The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 16, 1882, Image 3

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JBa lianas and. A_pples. ■ We have just-received one car load One Yellow Banana*, and will receive one car Fancy Ap ■ta to-morrow. We alau nave in stock a line lot Id Oranges, Lemons, &c., &c., HBor us with an early order—same snail have prompt attention. Respectfully, W. • Hamilton & Hudson. ri | Slat, 1862. 21 Bast Alabama St. mmSiiesville Gazette. WSigmARNESVILLE, GA. m[I)AY. NOVEMBER 16,1882.' fVjppfyon go to Macon oa i at Walter ■■boston’s Jewlery Store, 108 come in and pay your sub |HHbu to the Gazette. flßHßp’erdiiehas a clover patch iu ■B prosperous condition. HfHrffr- 1 aimers sow small grain now ' Be the weather is line. BBfrs. H. Perdue went to Griffin last ■nursday to visit her sister Mrs. I)r. ■oilier. W The circus \v!& about as profitable to ye bar keepers last Wednesday as to Barrett & Cos. |Bk>l. J. ,T. Rogers Inul last week for \ 'Bpthe second crop of English peas, and could nave had ■wring ears. Mr. W. R. purchased last week the residence and lot of Col. J. D. Jfflhider on Tliomaston street known Jim Bellah place. ■BK returns of the Barnesville pre- IgHl for the nomination of county olli- not carried to JJebulou last to be consolidated. BHSBo not feel called on to givfadJ jggPPlutwe would not hold lotton if bad it to sell. In all probability we ■link the price will go down to eight ■nts if not. lower. W Mr. A. E. Eubank was in town du f ring the circus last Wednesday with a yox of splendid ripe raspberries of the crop. We never saw nicer ber- M of the first crop. ||B petition has been largely signed fa- HBKug the appointir.ent of Mr. Josiah postmaster at Mr. ■■cher is a clever go<B citizen and I^Bk r&u ;l cons^cn t Republican since ar * •J Hps. O. received fast Wednesday stating the death s|r step-mother Mrs. Judge T. J. of Macon. an BBR-lad\ v and has ■"Hon. boy at the cir- BMB^ >s d : ‘Y- to Ills mamma w W BBSBpTo the circus: ‘-Mamma tip - on a striped wrapper and wBBBpt t lie men and one woman were BBS, and they didn’t look nice. were many people last Wed- asking the loan of fifty cents BS|Bicy might go into the circus. The ■BBoider the canvass were eftwded SHg®t about two thousand people on |||Jppoumi are to have gonefin. Henderson White, Bill Willis Maxey the proprietors of ■■l-epublican State of Pike not pushed Hammond so close- all. Colored politicians should night work and come out s&gßf in day time and let the world ■■vliat tljey are doing. ■■colored man complains that it is now to get a pair of plow long enough. lie says the nier jKnts cut them too short, and they are ijßthis comliiion more troublesome than jjßtubborn Georgia mule. We would to all who have such trouble it can be avoided by returning to ■principles—have them spun and* at home. SlfßisTJ-JKbAri* DJiEX DFUL AC wßm cident. were a good many Residents Bfresterday. There will be some to-day, pPnnd probably more or less to-morrow. I Children are tumbling dewn stairs, wo men are lighting fires with kerosene. I Boys iwe playing with pistols. Big men [. are spraining their ankles as they try to t catch the moving traiii. Babies will B#het their little thumbs caught in the doors. Bruised shins, dislocated and mashed fingers constantly w remind us that accidents may take place at any moment. People vho have Per ry davis’s paix killer can smile at most of the accidents that befall them. Those who hare not tried it are remind ed that they do not have to run further than the nerest drug store to buy it. B The board of trustees of Wesleyan* |&Female colllege find that the building cost in all 8100,( ) instead of A the cost. The trustees now propose to .■task the Legislature to allow* them to bonds to the amount of 825,000. grayness avoided by us- Ijßß’drkers Hair Balsam, disfinguish- HHr its cleanliness and perfume. 888 l Fish and Canned Mackerel at T. HIB'OiLS. Tlie Circus. If the immense concourse of people in Barnesville last Wednesday was any demonstration of the public idea of the merits of S. 11. Barrett & Co’s circus it ig a decided success. We have never j seen m, large a crowd collected on our street!. The whole business portion of I the town was a living moving mass of people. When the street pageant pass ed around there was scarcely room for the elephants and camels to pass along, besides the stores and houses were lined with eag^fepectators. The were very good, and the circus as a performance was the best in some respects we have witness ed in some years. We would especial ly commend the extraordinary feat of rope walking and the gymnasts on the cross bars. Both these feats were well received by the immense audience. The menagerie was a fine and varied collection of animals. We were favor ed by Mr. William Cobb the genial press manager with an explanation of the character and habits of the entire me nagerie. The concert w as no less a success than tlie circus and the occasion w as a pleas ant one to all. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve- w 0 w The best Salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, 1, leers, Salt Kheuma. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and postitively cures Piles. Ait is guar anteed to give perfect satßiaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Quintain Shot. Last Wednesday evening the im mense crowd had left town by night ex cept the had lingered for rea sons best to themselves. During the day the Mayor had on an extra po lice force. When night came the ex tra force had been dismissed. About 11 o’clock at night Mr. Walter of Monijgp cofnty was disorderly and MarshaWQuinlain attempted to quiet him. The result was the shooting of Mr. Quinlain by Mr. Phinqße, who w'as arrested and lodged in the cala boose. Thursday morning Mr. Phina zejk was brought into Justice Hanson’s c<At with a view to a commitment tri als The case was called and the prison er moved for a continuance of the case as he had not emploved council and de sired time, to do sov The prisoner ask ed that he be bailed"to appear at sitti time as the court would designate iot commitment. The time Monday mor ning at 8 o’cloAbeing'agreed on His Honor asked bond of fifteen hundred dollars for his appearance at this court. Mothers, do not give AnodAies and lull your child to quiet and ®eep, by prostraining the nervous system, to be repeaten again the next night, but cure your child with Tehl'iiina (Teething Powders). Teetiiina (Teething lAvders) is fast taking place of all for of Teething Children. ThWgirls who complain nAfcof aches* and pai ns are not usually who get up in the morning and make up their beds, dust their rooms and help wash the dishes. Sufferers, Read Thisi-S^top Are aftlictecLyvith Neuralgia or Headach: you by taking the Speedy in its ac tion, from Opium and other Narcotics, it commends itself in being as innocent as efth^nt. Perhaps you have noticed the It is true that roasting sars at of the year in a soft state for about three weeks which is a much longer remain when in the HOW TO AVOZpDRUNKENNESS Forbid intoxicating nostrums and #e Parker’s Ginger Tonic i*> your fam ily. This delicious remedy never in toxicates, is a trw blood andjjbrain food, mgkaidmg all the vital functions to invigorate. If any of readers of the Ga zette have in love we mention tlie raw oysters and chicken so*p toAe a sov ereign remedy. M ***“Xo eye like the master’s eye.” Had CEsop lived in our day he might well have addedArXo popular curative like Kidney-WdP.” All eves are be ginning to turn to it for relief fronfdis eases of the liver, bowels and kidnevs. Kidney-Wjrt is nature’s remedy for them all. that caimon nrepare the dry c;Hiv proeureß form of a^^Bgglst. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON J The Leaders of Fashion. m^ma^nihc^ufstoc'lTof Dress Goods, Carpets. Boots and Shoes eTf tha south! 10 They MAKE a PECIALTY ° ! *' linE ®£Si}?t&ssiS2E :u " S facturers/they DEFY COMPETITION Every Department Ia t,,elr ‘““'oSSK"“ ent U,MIIO Yon will Always'Fmi tie Latest Styles at their Store. Thfi fi-OOfta Put wlube unusually attractive this Fall. If you wish to find t newest shades and cemhina -LUC J-'lCoo VJUUUo LULiuIIL tlons visit this Emporium ol Fashion or hesend for samples. stKu P a DRESS GOODS is oanSSl? tow on e qUa! If not superlor toanything of the kind in the South. They buy the Linen direct from mnulactn- Chamberlin , Boynton & Cos, Wish to call especial attention to their Great Shee Store. Here you will always And the very hest custom made Shoes cut in the nobbiest styles ♦ I *l+ °. n< ? keep “ s & 0( My” goods, hut if yov wish good, relsable shoes at reasonable prices call and examine this stoeft Every pair sruafaE teea to he just as represented. • It is hardly necessary U> sap that their CARPET DEPARTMENT is the is the largest and handsomest in the Gate City They can In short notice fit up a house in a style that none can surpass, and at prices that will compete with any market. city, It is poor economy to buy “Bargains.” If you want the worth of your money buy the “best.” If you want the best of everything in Dry Goods, Carpets, Soots a.d Shoes call or sehd your orders to > CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON & 00., Agents Buttericks Patterns. 66 and 68 Whitehall, 1 to 15 H unter HAPPY GREETING!. * ' Thanks be to the Divine ProvMence for His munificent blessings to us this year. While gloom and almost dspair stared us in the face A the early Spring,He has since given us rain and sunshine in due season and our lands have produced beyonf our most sanguine expectations, and our hearts are all full and we are all glad andgrejoicmg. We feel that the dark hour has past and that the country is once more on the road to \ A. J. LLALOCK and W. C. now in New York buying our usual 4 ~ ’ •F.11.1, .I.V/J WINTER STOCK, * r* 1 wnether you buy or not. gure you cordial invitation to make \ 1 ~ • Our HOUSE il E*i iHg AItTEBS ToJjhe ladies especially do we extend this invitation. the most convenient and comfortable *tort in town, We keep comfortable fires during the entire our front door especially for them -' \ 4 . Tn Tnr we hat^Rually as pleasant and comfortable and in to all this we have stable and camp houses free to our friends and patrons. We haye BB * r ' THE ONLYf IRE-PROOF WAREHOUSE in town, mth ample room un<Vacilities for handling coton. We will Biased to handle your cotton aad we at all times, whether wet or dry, high or low, the 5 w MARKET PRICE, We are anxious to do your business and supply your every wany We make specialtv one or two ar tides all, in endless variety; and you for yow “ ~ < In the past and your friends. WtjfflHMWßßwßt Stafford, Blalock & Cos.