The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, March 19, 1896, Image 1

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THE BARNESVILLE GAZETTE. VOLUME 28 SUBSCRIPTION S I.OO smEDGAR L. ROGEBS NEW SPRING GOODS My ships are coming in daily loaded down to the guard rails with all the la test freaks of fashion for Spring and Summer wear. I Know No Competition Therefore I Fear None. I culled the latest and best from the Eastern Im porters, and wont be forced to palm off Old Goods as New ones, Every item new, and all paid for with a big dis count off that ready- dollars always command. They ?,Were Bought To Sell not to keep. I want the trade and am going to have it. A good prompt-pay ing credit customer can always get cash prices from me. So if you want them for cash or until Fall I am ready to serve you and • * Discount Any Man’s Price.* High Art Clothing and Up-To- Date Dress Goods are my specialties. Yours truly,.- .Edgar L Rogers BARNESVILLE, GA., Feb., 15TH. 1896. 100,000 Cheap Shingles! JUST RECEIVED , - The biggest and best lot of Paint and Glass ever in Barnesville ! First class kiln-dried Flooring, Ceiling and Weather-boarding. 30,000 feet kiln-dried rough lumber out of which you can make anything you want! We’ve 100,000 feet country lumber in the yard and adding to it daily; and are re ceiving weekly selected heart lumber from Southwest Georgia ! All we want is Cash customers to make us happy ! TURNER* PROUT BARNESVILLE, GA. IMIIILiLS NEW STORE Dry Goods, Shoes, Millinery All my goo ds are fresh and new. I have no old goods to show you. 1 paid cash for them and got all the discount. Ido my own work, and 1 propose to sell, my goops at a very small profit* All I ask is for you to come in and •GET MY PRICES before you buy. lam receiving new goods every day. Our Millinery is coming in, and Mrs. Mills will be glad for the ladies to give her a call. Yours Truly, . Q Jr Q J m BARNESVILLE. GA BARNESVILLE GA., THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1896. Stray Notes. “Uncle Johnnie’’ Cooper is one of the finest workmen iu Barnesville, when it come* to doing sure enough fiue work. I was shown a buggy body, a special order to be made for a Barnesville young man by Mr. Jack son G. Smith, and there was not a flaw iu the body anywhere. It was made of poplar, very light and the workmanship was simply elegant. "Uncle Johnnie” is seventy years old but be seems to get better and better with bis work every day. He has made hundreds of buggy Bodies for Mr. Smith, aud Ins work goes to ev (ry part of the country. It would be much better lor some of these loaf ers around town to learn a good trade aud goto work. “Uncle John nie” says he will take pleasure iu learning any worthy youug man his trade, if he’ll come around und go at it as if he intended to do something. * * The people of Barnesville would be very much gratified to see Mr. W. T. Hammond restored to his former po sition as Conductor on the Upson County railroad. He is clever, po lite, accommodating, and never fails to look after the interests of the road properly. I understand that tLere never was any charge preferred against him since his connection with the road until this matter of engag ing in the hotel business was men tioned. It is too bad that such an efficient railroad man should lose his position on such a trivial charge, which was preferred by an enemy to further his own interests. I think the rail road is doiDg an injury to a mighty good man when it keeps Tay lor Hammond out of his job. His many friends hope to see him back on the road very soon. * * * A light seriou3 difficulty occurred down town the latter part of last week between two popular young gentlemen of the city. Oue young man asked the other if he went to see “Galatea," whereupon the ques tioner was fl jored. The hit young man is recovering—but the other will not survive. * * The Barnesville Hosiery Mill will soon be turning out stuff—“stuff means sox”— along. It is in tended to run the mill on strictly business principles, and if this is done, certaiuly it will b± a great suc cess. The men at the head of the en terprise are sure enough hustlers and they know how business ought to be carried on. Success to the Hosiery Mill. * * * I was away dowu'b low Macon the other day, about one hundred and fifty miles, and I hod been kinder out of Barnesville territory for some days. When I boarded a train on the Tifton & Northeastern railroad the conductor bad one of “Smith’s Celebrated Barnesville Buggy’' but tons on the lapel of his coat. Well, I never thought much of that, but when I got over on the Georgia South ern and Florida road, I uot only found the Conductor but about half the passengers wearing these but tons. It sorter made me feel like I was at hour*. Smith’s Barnesville buggies are certainly advertised— consequently about oue hundred are sold a month. The button adver -1 tisement is oue of the best. Speaking of buggies, there will cer t'aiuly be wore handsome turnouts in Barnesvdle during Commencement thin has ever been before, judging from the number of special j -bs that are now being put up by the factor ies here. Several young men are hav ing mighty nice buggies made and the way they will cut a dash this summer will be a sin. Tbegirls who stand in with these young men will have a swell time. A number of nice turn outs will soou be on the streets, just from the shop. ♦ % Hr From the way tne police are raid ing the gurnbling dens around the city it wont be long before there will be an end to this form of law-break ing. Quite a uumuer of negro gamb lers are now woiking the streets and mere will be doing the same if they are caught. It is said that the negro gamblers go to the woods just out of town and play cardf, where they spend hours at the time. Tho police are keeping a very close watch on tbem and if the gamblers know what’s best for them they Lad better quit. • • The biggest dove shoot of the sea- sou was enjoyed on the Upson Coun ty railroad, near Thomaston, last Saturday. Roadmaster Aderholt of the Central, Agent W. J. Vandivere and Prof. li. M. Fletcher of Barnes ville compose 1 the party. Over three hundred doves were killed and Mr. Aderholt bagged one hundred and uiiiety-flve,the remainder being killed by the other two gentlemen. The place is one where hundreds of doves use and the hunters broke the record Saturday. The Macon Gun Club is coining up next Saturday and going out for a hunt. The hunt last Sa,- urday was much enjoyed by Messrs Aderholt, Vandivere aud Fletcher. Floral Club. “In all places, then,and in alj seasons, Flowers expand their light and soul-like wings, Teaching us,by most persuasive reason How akin they are to human things. —Longff.llow. Barnesville now has a fully organ ized Floral Club, with an enrollment of twenty-two members. The organ ization waseffeete 1 Friday afternoou, March 13th. The following officers were elecredaud duly installed : Mrs Walter B. Smith, President; Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Vice President ; Mrs. Clias. Tyler, Secretary aud Treasurer. This marks an epoch in floricul ture in Barnesville, and the admir ing observer will note many hand some floral treasures adorning the homes of the town this season. Barnesville’s beautiful homes have al ready been the remarks of the visitor and uot a few have extolled her love ly llowers. Nothing adds more to the attractiveness of a place than and bright blossoms. If, iu passing the humblest hut, we chance to eee a flower or two foster ed by its occupant, we instinctively credit to its owner some tender, re fined feelings. The object of this club will bo to extend and encourage the cultivation of flowers. The organization will have some missionary features which will be decided uj on laier. It would uot be in keeping with the natural instincts of the good women of B trnesvilie uot to add something of this kind to their orgmizition. Speciul attention will be devoted this year to the cultivation of fine Chrj’santhemums, it having been de cided to have a grand Unrysanthe murn show in the fall. The club will meet the first Fri day afternoon it each, mouth. The April meeting will be held at Mrs. Tylers, An appropriate programme will bo arranged and announced iu due time. All the ladies in town who have uot united with the club are coudiax.- ly invited to do so, and the gentle men, who wish to encourage the en terprise, may become honorary mem bers by paying 10 cts into the treas ury. MR. SOOTT DEAD. Rev. Thomas G. Scott, the well known citizen of Monroe county, who has not been expected to live for soma weeks, died at his home near Brent Monday morning at 3o’clock. He was a very highly estesmod citizen, and a most useful man. He was the school commissioner for Monroe county for several years, and was a supporter of every good work. He has long been a man of of strong Christian influence and has done much effective work in the Methodist church. He had numer ous friends in Barnesville and throughout this section who mourn his death. There was a very large number present at the funeral, quite a num ber of friends attending from Barto-- viile. The funeral sermon was preach ed by Itiv T. H, Timmons, and be wafi'followed in a very appropriate talk by Dr. M. H. Lane of Forsyth. Beautiful tributes were paid the de c -aeed by both speakers. A BIG ADVERTISEMENT. The J. C. Collier Cos. have a big announcement in this issue, and they propose to make a great effort for the spring trade. They have an immense stock of goods, all the la test styles having just been purchas ed in New York by the President of the company, Mr. J. C. Collier. Wo ask the public to call and get their I prices. btjtst FRESH, GENUINE & PURE GARDEN SEEDS ....AT.... BLACKBURNS DRUG STORE , Where Prescription Work Is A Spe cialty Day Or Night, Phone Nos. Store 20, Residence $6. Messrs J. W. Stafford & Sons., Barnesville, Ga. Gentlemen — I have bought goods cheaper than I ever saw them. Was just in time for the great sacrifice sale af Parkhill Zephyrs, and bought six thousand yards of choicest designs at unprecedented low prices ! Quite a lot of our goods will go out on to-mor row’s Steamer. The Zephyrs are worth 12 i-2 cents a yard the world over! Put them on Bargain Counter next Friday at Eight Cents ! Yours truly, F. M. Stafford, MORPHEY A BLACK, ....GENERAL .. sirnipf- BARNESVILLE, GEORQA- f Office Of ' The H. B. CLAFLIN CO., [ New York. Nkw York, March *3th 1896. NUMBER 39