Newspaper Page Text
|T)L. XIV.
553 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Ga.
Makactire Bed Reom Sets Raw from sl4 to S2OO.
1 Js the place to get your Family
and Fancy
“Cigars and ToDacco,
Crockery andjilass^are.
SON. price their goods.l
Absolutely Pure.
Tlils powder neVei* varies. A nrvei of pvrlty
stxeuptn and wholesomeness. More economical
than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
•ompetition with the multitude of low test,short
weight, alum or phosphate powder*. Sold on#
in cans. Royal Baking Pot\ dor Cos., uh> Wall st.
New York. july2T
Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
No a h-v. c-ired po many cma* of
thewe oomplaitit-t , th-j Kxtruct. Our
Vli*x**r* ffWl valuable i:i t ti-u? Lutiibagro,
Pai min Bock or fiida, <iio. Gintim-iit (50
coat*) for ufo when reiaoval of clothing: is ineou
venient, i.i a great holy la rolls vtog iuCumuiatory
Hemorrhages. SJ?,SELS;
or from *>-v o.;osc>,is speedily controlled an and
P>ed. X. il i**v*ff4seit (hacents) mxl lu
r* (sl.k <*. . great aids in at-set ting internal
upniheria& Sore Throaff 1
V* h- Rxtriaet promptly. I Ufa sure cure. Do
-1-v-* dtwigerous, -f *
C‘ --. •**U The Extract is the only Specific
11. for this disease?;'Cold Hr Head-
Ai- G ’.r “ (Stnrrh Cure.” specially prepared
t> EKft soriou* cane*. contains all the curative
t pro'ir.-ilosof the Kxtriu t t onrSatal Sj, r!r.a<
V i iV3Jaah.e.lor use In catarrhal affections, is simple
L and a..expensive. ,
Soros, Ulcers, Wounds,
Sprains and Bruises!
to?, cooling and cleansing. Use our Ointment
ii col lection wH the Extract ?it wilt aid it.
ho .ang, eoitealnMnd In keeping out the aft-.
Bums ana Scalds. SAbS
it is unrivaled, and ehould be kept in every family
ready for use to case of accidents. A dtejatog of
o:ir Ointment will aid to healing aDd prevent
Inflame Eyes.
It.can he used slightest fear of harm,
quick./ allaying all Inflammation and soreness
■ without pain.
Earache, Toothache and
When the Extra<rP
I ClLUcly I IC< used acß;dtog tot direc
tions, its effect is simply wonderßp.
PjlpQ PHitH, meedingTol* It.c| inp.
.1 It is the greatest known*reinpdy t rap
idly curing when other, medicines have : ailed.
3Pond*i* Kxtnict HLedlcuteU Paper fo£ closet
use, is a preventhjgAmst Chaiing- and Piles. ( iuv*
Oj ut iii eut i:* oservice where the removal
of clothing is iLccSPenient.
For Broken Breast and
> Sore Nipple* £
cions that mothr ; -, who have once used it will never
he witfapnt it. Ouv Ointment is the best emollient;
can Unapplied* -'mm******
remale CompiAis. Ms;
be called in for the majority disease if
the . xtniet be uaed. Full dtoWtione accompany
each bottle.
Pond’s Extract The genuine has
the words “Pond *. in the glass,
and our picture huff'
wrapper. None other is Always insist
on having Pond’s Extract; Take no other pre
paration. It is never sold in bulk, erbu measure.
of Pond*# Extract, Toilet Arti
cies and Specialties.
POND’S EXTRACT... /SOs!.. 91.00 end
Lotlet t'reuni 100 i Guiirrk Core ... f.S
Dentifrice . iO ' Plnxcr ..
■ 5 An haler ...1.1.00
roth^on V( 3Ck S ) SOdM^ial.Syringe... to
Oku Uncut. Opßncatcdrapcr
Prepared only by FWID’S EXTRACT CO-,
fcvss'c l>y all Druggists (toods Dealer?.
fltrrsß free, qa receipt of
& if
TWiTSlIaw Mill In'
♦ ,
In Store and R)r Sale,
Two Fifteen Power Engines on wheels.
** i
■e Four
three •<
Two two “ 0
Four 24-lnA wheats with stackers
Eight 24 4wl Als. •
Six ?4 inch wheuflf
Four 22 inch Separators, 4 wl^Vls.
1 liree lieges' Saw Mills. §
Tln-ee Corn Mills, 12, -2* and 28 Inch.
Reapers,Mowers, circular Saws, solid and chis
eled tooth; Belting, sliingle Machines. a> . c.
GD e me a callhef; re you purchase, or send for
Price List. A
map - f.9 Bioad sir., Ad.ftta, Ga.
FHnFI" s -tij i
--■ Wjtiaf* iu si x L-p Xi^J
Fr li
i.i’s.- '§M .’ ,\. r J ' /, tv*. ,
Bookse levs and^Stationers,
School Books, Miscellaneous Bool^
School Supples, Blank Books,
Artists Materials, Office Outfits,
Stationary, Wedding Invitations,
Foreign and American Novelties,
Visitors asked to Inspect Stock,
And make our store their headquarter
26 Marietta, Street, Atlanta, Ga.
ag 26 iii
Tjerms of Subscription,
One Cpy, one year $2 *0
One copy, six rnenthe 1 #0
J. C. McMICHAEL, Publisher.
SQUARE u. f rwrpfMTI~3~]VL f0
Pqnare."... | f too $2 50 $7 oo sio oo | sls ob
2 A pares... 3 W 500 10 00 15 00 1 25 00
BS(,";ires... I 8 Of) 7001 15 0C 20 00 j 80 00
4 Square*... 1 400 10 Ot 120 00 30 00 1 40 00
% Colun i ... 500 12 o*l3o 00 30 00 |SO 00
V emur I 10 00 20 0*! 35 00 5 00| SO 00
1 Column... ! 12 Ov i 25 00 j4OOO j 70 00 j 130 00
-Entered at t ;.<• Post Office at Barnesvllle as
second Class Matter.
McDonough’s new depot will be
completed. W
Lovciow will soon have anew Either
an clu k
ClaytoJPfiunty lias a c©lored candidate
|for Tax Collec^r.
The people of Twiggs county desire
to vote on the question of prohibition.
Chesnuts bring two dollars pe^bush
el in th# mountain counties of the
and Mrs. E. J. Setze of Mariet
ta t filebrsted their silver wedding last
‘ Miss. -Teannie Villipigue.and Air. Robert
Smith of Macon were last Wed
nesday. *
. afc Jfc _ k ™
An Athens man womenough money
on the election of Candle to pay for a
house and lot. A
Hon. B. G. McKenny was
by thejspeaker one of the members of the
Temperance committee.
Governor Stephens has commuted the
sentence of John C. Bell of Lumpkin
county to life imprisonment.
The yellow fever epidemic, at Pensa
cola Fla., lias been the board
of health to be at an er^^"
. Emmigration to Texas lias begun in
good earnest. About forty emmigrants
pissed through Atlanta last week to the
Lone Star State.
Me North Carolina Democrats luWe
in electing all the
and Superior court Judges in that
Gambling sprees on the river around
TiiTgusta are reports# to
be common, and frequently in
rows and bloodshed.
The At lanta
Senator can get through very
wel s)backe and and supported by
TMgin house of Ah-. Reuben Calla
way, of Wilkes county, with about fif
teen bales of cotton and some
machinery was burned last week. J
Bishop Pierce, Rev. James E. Evans
and Rev. Warren Candler held a confer
ence in Augusta with Bishop Holsey
last, week concerning the establishment
of a school in Augusta for the
of colored youths.
Let the National Democratic party
proceed to formulate the candidacy of
Tlon. Sam JTTilden for President in
1884. is the man to make* the race
suecespnilly and the country is now
ready to wriglit the wrong to him.
The County Commissioners of Dooly
county have decided to issue no
quor licinse in that county. It will te
sold hereafter at Vienna, the, onl
incorporated towrrin the county. The
town license lift been raised to t S O
hundred dollars.
The citizens of Gilmereounty subserih
edslo,jjpoto the Marietta and North
Georgia Railroad on condition that the
road be completed to that point by fye
hftli Inst. Up toihe 16th there
nine miles of the t> be laid,
although every point is strained ■SB
the work D going on day and night
days in< luded i: is feared the money
will be for lei tel. %
fATASEH OFT?.! ••uA'^Ea.
Stinging.. ~i^. .i :>n 1 ijm
urinary passage.
Cost a well-known minister
Chicago Standard.
The following remarkable statement,
made by a well known Baptist clergy
man, besides the unusual matter of val
ue it contains, will be found most reada
ble and interesting:
Messrs. Editors: I have alwavs lie
iieved raohi iliixiiy iu die brolherhuou of
men. and that ever®human being is in
duty bound to Asist his fellow to the
fullest extent of™ is power. The rela
tion therefore, of my personsil experi
ence will. I trust, prove of benefit to
many thousands in this land.
My early years were full of health
and pleasure. After the completion of
my educational studies I undertook the
profession of teaching, and under the
severe strain to which I was subjected
I graually heebie reduced so that the
least excitement would
bring on sicPneadache bilioupess and
prostration. I gave up teadning and be
to prepare for thetpinistry, and al
thmigh I studied hard my health seem-
grow no worse, Finally I com
menced preaching, and then my old phy
sical returned. The slightest
amount of certain kinds of food distress
ed me and brought on heavy dullness,
dizziness and often great depression of
mind. A change of worn, atmosphere
a cold, jflWmpanied by most panful
suffering I attributed all this to the
severe -tfroimlAvas obliged to do in
. inistry, andTo did not attempt to 1&
inove it. I next began to grow nervous
Ind noticed that my feet were
while my left side and back
ly pained me. I felt a drowsy or sHfl
sensation after eating, while
citeinent caused me to losl|my
entirely, At times my spMts woulMie
light and I would feel as iflmight W?e
to a gapd old aae, when pojjbly in less
tlian amhour nxt head wofl reel, my
body and I would We overcome
with deathly sickness. After such an
attack a cold sweat would break out up
on me and this would be by
complete prostration. Wt would be
impossible to describe tffe suiferingl
endured at and yet I Attri
buted it all to and not to any
special trouble ©r^Hase.
It was more year from the
time the attacks first begaiMhat I con
sulted a physician. me
and (hvlared that
kd and
#fe)ption. I so
carnal upon another
the same tiling as did iWWhe
the otrier medical men Avftom T consult
ed. Indeed, that
unless I wen^'dVHHHßßtota or
there was little ' hojie.
I did not cliange climate, but
tried to continue my work as best I
could. A year ago last may and in the
November and December following I
had three of what the
doctors said fever orpinMimo-
I recovelireroni tlies
most faithful nursing, but I
as I knoAVnow.that any troulles
Bid not origianate in my lungsZbutMin
■pme other organs of ;tlie budv. l^is
True, I felt severe pains hBB lung and
I expectorated a great fl xxyts ex
tremely sensitive to cold {and the h ast
draft or. change of apparel tended to
bring dn a cold. My breathing was of
ten most difficult and it frequently
seemed jtliat with all my exertions I
could enough air info my lungs
to or keep my blood pure.
As I in stature, weighing over
200 pounds 4 and being in the , prime of
my usefulness, vou can
I * shrunk fr o#i the
which seemed*to stare mein the
One Sunday evening last Februaryßrcm
coming down from the pulpit, almost
prostrated and fueling that possibly it
xvould be the last time I should ever
enter it again, a member of my church
approached me and said:“Brother Hum
phery, I know just what you need to res
tore you to health. I have been troubl
ed just as you are and I am perfectly
well now.” 1 thanked him for his sug
gestions, but shook rny head sadly, for
I felt that there xvas little hope for me-
However after I I be
gan to reflect upon the sulßect. and An
ally sent my son to prtFlre some of
the medicine which had high
ly r s eje,-
for 1 was
Briny sui pirse. however.
much better, and the folio winij^^Bday
I was ai l to preach with em^^^^ivc
ease. I continued to groxv beWßns I
c n!inued to use the medicine, for ii
•li- -irHltir (b l iv entire system. 1
v~> r- • , 4 .-r. si)*-; and work with
j.lex'U rim. an 1 t '-da> l ■ m a wed
• n. su*. >; i ! ally, cq In ' t!l \ . •:-] no
iv '! le.i. and 1 ,*i • i\\ ,* my
.it i (1 I 1 l! i. V. < <( ..
Kidney and Liver Cure, which 1 consid
er a benefaction to suffering humani
Itis only natural that since my recov
eryl should feel enthusiastic 4 over th#
remedy which had restored me and also
observe its effects upon others.?As ah*-
sult, I am forced to the conclusion that
very much sickneess which is supposed
to originate in the lungs, arises wnolh'
from disordeyed kidneys and liver. !l
believe thousands of people are suffer
to-day and looking forward as I was, to
a consumptive’s grave when their lungs
are wholly sound and they might be res
torn! to perfect health by the same
means that I employed.* Believing
these truths and realizing their, import
ance to the world. I come out thus op
, enly, and say that 'believe, under God,
this remedy is a public benefaction,
and I would most cordially and earnest
ly commend it to the world as a bless
ing to humanity.(Rev) B. F.HuMPiiPEnr
Pastor Baptist church.
Amboy, 111., July 24, ISB2.
Last October A. M. Hill a negro con
nected with the United States Internal
Revenue department entered the pri
vate bed-room of Airs. \Y. A. Lwlrison
in Thomson, Mr. Harrison slve him
a caning for the offonce, A few days
ago two L T nited States Marshals went
to and arrested ten of tile
best citizens for conspiracy in the affair
and carried them to Savannah where
they had a hearing before the United
States Commissioner and thee of them
were required to give bond of each
for appearance at the term of United
States Court this week.
, - -
The neflßy elected and the reelected
Democratic members of the House of
Representatives from Philadelphia last
week set and example worthy of imita
tation by any Georgia legislator. They
refused to hind themselves in advance
to vote for auy one man for Speaker.
The habit that legislators have of pled
ging their votes long before they assem
ble is simply it reflection on modern tie*
('ol. W. G. Raoul
gtofcfentral Railroad lias
W' 1 with a v <■<mU
Presidency wiUnTeid. K. P. .A
At least this is the rumor
true or not. It is asserted that
Raoul has some show of success in <# V
peting for the presidency of the Cere
jmbe beautiful, buoyant and
Ihewhole female constitution must
maintain regular action during a certain
period of life. Otherwise, no females can
possibly remain healthy, and she who
does not know this fact, is quite unfortu
nate. Should you hy exposure, become
irregular and suffer with many troubles,
experience advises the use of English
Female Bitters as the most wonderful
female regulator and iron tome in use.
Bailey’s S alike cool
ing, refreshing summer drink
pepsia and headache. - No
Everyone, home or abroad
“Tough x>n Chills,” jfl
Marled by John Parham, A . .:a, C -flp|
General George P. Harrison Jr.
last week elected president of the Ala
bain a Senate.
Well’s Health Kenewer, greatest.rem
edy on earth for, impotence, leanness,
sexALdebility, &cV, sl. at druggists.
Ga. "Lamar, Rankin & Lama*
Atlanta and Macon Ga. *
petition of the Temperance peo
ple of Georgia was a huge document
being over two hatred feet in length.
Ask dmiggist for "Rough on Rats. 7 *
it el ear But rats, mice, bed-bugs, roach
es, verm*, flies, ants, insects. 15ctsper
box. W __
JL meeting of the farmers of Dough
erty county was called in y last
Saturday for the purpose of a
Farmer’s county Association,
111 health comes from lack of the prop
er life forceslin the blood. To restore
the blood so a healthy state use Browns
Iroin Ditters.
It xvill pay you to go and look at the
elegant line of cloaks and Dolmans lit
Stafford. Vs.
Carry all vou have to sell to T. B-
T.yon and cash or Dry Goode :st
New York frost. ‘ "
Boots at $2.50 at T. B. Ryon's.
Beautiful* Chasniei-s at Cost at fl’. B
Hamburg Trimmings and Lavesu
cost at T. B. Lyon's,
Merchants make out your list of
crockery, glass, wood and tinware that
you are in want of and send it to us, xve
will -'ttach prices and save you ruinous
freb-hts and breakage that you always
et iru’n the tar off East. Mcßride A
( ... Ati u.Tf. '
L.,U:c „. v. u., .t cost T. B. Ly
NO, 45