The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 02, 1882, Image 2

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' ?r ? -■ oi the BTmaeil oi said town and Rinsed' ii'-rein named: .1 li\ tie- S -iinte and hie>tiia'ives in (leTUTa! Band il is hereby enacted I lie- sa'tte; that the elee- Ksniil Al leinv.n in said iiel l annually o.i tin lv in August at such IjjfVnr ami eouueil shall Bed that ihc* eleelion ol Hi lain- pla < as already ■ktt: Year is- t iit'ii till >’! ;: WfWW- I-"• a ' - -1 GW- I'll .a Mill M pL |H H B Hand ■ept Bm; ■ts, Hit . *. V;V VI V Ilcs irent r in ,-of- >*ent and iu<ls ; to >out ; or 1 in hole ilate ther said lead ; to ; of the the the and nai l'll r; i ol •I'Ve l'or ssa dial pre lies leil, nsa mds said inch tlie lied du lihil liter jury liter >gu ' ol' for eve the the ■ein. era ■ be mil era 1 and aver | lislr i as lary and pre rov- ii be ini )WU ider s or for ave aits •r ti me, es any uil uit- ,use nits her the inid Mavorand fllueil after giving feve days notice slfflll cause the same to |e removed at the expense of the own- Kol suefi buildings or otlier strne- |K's to he collected by execution ns in and sliou* nny owner of Bcli buildingor Mructim* fail or vemov v the same upon proper ■jn>wnd within live days after being ||Bfcincd lie orslie niav bo lined in a ‘ xt mlill 8‘ fifty' dollars or be town calaboose not thirty days for each and ev- hey fail to regard said notice. glavor and council shall have sigßio determine what buildings are tire-proof. and council shall have ipiWni'OH proof of the existence and of any house of ill fame 1 i K,l, ‘ st> "’ithin the town, to upants thereof to bo forcibly u ithout the town, if thev shall ,sr^'®|fus(- to leave the town after notice. and conned mav in their fBMi elect a street-overseer and BBdlier otlicers of the town as thev HBem proper : r rocidtd that notli- Sllig elll ‘*'iilaiiied shall he construed the tdection of said otlicers or their dismissal whenever retentiou is not deemed bv said Br and council to be to the interest jlßd towu. M Mayor and eounei! are hereby '* pßvereu to establish uinl maintain ►limits of said town a system of fiiWlie schools, provided however that [aid power shall not be exercised until in election is ordered and held under Indi rules and regulations as mav be Bserihctl by ordinance on the question Bo w hether or not such system of Pldie schools shall be established. two-thirils of the qualified voters of said tow n voting at said election shall be sufficient to authorize the council to establish such schools. Said Mavor shall have bower to issue and negotiate the requisite bonds as provided by law to raise revenue or (otherwise to engage the credit and ap nly the resources of the town, for tlie Wsiablishmeut and maintainance of said fcrstem ot public schools. Said Mayor Bd council shall by ordinance or oth ■w ise in their discretion provide for Bpropriate agencies to regulate, im- Bu\ ise and carry out said system of and render the same efficient. it enacted that the flavor shall be hief executive otlicier of said town; ||Bcih lake care that the orders by-laws fßuctiii. acts and resolutions of the i nve faithfully executed. It iirtjjjthe duty of the Mayor or act- to hold Mayor's court as often necessary for the examination ollense that may be reported the trial |of such persons may ughibefore him. He shall have £#jßpuiee of all offenses against the or of the town and may punish of such ordinances bv im- Sl|fedi fine or penalty as ihay be J .BkMor byjwdimuice on any person of"Vrolaling said ordinances, SBB^ithiu: issue executions there.. require immediate payment 8888 l in default of such pavnieiit until paid or require fr.-viT'i. Tv'ibßW 11 '' and costs by vl " 1 !i " b*\vn mi "*, Jy j v; -\' ]/i' A^-^gct l l’H'' 1 Me rshal.l of the tow i may require. shall hen line on all real estate HB<in'said town for the town taxis as- i thereon and for all other fines Pnm penalties assessed or imposed upon the owners then of 1 y the author it ies of said Town from the time the same are assessed or imposed which shall have pi iority over Hens except the lieu due the slate ami county aud may lie en fon ed in the same manner as now pre sciilied by law for l lie enforcement of the lien for county taxes. m \yoi:- ih tti:-. That the Mayor shall have control of tiie town and may appoint special police olheers whenever he may deem it neces sary ami it shall be his duty, especially to see that the. peace and good order of tlie town are preserved and that person •nd property are protected therein and to this end in- may cause the arrest and detention of all riotous and disorderly persons in the the town before issuing his warrant therefor. IMJTIKS OK M AYORS PItOTKM. In tlie alisence from said town, or sick ness of the Mayor - or during any vacan cy in the office of Mayor any one of the ('onncilmen, selected by a imjirity :S .Mayor protem shall perform Ins duties and be vested with all his power, and if the Mayor protem as well as the Mayor elected by the people should le unable from any cause to attend to their du ties three meudiers of the Council act ing jointly shall exercise all the [towers and [*erfonn tlie duties of Mayor of the town. The Mayor and three councilmcn and in the alisence of the Mayor, four mem hers of the ( ouncil shall constitute a quorum for tin- transaction of business, the Council shalllie presided over by Mu - Mayor and his absence Mayor protem. and if neither the Mayor nor Mayor protem are present one of the Councihnen elected by a majority of the Council present may preside. Tin- Council shall cause to be kept in a well bound book and accurable record of all its proceedings by laws acts,orders and resolutions which shall be fully in dexed and open to the inspection of any who is required to pay taxes to such such meeting of the Council of the last meeting [shall lie read and corrected if ermeous land signed by the presiding officer for Lthe time being. Upon the •all of any Bnember tlie yeas anil nays on any ques- Btion shall be taken and recorded on the Fjournal. The Mayor in case of a tie shall have the casting vote.# Sec. 13. lie it further ordained that the Mayor and Council lie and they are hereby empowered in their descretion to assess and collect a tax from commis sion merchants of not exceeding one half of one per cent upon the amount of proceeds of sales of all goods,wares,mer ehandise and other articles sold by them in said town on Commission in such mailer and fonn as said Mayor and Council may prescribe. It shall be tlie duty of persons on or before the Ist day of of each fear to make a return to theMerk and Treasurer of the ain onnAf all goods sold by them on Com mission from the Ist day of April of the preceding year to the Ist day of Ap ril of tlie year on which the. get urn is made. • Whenever anything for which state li censeis required is to be done insaidtown sai<l)to\vn|may require license therefor. Said Mayor and council shall have power t o license and regulate the management nf liar-rooms, hotels, private boarding houses, livery stables, express compan ies and private and public transporta tion through the town, and in addition l o tho uil calorint tax provided for by law, to levy a tax on all billiard tables, ten pin or nine pin alleys and [tables and alleys of any kind used for the pur pose of playing on with pins or balls or both wi|biu such town and all other cmitrivßces of whatever kind used for the of gaming or carrying on a game of chance by selling cards, ticket s or numbers or by turning a deal or wheel by using any otlier otlier artifice or contrivance whatever. They shall I lave power to tax all shows taxed by !■* ! iUv . s °f !l‘i s state which may exliib i#\vilbin such town which tax jnay collected, if not voluntarily paia by exe cution and levy and sale as for the collection of taxes under the gener al law proscribing the mode of incorpor ating towns and villages, and said Coun cil shall have power to pass all ordinan ces necessary to carry into effect tlie pro visions of this section. They shall have power to tax all life aiul fire insurance companies doing: bnsi ness in said town. If shall be the duty ef tlie marshal to collect all lines imposed by the authori ties of said town and when executions art* issued for any fines, penalties or tax cs due said town lie may levy and sell thereof in like manner anil under tlie same regulations as officers of the state are now authorized to levy and sell under other eqeeutions. , Repeals conflicting laws. A Faithful Servant- Mr. Editor. We have in our county politics, in the present canvass, a case that has uo parallel in my observation of pul>- lic affairs. Our present Clerk of the Court, Mr. K. V- Beckham lias severved Pike county for three successive 4tfms in Ids present position and now r time lias come for nominating a man for clerk to serve the next term although,the zealous friendsWhis #po n >nt are doing all they can to nominate their man, they have not brought up oar tinyle dm rye of incapacity or iin faMli fidnetas against Mr. Beckham. Is it not remarkable that his character as a pri vate citizen is so invulnerable that Ids opponents can say nothing against him? Such an office is exceedingly rare and the people will no doubt nominate him next Tuesday to be his own successor. When a church gets a minister who suits them, they retain him as long as possible. When a farmer succeeds in hiring a valuable hand, he does not after a year turn olf the good hand to try anew one, but lie retains the faith ful one as long as lie can. So famlies and communities act in reference to teachers, doctors &c. In deed the principle holds good in all of the practical affairs in life. But an ov er ardent friend of his opponent says. “.If you continue him (Beckham) in year after year on account of proficiency, you had better give it to him for life.” Sup pose he ho Ids the office he now holds one or two terms more, and from his experience adininisters.tlie affairs of the county in his hands more to the interest of the county than any other man%oukl do. who is the gainer he or the county? More,; he openly says he will abide the nomination and support the nomi ness, his opponent has not said as much, Mr. Beckham never was, nor will not be an independent. Again, the money paid him by the county for his services, is turned into an exceedingly praise worthy channel. By self denial and strict economy, Mr, Beckham, secou ed at home by an industjuous, saving wife has succeeded iW saving enough from his limited salary to finish paying for an humble, though comfort ablo little home in Zebulon, at which they are trying to train up a family of Interesting children to bicome good members of society, and useful citizens. Mr. Beckham served gallantly in the brave old 44th Ga.. regiment until the third wound in lst>4, drove him from the field. On Ist of June 1862, he was I severely wounded iu the Seven days fight,by a minnie ball,which he still carries iu the >fi leg. In the battle of Cliancellorsville his left am was shiv ered just below the •shoulder. At the battle of the Wilderness, May 3rd 1864 his right eye was torn from the pocket. The effect of these three wounds incapac itates Mr. Beckham for [hard physical labor. This battle scarred veteran, effiel%nt officer, high toned Christina gentleman asks the people of Pike county to make ?iim his own successor as Ch -k of the Court. In electing Mr, we will retain the valuable serviv 7 <4- opt onent as an experienced successful i te^^er- and of himself as a most excel >'°r A Politician—^ It. V. COX. It. 11. UAltltON. COX <Sr EAIiRON, A OEM'S KOU AND DEALEItK IN —a <rn <Pjfe .. —■* < ■ Fricfe iV Co/s Eclipsq Portable. Tracti m anil Stationary Steam Engines and Portable Saw Mill, Wood, Th bo r A - Morse Agricultural Engines, ( anion Monitor Engln , Buckeye Mower. flay Hakes. Thomas' Smoothing Harr >w. Acme llairow. (iraln DDIIB, Hig ulna - sulki no. Can - Mil's, tans, Condcuscrs, Feeder*. JOHN NiKKItiMAN a ' os .\clli I ilosl II A 1 !•., Ml. No. 71 Poplar Street, Macon, <ia. Hendrix, Rockhill & Willingham, %\ Manufacturei'S of and Dealers ixi Sash, Doors, Blinddf Oils^ In Short Everything Needed in Bidding a House * GIVE US A TRIAL AND WE WILL PLEASE YOU* no * * 138 3rd ggeet, MACON GEORGIA. i Sheriff’s Sales for December. Will be sold before the Court House door in tlie qtgvtrn of Zebulon on the first Tuesday in Ilecem ocr next between the legal hours of sale the fol lowing described properCpto wit: Lol of land No. 14 in the 9th dist rict of Pike county, containing \my, acres, more or less Levied on as the property ot J ,1 Milner, by vir tue of a common law ti fa issued from Pike sBM rior Court in favor of K W Bcflraiid.l H MitcliW Executors of W I) Alexander, deceased, against J J Milner. Property painted out by plaintiff and written notice given defendant in posses sion. 99w5tfS.t)S Also, at the same time and place the south hall of lot ofland No. IDS, In the 2nd district of Pike county, containing nn.if land. Levied oa as tlie property of jonatha# Davis, by virtue of two ff fas Issued from thW Count v court of Pike county, one in favor of AML' Sorrel & t o against Jonathan Davis, theotllßln favor of W J Kincaid against I O and Jdfcathan Davis. Property pointed out by Jonathan Davis. 97w5t53.24 Also, at the same time and place, fifty acres of land, it being part of lot No, 101 In the Sul dis trict of originally Monroe, now Pike county: bounded on the north by E C Aiken, on the east by Farley, on the south by Mrs. Grt en’s land.aud on the west by T J Baird. Levied on as the prop erty of James W Willis by virtue of a common lawn fa issued from the County Court of Pike county In favor of W J Kincaid against James \V WltliS- 100wStSS.S5 Also, at the same tjjne and place, two-sevenths ided interest inn -n;:; acres of bunion Dri - ver's district of Pike county, Ga, beingßcmpos ed of parts of lots Nos 250, 251, 230, 231 ‘2ls. bounded as follows: Commencing at the north west corner of Birch creek, adjoining the lands T)f John w lteid. thence due south to public rout leading from Hall's bridge to Zebulon, thence west atony said load to a certain stake, theece due west to a field south of the house, parallel with a certain cross fence thence west across tlie road to Joh%B West's, through the grave yard field, including the grave yard, to the line be tween the lands of A J Wright and tlie estate ol Henry Jone* Mience norm to the starting point, Levied on ajtne property ot John T Jones and A B Jonef null Is their interest In sad lands as heirs at law of Henry Jones, hy virtue of five ti fas issutfl from Justice Court ssotli district G. M. cf said county, lu favor of J V Freeman. Execu tor, Ac., against John T and A B Jones. Tenants in poa?sslon notilled in writing and levy made by J P Baker, a lawful constable, in and for Dri ver’s District. 242. 5 SS.IO Also, at tlie same time and place, 125 bushels of corn, more or less. Levied on as tlie property ty of Samuel Patton, to satisfy a distress war rant issued from Justice C ourt 524th district G. M. cf Pike county, in favor ol W M Harris. 54W5t52.02 Also at the same time and place, one bale of cotton, 3,000 pounds seed cotton,more or less, un gathered; 1,200 pounds seed cotton, more or less, gathered: 125 bushels oats, more or less eo bush els corn, more or less, one patch sugarcane, lotto pounds fodder, 75 bushels cotton seed, one set plow gear and one plow stock, one cooking stove and fixtures for same, and one cotton planter. Levied on as the property of J D Moore to satisfy a distress warrant for rant issued from the Jus tv court 533rd districts. M. In favor of G. E. Huguley. w 124\v5t54.15 Also, at the same time and place, one bale of cotton, weighing 436 pounds aud now in the ware House of Stafford, Blalock & Cos. Levied on a s the property of John \V Yarbrough, to sat isfy a common law n fa issued from tlie county Court of Pike county, in favor of A c & B” F Wy ly- 65w5t52,27 October 21 st, ISS2. W. I*, BUSSEY, Sheriff, Staffs Sales of Jortgapi Property. On the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold be lore the court house in the. town of Zebulon, Dike county, Ga., between the lawful hours of sale and <0 the highest amt best bidder lot of land No 30 in llie'2nd district, ot Pike coun ty, bounded on the west by llolsey <v Smith, and on the east and south by Gresham, containing 20 -2 X acres, mare or loss. Levied on as the prom erty ot A. F. stair, by virtue of a mortgage afa Issued trom Pike Superior Court 111 favor "of w R Murphey <t co against A F Starr. 94w5t$3.ij Also, at the same time and place, one fourth of lot ot land No In the 2nd district of Pike coun ty, bounded on the north bv lands of Mrs Starr on the east by lands of Austin Davis, on the south by lands of Klijah Martin and on the west by lands ot John E Wilson, containing 50 a acres wore or less. T.evied on as tlie property’of Jon athan Davis, by virtue of a mortgage il fa issued from Pike Superior Court in favor of Brooks <v Mills against Jonathan Davis. ilSwstf3.93 Also, at the same time and place. 50 acres of land. It being part of lot No. 101 in the 3rd dis trict of originally .Monroe now Pike county bounded on the north by E e Aiken on the east oy Farley, on the south by lands of the widow Green and on the west by T J Baird. Levied on as the property of James W Willis, bv \ irtuo of • mortgage fi la Issued from Pike Superior Court In favor of Bioodworth, Hunt A Cos against Janus W Willis. 111w5t53.2l Also, at the same time and place, fifty acres more or less, ift being the southwest fourth of lot No 33 in the 3rd district of originally Monroe now Pike county. Levi Mon as the proem v of w R liowe and by of and to satisfy a mortgage fl fa issued Superior Court Jb favor of Charles i' Stuflkagalnst W P. Howe Property pointed out and T%ant in possession notified. m Tsw'.tss.fii October-Slst. ISS2. \ W. P. Sheriff. L_ _ For Sale or Rent, I hereby offer for sale a splendid iffestory dwelling house and lot of four acres of &n<i in connection, situated on Tliomaston si reetro Bar nesvllle. #Eor particulars apply to W. T. RKSPESS, Or J. C. Me MICHAEL, Barnesviik*. Ga. Or JOHN 1. HALL, Griffin, (Jam. 250,000 Feet of Lumber at Auction. Before Moving our mill we will on Friday, at a ctlon at the mill all of our Lumber 'ot every description. Terms spot casb. tor further particulars apply to T. J SI. ADE. T.lfsev's Store. Orb: m.TURNER. BamcßVlUe. GEORGIA—PIKE COFNTY-Uuiam Jlmmer son Has appUed for Exemption of Personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and 1 W] pass upon the name at 10 of NoreuilM2rMJjg|^jj^^^Kce. M aeon Marble works GIEO. ~W. CAW, Successor to J. B. Artope. MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MOIUMENTS Headstones. Box Tombs. Vases, Urns, Tablets &c. And dealer 111 Marble. Granite and Limestone for Copplngs. T also luivc all wrought Iron railing on the market. Gunmiee prices to coinpetf with any State. Write for designs and prices, all orders promptly filled. • THE Policy of BEST Insurance BEST ASAJMST BggT Accidents P'cJptS which is to say, Perry. Davis’s Pain Kilier Captain Chas. Allen, of Worcester (Mass.) Fi re Depart nmnt, Bays: “After the doctor set the broken bSe. I used Pain Killer ag a ltm. merit, and It cured me in a short time." Captain D. S. Goodell, Jr., of Searaport, Maine, Bays: “ For bruises, sprains and cuts, I know of no medicine that is more effectiv e." . David Pierce, Utica, N. Y., Bays: bruises, bums and sprains, it has never failed to effect a cure." An accident may happen to-morrow/ Buy Perry Davis’s Pain Killer to-day of #!y Druggist CHRONIC DISEASES CfJIiED. 1 - ■ * l l Now paths marked out by that most popular book on Medical, | . Social and Sexual Science, Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense. Nearly 1000 pages and 200 illustrations, treating of the human body in health and disease, by DK. B. FOOTE of New STork MmSar * City; Price, $1.50. Over JgßgSiltfi 5 00)000 of his books have been mmw E 0 ’ n hited States, England, Germany and Australia. An Edin borough physician, retired t after KSjSf fifty years practice, writes: “l'our fg&^iwork is priceless (n value, and cal -5 elated to regenerate society." A 16-page contents table of Plain IP ymW Home Talk, a copy of Dr. Foote's K, YfT. IRm Health Monthly, and a 100-page Bpt, 1 pamphlet of “Evidences” of tha ¥ curability of all Chronic Diseases ■BS of whatever psOk sent for 3 cents. DR. FOOTE’S Hand- Book of Health Hints and Ready Receipts gives 128 pages of adviee about daily B|/ habits in all recipes iff - ' rt ' for cure of common ailment*— a valuable reference book for HOUIMMHI every family. By mail, 25 Hi J . cents. Liberal Discount to ML.-. bt/ Agents. Murray Hill Publishing; Cos., 129 East 28th Street, New Fork City. EDGAR L. ROGERS, SID D. SMITH. Bop k Slitl, Barnesville, Ga. Entirely New &M Stock Carefully Selected. We purchased at spot cash prices and haying no clerk hire to pay are able to give tlie custom er the Gi latest Advantages. AVE HAVE IX STOCK Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, &0., &c. We will give Special Bargains In Gentlemen’s (Mine Give Us a Trial. Rogers & Smith. OCt‘29 MTTONisKlHGffilnSffj#^ fnraluailt patented •nniwknli/miifw so other RffGHCES ts tkt world. For Pamphlets and Price List, (llso for SAW WILLS), address TUJE ACLTMAN A TAVLOR OA, Wnsfield. Ohio. V angs-aia veek. $lB a day at home easily made * Gurnt free. Address True & Cos. Maine fiOc*al Law- Notice Is lWreby given that application willAt made 10 the rext General Assembly to passi bill appropriating half the proceeds of the couß ty court to the county Treasury for the purpose of defraying the general expenses of the county. JTAMBMI —H PAWKM 1 W)M> J ouuSimirjm} .uwielphia. For Catarrh, cough, colds, Influenza, soie throat, and shortness of breath, take Brewer's Lung Restorer. To break chills and fever take a good dose of May Apple Pills, followed by lamar's Lemon Tonic. These are both excellent remedies. Brewer's Lung Restorer cures consumption, bronchitis and all throatand lung diseases. Upn'i forget tlie name. Brewer’s Lung Restorer. mend it to your friends. Rankin's Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu aud Juniper. Especially for diseases ot kidneys, bladder, urinary organs and nervousness. If you doubt what Is said of Brewer’s Lung Re Storer ask someone who has tried it. It is re commended by physicians. Gate City Vermifuge and Central City Worm Candy for expelling par excellence. Give them a trial and be aAvlnced. Clergyman’s sore throat and bronchitis are speedily and permanently cured by Brewer's Lung Restorer. To cure chills andjfever permanently, la mar’s Lemon Tonic. Price, SI,OO per bottle. You could not possibly invest your money to better advantage. If you cannot buy Brewer's Lung Restore! in your town* enclose the money to Lamar, Rankin & Lamar. Macon Ga.. and they will farward it to your address. Price sl,oo,^^ CentraAjjity Worm harm less, but ITOtectually extirpates the worm from the human body. mothers should keep it. If you have the consumption, or tkinlAyou have, send to us or your dealer at once foi|no tie of Brewer’s Lung Restorer, and be cured, cat mar Rankin & Lamar. The astonishing success which has attended the use|of Gate City Vermleruge tn many fami llesjinduces us to recommend it lor expelling worms, Notice this and seAif we are not right, A neMbor buys a botne of Breweryii g Restor erM in less than two weeks all neighbors win have a bottle. . nankin's Buchu % igiit's ing the urlns, discharge# public speakers [should carry a of Brewer's Lung Restorer around, it pre and cures lioarseness..Try it. irTake BitchuMul Juniper for all kidney andjurl ary disorders#lt Is the most .reliable 1 medicine of the kind lußnufactured, Give It a trial.; We want yB to believe wliat is said akmt Brew er’s Lung Rprer, as| the; flruth.H #hen you try it then yoßcan help talk It up. Lamar Lemon Tonic, a safe and reliable re me dy for cliiils, chills and fever, Intermittent fever, fever and ague, dumb ague and kindred disea ses. % Essence of Jamaica Ginger is prescribed by all pbyjiblans rorpaiu dlarrluea, tcol ic, dKunp, etc., uiul^^^B' a greater reputa tion than Lamar, , Lamar's “Brewer’s Lung is no new remedy, but the offer It for sale until the diseases he claimed to cure. 1 rota leaver' Kesioro# ip their lives any •Hie THPs Lemon Tonials offered to thjß^ta to supply a pressing need; viz: a remedy wmch will make a certain cure every time if taken accord direa|fM|Mß^^^^ Brewer never failed to give perfect and enl Ire satisfied In every Install ce. Don’t fail to try it. w Take Bucbu and Juniper for all kidney and urinary disorders. It is the most reliable medi cine of the kind manufactured. Take Buchu and all kidney and | ur kind manufactured. ® 'Rkeliuchu and Juniper for all kidney and ur| inA-y disorders. It is the most reliable medlciM of Bhe kind manufactured. M Piftllc should use Brewer's Liicg Res torer. BREWER’S Lie Restoffi! suffered greatly for about 3 years from throat and lung affection I was ad\ sed by Hn-s Prof, Dozier to try Brewer’s Lung Restor er. Not ha Vug any faith m pat *nt* medicines I was reluctant to give it a trial: bnt finally yield Ing to persuasion I purchased a half ’dozen bot tles, and after a fair trial I take pleasure in de claring that I have been wonderfully benefited, and pronounce "Brewer’s Lung Restorer”a bless lng to those afflicted with throat and lung affec tion. For months during my affliction I was unable to lie down to rest; my breathing was so difficult that a constant wheezing noise could be heard across the room, and my friends were concerned for my life. All the [sleep obtained during thin time, broken and unsatisfactory), was In a sitting posture, but now I can recline with ease, andwr repose Is natural and ple% saut. m Miss xate k. doziek, jM • Talbotton^jH Lamar—Gi-ntx^HH . vo HA^ ■ ill) m ago, occured: while on a visit was “taken very ill arlHI die with a case of bronchitis and ccMHption of long standing. There was no physician to be had, the nearest Jpoints being Duplin and Mt Vernon, both about twenty miles distant. They sent over ro the store for some t’ling that would give relief. I gave them abot tie of Brewer’s Lung Restorer and told them that it it did no good they need not pay for It. The result was that In fifty-six hours she was able to go home, about twenty-one miles; and I have sold several bottles to-day to parties who kliow of this circumstance. Mr. A. ;11. McCremmoii and found almost Instant relief. The medicine Is assured In this sec tion as I shall hereafter warrant to curs. 1 ours truly, Rev, G. H, Ratchfokd, Lothair, Ga. BEONCHITIS CURED. Messrs: Lamar Kin! in * Lamar—Gentleman, My little plrl- s years old. has been for some time tronbled with a severe cough which physi clans pronounced bronchitis. She slept buc lit tle, coughing the entire night, and we had to get up very often to help her out, the ;cough was so severe. At your solicitation I bouget a bottle of Brewer’s Lung Restorer, and she bogan to Im prove at once and has been sleeping nicely ever since, and I firmly believe she v< 11 be permanen ly cured. I was a very much Heightened at her condition not long since, bnt am now rejoicing at her recovery. Y Geo. F. Wing. Hemorrages Stopped. It gives me great plersureto certify to the mor its of Brewer's Lung Restorer, asl haved used it and found it all you represented it to be. My lungs were affected to some extent, and I had a hacking cough, often spitting up blood, which at times would amount ,to a hemorrhage, and I became very much frightened at my condition. I bought several bottles of the Brewer s Lung Re storer, and have been entirely cured by its use, and feel satisfied that this medicine will prove a great blessing to the people, If you would in traduce It into the Northern States it would make your fortunes. Yours truly, Henry Wokten. Rankin & Lamar, MvOX AXD ATLANTA. And -AJLiH, DRUGGIST, WELL FIXED FOR ROOM JT LAS JOHN SEELEY,. , “The Leader of Low Prices," % Has added on to his already Mammoth Concern still another store room, making his store the largest room sotTii of Philadelphia. | He shows an acre and a half of floor crammed aifd jammed full of Goods. Nothing like it Southl FALL STOCK IS \OW IIN. j ffis J{sSOHYI*EftT IS CoftpLEJE. if IS PRICES J{HE JljE LoWESJQ His New Millinery and Cloak Rooms will eclipse anything in this SfcßK for beauty and convenience. 1100 Running Feet of Counter devoted to the sale ofDrv Goodsfr 125 Feet Counter devoted to the sale of Shoes ! NEW CLOAKS ! NEW CLOAKS ! 0 Cloaks by the Thousand. New Jackets. New Dolmans. New Ulsters. SEW BLAC K SILKS & CASHMERES, New Colored Silks, Cashmeres, etc. French Novelties in Dress Goods. Nobody will sell them as cheap as I will. 11c sure to examine fine Dress Goods before you make your purchases. lam making a point on fine’ Dress Goods t|is season. 1 have the best stock of Medium and Low Priced Dress Good? ever tfdlfeed in At lanta. v „ jStew flaasost l , Embracing everything ude in White, Rod and Blue Flannels. New styles Sacking Flannels etc A tridr Superb Line. J liOWl PRICES ! mifty pieces beautiful Embroidered Flannels. Linen Goods in line variety, embracing alf classes of woods be Bilging to this department. The best Stock of Hose and Gloves in the All the movelties in Kid Gloves. A ▼ | A Grand Stock of Fall Gloves. of New Cassiineres for Men's and Bovs wear. Water- Proofs, Sackings, Jeans, Tweeds, in endless yanetv, The Best Stock of Shoes in Georgia! The largest assortment of Shoesßn the South! best grade Shoes niaip Every thing mentionablc in Ladies'. Gents, Misses' and Boys’ and Infant’s Shoes, Boots, etc, r SHa.IH.TB ! SHIRTS ! StLIRTS ! The largest and best assorted stUk of Men’s and Boys' offered in the south. So large is the assortment of shirts that a rotated list of deserving attraction line is simply impossible, but suffice it to say that shirts of any size‘ from the tiny 1 1-inch neck ofthe small boy up to tiie “full grown” 18. V-inch neck in gent’s size, can here bflfound in white and colored, in every grade made and at any* gived price, I propose to sell a shirt, the best made ih America, at that particular price, A fine line TitaCent’s nights HrlnpE IATEST STILES AJ(kIOW£ST PRICES LIES >IIR6IGII JOHMAETC FiIT#OIL ThousamjTof special attractions in every department, and other things of interest Ibut too nuinerou to ad mit onicntion here, at % I JOHN KEPiY’S sept2Btf NOS. 58, 60, 2 AND 64 WHITEHALL JSTReW GA HA PFY HKEETIN(j) W l hanks be to the Di\me I /Evidence i<>r His uiuiunecut blessing ; to ns thi . \\ lulc gloom ftnd almost dspair stared ns in in the only Spring.!fe lias since given us rain and sunshine in due soaso our lands have produced most sanguine expectations, and our hearts are all full and we are all glad and rejoicing. We feeWdiat dark liore lias past and that, the country is once more on the road to prosperity. V Our Mr. A. J. BLALOCK and W. C. STAFFORD are now in New York usual V ** n+JVTER STOCK, $ r which would occupy too much space and time to attempt to enumerate, Will simply say we can supply wpu 1 ’ every want and invite competition. We will take great pleasure iu showing our goods and giving prices rwhether you buy or not. We give you cordial to make HOUSE HEADQUARTERS * To the ladies especially do this invitation. the most convenient and comfortable store in town, We keep comfortable fires during the entire our front door especially for them. TO TflE COTKv^aJER . f equally as nleasant and cowfoi anfl in addition to all this we have stable and ■i houses freejpour friends and patrons. V\A flfcye L THEOKLY WAREHOUSE in town, witli ample room r?nd facilities iPrhflhdling cotton. We will be pleased to handle your cotton, and wo guarantee at all times, whether wot or dry, high or low, the HIGHEST ifAKKET PltlCE, t anxious to wyour business Ind supply your every ißit. We make specialty of no one or two ar of cn®ss variety; and now thanking you for pour * 1 J •Generous an# Liberal Patronage. te # In the past we right, aud honorable. Truly * r STAFFORD, BLALOCK & CO. Barnesville, Ga., September 7, 1882. 1 0 AlMtoWuM. ThtCaliliatMUTri—h HftIMJoLIVE! knowledge for th Golngliut: t' r ’ w , ununaled in authorship. *tid full particulars now. Outfit nd *ell, free to actual agents. Snc cM guaranteed faithful workers State experience, if For Sale, 3,000 Bushels Med, Runt Proof SEED OATS AT so cents per bushel can be purchase* by applying to T. E. The Rock, Ga, aug3i ■ Him. ONLY 920 WMSsSa fur a PHILADELPHIA SINGER ffjßaßSilßß of this style. Equal to any t : in the market Jte f |/jfy member, we send it to be fc JaHY fvSn examined before you pay IfllWnH for it. This is the same stylo ■ other com panics retail forsso. WYY If a AH Machines warranted for 3 yean. Send for Illustrated Cir colar and Testimonials. Address chables a. wood a CO., ** 171 Teatk St., PhilaMjikia, Pa. Biy|M>rice; selling fast; MecdesJ everywhere; Llbernl terms. C ” Arretooia * *>•- *> Uu. The Excelsior Stove^House. OUR M'OCK IS NOW €oUy^ Stoves,. Ranges, mirtraces, House Furnishing Ga.3 and Fittings, Steam Gauges, Globe Valves, Stop Cocks, Hose, Oil Stoves, Slate and Marbelized Iron Mantels Stamped and 1 lam Tinware, all at prices to suit the times. examine this stock before purchasing elsewhere. Agents Steam rump and Mack’s Patent Injector. Contractors for and Gas hitting Galvan ized Iron Cornice, Window Caps, Door H9ls, Tin Roofing a specialty. Manufacturers of Concrete Sewer and Pipe. HUMICUT M BELLIN6RATH sept2B-2m 36 and 3tsiet. Atlanta, Ga. _ GEORGIA— Pike Countt.—Application VvVJ ®e made to the court, of Ordinary of Pike counJH a t the first regular term after expiration of UraJ ty days, from this date notice, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate oi Emily ,J.' Fields late of said county deceased for the bene - fit of heirs and a veil tors of said deceased this An gust 21St, 1882. S-JJIALE^Ad^^BKFor. ■; I Paynes’ Automatic Faim Engines 'OF ALL KINDS.-Established lß4ofl 2 to 100 Horse Power. ' V yire^flW