The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 09, 1882, Image 8

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Wmarnesville Gazette. ga. 11URS DAY, yoVEAffiER 9 f 1882. MORE REA L ESTA TE. I offer additional inducements to parties deslr mg real estate in or around Barnesvllle, I have b ecn authorized to sell ajsplendld residence close o business square, one vacant lot on Greenwood Street of I>s aeress ana one with two acres'one dwellng with four acres of land, 15 acres level land Incorporate limits and one mill and farm of IC4 acres Inconnection. J- C. MCMICHAEL. Real Est. Agt. BEAL ESTA TE FOR SALE. House and lot on Thomaston street, lot con tains I>£ acres. House and lot of I”,' acres, splendid barn, or chard, <fcc., on Thomaston street. Four hundred acres of land four miles south west of Barnesvllle, Nine acres of land in corporate limits ofßarnes ville. Two building lots on Third street. Two store rooms In Barnesvllle located in the best business portion of town. Ninety-six acres of land one mile north" of Barnesvllle. Also one house and lot within one hundred yards of the public square and two story store room on the south side of the public square iu Barnesvllle. Also one house and lot convenient to the busi ness square on Zebulon street, and one excel lent vacant lot adjoining. A bargain in this property. Also <w acres of as good land as is In this sec tion, l v miles from Baruesville, a part in origi nal #>ods and balance lu good state of cultiva tion. Also house and lot on Forsyth street very con venient to business. Also two store rooms and lots on south square kao wn as the West stores. A bargain give n. For further particulars call on J. C. McWICHAEL, Real Estate Agent. FOR MA YOR. We are authorized to announce the name of ,001. J. J. Rogers for Mayor of Barnesville, at the " ensuing election. FOR MA YOR. Edward Elder will be a candidate for Mayor in the next municipal election- Ilis past record is a guarantee of what Ills future course will be, Barnesvllle is Ills native city. He was reared Uere and has and will ever contribute- whatever he can to advance her highest and best Inter ests. He Is for Barnesvllle first, last and all the iftre. He respectfully challenges a comparison of tils claims to public confidence and favor with tlio3e of his honorable opponent. NOTICE Is herd))/ given that during the session of the General Assembly for the present year which convenes on November lsf, the fol lowing bill in substance will be offered for adoption: An act to niter and amend the several acts incorporating the town of Bar nesville, to increase the powers of the Mayor and Council of said town and for other purposes therein named: Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Genial Assembly met, and it is hereby emiHra by authority of the same; that the Elec tion for Mayor and Alderman in said town shall be held annually the fourth Tuesday in August at such place as the Mayor and provided that BWWnift*’q-s take r the leiection sharnoe lieid on "Tuesday in August. The said and council shall have power ttHpro vide for the registration of pri or to any and all municipal eleotions in said town; to make all needful rules and regulations for the same, and re quire that no person be permitted To vote unlrts registered Aforesaid. The council of said town snlll have the power therein to lay off, vacate, close, open, alter, curb, pave and keep in gj*>d order, and repair roads, streets, allfys, sidewalks, cross-walks, drains and gut- the use of the public or any of the citizens thereof and to improve, and light the same and have them kept, tree from obstructions, on or over thei* the width of Wno streets, and to order the ‘hotways, crosswalks, drains an<flH| |ter* to he curbed and paved order, free and clean thereof, or of the next, to impose Hr refusal to pave and curb the same, Hnd shall have power to enforce the Collection of such penalties by execu tions as for city taxes; or they may cause such sidewalks, footways, cross walk, drains and gutters to be curbed, or paved at the expense of said and collect the amount thus exp tJMj by execution against the sees at occupants ofrtMgproperty.l Said town shall to pilvent injury or annoyance to the pubuc of in dividuals from anything dangerous, of fensive or unwholesomeprevent liogs, cattle, horses, and other animals, and fowls of all kinds from goik> at large >in said town; to protect places of worship in or about the premises where held; to abate or cause to be abated fiiything which in the opinion of a minority of the whole council shall be a nuisance; to regulate the keeping oi gun powder and other combustibles; to provide in or Plown places for the burial of and to regulate interments to provide for the regular building of inmses or other structures; and for the making of division of fences bv the owners of adjacent premises, and the drainage of lots by proper drains and ditches; to make regulations for guar ding against danger or damage bv fire; to protect the property and persons of the citizens of the town and to preserve peace and good order therein; and for this purpose to appoint when necessa ry a police force to assist the marshal in the discharge of his duties; to pre scribe the powers and define tiie duties "f the officers appointed by the council, fix their term of service and eonmenki| lion, require and from when deemed necessary payuyHHflH -wn in :i> corporate name ABBmm -ecurities and in such penaIHHHH '•ouncil may deem proper e for the fait lit ill discharge of lies: to erect or authorize or the erection of gas works or works in the town, to prevent injury r pollution to the same or to the water or healthfulness of the town; to regu late and provide for the weighing of hay, coal and other articles sold or for sale in the town; and to provide a reve nue for the town and appropriate the same to its expense; to provide for the annual assessment of all realty therein. fo carry into effect these enumera ted powers and all others that may be conferred upon said town or its coun cil by any future act of the General Assembly of the State. The Mayor and council of said town shall have power to make such contracts and establish such by-laws rules and ordinances as shall appear requisite and necessary for the security, welfare, health and convenience of said town or for pre serving the peace, order and good gov ernment of the same, and to prescribe and impose reasonable fines, and im prisonments for violation the town ordinances. Provided that no shall be fined more than fifty dollars or imprisoned longer than thirty davs for each offense. •Said Mayor and council shall have power to establish and fix fire limits and from time to time in their discre tion to extend and enlarge the same, within which fire limits when so es tablished, it shall not be lawful for any one to erect other Ilian fire-proof buil dings or structures of any kind what ever, and should any one erect or cause to be erected within such fire limits so established any buildings or other structures other than fire-proof, the said Mayor and council after giving live days notice shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of the own ers of such buildings or other struc tures to be collected by exectllign as in other cases, and should any owner of any such building or structure fail or refuse to remove the same upon proper notice and within five days after being so notified he or she may be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars or be imprisoned in the town calaboose not exceeding thirty days rcr each and ev ery day thfy fail to regard said notice. Said Mayor Jid council shall have power to determine what buildings are or are not fire-proof. Said Mayor and council shall have power, upon proof of the existence and maintenance of any house of ill fajae or baudy house within the town,Mto cause occupants thereof to be forcMy removed without the town, if they slilll fail or refuse to leave the town after five days notic^ Said Mayor A council may in their kjgcretion elect rl street-overseer and such other officers of the town as they maydefkn proper; provided* that noth ing herein contained shall le construed to revise the election of saffcfficers to prevent their dismissal whenevlr their retention is not deemed bv said Mayor and council to be to the interest of said town. Said Mayor and council are hereby empowAed to establish aud maintain the limits of a system of public schools, proved however that said power untiL an held under 1 such asHhay be prescribed by ordinance on as to whether or not such System of public schools shall be established. j Two-thirds- of the qualified voters of j said town voting at said election slialll bekutticient to authorize the council to esMblish such schools, Said Mayor av council shall have power to issue aH negotiatelhe reqksite bonds as provided by to rjise revenue or otherwise to engage the credit and ap ply the resources of the town, for the establishment and maintainanceof said of public schools. Said Mavor anUcouncil shall by ordinance or oth erwise iijjfiiejr discretion provide for to regulate, im- out said system of render the same efficient. Be it enacted that the Mayor shall be HAcliief executive officier of said town care that the orders bi-laws acts and resolutions!' the faithfully executed. If jjjMnbe the duty of the MiWk or act- Wg Mayor to hold Mayor'’sßmrt as often as may betnecessary foHH examination of any offense that nuOTe reported to such persons mam havtj e<Jgi i or dinances of the all violations of such posing such fine or penalty as may be prescribed by ordinance on any person convicted said ordinances, and may JHfcr issue executions there for or may79t[uire immediate payment thereof and in default of such payment he may commit him or her tojfre guard house of said town until require Sler to pay said fins andjPfets by mg on the streets of the town un le suprintendence of the Marshal Deputy Marshal or street overseer, as the ordinances of the town may require. There shall be a line on all real esteite with inlaid town for the town taxeAs sessed thereon and for all other and penalties or imposed fßu the owners authorlff&s of said town from Uptime the same are assessed or imposed which shall have piioritjyrver liens except the lien due the stat And county and may be en forced in the same manner as now pre scribed by law for the enforcement of the lien for county taxes. XkXYORS DUTIES. That the Mayor shall have the town and may appoint special pmce officers whenever he may deem it neces sary and it shall be his duty, especially to see that the peace and good order of the town are preserved and that person and property are protected therein and to this end he may cause the arrest and detention of all riotous and disorderly Arsons in the the town before issuing hV warrant therefor. • DUTIES OF MAYORS duringftf^^Lu'an avhi,. shall and be vested with all hisif the Mayor protein as well as the Alayor elected by the people should be unable from any cause to attend to their • du ties three members of the Council act ing joiutly shall exercise all the powers and perform the duties of MrßL)f tlim town. A The Mayor and three in the absence of the Mayor, four mem bers of the Council shall* constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Council shall be presided over by the Mayor and his absence byithe Mayor protein, and if neithfer the Mavor nor Mayor protein are present one * of the Councilmen elected by a majority of the Council present may preside. The Council shall* cause to be kept in a well bound book and accurable record of all its proceedings by laws acts.orders and resolutions which shall be fully in dexed and open to the inspection o*f any one who is required to pay taxes to such town. At such meeting of the Council the proceedings of the last meeting shall be read and corrected if errneous and signed by the presiding officer for the time being. Upon the call of any member the yeas and nays on any ques tion shall be taken and recorded on the journal. The Mayor in case of a tie shall the casting vote. Be it further ordained that the Mayor and Council be and thev are hereby empowered in their descretion to assess and collect a tax from commis sion merchants of not exceeding one half of one per cent upon the amount of proceeds of sales of all goods, wares, mer chandise and other articles sold by them in said town on Commission in such manner aud form as said Mayor and Council may prescribe. It shall be the duty of persons on or before the Ist day of July of each year to make a return to the Clerk and Treasurer of the am ount of all goods sold bv them on Com mission from the of April of the preceding year to the Ist day of Ap ril of the year on which the return is made. Whenever anything for which state li censeis required is to be done in saidtown sairl|townvmay require license therefor. Said Major and council shall have power to license and regulate the management of bar-rooms, hotels, private boarding houses, livery stables, express compan ies and private and transporta tion through the jßk, and in addition to tlie ad valorim provided for by law, to levy a tax olrall billiard tables! ten pin or nine pin alleys and table! and alleys of any kind used for the pur pose of playing on with pins or halls or both within such town and all other contrivances of whatker kind used for the purpose of carrying on a game of chance by cards, tickets or numbers orc by turning or wheel by other or contrivance whatever. They shall have power to tax all shows taxed by the laws of this state which may exhib it within such town which tax may be collected, if not voluntarily by exe cution and levy and sale as piHided for the collection of taxes undgr the gener al law proscribing the moae of incorpor ating towns and villagesAnd said Coun cil shall have power to pi* all ordinan ces necessary to carry iuto effect the pro of this section. shall have power to tax all life ancffire insurance companies doing busi ness im said town. Itall be the duty ef the mlMnal to collie all fines imposed by the authori ties of saidtown and when executions are issued for any fines, penalties or tax es due said town he may levy and sell thereof in like manner and * under the same regulations as officers of the state are now authorized to levy and sell under other eqecutions. Repeals conflicting laws. §§ 01 THE SINGERJ. tit Above is the exact representation of the SEWING MACHINE we sell for TWENTY DOLLARS. It is in every respect the very best of the Singer Style of Machines. Finished in the finest manner,with the latest improvements for winding ,the bobbin, the most convenient style of table with extension leaf, large drawers, and beautiful gothic cover, —it stands without a rival, ■Tie King Of Siqf MACHINES. The Same Stvlc sold by the Singer To.,l'oJ*so. * We do not ask you to pay loi it until you see what you are buying. We only wish to know that you real ly intend to buy a and are willing to piy S2O for the IJesk in the Market. Writ<yf> us, sending the name of your railroad station and. we w.ll send the machine and give in structions and allow you to examine it before you pay for it. Address WILMARTH & CO., * Nnrth 20th. St, T. J. CARLING; Plumber,Gas & Steam Fitter^ Tin Roofing and Galvanized Iron GAS AND OIL CHANDEI^^A OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Btli Tubs, Marble AY ash Sta Hot Water Boilers, Cooking Ranges, Fountains^^^ Force and Fiet Puai%j RUBBER HOSE, jM Steam Gimges. 'Water GuJHSI Steam Winders, Steam Valves and Oilers, Gas Steam and Water Pipit)* Write for prices to # V T. J. CARLING , M mai '3o 35 Colton Avenue, Macou, R. C. WILDER’S SONS 'Jf MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, BRACKETS, ETC. WM 200 Th id. Street, One Slock From Brown IlflHH % MAOIST, GEORGIA, jH DEALERS IN Lead, Oil, Paints, Glasses, rutty, and in ewrvthi*? In the way of building inftlK!lii! SpecßUattentlon will be given to the building of houses p description. Rough and d r es3W ber on hand—lncluding the best white and yellow pine. Orders solicited. CUjRTIS & WIGTZELL, H We make a Specialty of J S igle Seat Pkastonsi I Ak % Dexter and Simkin Bug^H rsr-WRITE FOR OUR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. WE CAN SEjHfll Cheaper than any other House in the South. v*:ir m JNTew Carpets. H We are receiving a very large stock, well assorted, and superior In quality. yHß|[ well to call and examine our NEW GOODS. • • We have Issued a handsome Illustrated Catalogue for the benefit of country cusHY 7 SPECIAL DISCOUNTS TO THE TRADE. . * Hliflliil "W* report facts simply. We use no bombast. We guarantee all goods to fee as reH'^V^Vj’tl * ANDREW J. MILLEIfI 44 PE ACHTRBB ST , ATLANA, ®l ANDREW J. MILLER & COM l4B, ISO AND 158 BROUGHTON sentSS Established 1556. SAVANNAH, GFORGiIBW fC w .11 r 'rS and retail dealer in soj Pine Sash, Doors and . GLAZE SASH, MOULDING, Stair Newel Posts, Balusters, Window Glass, BniUer’s HariwaH Broad Street, - - - Atlanta, Ga. flr fl w ■ \ ] % JONES’ UIHf&IAGE FACTORY, ] .JONES, Superintendent, A # 3IAXUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES, PHITONS, BIIGGIII ANIIwAOONS OF BE ST GRADES. 235 Marietta Street, ATLANTA, * j|H Oencral -olicited. Call and Purchase, or leave Orders.