unf tor thirty hear, withta.m vs:i wais|>i-;i .itiiictly. Arc- ut utxervable, and r tiiiiin i.i i> .-iti without aid. DAnpttn CircularikM. CAL’ riOXi > not he deceived liwiogus ear drtQsi. Mint is tiie oil!)- n .‘- fill artificial ear Drum manufactured. John Guru. r. S.’.V. Cor, ttil & Race St... Ciaeiaxat,, 0, p R A cf I(sA'il|2’i£i li.lered from the aee of responsibility up to maturity .tare* a-ird to Education, Home, Society, Etiquettes Amusements, Dress, Love, Marnajnßat* fees, dc, f/ow Brewl-Katers are to be Bread- winners, he volume abounds in striking thoughts.rare iafomatlos and intense c mmcm-ieaie. Full-page colored plate.—aah ONE a OKM. Atfonts Wanted Everywhere. „,d V. il LQI AT TO THE BEST Sjp Sami for Circular. IViNTON & 2SCHECH,! e INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ~ Amenta Wanted For b ( oniain- * in* fail iiistory of Itis noble and eventful lift tj.i l i-t .rtllv .I'-asi inatinn. Surgical treatment, death, f|i< ia!idsi qi ; tc. The liest chance of your life to link-' niDiicy. Hew arc of "catchpenny ” imitations. This sit— a itheittic and fully illustrated life of our mar ymi President. Fine steel portraits. Extra term* to Cs' n:-' i‘in'a'tr- free. \.l as- X i nnv.M, Pißi.ismxG Cos.. Atlanta, G* C.irt-’ 1 '!. Ml ,if ..I ..Til Locir.*-. Ctipp-i■ Fncn*. from 3to 10 Horse Power; Dry Steam Engines, 4to 40 IL P.; Utica(or WooMA Mann) Engines, t> to 40 H i’.; Stationaries; AdjustaMe Cut-Off Utica Engines. 13 to . 200 H. P.: Improved Corliss Engines. 15 to 100 H. P.; Boilers, all sizes; Iron Franio Reversible Saw hi ilia, four sizes; North Carolina Portable Corn Mills • Cora Mill Stones, all sizes, guaranteed to produce better Meal, with So per cent, less power, than any other Mitt. Stone in the tcortd. “THE TaTLOI! liifu. Cos. OF WiISX MINSXEU, Ms.,” Westminster, Md., U. S. A. * . „ MOORE COUNTY GRIT. I Testimonial! ou Corn Mills and Mill Stones. E. G. Thuring, Conway, Masr., writes—l set mill up next day from its receipt and it works to a charm. 1 think it is the best built mill 1 ever saw. Adams A Cos.. Laurel, Del., write—The 48-incU etoues we bought frra you are better than any we have ever used for com meal. J. O. Adair. Grove. Ga., writes—l ground one bushel of corn aB made 1 bushel and Id quarts U fine table meal. S. J Darby, Dadeviile.Ala. writes—The SO-ineh milt makes six bushels of first-class table meal per hour. My custom has greatly increased sine e I bought your ir.iU. Teitiinpniall en Engines and Saw Mills. Extract from letter of J. W. Roper, Sawyer for Dyal A Upton, Callahan, Fla., who are rannin* our 40-Horse Dry Steam Engine, and our No. 1 Saw Mill With Patent Set Worka and Patent Gauge Rrili-r: “I have no hesitation in saying this is the beet Port able Saw Mill I hare ever saved with, after 13 j ears’ experience. I have been running this mill fou* months and our daily average is about 20,0.0 feet.” Mouro, Clary A Cos.. Apalachicola. Fia., sav the 10x24 Engine, Boilers, and our New Palest Saw Mill cannot be suriiaesed for workmanship, simplicity, and last sawing. "After 16 years’ experioßcem the lumber business, we do not hesitate to recommend your work to men whuwvaut. a first-class iob in all particulars.” Address. TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO.. </' co WtirxyilNSTLK, Ml\ lURiLHi The Gnat Spooifc for Seunlgi* and HoadtahA MAYOR’S OKiicK, > Leksbckg, Va., April 19, i3T9.j' Messrs Hutchison A Pro.- It affords me plea i ure to tea#fy to the great virtues of your "Neu ralgiue and sick headache. It Is the best reme dy tor these nlost dMfcesslng eoiaphtints I have ever used It shoObe in every tamlly in the country. Yourtßply. Geo-R. Head. a® Mayor of Leesburg, Va, HUTCHINSON & BRO., Proprietors, Atlanta, Georgia. Sold by aH druggtstiv. ■- - vrW *TME DISEASES Oft UTH and MAW HOOP "VntKSe"* Y A PHYSICIAN or sswar’a experience. Don't poison r tystem -with Dinas, but get Book and avoid. Quacks, *” and Electric Belt Hum >oses. Price 2Scia, Addraw , THE PUBLISHER, Bo 734, . jfig TM IcItHAA A lArnk ca, JAuisfielft Ohio. aug3-2m week. Sliadayat home easily mtde • "'Mostly Oucflt free. Address Trui ft Augusta. Maine fitAfa*vif*Wkl-* i' day at lAiesSamples wertlifs *Vfree. Address Stinson ft Cos,. Pot .lftOdhMKUM. 4aan kßnu^M^|iKG. HT THE CHEAPEST AND BEST U[tEQUALED r. * for which the French Government has jost paid 100,00 francs. No such premium waa ever ofler -1 and I*fore. Choice of Premiums a The ‘KTirixt before PtiAte.’’ For > (’holograph or Quarto Album. Getting up Cluta. y Extra Copy of Magazine for 1883. FULL - SIZE PAPER PATTERNS t I’etet Magazine lathe best and cheapest of the Irtt7’9 book. U gives more for the monev. arid combines BTeater ruerlta Uian any other. liafcnmenae cirethatlou and long-estab- Usheii 1 vputalioii enables its proprietur to distance all coin petition. In short, it has the Best steel Engravings, Best Original stories. Best colored Fashions, Best Work-table Patterns, Best dress Patterns, Best Illustrations, Etc. The stories, novelets, etc.. In ’’Peterson’ are admitted to be the best published. All the most popular female writers contribute to iL In W&i, about too original stories will bw gfieu. aiid in addition Six ropyrlght Novelets, by Ann S stepiiens. Prank Lee G Austin, "Joblab Allen s Wife,' etc. A specially of "Peterson,” a* a lady’s Dodk, M its splendidly illustra ted arfeleS, and eapaeUlly Its Ltitored Steel Fashion Plates engraved on steel, twice tne size of all others, and superbly colored. Also, Household, Cookery, and other receipts; articles on Art, Embroidery, Flower culture. House decoration In short, everything interesting to ladies. TERMS (ALWAYS IN ADVANCE) $2,00 A YEAR. UNPARALLELED OFFERS TO CLUBS. 2 CoMiea for SLoO ( With th* unpaxslieledsteel-a/igravlß;, -Christ before Pilate, ” or* hand -3 " • 4 Copies for $6.5 t With an extra copy of the Magazine lor 183, as a premium, to the portion e “ " s.oo ( getting up the club. 5 Copies for ss,u> 1 with both an extra copy of the Magazine for isss, and the large slel-en ; •• •* 10,50 t graving, or either of the Albums, to the person getting up the club. For larger clubs still greatei Inducements, Address, post-paid, CHAHLES J. PKTEKSOX, SO4 ChesUiut t., Philadelphia, I’a. Specimens sent gratis, it written for, to gel up clubs with, fCLARK JOHNSON'S Indian Blood *Q^rup •es all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Ineys, Skin and Blood. MILLIONS testify to efficacy in healing the above named diseases, and pronounce it to be the BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. trade mark, AGENTS "W .a. IS3VT ED, Labratory 77 West 3d Street, New York City, Imkrgists sell it. Matlock, Tattnall Cos., Ga. Dr. Clark Johnson:—l had Chills and Fever and the treatment*)! doctors and the use of vari ous medicines proved, useless. At last 1 obt -Lied same of your INDIAN BLOOD BYKUPjyhich speedily cured me. [auptTJ ( C. W. STKICKLAIfc. b\ W . w HITE DoOJfS AND B LIDS, . GLAZED SASH. MOLDING, Stair Railing Newel Posts, Balusters, filer Blass, Bailiert Haritare. No. 30 South Broa§tetrcet, - - - Atlanta, Ga. fjcidnoyi, Liver an^|owu?^g 1111 - ■. .*V!WWVWW<r j/mm:r\ Da. UAarxa’S Ibon Tonic/. .. . SjvLopis, >fo-. Mmiwuah Arina. - Jt ejive* color to the blood,\ IJ natural hoaUhful tone to M the digestive org aha and ll f n tite, Prostration of £sml fl Powers and Impoteuee.f | mmrKimanvm dr. Mlait n.mmn sisT.uuit. TKEI JB J? J±.TalL, X ZE2 IE& 3k£ I OF Gordon Institute.Barnesville,Ga. aSIK?SiSw gutaiS syg worthy of the support of an intelligent, progressive community We aredeteSed to S e aMia departments fully up to the high standurd It lias maintained in the past, and to iuetw the demands ol the times have reduced the terms to the following v#ry low RATESz Senior and Junior Classes, per month $5 00 | Primary Department.,.. t 2 oo Sophomore, Freshmen and Ist Grade 4 00 i Music 3 * 7 m Sd. 3d, and4thGrades s 00 | Board 12 00 W, 11, WOODALL, Secretary. CHARLES K, LAMBDIN, President. "'"'STEIVART'gJUUHrMI ISALE AN U Stoves, Tiivare, Cutlery Plumbing ana|^^^®ritting, 6p Whitehall Street , - DON’T FORGET TIIE SIGN OF THE BIG DOG. augsi J. M. W. CHSiSTIAN’S, No. 88, Cherry street —Macon, Georgia, IS THE PLACE FOR THE HUN G R Y TO FEED, FOR THE X THE I 3R, S X “V TO DRINK FOR THE W E A. JR TT TO SLEEP. T. J. CARLING-r Plumber,Gas & Steam Fitter, Tin Roofing and Galvanized Iron Cornice, GAS AND OIL CHANDELIERS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 33 th. Tubs, Marble SN ash Stands, Hot Water Boilers, Cooking Ranges, Fountains, Force and lifbr Pumrs. RUBBER # HOSE, Steam Guages. NL ateu Gua^es, Steam Whistlers, Steam Valves and Oilers, • Gras Steam and "Watex* [Piping, Write for prices to T. y CARLllio, • niai'3o 35 Cotton Avenue, JOHN K .TAYLOR BARNESVILLE, 3A. the trade of this section inducements in A Family Groceries, Confectioneries .jm -*aTobaccos acid. iU 7M/M/C. F T tit ps-j * r 'fftnHdt cf Iren Peruvian mto&ck and Phosphorus in 1 F emal Regulator ! F'riexidf It is well known to physician*, and alas to* well known to suffering w omen themselves, that U>mare subject to numerous diseases peculiar toTHeir sex, socb as suppression of Menaes,pala ful and scanty Menstrual ion, Cougcstkm. lilcerai tlon and Falling ol toe Womb, attauded with at endless train of syiupatoetic and constitutional disorders, the whole life, ant which have loiMbeen considered as almost In curable. But at last t lie remedy has been found la Dr. 1. Bradfitld’s Female Regulator. It is uot a “cure all." but a remedy for one class of diseases, all of which certain to the Womb. Any sufferer iroiu toe diseases mentioned can tasp this remedy and tlins re Were nersrtf with out revealing her condition to any one. and with out subjecting her womanly modesty to the shoek of an examination by a physle.aji. To bring health and happiness to the h( meß of suffering women Is a minion before which royal favor sinks into Insignificance. Vhut earthly benefaction can compare with one which pro- tects from “That dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty's transient flower r ’ w hloh gives ease ior pain, joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rose of health for the palor of dis ease. the hight, elastic step for dragging wear*-'* ness, nights of soft repose for heavy hours or tos sing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dullness, tlie swt et lines of full grown beamy for the sharp and wltnered form of emandatlon. a long Ute of mental, physical- social and domes ic enjoyments lor a few sad days of pain and gloom, ending in an early grave? Such is the mf-slon, such are iRt results of Dr, J. Brad fields Female deg amt or, which Is hence truly and ap propriately styled “Woman’s Best Friend.” -Whites.” and all those irregularities of the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like mafic before a single bottle or this itondt'rfu^jwpmmd. All who suffer tram diseases aie most earnestly invited togiv^Bßyremedy a trial. It has cured thousands, and win emo you. Don’t fall to try it. A-lce, small size 75 cents. Large size, $1.50. manufactured by M J. BSASnSLS, Atlanta, 3a. For sale every whme. . . I am permitted also to refer to the following wc-n known citizens of AtlantalC Win M Crumley, Jr, w A Gregg vud All of whom are ready to testily to the merits of the preparation, V MIdIIEBROOKS & GBABBICK, Is the place to get yom* Family and Fancy GROCERIES, ciwßotioneries, Cigars and Tobacco, Crockery afd Glassware. FRUITS OF ALL KINDS IJEA 4 SON. Call and price their goods. TteMSaililllir Mi Store and For Sale, Two Fifteen Horse Power Engines on wheels. One Ten “ “ “ “ Two Six “ “ gf‘ “ Five Four ** “ “ “ Five three ** “ Two tvro “ SEPARATORS. Four 24-ineh Separators,4 wheels with stackers Eight 24 Inch Separators, 4 wheels. inch Separators, 4 wheels. m Four 22 Inch Separators, 4 wheels. • Three lieges’ Saw Three Corn MiUs, 22, 28 Inch. Reapers,Mowers, oirci#r Saws, solid and chis eled tooth; Belting, Shingle Machines, &c., Ac. Give me a call before yd§ purchase, or send for Price List. .J. H. ANDERSON, map - 69 Broad str., Atlanta, Ga. For Sale, I ■Hie House and material on the new Baptist §§■ Church lot apply tm • . J J. G. SMITH, lIBf}?’ Or B. M. Turner. frUTT’S bs a iss PILLS M SYMPTOMS OF A I TORPNd LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with •.feeling of having neglected come duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Fellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Hestlessness, with fitfi# dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. ■■■■HBBHBAKNMnifIi TEXT’S PILLS are csjec*p,lly adaptedto •Ugh cases, one dose effect such a change •neeling as to idflßpish the sufferer. They Increase (IqrAppotite, and cause the body to Take on the system Is nourished, and by their Tflnle Action on the nlntire Ontaai, Kettor Stool, are pro- Price SSjeeiitM. ML, V. Y. TUTTS HP dye. Cray Hair on V/rrifixnßS to a ©Lossy Black by a single application of this I>vk. Itixn barts a natural color, acts liistantonr-oasly. Sold oy Druggißtsgjr sent by express on receipt of Si. OS’FKT, 39 JHT.B 4Y ST., XKIV YORK. (Or. titts SAsriL <,r m.h.Su 4\ Ztreipi. will ha UA*le.. > ii£E oa syplkstiua.y GUMS tm KVZBT KIND CHSAPES ?HAC SVZR. Shot (>uiu, itevoivers, Arnmuni |D| Fishing Tackle, Seine:,, Nets, Knives, Razor*., Skates, Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREA‘ r WESTERN GUN WORKS, Jk PITTSBURGH, PA. fmZMTA WANTEDT Ladies and Genties:.. n. to c-rfrage with us to sell several I'Heful ousebolrl Articles. Profits large. Labor it light. Kiflasive territory given. No competi tion. Terms liberal. Circular- FREE. Address, Hewitt Mznnfhct’g Cos., Box FOS, Pittsburgh, •’*, A NEW CURE FOR POTATO %m " MO ALL TRBUBLESGME VERMIS, Fife, sura, cleanly and cheap. Sam pi.- f- ;ckage, Post Paid, 30 eta. AOItRTS WAKTEIi. A.l-t-fc2s, JT . S. Tohiitou, Plthimrfl, Pa. JUUSICAL INSTRUMENTS HUB of all kinds for sate very cheap. VM|Catalogues irmc,. Addr. ,s, RICHARD FIVIHULL l CO.. BOX 808. Pittsburgh, p a . may4-6m SpiMHOifiE mf . McEAX Principal, ITuee 1 '(Jtfeat XaINTMEISTT, MOTHEB/SFRIENDs flat at Ike* Gicatcst Comloxts to Those Exppftins to lie Confined. Is * remedy ujton which implicit confidence can be placed—one that win produce a sale and quick deliver}—one that will control pain and shorten the duration of Labor. Such Is "THE MOTHER’S RELIEF*.** Try it and see what a blessing It is to suffering Females. This Liniment, when u ed ttvo or three weak* before confinement, produces a wonderful efimt causing a very easy and quick labor, with cp paratively little pain and leaves the mother In a condition to recover quickly—or in other words to have a good getting up. fader its use labor will ordinarily occupy much leas t han the usual time, and the auffet tug be diminished beyond tx presslon. The condition for which this remedy Is offered Is oi such a character as to rorbki a' long array of cerUflc.vles. Those interested in Its Use are re terred to the hundreds who have used lead tile tkstimumialJß 1 must earnestly entreat every lng to lx confliua to use tlie “i hK MOiHER’S RELIEF.” c oupled v.-iui this entreaty. 1 will add that during a large obstetrical practice iforty- lour ycars), 1 have never known it io mil lu produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. 1101 AIKS, :>!. I>. Atlanta. C.d, A lady from one of tlie counties of Middle Geor gl.i. wild has been acting u> midwife for many years writes. “1 have disposed id all the Mother's Belief you seat me. and 1 am-delighted with it. In every case where it has been used, its effects have been all that 1 could ask. 1 CONSIDER IT A GREAT BLESSING.” A gentleman writes: “My wife used the bottle of “Mother s Relief” procured from you. She was considerably advanced in life, before tuts, her first, confinement, and she knows it was the means ot very gieatiy lessening her sufferings.if Indeed it w as nut the means of saving her life.” Another gentleman writes: “My w ife used yonr “Mother’s Relief” at her fourth confinement, and her testimony is that she pass'd through it with one-half of the suffering of either of her former coniiiK-ments, and recovered from it in much less also recommended it to a lady friend wlio ms about to be confined ior the first time, and sue says: “J n</rr%... ten any one pane h rough thix great triul VM.\ no much east and to title sujrering.” The of al! theseand many others can be had by calling ut my otiicc. Hat ing h:.u the foregoing remedy Taonorctu.Y ’ltsTiiit in A i laid a and vicinity. I non titer it to my patrons as {jessing superior merit. Price $1.50 per botlle. r Prepared by J. BRAD FIELD. Bole Proprietor, " |p Atlanta, Ga EXCELSIOR COOKJTOVES ! ] ’ L^A^ INC *^ EA U> * CE^^l Manufactured by ISAAC A. SWeApARD A CO., Md. AJv VOH SALE by 11. 11. CHA?kIiEKS. Uanickviliv. Ga. '^■Mj^BgiSl ÜBDRf THSPlffliKpl SEEDS & SEEDSH cecnQ ftar tm private family vECI/w Crown Iby ourselves an ■IvKCy 1 VT Handsome Illustrated Catalogue and Rural Register FREE TO Ajßii. BE||||lj J MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FOR TRADE IJBT. ■ DAVID |ANDRETH&SONS j SEEDBROWEB*,PHILADELPHIA ■ MANUF^UKERS FIN£ CARRIAGES ij DURABLE buggies, M RELIABiI WAGOI, HABNESS, m\ and 156 Second Street, h£A.OpisT, - Cl-A V mar9-ly WRITE TALOGUi. ~~ factoryT • Sw.pMTdINES, Supepiiitomlciil, ▼ MANUFACTURERS OF CAPIASES, PIiETONS, BUPIESi AN D WAGONS OF BE ST GRADES. ■§ 235 Street, - ATLANTA, GA. # General Repairs solicited. Call and Purchase, or leave Orders. § a# tui es on the Plains! Grand Huntsf Fights with Indiana! Desperate Narrow Escapes! Wonderful Riding. * Wild Life in the Far^West^ One ed Plates! Grande,t Book for Agent*! Outsells Every thing! Endorsed hr Gen. Merritt, Buffalo Bill, and o’Ker ileruefc ,-jjr- Ho Competition! 548 pages, price #2.%' Can vsHjr? Outsit 50cts- stamp-; or money. lii unrated Cir- Write at once for aaeney to rii*OR!CAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, ... ■•‘Ali-S IN'. 3d Struck, git. Lcmia. | * j. . bull., I Author of Csur!ay.-s,”—“ ISetropolitan Life jj I Ftp. g AT 10,090 New and Old STANDARD BOOKS AND CHEAP. Send Stamp for Catalogue, Address, CURI OSITY SHOP, S. E. Cor, 4th and Washington Ave„ ST. LOUIS, MO, VkiH® i POWDER Absolutej^ure. Tilts att' economical tim be -T --.’J,-':.*'.-.*- zvyC J, ,-* , .™rteat.sUo!- IS A SPEED’. AND SI EE W * WBUKF Blind or Bleed ini’; Piles,Udßfc Sores. Ulcers, tlie Patw, Fia uias also of BuriMHHHHE Eefejns, Fever Sores, SculU Tetter,Sore Nipple*, etc. jUBSt Ati.axta. Ga.. AtqpftSMh, After an experience of twenty-five .ve^H&rajgSj ■eOMg t his Olntmenl, and during ul (h --hAtlMg closely watched Us effects, an,. to® testimony of mv friend* and n” ■ caarflrm my cocnd-uicf in ,1.-mtrtts ~, Ursatl-ilodof it-> value, and l have k. exclusive rigid to n.uKe and sell it. you as the hot remedy in the world and for*ll forms of Piles. ,-'-J~ •, ,1, •-: _ REA t) i Hi. TESTIMONIAL: This istocert ify 1 hat I have trleil olut ua ut la of Piles, und state more ls-fter tnan an,, tn ug I imve ever Ined. a iurtltt-1 state that as a remedy ior llurns, it i* l also used it ior a ease ot Tetter a in my leet, of twenty si .mfing, uuu suv A that it tuC tlrsi thing iii:.r i Uakg ever trieu that, gave me more than minueatuiy relief consider now that i am entirely relieved mat dtaease. ' JOHN I>. >EvVc*O.M, Troup Countv. Ga. Having Uvu alhiciedloi b a .-.ears at w;til luat disU‘<:Ssi.ig uuuu .. 1 La- Hrs u ABjvpvi-ii . many inetfect..;.. .. v.aFu. # • iviiiiu it use, i cUiiii. ■ -efi as' mao ■nßß| use > .ur Pile uli’tin.-i::. t exporh-n *-d ato relief, ftom tin- ixp-.ri case, aS .Vl'll from the rep.itatltUi SO l.iUL'.y ffuired b:> your umtrn* aim this vhilnity, . itSs no hesitation in exprem ing tno oniaton'm. : the most efficient rem.-dy for j.fies ever im G. A. liLi.L, LaGrange, oa. This is to certify fhatl used Pryor’s on a case of severe burn aud tfiatjn a u-r^H days it wits * t.tiieiy rc4o .A. t di iiuh and healed nii-ldi}. first appSQI ot me Ointment, the patient suffered iH whatever I{. j . MORGAN, Lao range, BE Mi the advice of Mr. Wynn. I used your iV Ohi* ment uti a servant gjti who iiad been ing for eight years with a most aggravated cafl of Pfies. She improved from the \ ery first oaTl use.of yptu ointment, and beioie using the uti she w as entirely recovered. \v. Foster, cusseta, Ala, This is to cert if j Lhut 1 have Used Pryor’s Pile Olntiueut. and say that ti is. in my opin p,# oeAreiAdv lor Piles ever presented in uo.' hisgix.u. a positive api'dlcati. a teiutdy on my wtvn persoa THOMAS B. MORGAN,Troup Cos., S For sale Tiy all dealers in medicine. Price fiiS : cents per box. Sent by mail on receipt of priej I>R. J. BKaDFIKLD, Atluutu, U. “South And 'WeM 1 Only 50 Oeut-s a It is a first-class Ac/; --ei: at ;i .per. pur se ui-montiiiy. Ail who so.,J u.Ueu- sui i nth 50 cents, between now and Docem a.* vc will send them the paper until January S-t. Sample copies; containing Premium . sent free on application. A1 dross jH Ol'Til AND iV ;:.ST,” B 2 > N. Cl S’..')-.. LO’lts,HM| PINE LUMBER* More thau a million feet of rough lumber actual measurement, aid one hundred ie ;t of Dressed Lumber. Dry Fiooring-rone a quarter inches. Dry Flooring-me and a buJ|B| inches. Dry Ceiling—live and eigho ed. Dry Step-Stuil—one and a . ■ 1 h and a ilalr by 12 to :o Dry Board.-;-- *suing siun. D: > Bcveie-.i ..'-a.ij-r li . Square o.; 0 -i‘ -Vec.r .or Boar!-. Dry Brackets—?x!4. Drstuff f” w o T t Casings. And a st • U r , hoards. Number 2 Pitie Shi*,, .0 also 1 press Shingles, which have p.oed hard Stock, and I am willing to sell at low prices. I w vnt all Builders and contractors to cell exairiiue my stock. Any kind or lumber can found at :nv yard, No. id •• -.*st iZitcaeli street. octo W. 0. WIijUNGHA Agents Wanted H HfittObS OF THU PLAHI BY.J.IL BUEL. *| Kmbrac'Jig the Lives and Won k-rful e.s oi Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Payne Copt, Jack, Texas .lack. .Zalliorusa 11 And other celebrated HMnia BTgliiers. H inters and Guides. A true n t rda: v. t,;i adventures on ti.<- r,: ■■ progress and civilization. a h;ufs -vp ; t indlal^Hl (irami Butlaio iia -is: Do pore-;. A'tvei.-cares row i’.scapes.’ -iiovtiu'- au-l AV;.d i.;fe in Gi,.- ZsT ' id Kuii-Pugujo:r,ie '• Agents. oMseiis ev-.-ry’h r-,<) (10. and copy :or i ’,w. ur w . ,!r ai ■ or terms llu Llustruie.t y.-vun THO:vil-.S',)X i( .0., Pub...,....' i, ... and Borsuway, New Yokk. L AGENTS! AGENTS! AGENTS ! U'aiit*B the New Book, “Our Lost Explorers.” and authentic account of the ' JEANNETTE 1 By Oihoer Newcomb and other survivors, 1 Photographic A RI'TW I 100 M Por.rails. jiltv i lv Gettge best, don’t be humbug-god ay imitatlJH E X P E r> X T I ON copies a dav sola b- m-o canvassers. tor circulars, terns, and agency to • Pubiishlng Cos., Hartford, Cincinnati. Mention this paper, " " oct-^H For Sale. U Having mov. and to my tannery 1 offer to the highest binder my house and Zebuion containing FOLK AcKKb. TuuKfl will take placo on the first Tuesday in NoHHg her next unless disposed cl' >-y private I will continue my tannery and shoe natoß as berefofdru, - Jtespectiully, ‘ J\w. jjNJ.KD, Zebuion^^m jHHMb week UugMceown tow n. Tonus Uaeielt & f r 3