The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, October 26, 1882, Image 4

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Colossus i.I < >ir;mi/nt tons. I\i 11. . |. ii < . 1 m HRW UNITED MONSTER Hrlkoib shows M Egyptian Caravan VERBAL IMG WONDERS! V COMING its vast entirety at If. 81 MENAGERIES UNITED! 7 Blazoned Cages of WILD BEASTS. 50 culltv!lon Of eMreinrlv I:; 11 .• Wild Animals with any exhibition on this fomlnfill. The I.AUGUST LIVING Nile Hi l>x >0 L><>tiiinii s nMp<l I a Huge shambling Rlvri Ho.tse the terror of nil Huurlans—claimed by many and /.out;raid's to In' identical \v it lijk Behemoth of the Bible. H u\ I *• ti r ol“ jVI n. jeKti^Giraftes, ■MV. *' Broken to Harness and drawing Koman Chariots. ■■poo Invested 1,1 Mor ‘ ll^ ,, 1 e;! H i , '^;!: o,lK,,n ' ;,luo ‘ l ' HL 1 *< k i*l<>i*iriiiu>* Elephants, % FSHiH" ‘ 11,0 I:, rv.e.' l animal known to exist, the famous old imlla War Klepliant “XEBXES,” HHHHHHrtaller and the heaviest, animal ever on this font inent; said to be over 200 Y EARS HHf ‘ 'LITTLE I^OT,”* The Greatest or all first and only genuine flip M> |P “LIOST SLAYE H.” W* only animal of its kiftl ( ver on exhibition in 1 his or any other country. You will see the H&f Great Abyssinian Babiroussa, HM An nnmlnl never before exhibited In America. The first and only SbOGrIFOIPOT I JMCTTS, Ever Exhibited on this continent. The only genuine F i ixVuxko HORSE. WBBwill see the Simiam ('olossus. Cmociphalits, the Five-l'on Pcrformintj Blimoc cron, an Arctic Ayarium of Polar Mammoths. will see features neMfotoyfore witnessed with'any Exhibition on earth. Elks driven Ten- - in the Streets, Arabian Dromedaries, Zebras trained to I'erform Incredible Feats Hurdle lucing a Gigantic Riding cynocephalus, Performing Dens of Hyenas, ■pool of Learned Seels,Peru rmlng Den of Tigers, Lions and Leopards, a pair of Elands ftl Fourjdsn Performing Kentucky Thoroughbreds. 14 liie lumber of the most beautiful end best trained Horses In the ■ and more than a whole show alone: k THIRTY ARABIAN CAMELS, A Complete and exhaustive Collection of ■jtVIKG ZOOLOGICAL AVONDERB, WToh will set Willis Cobb's oriijintd and mi?;/ Miniature Circus of Dogs, Goats, Monkeys lit Complete Citvitsi Compauios Combined O AA EMPLOYING OVER inn UU ONE HirNHUKD FAMOUS CHIIIFK lUU l) DOUBLE SOMERSAULT LEAPERS. 20 idby the aeknoailedgedcham-Inn niliniPY 0. Win RATPHPI HD sl®.#oo challeng their pious of Ihe entire world, Jdo.lfUluLu Ia IT 111. DAI UnDLull. equal is not tobo found 20 Champion Bareback Hiders. *2O Jhaded lui Miss Viola Hirers, Miss Jennie pieces, Mr. Orvin Mollis aiul Charles hsi r.x. the Champion two, four and six Horse * Hitlers (>f the old anil new world. TNe WoriibraiiHil REN® ami DUNBAR, the Chamaion Artists ef thr Triple Bar. . The only and inimitable k TDALETA -A-3STXD "WA.3L.X-.A.CSIB, Bund BlryeHsts otjhe Nineteenth Cent my, whose wondernu performances on the Invisible I Wire 60 feet In the air, holds thousands of people in breathless awe, |) CLOWNS. XO BBr Headed by l he KING I.AUGH -MAKERS, the great H AYMAR BROTHERS. |MTie Comedy Rear, “Dinno,*’ Steam Air-Ship in opera- outside free-to all. .The Sheik’s return from Conquest. ■Quarter of a million Street Parade. Mar ||M Musical Brigades. The New Leviathan Steam Band 880-voiced Jubilee Chen is, always exhibiting just What nHdvertises |mKAP E\( I IWIO\ RATE? OX ALL K4IL.ROAIV* HB A'o the Great “World’s Exposition.” BKrc&et.. Admits to * all Advertised >ws. t nailf 11 backed by Millions more, and so um a * PF other show exists. Jhist Frilay a ml in Kuorxrilfc. Ten., u in wbiWWfW principals Maj. Thos. or. (-£VO James A. Mabry and James A. McjMß Jr. were shot and killed. - taiTMake your old things look like new by using the Diamond Dyes, and you Mill be happy. Any of the* fashion able colors fior 10 cents. Mr. James 8. Lary, of Hancock Conn ie died last week. 'Lydia E. Finkham’s Vrgetable Com pound strengthens the stomach and kid neys and aids digestion. In \ irginia where a very fatal epi demic of diptheria prevails, the physi cians have abandoned tiie old time rem edy of mopping the throat, aud have us ed corrosive sublimate andiron to which they have found that the disease yields when taken in time. V ‘‘Men are but sorry witnesses in their own cause." The praise of Kid ney-Wort comes from the mouths of those who have been made strong and healthy by it. Listen: ’lt is curing everybody, 1 ’ writes a druggist. “Kid ney-Wort is the most popular medicine we aefl.7 It should be Liy right, for no other medicine has such specific action on the liver, bowells and kidneys. The German societies in Connecticut have followed the example of their own country in Ohio and have undertaken to commit their members to the suppoit of the Democratic ticket. Their object is to secure the repeal of the Sunday laws, and the enactment of a less strin gent license law. "Tough on Chills,” Cum 6 cases for 25 ct*. in cub or stempfi, Mailed by John Parham, Atlanta,Qa. English Female Bittebs is intended for young girls as well as married ladies, who have by some exposure, become ir regular, pale and feeble, with headache, leucorrhcea, pain in side and back, falling of womb, or female weaknesses or x. cesses. Its use strengthens and tones the stomach,invigorates the nerves,gives iron to blood, corrects irregular uterine action and removes unnatural obstructions. ‘ FoaioxO and sparkling Bailiffs Saline Aperient is the cheapest and most delightful purgative in use. Foi dyspepsia and habitual GOUgtiffttiMi if delight® fyyytoflji £ Two cremations have just taken place in England. That is a singular circum stance for more thanbne reason. It is singular because a large proportion of Englishmen regard cremation as less do feasible than cannibalism; because the English Church is resolute in opposiug it, and because the English law lias re cently decided that it shall receive no countenance from the Mental depression, weakness of the’ muscular system, general ill-health,ben efitted by using Brown’s Iron Bitters. It will paffydi i) go and look at the elegant line of clocks and Dolmans at Statical, Blalock &fo’s. The justly celebrated Oliver ChilleA plow sokl andwarantqdby W. It. Mtff phey & Cos. tet W. It. Murphey & old time leaf lard in Barrels, any you want at same price you paying for common refind a few pounds and be convinced. Goods given in exchange for Ilorse and mules Coclimn & Son. Greenwood Mils meal at Cochran & Son. 10 lbs. coffee for £I.OO, at Cocliran & Son. 0 Go to Cochran & Son for Carters Fan cy Flower, gf 10 lbs, Sug<4- for £I.OO, at Cochran & •ton. Cloaks and Walking Jackets from £1.50, up at Cocliran & Son. 4ipod Apple vinegar, at Cochran & Son, Fresh Mackerel, at Cochran & Son, Whole Suits Clothing for £4,00, at Cocliran & Son. If our goods are not as we represent we will refund the muuey. Cochran & Soil. * Women shoes from 90c, up at Cochran & Son. All goods and groceries of us will be delivered free of charge any where in the city, Cochran A Son. The circus will cost you 75c to £I.OO but Cochran & Son will show you throu gh free. Come in to see us, it will do you’good Cochran & Son. Towels 10c per. Pair at, Cochran & Son, Cigars Snuff and Tobacco, at Cochran & Son. Concord, Thunderbolts Bear Lake and Schofl Boy Jeans, ft Cochran & Soil Kickligliter, Kicker and Sittinjpßull Boots at Cochran & Son. -fjulius King’s spectacles exclusively •%lliggin’s Jewelry store. Seth Thomas Clocks always on hand at Higgin’s/ewelry Store. American Watches a specialty at O S. Higgin’sJiwelry store. Handjpnm line of Lace pins just re ceived “ O, S. Higgin’s Jewelry store. Ladies?!)pent and Guard chains a O, 8. lliggin’s Jewelry store. Ilanf some line of Bracelets just re ceived at O. 8. Higgins Jewelry store. Call at O. 8. Higgin’s Jewelry Btore and see the endless variety of necklaces in American and Roman Gold. Ladies and Gent Gold and Silver Watches 't O. 8, Higgin’s Jewelry store. Engagement Rings at O. S. Higgin’s Jewelry store. Gents Glove and Seal Rings at O. S. Higgins Jewelry Store. Diamond Rings at O. S. Higgin’s Jew eling Store. German Accordeons, Violins, Banjos and Harps at Higgin’s Jewelry store. Silver Ware suitable for Wedding presents at O. S. Higginsvlewelry store. Watches Repaired and warranted at Higgin’s Jewelry Store. Silver Thimbles at the Jewelry store of O. 8. Higgins. A full line of cloelaj, Watches, Jewel ry, Musical I ustrAients, Spectacles, Silver Ware at prietßto suit the times at Higgin’s Jewelry store. ™ • Bring your cotton to our Fire Proof warehouse. We are in the market all the time, wet or dry, low or high and still give the highest market price. Staf ford Blalock A Co's. Go to Stafford Blalock & Cos., and see their beautiful line of China, Glasss, Queen and Majoeiea ware. Call and seethe beautiful shades of Embroidery and Knitting silk at Star ford, Blalock & Co's. I’ve looked the town over and nothing compares with Stafford, Blalock & Co's, line of Hamburg, both in beatv and price. A Cough, Cold or Sore Thro a should be stopped. Neglect frequently results In iitmg Disease or Com sump tion. BROWN’S BRONCHIAL TROCH ES are certain to give relief iu Asthma, Bron chitis, Catarrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseased For thirty years the Troches have been recommended itephysicians, and al ways give perfect They are not new or untried, but tested by wide and constant use for entire generation, the> have attained well mental rank among the few staple remedies of the ngcVPuteiic apCsk *rs and singers use thorn to ear and streng then the Voice. Sold at twenty-five cents a box verytvaare. c*-ly ~|7l, .* * ' out your list of crockery, and tinware that you are in wfinDof and send it to ns, w e will attach prices and save you ruinous freights and breakage that' you always get from the far off East. Mcßride Sc, Go., Atlanta, Ga. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of rota rest by a sick child suffering and crying wltL the excruciating p „ .of cutting teethT If w>, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW s SOOTHING SYRI 1* It will relieve the w little sufferer In mediately- dept** aeon it there Is no ml ake about it. There la not mother on earth bo has Aver used it, w'oh wll not tell you ator that It will rSfculate Voe hmw els. and givers- to the mother, and relief and health * the, jiid opemttag lUm maic. it to perfectly safe to use In all cases, and pleasen tto ftMjmftie, and Is the prescription otj£Ss the rS s in STRING FACTS / A peat many people we laUag what particular troubles BtOWgf Ikon Burns is food for. If. will ewe Heart Disease, Fanl* ysas, Dropsy, Kidaey Disease, Con sumption, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and ail similar diseases. Its wonderful curative power is simply because it purifies and en riches the blood, thus beginning at the foundation, and by building up the system, drives out all disease. k lady Cured of Rheumatism. Baltimore, Md., May 7,1880, My health was much shattered faf Rheumatism when I commenced taking Brown's Iron Bitters, and X scarcely had strength enough to at tend to my daily household dutica. 1 am now using the third bottle and I am regaining strength daily, and I cheerfully recommend it to aIL I cannot say too much in praise of it. Mrs. Maky E. Brass.sak, 173 Prauaait Kidney Disease Cured. Christiansburg, Va., jBBi. Stiflering from kidney disease, from which I could get no relief, f tried Brown's Iron Bitters, which # cured me completely. A child of mine, recovering from scarlet fever, had no appetite and did not seem to be able to eat at all. I gave him Iron Bitters with the happiest results. J. Kym Montagu*. Heart Disease. Vine St., Harrisburg, Pa, Dec. a, <BBI. After trying different physicians and asaay remedies for palpitation of the heart without receiving any benefit, I was advised to try Brown’s Iron Bitters. I have used two bot tles and never found anything that gave me to much relief Mrs. Jisina Hass. For tke peculiar troubles to which ladies are subje<ft, Exown’s Iron Bmaas is iavahuMip Try it. Be sure and get the Genuine. < I D,N EY-WORT cTME GREAT CUREIj I yuEffiWßWf 0 tertfrla for all the of thelml AND BOWELS. 9 the system of She aerid poison I oaoiM fcae dreadful suffering wtiidiUl the vietima of Hheumiatism can realize. I?► I ■ I THOUSANDS OP CASES □ tho went forms of this terrible diaeasaTM ■Hi*vo bean quiokly relieved, and in short time 9 llji PERFECTLY CURED. lolfbick, at. LiqnwoK dry, sold by druccistsJM |<Lu- Dry can bo sent by nuUL |3l | MVALLB,EICHABI?SOir&Co..BurIIngtoiriP.rI KIDNEY-WORT dayid h. doughlrty; ATLANTA, GA., % Has received his Fall Stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes. The Goods are Beautiful and the Pijtes Cheaper than any other House in Atlanta. He buys for Cash and Sells for CASH ONLY. * Samples sent free on applica tion. Cash orders soflcited and Satisfaction Guaranteed in evepy case. ~ GIVE HIM *A TRIAL” t IPlain English! HgftTf pTfhIIMBIH ■ FiCnmA TIUi TM net ShiotfSa i isMwSdiSatholtM? —^Mwewh^jSiMg^jwiw^hrmoeeme. KaCßfe“gsrg jjjjP FREE! t ■ fITA fcvoritejqgiptlon Praeticßl Treatise - -ON — MIDWIFERY, (By Horton Howard, M. D.) Giving elaborate instructions in all that pertains to the structure, func tions and health of the Female Or gans of Generation and treating ful ly of Conception. Rules for the Pre vention of Conception, Development Labor, Nursing. Diseases Womb, the beets remedies, etc. The whole being rendered more plain by many important ILLY ST RATIO N S. Large Octavo Cloth bound, will be ent on receipt of SI.OO by mail. Fhilaieliibia PubMmg Ct. 720 FilbertmStreet, Philadelphia. Pa. octl2 “South And West,” Only 50 a Year- It is a first-class Agricultural paper, published semi-monthly. All who seiul us their subscription with so ceuts, between now and December Ist, we will send them the paper until January JKt, lsSi. Sample copies; containing Premium I.isW, sent free on application. Address “SOUTH AND WEST.” N.3d st,,St. Louis,Mo PINE LUMBER. More than a million feet of rough lumber by actual measurement, and one huudredflihousatid leet of Dressed Lumber. Dry Flooring—one and a quarter inches. Dry XTooring—one and a half inches. Dry celling—fifli ate eight inches —bead ed. Dry Step-stuff—one quarter and one and a naif, by 1-2 to 20 Dry hoards—clear Fin ishing stuff. Dry Beveled Weather Board3. Dry square edge Weatuer Boards. Dry stuff for Brackets—2xH. Dry stuff lor winlow and Door casings. And a heavy steed of Framing and Loards. Number 2 Pine Siting.6also cy press Shingles, which have proved hard stock, and I am willing to sell at low prices. 1 w tnt all Builders and Contractors to call and examine my stock. Any kind of lumber can be found at my \ ard, No. so west Mitchell street. oeto W. J. WILLINGHAM. Agents Y^^ntecl mM 0! THE PLAINS, BYJ. n. BUEL. Embracing (he Lives and Wonderful Adveutur eof Y> ild Bill, B iffulo Bill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne C 'apt. Jack, Texas .Lick, Califorusa Joe And other celebrated India > Fighters. Scouts,. Hunters aud Guides, a cue h#>torela! work of tnrUling adventures on the plains, and In western progress and civilization. Fights with Indians! Grand Buffalo UuntskDesperate Adventures Nar rowjiseapes! Wondewul ShootlntLand Riding! in the Far West! ir loMOustratlous! i 16 jHfll-Page Colored Plates! A Grtelbook for Agents, outsells every <■>,ooo. Agent's i-frniiiftf o LiaiteWMWWHMBI Nforl e.-U'y hi. or tt rC's ato n. YA THO, N. W . Cor. York. m. ! AGENTS ! Wanted fo Book. “Due Dost Explorers.” A full aud authentic aapounk of the jeJAnissette By Offieewewcomb and other survivors. Portraits. \ ARCTIC Illu^atioss. Get the best, (Mi't be humbugged by imitations EXPEDITION 20 copies a Uav sola by live canvassers. Sed for circulars, terms, and agency to America* Publishing UOi, Hartford, Boston, Chicago or Cincinnati. Mention this paper, oet-s * YOK7 HAVIN G moved misery I offer for sale to t heUiiatestNtener my house aud lot m Zebulon FOI K ACRES. The sai* mi: 111.'! Tuesday in Movm lier of l>y private sale. 1 making as Respect A w. Zebulou, own town. Terms am $6 free. Address H. Uallett MM’ort. alad, Maine. * mm'm L Wonderful Adventures of Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, 11 1 p x a s General aml otlier great Indian “f" 1 ™ ~ 1111111 "■•iFigliters, Scouts,Hunters andM | IUU-Sl l -. 1 - Jouides. Thrilling Adven-fl turc apn the PAdts! Grand Buffalo Hunts! Fightste with Adventures! Narrow Escapes'. Shooting and Riding. Wild LitF in the Far West. One IlundrcdlJlustrations 1 Sixteen Pull-Page Color ed Plates! Grandest Book for Agents! Outsells Every thing! Endorsed by Oen. Memtt, Buffalo Bill, and other Heroes. 163“ No Competition! 548 pages, price S2.UU Canvassing Outfit 50 cts., stamps or money. Illustrated Cir culars Free. Write at once ior agency to HISTORICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, I Border Metropolitan Life I rWTJTJnATTC* 10,000 New and Old UXID BUUAO, STANDARD BOOKS RARE ONES AND CHEAP. Send Stamp for Catalogue- Address, CURI OSITY SHOP, S. E. Cor, 4th and Washington Ave„ ST. LOUIS, MO, royai #1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test,short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal Baking powder Cos., 10S Wallst. Nsw York. July2T MASON BEST > n the world r A MIX winners of highest distinction at every ni>U Fair for fourteen years, m 111 tai A Cataioou*, 36 pp. lUiIWi lfl 4iu. is ready this month, and will be __ _ _ . _ scut free to any address, announcing llßnullv Isi'tiliTAS’f IsIFBOVKJIENTS. and iIA.NY ununno New : over 100 in all. Prices, $22, S3O. |54, $uC, si>4 to fooO and up: also for tasy paymonts MASON * HAMMS ORGAN CO., 154 Trvmout St., BOSTU N ; 46 k as tilth St., NJSIV YORK; 144 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO. BORROW Til* Yew York Weekly Witness from your neighbor and so- if it is not just the Newspaper you want. It has everything : The latest news from all parts, reports of Pulton'Street Prayer-Meeting, the Independ. eat Caxh'i'ic Church ; everything that is of Interest ts good people; markets -.tones, something tointerestths ladies— a year. Send by postal card and get a Specimen copy. JOHN IX) L'hALL & CO., $1 Vnode* water Street, hew V irk. |H r i \R YE DEAF 1 1 Garmor>’f A fificial Ear Draft. A* I* vented a worn by him perfectly restoring thj lieariax Euti. y j-f for tnirty years.h hears with Asm. even Whisper, .tstmatly. Are act observable, and r main in p isiti without aid. Descriptive Circular free, t tl'flOt't > aot be deceived by bogus ear drums. Mini is the only sa M<ful artificial ear Drum manufactured. John tlsra c, S.W, Cor. sth A Race Sts., Ctscmnats. O, A Boos err Rare Originality. PRACTICAL jjFg The shmPw (iderea from the age of responsibility up to maturity .in tom ' sri to Education, Home, Society, Etiquette) jaE&TKS The volume abounds in striking thoughts, rareinformation and c-muiou-sense. Full-page colored platsa—saoh 11 vk A ukm. Agents Wanted Everywhere. l'or circular. nUI description, terms. Ac., address, J. O. XeCCKhT A CO., PhlladcJgkla. PS. |sa^TSl3s| gj| EQYAt TO THE BEST. I|| * ■ Send for Circular. MVINTON & ZSCHECH, H INDIANAPOLIS, IN'D. B I b.uoo Agents Masted for iMlrf GARFIELD 4 It contains the full history of his noble and eventful Ufa ■ aH dast •rally asagasination. Surgical treatment, death, : funeral "hsequiesvetc. The best chance of your life Stake money. beware of jmtchpeuny 'imitations. s the itilv authentic and M Mv illustrated life of opynUM|j .yrcl lTcsideiii. Fine pot traits. Kitra Agents, cirrulsrs fret . .^^^d*g|j||gj| AJitrew. N •TioNAt. IX;BUiHUMU<taMHHnBHHH| Bradfield’s DR. J. BRADFIELD’S F emal Regulator ! WOman’s Best Friend It is well known to physicians, and alas too jrell Known to suffering women themselves, that subject to nuiaamus diseases peculiar to their sex, t>ueh as suppression of Menses pain ful and scanty Menstruation. Congestion, rice ra tion and Falling ot the Womb, attended with an endless train ot sympathetic and constitutional disorders. whieljAmibltters ihe whole life and which hare considered as almost in curable. But at last the remedy has been round In Dr. J. Bradfirltl's Frmale Regulator. It Is not a “cure all,“but a remedy tor one class ol diseases, all ot which nert.dn to the Womb. Any sufferer from the diseases mentioned can taae this remedy and thus relieve herself with out revealing her condition to anv one, and with out subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock ot an examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to the hemes of suffering women is a mission before which roval favor sinks into insignificance. What earthly benefaction can compare with ono which pro tects from “That dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty's transient flower v” which gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rose of health far the palor of dis ease. the Uiglit, elastic step for dragging weari ness, nights of soft repose for heavy hours of tos sing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dullness, the swt et lines ot lull grown beamy for the sharp and withered form of emanciatlon. a long life of mental, physical* social and domes ic enjoyments for a few sad days of pain and gloom, ending in an early grave? Such is the mission, such are the results ot Dr, J. Brad fields Female Regulator, which is lienee truly and ap propriately styled “Woman's Best Friend.” “Whites,” and all those irregularities of the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear likejungle before a single bottle of this wonderful j^Mpund. All who suffer from any of aie most earnestly invited to give a trial, it has cured thousands, and will cure you. Don't fail m> try it Iwt, small size 75 cents. Large size, $1.50, Mm u l’ue lured by 1 J. BSAEFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. For sale everywhere. I am permitted also to refer to thAfollowing well kuowu citizens of Atlanta: C S lepton, Wm M Crumley, Jr, W a Gregg end I) Baui. All of whom are ready to testify to the merits of thei preparation, MIBBLEBROOKS & GRABBICK, Is the place to get your Family and Fancy GROCERIES, co TIONERIES, Cigars and Tobaccp, JOrockery aud Glasswa^. fruits of all kinds in ma son. Call and price their goods. septT Her and Saw Mill Men' m Store and For Sale, Two Fifteen Horse Power Engines on wheels. One Ten “ “ ~ “ Two Six “ “ “ “ Five Fouf “ Five three “ “ “ “ Two two •• •' “ •* SEPARATORS. Separators,4 wheels witti stackers Eight 24 inch Separators, 4 wheels. V Six 24 inch Separators., 4 whjßls. Four 22 inch Separators, Three Heges’ Saw Three Corn Mills, 22, 24 and 28 inch, lteapers,Mowers, Circular^aws, solid and chis eled tooth; Belting, Shingle Machines, &c., &c. Give me a call before yoc purchase, or send for Price List. J. H. ANDERSON, map - 09 Broad str., Ga. kt, For Sale. House and materia# on the wy Baptist lot apply ■ J. G. SMITH, Or B. M. Turner. Butt’S k PILLS TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with > feeling of having neglected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eygs, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Hestlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TfTTX’S PILLS atotospcclally adapted to •inch cases, one ilolßl fleet" such a change ot feeling as to astonish Die suil'orer. They Increase the Appjflo. and cause the boMßto Take on the system is nKished. aHd by their Iflr Action on the nßestive Ornsi, Sli-.aU are pro duced. Price 25 TUn’S HAIR DYE. Cray Haiu b Wkiskkks changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dv k. It Im parts a naturarcolor. acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt ef 31. OFFICE, 30 NI Rita ST., XEIV YORK. (Dr. TITFS liitil of V„i.fcie liifurnulii.n ami t Caeful Betctyb, will t> *mUM Hi EE eo application./ amßTtmoaattiAjHzm. Riflttj Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni tion, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets, Knives, Razors, Skates, Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catttlogu.- IT.LP. GRMfcWESTERN GUN WORKS, PA. JfSMMJJ. WANTED! Ladies and Gentlemen, t#ettgage with us to sell several Useful Household Articles. Profits large. Labor is light. Exclusive territory given. No competi tion. Terms liberaL Circulars FREE. Address, Hewitt Maanfect’g Cos., Box 888, Pittsburgh, Pa. A NEW CORE FOfia POTATO Blfts AND AU. TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Safe, sore, cleanly sad cheep. Sample Package, Pott- Paid, els. AGESTB WASTED. Address, F. ■. gohneton, Pittsburgh, Pa. Niusical instruments fiylof all kinds for sale very cheap. f IVI Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD 111 HULL I CO., Box 868. Pittsburgh, Pa. inay4-sm : JUMI tiilliTpl, Three Grea HOLMES LmiMETSTIL OX THE MOTHER’S FRIEND. One of the fleetest Comfort* to Tho*r Expertiag to br Confined. Is a remedy upon which implicit confidence or.n be placed—one that will produce a safe and quick delivery—one that will control pain and shorten the duration oi Labor. Such ts"THK MOTHER'S RELIEF.” Trv it and see what a blessing it is to suffering Females. This Liniment, when u ed two or three weAs before confinement. produces a wonderful eff< causing a very easy aud quick labor, with com paratively little pain and leaves the motber in a condition to recover quickly—or in other words to have a good getting up. Under its use labor will ordinarily occnpy much less than the usual time, and the suffering be diminished beyond ex presslon. The condition for which this romedy is offered is of such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those mtorested in its ustuii'C re ferred to the hundreds who have used REAL* the tkstimoniai.s^^F I must earnestly entreat every female expect ing to tie ( unfilled 10 use the “I'HE MOTHER'S RELIEF.” coupled with this entreaty, i will add that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four years), I haie never known it to mil to produce a safe and quick de.ivery. H. J. HOLMES M. D. Atlanta. Ga. A lady from one ot the counties of Middle Geor gla. who has been acting us midwife for many years writes. -I have disposed of all the Mount s Relief you sent me. and I am delighted with it. in every case where it has been used, its effects have been all that I could ask. 1 CONSIDER IT A GREAT BLESSING. ' A gentleman writes: “My wife used the bottle of “Mother's Relief” procured from you. She was considerably' advanced in life, before this, her ilrsc confinement and she knows it was the means of very greatly lessening her sufferings,!! Indeed it was not the means of saving her life.” Another gentleman writes: “Mv wife used vour “Mother s Relief” at her fourth confinement,"and her testimony is that she passed through it with oue-lialf of the suffering of either of her former comintoaents. and recovered from it in much less time, me niso recommended it to a lad v friend who way about to be for the first time, and She says: “V hare necec seen unv one /mis h rough this great ti iul with so much ease and so ittle snf 'eriny.'’ The names of all these and many others i an be had by calling at my office. Having had remedy Thokougui.y Tksted in Atlanfltoyul vicinity, i now offer it to m y patrons as possessing superior merit. per bottle. ■Prepared by J. BRADFIELD. Proprietor, 0 W Atlanta, via EXCELSIOR COM STAVES! i THE BEST IN THE MARKET. J all requirements, to suit all purses. j LEADING FEATURES? Double Patent Wood Manufactured by ISAAC A.SHEW*ARD & CO., AJiJ roa SALE 11V H. It. CIIAMIUKUfi. Haincsvlllo. Cta. IANDRETHS PtaMal SEEDS Iror SEEDSk ££3£LJSEEDS®| par* Handsome Illustrated Catalogne and Rural Register FREE TO £f+L i. S J MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CARDS FORjftjjpE L}#.' nuMiii ifl % y i MAN U FA(miREKB OF S** '' ''; *! # r , m FINE CARRIAGESM DURASfcE BUGGIES, f AGOSi EARNERS, ETC. 156 Second Street, MACON. - - OA i \ mar9-ly WRITE CATALOGUE. FACTORY, W. Superintendent, PHAETONS, BUGGIES A And wagons of best grades. H 235 Street, - - ATLANTA, GA. J|| solicited. Call and I’urchase, or leave Orders. * JUl| d^T 7 a t yx7TT{, M OLA- H Offers to the trade of this section inducements in Family Groceries, Confectioneries M and Fruit. W Will he found at old stand. Call and examine hi* goods and prices, that you may be assured of £>nrgt*ing* sepV7 coc " :.l, ; . i". •V' a. ; - left was wrou’ohtmeuta?ly tbafahe became low-spirited and her appetite, refuse^food, be- came feeble and emaciated, nervdw and fretful. Her friends insistedthat she think of “ wrecks ”so much, bet she insisted that she was sick in reality, and took he* bed. bhe soon had aches and pains, and worked herself into a net-work of female which eTentually ended in chronic feiii'ue weaknesses and excesses and death. . . . , ' f , , Another case in point was that of a young lady. She had and soon became melancholy and nervous, could not sleep soundly, her memory begafcto she lMt all desire for company, her brain lost its brilliancy, her eye its luster, her cheeks b^^piecomplained egfeonstant headache, and finally fell a victim to a list of female troubles, These cases are of every day occurrence, and these “ wrecl^Kupon_ female aaety are frightful. They should be remedied, tnd there is a remedy within the and it it your duty t° a PP‘? “■ ffo one need complain, for dr. dromgoole’s engliah will cure all such. A book ia pub liabed giring details of all these “ wrecks.” Sen a your to j. p. dromgoole and co„ louu.ille, ky., and get one/V-we. r. pit-* Try BAILEY’S SALI.tE APEIHEST far kttitckjsai eomtlptrtlf pleasant sod eAstaaL' J. M wTcffFUSTIAN'S, No._Bß, Ch'jry street —Macon, Georgia, is N C3- IR IT i) kim Remecies * Pryor’s Ointmg^l IS A SULKILY ANgSI RE Ut i.U|SHH Blind or Bleeding 1 B Sores. Fleers/ Tumors, ItcrMH| the Ping®* Fistulas and all KS| died Diseases, also of Burns, Felons, Fever Sores, Scald Tetter, Sore Nipples, etc. Ati.anta, Vi A., August 2<i b, After au t xperleut'e or iwenty-flve t < s.iilngtlits Ointmeui. aiitl din ing ail th. haTikir cu..-,cH waiohed ii- effects, and IHHH rite testimony ui my i. lends ami couflrtn u.l ei.'tnidt i'At- n. its merits, l i> sat is fit it Of its value, ii nd i have b uxi-iusive right to make aud soil it, anti you Sptlie la-si it-meuy in t lie world, i >s for all forms 01 idles. READ TllK I KiXIMONIAL: Tiffs is to certify iliat I have tried Ointment ia a case of Piles, and state thatnYaTe n.ore relief than anything I have ever tried. 0 further slate that us a remedy for Burns, it is unparalleled. I also used It for a case of Tetter itt mv leet, of twenty years standing, and say that it is thumrst tiling that 1 have ever trie# (hat gave me more than momentary mltf. l consider now that 1 am entirely u llcvtd from that dist ressing disease. .Ktfl\ 1). NEWSOM, Troup County, Ga. Having been aflttetedfor (en years at inter >alto with that distressing malady, ana li-l ter many ineffectual trials of the common use* commenced a slibrt time use vour File Ointment, l experienced rminS aie fed lei. From the relief experienced in mV e ase, ns well frcin tie reputation so rapidly nc-1 quirCu oy bur Qintmewt in this vicinity, I havtl ndlieiiutuai iu rxprt-sshfg tlieopiutou ihut it is' the most efficient remedy ror piles ever iuveutea o. A. BULL, LaOrange, Ga. Tiffs is to certify that I used Pryor's Ointmaoj on a case of severe burn gndHuUn a very fIH days ii was entirely rellevefroi all tniiuii.ruSW and healed rapidly. Arter the first ot the ointment the patient suffered no whatever. R. J. MORGAN, LaGrange, GaTV By the advice of Mr. Wynn. I used your FIIM Ointment on a servant girl who had been suffer- 1 ing for eight yeans with a most aggravated casd' oi Piles, she improved irom tlm vary first day’s use of your Ointment, and before using the hex she was entirely recovered. G.. FOSTER, Cusseta. Ala. I'liLj is to certify that I have used Pryor's Pll* oinnm iit Arid say tiiai it is,in my opinion, th§_ best ffmeW lorgiles e\cr presented to ihe uun He. I say tldst'iYm a positive application oft) remedy on my own person, * ■ THOMAS D. MORGAN, Troup Cos,, Ga. " For 1 tie by all dealers in medicine. Price fifty cents per box. Sent by mall on receipt of prlco DR. J. liKARFIKI.D. Atlanta, Uft.