The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 16, 1882, Image 4

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jfyrnesvile Gazett t >■ PUBLISHED BY C. McMIC HAEL THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1882. Fulton county jail has two hundred a..d .sixteen inmates. The Mormons elected their delegate to (Jongresftfhy a majority of I^,ooo. -4-. dh rr~. : 1 . Col. W. T. Dicken lias been appoint ed j udge of Henry county court. The “rebuking” of the Administra tion seems to come from all sides and all parties alike. The friends of Judd Clements held a regular jubilee in Marietta over the success of their Congressman. Last Friday a woman of ill repute at tempted to commit suicide in one of the houses of ill fame in Macon. Rev. T. L. Ilauk, the blind preacher died suddenly near Mt. Airy last week. His remains were buried at Cuthbert. The grossest frauds are charged against the Mahonites in the Virginia election and the most liberal use of Hubbell’s money. It is said that over &200,000 changed hands on the result of the election in I the sth, 7th, and 9th Georgia Congress ional districts last week. Anew Catholic church is to be dedi cated at Albany soon, by Bishop Gross assisted by seven priests. The ceremo nies will no doubt be very interesting. The Sumter Republican states that Lish Barker has brought in his large gourd which holds by actual measure ment a bushel and a half of shelled rorn. At Cortland Wyoming last week bur glars drilled the safe in the banking of fice of the Cortland House and carried off $4,000 in cash and diamonds worth SISOO and valuable papers. Emory Speer proceeded to Washing ton City in a day or two after the elec tion last and it is rumored that he leaves Georgia as a citizen and wn locate in Washington City where he will practice law. Prof. W. B. Bounell has been of t si 1 y at Is at president of the Methodist Covington. Joseph E. .Brown commands all the newspapors of Atlanta; democratic,inde pendent, Coalition'and Republican to to support Colquitt for fctited States senator, and they are all putting in par tgraphs tli'ek and heavy. Is it not shf nificantV 9 The boa id of trustees of the State Uni versitv met in Atlanta last week and •‘rof. Chas, Morris of Randolph, Macon college. Professor of Belle Let ties of Dr. Speer and Lamar Cobb and Treasurer, in the pkuflH Mitchell. Hon Pope IsaSo|| professor of law. desperate over the prospect of being de flated in the state election. In order to succeed they resorted to wholesale fraud in registering votes. It is assert- Cos was aroused and an Hivestigatiou)slioyred that at least t\yA Ip thousand illegal voters had regist^^® ed ' +* I Governor Colquitt is fighting over the mantle of Senator HiU. If for no other reason this should prclkuee his defeat. With |u indecent haste that w ould have gained Hamlet’s mother lie act his emissaries to work fertile accom plishment of this end, £f he is kicked out of the Legislature pie people will say amen. Should lie be elected the Democratic party may realize a storm in comparison to which the one that raving Lears .old Jieart was but April shower. The burning of the almshouse at Hal i lax last week was a most horrible af fair. Upwards of fifty sick and decrep it human beings were literally roasted. There was criminal neglect on the part of someone in charge: but the most cul pable error lay with those who con st meted, and who received f " building for siW-h a purpose. The hospital department was in a narrow t .ird story, fir -proof in no •aost absoh: ely witiPlnt any • >'scape pr<-\ : ied. Mau, v . <>! the c u hunied U iheir HHH t escape tl rough Urn windows f oil view of toe horrified spectator J (vie woman was seen at a wimlo™ v. lich she elniched unt il her hands v. fie cliavivil and her head imi ned from her body. The details are too sickeu i gto dwell upon. i THE LEGISLATURE. The President of the Senate and Speaker of the House have made out the standing committees. Hon. J. F. Redding and Hon. J. C. Beauchamp have been placed on some of the more important committees.. Senator McDonald introduced a reso lution looking to a bill by the .commit tee on education looking to compulsory education. The resolution was adopt ed and the committee will probably pre pare a bill of this sort. On Wednesday last the House did nothing but receive new biH*. It adopted the of the last Legislature for the govern ment of joint sessions; also in favor of the printing of the proposed Legislative manual. Thursday but little was done by the Legislature exeept to elect Hon. Sam Hall of Bibb Associate Justice over Judge A. M. Sped! the present, encum bent, Judge Pottle of Warren, Judge W. R. Moore of Whitfield, Judge Les ter of Fulton. The result was obtained on the sixth ballot. The following Superior Court Judges were elected: Flint Circuit, Judge Jno. JX Stewart the present incumbent withOTfc*opposi tion. The Macon Circuit; Judge T. J. Sim mons. Southwestern Circuit; Allen Fort of Sumpter. Albany Circuit; Byron B. Bower. For the t unexpired term of the Easter nCircJrc; A. P. Adams. POL ITICAL N O TES. Complete returns from Pennsylva nia show that the next senate in Mat state will consist of 29 Republicans ;md 21 Democrats. The House is largely Democratic Democrats is esti mated to on joint bal- Complete returns from* Wisconsin show in the senate 19 RepJblicans and 14 Democrats, a Democrirciu gain four; the assembly 52 Republicans and 45 Democrats, two trades candidates and one Independent. The Republi cans will have 9 majority oil joint bal lot, * In Arizona, both the Legis lature * Democratic delegJOmn to congress. J Fayette county voted 571 for Ham mond and 211 for Buck. county gave Hammond 861, andKuck 372. M Election Jpr XL S-alienator. list Tuesday the legislature pro ceeded to ballot for both a man to fill the unexpired term of Senator Hill and long term. The following is the balkn: B. It. Hill Jr., for the short term, Barrow, 108. For the long Black, unvoting 6. morning lion. Pope elected for the shm^erm, HHHMpiIO votes. Colquitt was eleeWr for the |rmg term 12^^*es. l!y or an 11 ary of I’ike county aiui sey, will be sold before tbe Zebulon on the first Tuesday in December next? all the land of said Malachi Hussey deceased, con sistlng- of lots land No. 43 and 54 in the Bth IJis rictor Pike county. To be sold iu lots of fifty acres, terms on day of sale. T. J. BUSSEY. ft Eflcutor MALACHI /'I EOBGIA—Pike County, —Jerry Neal has ap- V* plied for exemption of personalty acting apart and valuation of Homestead by an amended schecdule of personal and estate Homestead, and I upon day at 10 o’doek A. M, on the 30th day of HARRX WELLS. Ordinary. PIKE COURT OF ORDINARY, November Term, 180 J. T. CHAPMAN, > vs. f Rule Ni sfl J. W. BANKSTON, Administor.) M| J. A- f It appearing to the the Petition, du ly sworn to of ,T T ChapmtSßrhose wire Is heir at law of James T- Bankston deceased, that J, W Bankston Administrator of James A, Bankston alias run away and mill not return, and that said restate Is liable to swffer loss by his neglect. It is ordered by the court that said J. W. Bankston show cause at the next term of Pike county of Ordinary. should not be removed from offl ci and William T.Chapman or someother fitfand proper person be appointed In his stead, And as it appears that sain J, W, Lankston is not in the limits of Pike county and cannot bo served BP the Sheriff with a copy of this rule. It is order ed by the court that a copy rf this rule be publish ed in the Barnosville Gazette once a week for three weeks. HARRY WELLS, Ordinary. For Sale. Will be sold on the premises oi J. R. Jenkins, doceAtd on the first Tuesday in December 1352 the flawing property to wit: All die Horses and cattle and hosts on the prflßfe also about ".00 bushels 1 1 !. ... ■ i-.liift. a . - 1 • >:^Vblll p For Sale or Rent, 1 hereby offer fr sale a splendid two story dwelling house and lot of four acres of land in connection, situated on Thomason ncsvillc. For nartioulars annlv to W. T. IJESPESS. * OrC. McMICHAKL. ( n■ JOHN 1. HALL, OrifritMM| LEMONS AS MEDICINE Tbfi derfal Effect the Liter, Stomach, Bowels* Kidneys and Blood. As prepared by Dr. H. Mozley, in his Lemon Elixir, is a pleasant lemon drink, a substitute for all Cathartic and Liver Pills, that pootively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Headache, Malar a, Kid ney Disease. Dizziness, Colds,, of ;Appetite, Fevers, Chills, Beebes, Pimples, all Impurities of ihe Blood, Pain in the Chest or Back, and all oth er diseases caused Ly a disordered liv ' er and kidneys, the first great “cause of all fatal diseases. For sale by druggists -50 cents half pint bottle. Prepared by 11. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga., and St. Louis, Missouri. by Druggists in Barnesville & Driver Bros., Zebulon, Ga. Lt your Druggist has not got Lemon Elixir send me 50c and I will send you a bot tle. H. MOZLEY, M. D.. Atlanta. Ga* Tax Notice Third .And Last Call. I will be at Milner Thursday Nov. 9th. At Flat Rock, Friday Nov. 10th. At Stenrnesvllle Saturdar Nov. tlth. At Hollonville Monday Nov. 13th. At Concord Tuesday Nou. 14th. At Jordan’s Store Wednesday on forenoon Nov 15th. Howard’s Court Ground afternoon Nov. 15th. Mountain Gap Thursday Nov. 16th, At Barnesvllle Friday and Monday Nov. 17, 20. At Zebulon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day 21st, 22d, and 23rd. For the purpose of eo’lecting state and county Tax for Uie year ISS2. Then the Bqpks will close. Cifne one, come all and pay yourtax,and save cost of fi fa. B. H. LIFBEY, T. C. MOORE’S Business ATLANTA, GEORGIA. A standard institute. Established W years The Business World In Miniature. Sbnd for II lustrated Circular. Termietc. |aug 31-ly For dfce. 3,000 BuslMs Red Rusd&roof SEED OA TS AT 50 cehts per bushel can be purchased by applying to T. E. ROSE, The Rock, Ga, aug3l A DOCTOR’S TROUBLES* Ilk Kmß 0 Ip/ iHhII . "You did wrong in wearing that thin dress, this cold damp night." Daughter —" I did, and am now paying the penalty. Sarah Goss suffered in the same way; please get that which relieved her.” Mother—" Nonsense ! I’ll do no such thing, but will send for our Doctor.” Daughter—" Our Doctor keeps one in bed a long time and pours down a vast quantity of medi cine, besides making daily changes.” Mother—" Doctor, is ahe dangerous and whet is her affliction ?” Doctor—" Tea, madam, the is dangerously ill. The rentrioalar and auricular forces are not in equi- L librium, there is an increased centripetal action *y>out the cerebrum and medulla oblongata, the circulation vascillates, suspended Nature seems hesitating, and I— ’’ 1 Mother—" ai op. tot heaven’s take atop and go HBUytspes." do all I can.” two weeks have expired— be discarded at once. Two procure that which you desired at Daughter, in alow vlsd, and think it the wily thing that will restorPßkL health.” mother—' 1 Get oat of my house, yoa old ham "V.u.hter- " Well, mother, yoa see how rsp idly I here improved sinc#diach*rfflng * oar Doctor * sua I commenced the use of that which I so much needed. The effect hu been meet wonderful. The too relieved my head, cored while the other imported strength to the help of Hature and made me feel new."e THE CONFEBBION. mother—" Very true, and I believe they have eaved your life. I now confess that Dr. Dromioole’a English Female Bitters is the most wonderful female medicine and iron tonic I ever knew, and that Bailey's Saline Aperient is a pAsant and sovereign remedy for headachAconstipatlon, acid stomach, biliousness, etc., AHV Family Medical Adviser free. Address J. BMromgoolii A Cos., Louisville, Ey, fiGENTS Wanted fJtJnnC'f works of character; treat variety ;D U UIV 3 Gt tIIIJICO low ir. price; selling fast; needed everywhere; Liberal t-rms. Wm. uurretson Sc Cos.. 30 College St., Nashville, Tenn. Paynes’ AUTOMATIC Engines. 2 to 100 Horse power. Sellable. Durable, and EconomicaL Will furnish ahorse power with Jj leas fuel and water than any other ea Cine built, not fitted with an automatic cut-off. Catalogue G sea: free. B. W. Paynb&Sons, Bo* 1400, Corning, N. TANARUS Qflk week in town. Terms and $5 IVlaeon Mnrble or-k GEO. W. CASE, f .‘ Jj *,O cl Successor to J. B. Art qpe; V • JD Z *.*;•** MANUFACTURER 01-Li ro \ ® MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUffffl , r Headstones, Box Tombs, • Yalbs. Urts, Tablets And dealer in Marble. Granite and Limestone for Loppings. I also have the eh, Iron railing on the marke:. Gurantee prices to compete with any house ia : W&SilMBm for designs and prices, aU orders promptly tilled. \ V * nov-2 . . * •• SMMBi INTew Liyeuy Having purchased the livery stable of Mr. A. Murphey. we propose to keep tli st class teams* hire, Mules and Horses for sale, and conduct a iirst class livery business in every respooflrfr BUGGIES' FORESAW* We will also keep In stock a of Buggies including the celebrated COLUMBUS BUCCY COMT’IM^ Light running buggies which’, we warrant In every particular. I Undertaker’s Business, j We propose also to do an Undertaker’s business axd will keep in stock a full assortma* burial cases and robes, Nice hearses under careful management will attend all burials. ROSE & MATTHM THE GEM DRUG*STORE A. MURPHEY & SON, Proprietors, This Drug Store has been given up to be one of the neatest aW in this section. It is now in a better condition than ever. MR. c. n* still at the prescription case,and you can’ rest assured that vraPl you come to see us you will be treated with the utmost of politeness.** WE &EP EVERYTHIN usually kept in a first class Drug Store. We have the best line jM CIGARS in Barnesvills. sent* Sifted TTTemO lit Winning the Whentfrom the Tares —K Pro blent eaialy .Simplified. “My friend,” said the druggist, “you have a lame back, you say, and want a plaster to put on it. Once I could have sßovvn a large assort ment to choose from. Now I keepfßily a few and sell most of BENSONS CAPCINE PLAS TER. Why? Because they are the best. I have Allcock’s, the Capsicum and some others. They are h*mless and slow. Business is business,' and I*dually ceased to deal in them to any great extent,’’ “All right do me up a Capcine, without any more talk, for my back aches as though I had been working my passage in a baggage car-” Here you are,” said the druggist, with * woid CAPCINE cut in the middle of plaster, Moving it to be genuine.”" , —vvmg “And her’s your twenty-flve cents,” sard the lame backed man, walking slowly away. , CONSUMPTION/ | I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its ■ Obs thousands of cases of tho wont kind and of long w standing have been cored. Indeed, ao strong Is my ralth In its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, to gether with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease, to any sufferer. Give Express asm P. O. address. PB. T. A. BLOCOt 1M Pearl St., New Terk. An Cured of Consumption. When death was hourly [expected, all remedies having fai.’e l, and Dr. H. Samos was experiment ing with the many herbs of Calcutta, he accl dentaljft made a preparation which cured his on ly chlMf Consumption. His child Is now In this cooßt ry. and enjoying the best of health. He has proved to the world that Consumption can be positively and permanently cured. The doctor now gives this Recipe free, only asking two three-ceut to pay expenses. This herb also cures HR sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break up a fresh cold ‘ln twen ty-four hounw Address Craddock & Cos., 1032 Race street, Mlladelphia, naming this paper.* GEORGIA PikK COUNTY—WiIIis Williams hßs ap piled for exemption of personal and seriimr apart and valuation of Homestead and I v upon thesamim 10o’clock a. in. on the 22 My of No- at my office: * V HARRY WELLS Ordinary. GEORGIA Pikk County.— John W, Yarbrough has applied for xemption of personally and set lng apart and valuation of Homestead and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. m, on the 22 day of NoiAMter 1882 at my office. HARRY WELLS Ordinary. Remainder of te§iittl e ' , Georgia PI) e county. order from the court of Ordinary count/ will be sold before the court the the town of Zebulon In said county on the first Tues day In December next tho remainder of Dower, In the lot number 81 In the eighth district of consisting of 101 \ aares more or less. Tnos. E. RUSE, • adrnr. estate JAS. T^BSE. Sale By from the court of Ordi nary of Pike before the court house door In the towmoraebulon on the first Tuesday in December next, all the land belong ing to the estate of Benjamin Trice, deceased, consisting of one hundred and ninety acres,more or less, in the Btli district of Pike cpiintv, on Zeb ulon and Barnesville road, sofd subject to widow’s dower. Terms made known on of Sa’e. C. F. TRICE, Administrator Benj Trice. GEORGIA—PIKE COUNTY—'Jlmmer son has applied for Exemption of PlKnalDßrnd setting apart and valuation of I will pass upon the same at 10 on the 15th dayaf at my office. “ Ordinary. WtiiAMUN An A a kl ffcwe certainly best, havingbeen so II K IS M M V decreed ateveryGreatWorld’s Vllwnilv Industrial Competition for Sixteen Years; otiier American organs having been found any. Also Cheapest. Style 109; 3%octaves ; sußpent’compass and power, Vjjth best quality, for popular sacred and secular music ir schools or families, at onlv $22. Oncluindred other styles at *3O, *57, *O6, *72, S7B, *93. *IW. sll4 to and up. The larger stylo; are icjiolly unriraled by any other organs. Also for easy iMßients. New;illus trated Catalogue free. * The A&ASiAf & HAMLIN®an and Piano St..Boston ; v.,w York ; Chicago, Established 1840. DEMCIfIKIC^^I rtrlolUrlOh^ss* Ing force doubled. Prompt work and homes made fio. Apply near. WldOWS* re-married, now entitled** widowhood. in INCRE.ASI cases. and Back Pay procured. Deserters all dues under new laws.Q A TPMTP f M tors. Land Warrants JT fK I R.IW I O^Bf| houfdAndsold. TheWORLD&SOLDIERj^B copy free. Send stamp for full ftlank?& bounty table. W- W. ATZCERALMB Muftbn. Patent Sc Land Att'y*pgashlngtOTj^B from 3 to 10 Home Power ; Dry H. P.; Utica (or Weed A Mann) K nrr; ;?*V-iT-S';; ? Stationariee; Adjustable Cut-Off 200 H. P. : Improved Corliss Engines, 15 Boilers, all sizes; iron .Frame Reversible NHl|| four sizes; North Carolina Portable Com Mill Stones, all sizes, guaranteed to Meal, with 26 per cent , less power, than any Stonc in th world. “The Taylob Mf<J. C(j. MINSTER, Mu.," Westminster, Md.,U. S. A. MOORE COUNTY GRIT. It Testimonials on Cora Mills and Mill E. G. Thuring, Conway, Masc., writes— tip noyt day from its receipt and it works think it is the best built mill I ever saw. Adams A Cos., LaureL Del., write— stones we bought from you are better than ai feߧ|!H ever used for grinding fine com meal. J. O. Adair, Harmony Grove. Ga„ one bushel of corn and made X bushel and 14 fine table meal. 8. J Darby, Dadeville,Ala.,writee—The mabmpli bushels of first-class table meal per cuOR has greatly increased since I bought yodHH Testimonials on Bngiaos and law Extract from letter of J. W. Roper, Dyal A Upton. Callahan, Fla., who are 44-Horse Dry Steam Engine, and our With Patent Set Works and Patent Gauge “I have no hesitation in saying this is able Saw Mill I have ever sawed with, afterMHj experience. I have been running this mill ana our daily average is about *O,OOO feet." Mouro, Clary A Cos., A(>alacbicola. Fla., X6x*4 Engine, Boilers, and our New Patent cannot be surpassed for workmanship, fast sawing. ''After 16 yean’ expenenoe in th<M|| business, ww do not hesitate to recommend joj to men whoowant a first-class tobin allpjurUculaM Address, TAYLOR MANUFACTURING^* IP’-ovs mention this paper.) W^EBTMINeT*^^ GRIFFIN MALE COLL*§ GRIFFIN, GrA. ®l§ This wei l known institution IHH open until r entirely new auspices day. iltli Septemhor.wvith a full petent and experienced teachers. A course of Instruction In all the English education, wit h ancient and guages, vocal and instrumental drawing and painting will be pursued. Lcflßßl proverbial for health and moral and ant ages. The building is now thorough repair, will be ready for the of the session. For full particulars containing terms of sion. apply to GEO. G. BUTLER, A* M., President. ■ A. CLARKE, C. A. MILLER. I CLARKE & MILLER, J COMMON MERC HAM No. 9 Forsjth St, Atlanta, Ga. WE deal In and sell all kinds of Hay, Grain. Flour. Fruits. Vegetables, Butter Eggs, and everything In the produce line. We solicit consignments of any of the above articles and guarantee satisfaction by strict attention to bus mess and square dealing. Our store is largeand convenient to business. Correspondence solicited and any information in relation lo markets freely given at any References:—Maddox, Rucker & Cos., BankeMf Moore, Marsh. Sc Cos., Wholesale Dry oonddM . Wvly & Cos.. Grocers. augl^H To Debtors and Creditors. STATE OF GEORGIA—PIKE COUNTY— persons Indebted to the estate of Benson iate of Pike county, deceased, are make Immediate payment, those having against said estate will present them wiMHHH lime prescribed bv law. November htn,SHHB| G. J. drambHH I •D # Outfit iree. Address TiiMBBB Augusta, Maine _