The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 16, 1882, Image 5

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4* iSSI "* .; . '^^o§§fmF Btaunrc n shoes - ■ ■• &€O’S tOTIIING Slflfi M |Hrcains He NEXT 30 IYS I that Match The Low Price of Wm ", Cotton. Le: a id. HB> HIIIT S HBS^B'ider.' shirts slightly skrfirf'd at worth $2,00. W)onble BhRBB;um1 double back |^^HRr ts only J 2 per pa® G5c <sc anok HH3B? pair. Large line of Lamb’? gfSpßß.ii< atod shaker Flannel shirts HB per pair. Linen Collars £vi?%^P ose °nt, 7 ■ umKw made for laskgßmui at doc per HBBol and Fur Hats bought MBHBv their value, and offered HHH’ork cost. Hats for 75c Fur Hats for $1,75 Fine Fur Hats Satin HHH82.50 worth everywhere SIA, for SI,OO worth $1,50. wool at $1,15 worth B i o k: HHcti's heavy Shoes good wear H|Hwerth $1,25. Ladies sewed $1,50 sold 1 year ago at genuine pehble at $2.00 Girl's Hutton shoes t button hole at $2,00 sold 8H52,50. Ladies genuine pebble flj Shoe at $2,50 and lvid buU hole at $2,50 worth $2,75 BNH)0. Solid reliable goods. dyyß,nnine calf sewed shoes at everywhere $2,25. HeU shoes at $5,00, good lirst Heiser's Boots $5. raSHTlioots only $2, Screw bottom boot $2,75. Boy’s Boots $1 ||||Bo. Children shoes 75c, good WBKg serviceable wear in them. assortment of Ladies and chil Fine shoes in all styles, for Bhool wear, houfe wear and dress Bear. f Clothing:. B to 50 good all wool nice style Ca*imere suits bought as a job and offered at sls worth $lB tos2o.Boys suits at $3,30 slightly damaged, reg* j ular price $4,50. 20 Boy's suits bought as a bargain and sold for only 0 and $lO, worth more money ages 12 to 15 years. Good Beaver Hfcercoats, good style and well made sells elsewhere at 818. 50 HBd suits carried irom last season Hfor S3 iess than price. Jeans pants for sl, SI .25 and 51.50. 1 SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! SHIRTS 1 1L GLOVES ! GLOVES ! GLOVES ! BkPENDERS! SUSPENDERS! ■uIIBL BRAVES: Bit APES! • TRUNKS : TRUNKS ; s ( Hin and >ee our >tork andhny goods. Yours Truly. S. K. LOOK & i’O’S. — (/lottiing and Shoe stove. Barnesville Gazette. , BARNESVILI.E, GA. TiIURSDAY, XO VKMBEr!e~ISBL The Baptist eliurchat Griffin has re cently been frescoed. Lula Fambro, a young colored girl died in town last Sunday of consump tion. • Mr. Will B. Kimball and Miss. Drew Jackson were married in Spalding coun ty last week. Mr. John T. McGintr was nominated at the primary election for Ordinary of Monroe cour*y. The 30th is the day set apart by the President for National Thanksgiving. We hope Bro. Waterman will be par ticular about what lie loads that pota to with if he intmds to send it this way. At the the bride’s father atCabahiss Mr. James M. Goggans of Jasper county was married to Miss Al berta Mavs. The editor,of the Gazette has been very ill for several days, and it is hoped that all deficiencies in this issue may be kindly excused. In Monroe county at the residence of the bride’s mother on the 2nd inst. Mr. J. E. Wilson of Hillsboro was married to Miss Lena Rogers. Since Sunday it has been snowing in the Northwest, and the weather has been rapidly getting colder. It is about time that the cold wave reached US. V |rr „; Col. flteorge P. Swift and wife of Co lumbus visited the family of Jtr. Ham burger last week ,and Miss Annie Ham accompanied them home for a Mr. Allen Watson, residing Sand town, Merriwether county, fell from his buggy last Fttay week, and died from the effects ofxffs injuries a few days later. . Old Uncle Mil ledge Todd whose mis fortune in losing his arm in a gin, we recorded some ago was doubly afflicted in of his wife, Martha Todd last Sunday. The adourned term of Monroe Super ior court was begun Monday morning, but says the Judge, Stew t was too sßc to preside and having unable to get another judge to act in his stead was compelled to adjourmto the regular spring term. 0 k There will be a meeting of the Agri cultural club at Granite Hall next Wed nesday Be 22nd, at 10:30 o’clock a. m. All members are urgently requested to bepresent. as official business and oth utters of importance will come be fore the meeting. The cordially invited to attend. M Mr. Alexander Brandenburg, living near Erin postoffice in Merriwether county had his stabte and corn cribs burned last while he was out at the fire two masked men entered his house, shot at his wife and niece, and carried off his trunk con taining one thousand dollars in moßy,- a:ul bonus to the amount of $5,000.8 Mr. Pliinazee’s l:ond was made, and the time of the trial from last Monday to next MBraiiy. the pris oner asking for further time, to engage counsel. The facts of the shdßng will appear at the preliminary trial next MondajUßlr. Quinlan was wounded in the the ball be low the nose, end lodging in just above the palate, a portion of it was found there several days afterward. The wound is a had one. Parties owing me, MC. will confer a favor, a part, if not all tli&y . owe. I need money or J ask for it. ' C. C. HOLMES* New Schedule. The passenger leave Barnesville as follows: * Down Fast Mail Up Fast Aiail arrives 6:51 A. NX. D§*vnDay passenger arrives 5,04 P. Up Day passenger Njpfct Passenger arrives 12:42 Passenger armies 8.54 P. M. * Barnesville leaves 6:15 A.M. * A Barnesville B r^es 7:35 P.M. M Thomaston train Arrives 10® A. M Thomaston train leaves 4:30 P. M. WHAT WOHAXSHOULD USE. Despepsia, weak mck, despondency and other troubles caused me fearful suffering, but Parker’s Ginger Tonic makes me a new being. A great woimyr it. I’ittshur^B Thomaston, Ga„ Nov. 14th 1882. Dmr QazeWt: Our town is unusually dull at this time. A circus has just come and gone, and the congressional election, and nomination of eounty officers and etc., being over, no doubt has had some thing to do in the way of w bringing on tliisjdull and monotonous state of aff airs, There was a very light vote polled at the different preeints in the county on Tuesday last, owing to the fact that al most every voter and especially those who voted the Buck-head ticket were all anxious to come here to vote and see the circus; and while here did their trad ing and wiiat cotton they had ready for market, was brought in on that day. The time beiug near at hand for onotf our able and efficient county commisMn ers term of office to expire, and it not being convenient for him to serve the county again in that capacity, the nam es of three of Upson’s cleverest citizens and staunchest democrats, werej placed before the nomination as candidates for county commissioner, “Uncle Joel” Mathews being one of the thro e whose names,had been^offered,. he re ceived the highest vote for county com missioner cast; and we know “of no one mqre deserving, or worthy of the hon or. or that would serve the county with more distinction, than ‘J Uncle / Joel” lie is one ot Upson’s land marks. One of my own sex, and who is a youngrhpqse keeper, by the way,erf this place, decided aiew days ago to try her hand oh fashion cake. The re ceipt for making,,# had been previous ly given her by a veVjjNd lady, and who hM long since three score afl ten. in these woraf: One of but ter, two of sugar, three of flour, and four eggs.”—(not four dozen of course) meaning a cup of butter, two of sugar, three of flour, auß four eggs. The young lady made cake acoording to the thought, and used four d(OTn eggs instead & four, and the result was that the cake rose to a great height; but when done was quite thin though golden. The same cake makas remarked the other day, that the emms.coming was a good one, no doubt but tidt she felt that she could not (Barr|tt.) Friday Fist a very large en gine on a dray arrived in town. The dray wS drawn by two cattle and same ber of mules, We made no enquHßP aboutrftoe enginC but heard a little boy say it wTs from Butts county amfcfcat it would soon be conveintly locßed about live miles from this place where it iu sawing lumber.' The Gazette is very popular here, and many of its old standbys in the county who get their mail at this office can be seen each Saturday with a copy of the paper. Edna F. Free of Charge- All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or atojir affection of the Throat and Lungs, are Requested to call at any drug store andgget a Trial Bottle of .I)r. discovery for Consump tion /rae of Barge, which will con vince them oFits wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. Call early. Thomaston, Ga., Oct. 13th, 1882. To Hon. N. J. Haiumond: Dkar Assuming, that thtre is no subject of federal portant as a thoroug!w^L a molding’of the call ed the tariff JMTOiat there is no sys tem of whose practical work ings are so little known to the people; the writer [of this is induced by sever al considerations to address you through the public press. Among these considerations is the purpose of calling the attention of the readers of the Gazette to the subject and to urge; as far as I may, that a dem ocratic house of representatives; as there will be in the 48th Congress; should not lose the opportunity to pro vide for “a just and economical admin istration of the government.” * I propose in •His and other letters hereafter to dircuss the postulates here laid down: Ist, Taxes in any form are paid by the people as a pric&of the protection and blessings of govfrnmeid: more plainly stated, the people govern ment in return for the protection and benefits that governmeift; secures to the people. 2nd, The revenue of the government derived from taxation should be limit ed to its actu;" wants; and its wants should be limited to what is necessary to meet Its obligations, or past. Hence no more taxes exacted of the people than necessary, with oth er sources of revenue, if any, to defray the economical wants and expenditures of the government. 3rd, The taxes should be so laid as to bear as equally as possible on all class es of the people. in its bniad w"? /Phan. CHAkSPECLfs^ AUtUAEK OFENIISTG ...... •- . . . _ f . . AT THE “Old Reliable” Dry Goods Palace! WK are now permanently located in our elegant new stores where we have mieqnaled light and facilities for displaying our immense stock of DRJLWOM, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, ; MILLINERY. CARPETS^ETC. We defy competition in the following specialties: Plain and Fancy Silks Novelties in Dress GoodS* t Black Cashmeres* Etc Wc have bought Jeans, Cassimere, Boots, Shoes, At much less than last year’s prices. All we ask is that purchasers will examine our stock before buying. Our PARLOUS Are unequaled by any in the South and presided over bv experienced Milliners. t W. A. JUHAN Sc CO., Macon, Ga. 117, 119,123 Second St. and 22, 24, 20, £BCotton Avenue, and for Samples *nd Prices. sept 7 a system of taxation, so that elch indi vidual should pay*only liis® roportion ate share. 4th, The revenues should be raised as ‘ cheaply as possible, consistent with ef ficießy and certainty, so that all the taxis,' less the cost of collecting shall be available for revenue. sth, The present tariff does not bear equally on all the too 'expen sive in its collection, 4Rhd yields revenue than necessary for an economi cal admihistAtion of the government. NWiiie it ejflNbs more than is made to the government minus the cost of collection and is therefore un just. 6th, A properly adjusted tariff; being the means of taxation for revalue; is sanctioned by all polit ical parties and influence * agreeing to of the deißcratic ves to providofor a just tariff. k7th, Duties on imports should he lev ed for revenue only. The only grant >f power to Congress by the constitu tion to levy sucli duties is for the Br poseof revenue. The Congress trßs cends its powersawhen ik levies a Be upon the any w>ther purßse or view but the raising of reverne. lo matter what.may lie the incidents of such levy. A few.thoughts mi the last tion; The tariff is a direct taxation. The impertor iMßtlirectly the duties on his advan ces the rate of duty for the Consumer and then collects it from the vvitl^intcrest superadding to of article, the same witßhiterest for his The the payer. of a llbme prod iiict of an article upon duty leyieil and the consumer has it to pay, but the tax thereby paid is not made available to the govern ment. This is the unavoidab|P^eident v to the tar ill*system. The people who bin" and ccuaume the tariffed article are the payers either way. ‘•incidental protection|y.o the home producer, that some >o clamorous to have secured !• them as producers of tarriffed articles. if protection was the end sought, gw purpose of the tax, it would reverse HB and would vi- Tiate the All the con - stitutional Congress as to tax ation in any form is to collect revenue. The purpose of taxal®on must he foii revenue. If for any other purpose, even if the raising of revenue was an inci dent to that purpose, it would r3t be There can be no middle ground, as .Senator Brown said he occupied in his remarks on the tariff in the last session of Congress. A tariff for “protection” with incidental revenue, is not within the powers granted by the constitution to the Congress. * The Congress can only alkgpisl a Revenue by levying * duty the ifIGP the iS|Congress is Transc^^B mg in taxing imports. incidental “protection,” whether dHs rable or unavoidable, can not be gitimate purpose of such taxation, hut nugßbe left as an incident, as a con- to its operation. The prima- ry purpose, not the Incidental or secon dary effect, gets its sanction from the constitution. A cardinal declaration of the Demo cratiejparty"is: - A strict construction of the constitution, a just and econom ical administrat ion. ” A Democratic House of Representatives should not lose the opportunity to revise the tariff, adjusting it to the actual wants of gov ernment, to do all that can be done for the relief of the people from unnecessa ry taxes, and bring every department of the government back to economy, from profligacy and unconstitutional policies —if it can. The foregoing postulates will be dis cussed in other letters. Yours truly, A Rusticus. KIDNEY-WORT Hen proved (KSTCimKfor • • DISEASES^ c indi l victim P fISsONOT idney-Wort at once, (drug- will speedily over oM the disease and restore healthy action. B nfiiAfi For complaints peculiar kCIUICOI to yonx sex, such as pain and weaknesses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed, am it will aofc promptly and safely. . Zither Sex. Znoontinenoe, retention of urine, briok dust or ropy deposits, and dim dragging pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. ftfjißOLD BY PBUQQIBTB. Price sl. I Acf at th Bama Tima on KIDNEY-WORT M>UAK L. ROGERS, SID D. SMITH. tars k Mi Bamesville, Ga. MIlBlfNtl&M M SeleofclcL cash prices and haying' rk hire to pSPwe able to give the custom i Greatest Advantages. WE HAVE IN S#CK - Dry Goods! f Notions, Clothing, % Shoes, 9 Hats, &c., &c. We will give Special Bargains in Clouting A Givers a Trial. Rogers k Smith. K 50,000 Feet of Lumber at Auction. taming our mill we will on Friday, November 10th ISS2 sell at auction at Uie mill all of our Lumber ot every description. Terms spot cash. For further particulars apply to T. J. SLADE. Ulsey’s store. OrB: M. TURNER, BamcsvMe. H>dney t Llyr and Mbwelg.