The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 16, 1882, Image 7

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I WUiING HEBE AN THEBE. winter is expected to be lailies have discarded j^H^Rascm. : f§& m say s’ FTas c 1 oc • * t ll di-ess th : s se i"- .s' comps'lson. a nd a calcium Bnßß^^tii i-cr,' I, l voters in tin* dn maker is a tTrjOTK 11 size n’l the cianjiii.' A. I’. tovrll 'i'iiu l "day, we ‘ a( -d i<a s. i. di cad ii y fadi- hiU oJ.d h. ; ii now ■■■■■iiej'its. *s&**<■'< '■s rn ' L 1 • fk f clings of on limn to intend to HHBR troubles. ‘'fr.'ivV;; Unit tin* Vo.h id owc.sVv iiig but his lost claim lor is that la- breamed it. dcsij-i- to attract in', tin \ leave off bio)i la-cl- Tf.'-w rv ba\ •• l.ffii relegated by SHHjHM i v i on. a small leak will sink F the lion. Alfred Col |Butt a small leak? and is Hratic party a great ship? ■ feels that he was the Best candidate in the held electioneering BHHHnH|^p.iohnson. IpiPBrRNL 4io longer fashionable and v e young man feels betler. Uh£ disgusting pug.especially is irre- from the laps of beau^ department of th HHHMtt raiding the attention of SHHHad. We have several con- HBBvho live beyond the limits IJHHunty. circuit has paid to the of the Griftin District HHHHi is claimed to he more H£HH^B'cti its assessment for the to our hnmd an advertisement tlu lirst Tuesday in HBhh|‘ remaimkAof Dower in H9BBK'longmg estate of deceased. HHHH'York Times, the leading in the 1 i,n SmSrHt two new the di and sensible to writes us from AVcst i< 1; 1 1es have been so nu- dogs know them and HBBBm at them. V candidate - v s > st uu of nomimi of so many caudi- Legislature completes S^Sw u, and salp lj y fleeting Alfred HHHKtt l ’idled States .senator of men in Georgia 9ra9SfiK> into the 'organization of a HgHnK}inee the Democratic patty HnHHHiles the State. HH' ehanee Folger should be HBHKL’ernor of New York the ■&jl||||lH'err of President Arthur HgSflgH iously effected. The meth to with the present tbs- HgjHfflHlit ion of affairs in the rt - of that State would be on Arthur. becoming as eminently ot the Northern States been some years in the of New Hampshire |P§|£®ave the means to be elected HSHByi be.” To say that one's wßrnSSsUpy tiavea pi'ice and you have W^ v a eheek and buy up the is a little farther than politician can go. - Sf Scoville has been adjudged in Just before the jury came in verdict she disappeared and ■MI not be found. The jury render lUhe flow ing verdict : BpVe, Ae undersigned, jurors in the |B of wances M. Scoville, who is al- Medtobe insane, having heard the in the case, are satisfied that |M said Frances M. Scoville is insane, IMisu fit person to be sent to a State HPpital for the insane; that she is a res ■ent of the County of Cook, in the of Illinois; that her age is forty :Attrs; that her disease is of about f|g||Mths’ duration; that the disease she does not BHHP homieidai or suicidal tenden |HFand that she is not a pauper.” W PROOF EVER YWHERE. valid or sk'k person has the the power ertieaeyof llop them, they can find ca- tlieirown.'in their own HHBd. with proof positive that P||||BHHe easily and permar.e.itly tilling cost—or ask your ian. |(0 SUITER stteß s Old fashionable remedies are rapidly giving ground before the advance of this conquering and old fashioned ideas in regard as a means of cure, have been exploded by the success of the greatrenovant which tones the system, tranquilizes the nerves, neu tralizes malaria, depurates and enriches the blood, rouses the liver when dormant, and promotes a regular habit of body, jorsale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. WHENCE COMES THE UNBOUNDED POPULARITY OF AlM's Porous Plasters. Because they have proved themselves the Best External Remedy ever in vented. They will cure Asthma, Colds, Coughs, Neu^ any local pains. •Appied to the small of the back they are infallible in Back Nervous Debility, Kidney troubles; to the pit of me stomach they are a sure cure for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint. .A.l lcock’ J*> o r o it s [Piasters are painless, fra grant. and quick to cure. Beware |of imitations that bljpter and burn. the only Genuine Porous Plaster. A Remember This. If you afl sick Hop Bitters will sure ly aid Nature you well when all fails, If® u are costive or dyspeptic or are' suffeßng from any other of Hie numer ous disease of the stomach A bowels, it is your own fault if you reiMin ill, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If you are wasting away with and from of Kidney disease stop Ampting Death this moment and turn fTAa cwbo Hop If you are sick with that terrible sick ness Nervousness you will find a ‘Balm in Gilead” in the use of HopßiG ters. ■ If you are a frequenter or a reside]® a miasmatic district barricade your “stem against the scourge of all these countries-malarial, epidemmA billions and in termittent fevers—flPPne use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough pimply or sAllow skin, bad breath pains and achelP and feel miserable generally Hop Bitters will give you fstiMkin rich blood and sweet est breath, lißtltb, and comfort, In short they can cure all of the stomach, Bowels, Blood, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright’s Disease. $5,- 00 will be paid for incase they will not cure or help. That poof bedridden,invalid, ter, mother or daughter can be picture of health by a few bottles of Hop letters, xggtipgbut a trifle, AVill you let them NO MORE EYH-GLASSES, MOEE rffts: Mitchell’sJ^ iCye-Hfflve. A certain. Safe and Remedy for Long-Sightedness, and ne- • storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, GranulaMon, Stye Tu mor Ejml Matted Eye Lashes, Quick Relief Cure. Also, equally Tnieaeious when used In other maladies, such as ricers^M^Sores.Rumors, Sa’t RheuMi, Burns. Piles, iifnamma tion exists, Mfthchell’s used to advantage. _ Sold by all Drugfist at 2l^Hts. bethel” j Classical and Military ACADEMY, In country noted for beauty and health. Course of Studv, 10* branches, unequalled in extent, sur dassed in thoroughness by uo academy in the South. Medical anditov Courses preparatorj- to the University of Vijg™a. Board, tuition med eial attendance. Address Mar A. Bethel P. Bradfield DE. J. BEADFIELD’Sf Femal Regu ator! Woman’s Best Friend qis well known to physicians, and alas too well known to suffering women themselves, that they are subject to numerous diseases peculiar to their sex, such as suppression ot Menses.paln ful and scanty Menstruation, Congestion. Ulcera tion and Falling ol the Womb, attended with an endless train ot sympathetic and constitutional disorders, which embitters the whole life, and which have long been considered as almost itM curable, but at last the remedy has been found ik Dr. J. Bradfield's Female Regulator. It Is not a “cure all,” but a remedy for one class or diseases, all or which pertain to the Womb. Any sufferer rrom the diseases mentioned can taxe this remedy and thus relieve herself with out revealing her condition to anyone, and with out subjecting her womanly modesty to the shock ol an examination by a physician. To bring health and happiness to the homes of suffering women Is a mission before which royal favor sinks into Insignificance. What earthly benefaction can compare with one which pro tects from “That dire disease whose ruthless power Withers beauty’s transient flower ?” which gives ease for pain, joy for sorrow, smiles for tears, the rose of health for the palor of dis ease. the hight, ela> tic step for dragging weari ness, nights oi soft repose for heavy hours of tos sing restlessness, bounding vigor for languishing dullness, the sweet Hues ot full grown boanty for the sharp and withered form of emanciatlon. a long life of mental, physical 1 social and domes ic enjoyments for a few sad days of pain and gloom, ending in an early grave? Such is the mission, such are the results of Dr, J. Bradtmlds Female Regulator, which is hence truly andlap propriately styled “Woman’s Best Friend.” “Whites.” and all those irregularities of the womb so destructive to the health, happiness and beauty of women, disappear like magic before a single bottle of this wonderful compound. All who suffer from diseases aie most earnestly invited remedy a trial. It hoacured thousands, you. Don't fall tAfry it. small size 75 cents. Large size, $1.50. Manufactured by J. BBADFIELD, Atlanta, Ga. For sale everywhere. I am permitted also to mfer to the following well known citizens of AtJMn: c S Newton, Wm M Crumley, Jr, W a whom are ready to the merits of the preparation^^! THE Policy of BEST Insurance BEST Vagahtst , BEST Accidents P*D-P-B which is to say, Perry Davis’s Pain Killer Captain Chas. Allen, of Worcester (Mam.) Fire Department, says: “ After the doctor aet the broken bone, I used Fain Killer as a Uni. merit, and it cured me in a short time." Captain D. S. Goodell, Jr., of Searsport, Maine, Bays: “ For bruises. sprains and cuts, I know or no medicine that is more effective. R>avid Pierce, Utica, N. Y., says: ** For ■uses, burns and sprains, it has never faileM to effect a cure." An accident may happen to-morrow. Buy Davis’s Pain Ktlt.ttr to-day of any Druggist t ONLY ©2O for a PHILADELPHIA SINGER of tliis style. Equal to any Singer in the market. Re member, tee send it to be examined before you pay for it. This is the same style other companies retail for SSO. All Machines warranted for 3 years. Send for Illustrated Cir cular and Testimonials. Address,, CHARLES A. WOODAj|®i CHRONIC njjofr&ES CURED. K paths marked out by that popular book on Manic at., Social and Sexual Sciincb, Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sknsk. Nearly 1000 pages and 200 illustrations, treating of the human body in health and disease, by DR. E. B. FOOTE, of New York City 5 Price, $1.50. Over 500,000 of his books have been sold in the United States,England, Germany and Australia. AnEdin borough physician, retired f after fifty years practice, writes; “Four work it pricing in value, and cal culated to regenerate society." A 10-page contents table of Plata Home Talk, a copy of Dr. Foote’* Health Monthly, and a 100-page pamphlet ot *‘ Evidences ’ of tha curability of all Chronic Diseases of whatever part, sent for 3 cents. DAFOOTE’S Hand* BoR of Health Hints and Ready Receipts gives 128 pages of advice abont daily habits in all seasons, and recipes for cure of common ailments— a valuable reference book for every® family. By mail, 25 cent*" Discount to Murray Hill Publish!® Cos., 120 East 28th Street, City. AfeniiWanted, TheCnlmlnaflngTrlimiph HOWto LIVE! A complete Cyclopedia of knowledge for the masses : now ready . Nothing- Itice It! doingfastl Low priced, Uiustrnted. in airtborshiD. Se*l for Press mAjcesand fuil par Iculars new. Outfit and instruction now to *GI, free m *c*iißag< ufs. Si cc*sgUAranteed faithful worker- Soo.-Rfcw if nnv. and territory de-ired. XV. H. 'IRk-ewti,. 4(H Arch i>trr-et ihii* 4 '• /amp* FREE? self-sure. A favorit® prescription of one of tha most noted and successful specialists in the U. 3. (.now retired) for the cure ot Metgzsrus Debility, Itrout ytanhood, fFeaXneeVM Decay. Seal - envelope free. DruggisU|ftnfiiK^^ Three Great HOLMES LINIMENT, mother’sTriend. Oni of the Greatest Comforts to Those Exporting to he Confined. Is a remedy upon which Implicit confidence can be placed—one that will produce a safe and quick delivery— one that will control pain and shorten the duration of LaDor. Such Is “THE MOTHER’S RELIEF.” Try It and see what a blessing It Is to sufferli^^iujgfl^ This Liniment, when u ed fwo or throe weeks before coihiuement, produces a wonderful effect causing a very easy and quick labor, with com paratively little pain and leaves the mother in a condition to recover quickiy—or in other words to have a good getting up. Under its use dabor will ordinarily occupy much less than the usual time, and the suffei mg be diminished bevond ox pression. * •* The condition for which this remedy is offered is of such a character as to forbid a long array of certificates. Those lnterestedrin its use are re ferred to the hundreds who lia\ earned it. REAL* THE TESTIMONIALS: I must earnestly entreat every female expect ing to be confined to use the **i'll E MOTHER'S RELIEF.” Coupled with this entreaty, I will add that during a large obstetrical practice (forty-four years). I have never known it to fail to produce a safe and quick delivery. H. J. HOLMES, M. D. Atlanta. Ga. A lady from one of the counties of Middle Geor gla. who has been acting as midwife for many years writes. “I hajj? disposed or all the Mother's Relief you sent 1 am delighted with. it. In every case where it has been used, its effects have beeu all that I could ask. I CONSIDER IT A GREAT BLESSING.” A gentleman writes: “My wife used the bottle of “Mother’s Relief” procured from you. She was considerably advanced in life, before tnis, her first confinement, and she knows it was the means of very greatly lessening her sufferings.lf indeed It was not the meafils of saving her life.” Another gentleman writes: “My wife uAd your “Mother's Relief” at her fourth conMmncnt, and her testimony is that she passed throwi it with oue-half of the suffering Of either of her former confinements, and recovered from it in much less time. She also recommended It to a lady friend who was about to be confined for the first time, and she says: “/ h<tve ‘never seen any one pass h rough v great trial with no much ease and so ittle Kuff^mtg.” The n*ies of all these and many others can be had by filing at my office. Having hau the foregoing remedy Thoroughly Tested in Atlanta and vicinity, I now offer it to my patrons as possessing superior iwirit. Priee $1.50 per bottle. Prepared by J. BRADFIELD. sßWroprietor, ~ Atlanta, Ga EXCBLSIOR fcOOK STOVES! Fourteen different sizes and kinds. Five sizes with Enameled Reservoirs. Adapted tr features- bulled Fire Doors, Panels, etc. Manufactured by ISAAC A. SHEPARD® CO., BaPlmore, Md. sale XX. R. CIWIBERS, Barnesville. tia. lANDRETHSPareSi SEEDS (g r r c k h e a t^^5MW|SEEDS CBEHC for th FAMILY CCC|\Q VEEI/D Crown hy on our own FirmilOCCUa SEND VS CARDS FOR TRADE VIST.' PHILADELPHIA jApSwlsif TiicTiaiT I3loocl Syxnap Cures nil debases of the Stomach Liver, jHjpß Kidneys, ffi and MILLIONS testify to HSyyffl its efficacy iri healing- the|bove Jiamed diseases, JEhQBYs and pronounce it to belhe dPJPSHL BEST BEfIKDY ?NOWN TO MAN. TRADE MARK. AQEISFrS WANTED, Labratory 77 West 3d Street, New York City, Druggists sell it. j*Clark Johnson:—l had Chills and Fever and the treatment of doctors and the usdßr vari- proved useless. At last, i obtained some of your INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP, which cured me. [septl] C. W. STRICKLAND. “ F ALL ~ TER^I OF Gordon Institute. Jwirnesville,Ga. WHtapen on MONDAY, teadiM. that have labored so indefatlgably In the past to build up In Barnesville an Institution worthy of the support of an intelligent, progressive community. We are determined to keep the school In all of its departments fully up to the high standard it has maintained in the past, and to meet the demands of the times have reduced the terms to the following very low RATES z • • Senior and Junior Classes, per month $s 00 I Primary Department $ 2 00 •Sophomore. Freshmen and Ist Grade 400 Music 400 2d, 3d, and 4th Grades 3 00 | Board 18 00 Thanking our friends for the liberal support the past year, ws respectfully its contia auce. For further information address, W V ■ CHARLES E. LAMBDIN. President. W. H. WOODALL, Secretary. Jans-ly Ml HANTS, 88, Cherry Georgia, is the FOR THE HU N G R Y TO FEED, £ORJp: T HI X IR, S T Y TO DRINK THE “W E -A. IR "y TO .SLEEP. Remedies ( Pryor’sOintment IS A SPEEDY AND SURE, Cl RE FOR Blind or Bleeding Sores, yieers, Tumors, Itching of the Parts, Fistulas and all Kin dred Diseases, also of Burns, Corns Felons, Fever Sores, Scald Head* Tetter, Sore Nipples, etc. Atlanta, Ga., August 25th, f BT7. After an experience of twenty-five years In selling tins Ointment, and during all that ame having closely watched its effects, and having the testimony of my frieuds and neighbors ti> confirm my confidence In its merits, 1 been me fui ly satisfied of its value, and I Have bought the exclusive right to make and sell it*and offer it to you as the best remedy in th* world, especiallr for all iorms of Piles. . J READ THE TESTIMONIAL: This is to certify that I have tried Prvor’s Pill Ointment in a case of Piles, and state uiat agave, more relief than anything I have ever tried! © further state that as a remedy for Burns, it is unparalleled. I also used it for a case of Tetter in my leet, of twenty years standing, and sav that it is the first thing that 1 have ever tried that gave me more than momentary relief I consider now that I am entirely relieved tram that distressing disease* irBM JOHN D. NEWSOM, Troup County, Ga Having been afflicted ror ten years at intervals with that distressing malady, the Piles, and af ter many ineffectual trials of the remedies In common use. I commenced a short time ago t use your Pile Ointment. I experienced Immedi ate relief. From the relief experienced in my case, as welt from tie reputation so rapidly ac quired by your Ointment in this vicinity, I have no hesitation in expressing the 01 .iuionthat it is the most efficient remedy for piles ever invented O. .i, DELL, LaG range, Ga. This is to certify that I used Prj or s Ointment on a case of severe burn and that in a very few days it was entirely relieved of all infiaminatto and healed rapidly. After the first appheatto of the Ointment the patient suffered no pa whatever. R. J. MORGAN, LaGrang®, Ga. By the advice of Mr. Wynn, I used your Pile Ointment on a servant, girl who had beeu suffep ing for eight years with a most aggravated case of Piles. She improved lrom the very hrst day’s use of your Ointment, and before using the bex she was entirely recovered. G. W. FOSTER, Cusseta, Ala, This is to certify that I have used Pryor’s Pile Ointment, and say that It Is', in my opinion, the best remedv for Piles ever piesent* and to ihe pub lic. I say thlsfrom .* positive application of the remedy on my own person, THOMAS B MORGAN, Troup co., Ga. For sale by all dealers in medicine. Price fifty cents per box. Sent by mail on receipt of priea J. BRADFIELD, Atlanta, (;.