The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, March 19, 1896, Image 4

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J. C. Collier Company, Barnesvill efi Tbomaston, Ga„ THE LARGEST AND ONLY PROGRESSIVE DRY GOODS STORE SOUTH OF ATLANTA, GEORGIA ! Everything Retailed at Wholesale Prices to the Consamer, Cash or on Time. Dress Goods For spring 1896 are now ready for ycur call. Fiesh from the buy scent aof New York City. So new that you can almost hear the rattle of the loom that made them. All tf the very latest and newest novelties to be found. Silk and wool Mozambique*. Black and colored Monuir Jac quard e. Silk and wool Mohair troches. Black and Navy Serges. Black Brillmntioes. Fancy colore 1 Mohairs. Our store is the only dress goods store in Ba'liesville that has a hue of drees goods complete. lake a look, e want, o show you through cr stud y i v. sampleP. J. c. COLLIER CO OF BAItJNEsViLLE. RARNESYILLE GAZETTE. UARNF.SVILLE, GA„ MAH. K; REMEMBER I ■lf there arc any Mg “ads” going the GAZETTE always gets them—because it pays. Sine** Cut lisle in in tlu cmt, i* ji allv dee* lot appear tbnt lvintucky has ni l }’ favorite son. Tbev are wn in" and dining Mr. FanvS. Edwards, the author, m Macou, sinve his recent sticciss. Hon. Louis Ghi rurd of Columbus has notified his fro mis that ho is mt n candidate for the Unittd Hiatts Senate. Macon proposes to have a b’g democratic, rally imnirflint*ly follow ing tie state convention. It is a good id< a Worstin' think rt on. John T. | Boifeiul'et of Bbb is entiiled to the speakership of the next legislature, at least over tuij "f the preulit can didates for that office. Leading democrats are bt ginning to talk about big democratic ri Hies throughout the state, following the state convention. They will be need ed and will do good. We tliii-k Gov. Atkinson isi un questionably the man to lend thei u mocr.itic party in the gubeination al race this year. He will have no opposition hem the dime emtio par ty- Hon. Hi ke Smith expect* *o make several speeches on the financial question in Gerrgit soon, lie t.O'S not attack democrats in his speed .i*, like a great many l itter day demo cratic orators. The re is bur ly a man in Gtorgia whom we would be more' delighted to see honored than that statesman and tiue deniociat, Hon DuPont Guer ly of Manor, G. H“ is in no sense demogogical,and is worthy any < ffice in the gift e f the pe-op le e f this state. Hoi. Jami sB. Boynton Ims been urged to become a candidate f< r the legislature from Spalding county and has consented. He wll rttLct more boner ou the ct untv than any man from the county and will be a most valuable legislator to the state of Georgia. Spalding county should by all meuns elect him as its repre sentative. Hon. Jolin I. Hall ha* resigned as assistant attorney-general of tbe United Stntcs to accept, the attorney ship for tbe Georgia Southern and Florida railioad at a salary of £7500 per year. Hon. M. A. lAttlu of Gol umbos has been appointed to be as sistant attorney-general. They are two of Georgia’s most distinguished legal lights. Millinery New ideas in Millinery here. IJcop that are all our own. Id*ns that were gotten a few days ago at the large N' w Y< rk 1 penings. Ideas that will please your mind and your purse as wi 11. We intend to do the millinery bus iness of Bat nesville. Prices will veiy cheap. Terms credit as well as case, we take care of vou both ways. Matting and Rugs Carpets 35c., to $1 00 vd Good straw Mattings to 25ets, yd. Large Rugs 50c to 51.50 Fine Fur Rugs $2 50 to $5 00. Our stock of above h complete in every particular. Carpets sold 01 11. st dlment plan at cash prices. J.C. COLLIER CO UF THO VIASTON. THE PA in YOU! LOOK. The outlook for the democratic party in Gee rgia is not os encourag ing as vve wo'ild like to see it. We do not mean this to convey the Idea that we entertain the slightest doubt about it success in the coming elec tions. Wo feel sure that in tbe state and presidential elections, democracy will triumph, and by a good majori ty What v.e regret, however, is that ibere is a conflict ou between certain f ictif ne of the party. This divi ion imiaog the leaders has had a had ef - feet on the people. Scores of them oe disgusted, and if there is any kind of a scramble, or liouble in the platform of the party.democraey will suffer. The party whoop aid the party whip have both lost their pow er, to a greut xteut. The time has come for nnrty lead ers to differ without their counter '■barges of bribery and corrupti n. If there is no honesty among the lead* rs, the common people will have nothing to do with tLem. We be liev i it is a serious time for the deni ed 11! io party, and the leaders might as well recognize these facts in tbe beginning of the campaigu. Much will depend upon, their conduct in the coming months. BE SLOW TO MU UDELL Wo do not know what to think of men sometimes. Every day the pa pieis are full of acc unis of dastardly crimes. Sometimes in a cowardly \vuy and then again in open combat, men cut and shoot each other to death. Scmetnues in the shadows of night or again in broad open daylight, men are assassinated by their fellow men and,note nly in dividual*.but whole families and frequently vs hole com munities are left in distress and me thus made to mourn the loss of the bo*t men and the very best citizens. Neaily always,too,these difficulties and differences are the result of the most trivial and common place mut ters. Especially are they insignif cant when comp>ared to life itself. It dees scim that if -neu would only stop and think, they would con clude' that it would be far better to make almost any sacrifice rather than to be killed or to take the life of Home i ne tlse. To kill anothe r is a horrible thing. Not long ago. we saw a man ds ! traded with ma luces ovurn (rival I matter, deliberately shoot down and iu I cold blood murder a fellow mail. Not Iconteut with shooting him tothei | ground the iufuria ed man stOi d*over fie ti llow v.ctim and emptied the last enntuber of the re vilvtr into thepoor, htlpless man's body. And we said then that to kill a billow man was a most Horrible deed, li looks as if a uinu could uot possibly d< libe-ra.elv plau to do such a ihuig. Last wu k iu our own community, two brotliei s with pistolamt rifle* un dertook to take in h others life. One was seriously wounded, aud yet since then the other has been seen walking the public highways, with mauuers und demeanor, as if he rejoiced m the deed. self deteuso would uot stem sufficient to ciuse pleasure over such nu accomplishment. All ibis is written to caution ineu to avoid such trout le. It is better to surrender rig l is of property ud personal rights, than to sustain such lights by murdering a neighbor or being yourself murdered. Reasona ble uh u should have no trouble to adjust all their differences. They can afford to make coucessicus one to another. They cannot afford to kill or be killed. Few transactions in this world are worth a settlement Graveyards The graveyard of failure is full of monuments erected over the blasted hopes if mm who bad abilil v,euf rg\ and determination to sell goods, but had not the right kmd to sell. Ic that grveyard there are no monu ments to men that have all of the qualities for making a successful merchant, viz; cash, braiDs, energy, honesty and liberality. It takes a lit eral man to merchandise now a days. One that does not waDt the earth all fur his own, and a little bit on t: e other side 100. Terms cash or od time. Will charge goods to ptompt paying cus tomers at cash prices. Dress Making We a e ready to make up your spring dresses. Mis. E> etna Varner .as charge of this department. 1 J. C. COLLIER CO OF BARNBWILLE by death. If men will d< liberate about it they will be slow to murder, for it is a hor rible thing I State ■ f Ohio, City of Toledo, 1 Lucas (Aunty, f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the ■■eutor partner of F. J. Cheney &C >, doing business in the City of Toledo,County and aforesaid, and that hhCI firm will pay the sum of One i.cndked doll us fur each ami every case > f Catarrh Glut cannot he cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me sd subscrib ed to ui my presence, ttiis 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. ( ' '" A. W. Gleason Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh is taken internally and acts directly •. n the blood aud mucous surfaces of the system, Beud tor test.iuioual-, flee. F. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo, O. by Druggists, 75c. HILVEIt DOLLARS. The free silver people have had much to say aboyt the hostility of the present democratic admiuioira t.on to silver. Much is also said about free coinage of silver prev ous to 1873, wheu it is claimed that sii ver was demonetized. The fact remains however, that the conditions now are not at all similar iu regard to silver coinage as the ci nditions were previous t* 1873. Iu a recent answer to inquiry Sec retary Carlisle shows that bom the establishment of the mils in 1792 up to Februaiy 1878, a period of 86 years, there wt re corned ouly $8,030,- 000. bo, comparatively speakiug there wi tv n > silver dollars in circu lation. Nov; then about $600,000,- 000. During the preseut much abus ed admiuistiati u of President Cleve land there have been corned 6.662,- 000, silver dollars, or nearly as many as vveie coined in the hundred years previous to 1878, to which period tree silver advoiates refer so freely to show the great advantage of free silver coinage. *t’hc reasons and con ditions of free coiuuge now are iu u < leapt ot similar to those pnevious to 1873. . -p. 1 FOR TUB 9® SKIN A w arm shampoo with Cuticura Soap, and a single application of Cuticura (ointment), the great Skin Cure, clear the scalp and hair of crusts, scales, and dand ruff allav itching, soothe irritation, stim ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the roots, thus producing Luxuriant Hair, with a clean, wholesome scalp. Sold thremchont the world. Pott** D*co * Ch*. Ourp , licit rroprißtom* Boston, L. A. ABSOLUTELY TRUE. Sam .Trues, in Atlanta, last Sur diy in his sorrow to men said: ••What is your record as a hus band? I believe in t'ue single stan dard. A man’s wife lias got as much right to be bad as he lias. A fellow that will marry a sweet woman, and when she has borne him children and lost her bloom and beauty, from the cares of domestic life—a fellow that will leave his home and seek the Clothing Hundreds cf new euit9 now arriv ing. St'les newer, Prices cheapen, -tock larger than ever before. We have on sale clothing made by the best, clothing houses .n 'he U. S. Boys wool suite $4.75. | Mens “ ‘‘s 00. “ fine clay “ *8 50. Bovs “ “ “ “7.50. Childrens “ 75c. to $2.00. Extra pants “ “ “7 50. Shrewd buyers of clothing must not fail to vis.t us. We will save them money for eitbercssh < r on time. We visit the great Metropolis iwice each year. When we buy goods w lay as de friendship and aff-ctiou and buy where we cat) gel the values. We are prepa red to do you good financially. J. C. COLLIER CO OF THOM ASTON. charms of other women, is tbe vilest wretch that God lets live. You dir ty dog. vou ought to be in the changaog.” The same 1 ule applies to unmarried men as well ns to husbands. It is a shame of this age that men may be corrupt and still be respec tab'e. They shc ui'd be ostraeistd as tliev are disgraced. Gladness Corns With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts —gentle efforts —pleasant efforts— rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness, without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos. only-, and sold by all rep utable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, then one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. A FORGOTTEN HERO. Instances of individual heroism were iot lacking among the colored races, both negro and Indian, during the w ar of the colonies for ludepen dence. Ouc of the most noted among the black men who fought against the British was Austin Dabney, a vouug mul* to living iu Pike County, Georgia. Austiu was a free man, and was kuown to the planters for his subriltv and industry even when a boy. He shouldered a musket and jointd the army, working in the trenches and lighting bravely during three year-. He was severely wounded iu a skirmish in the winter cf 77, and was carried into the house of a plant er named Harris, where he was kind ly cared for and nursed back to healih. As soou ashecould walk he joiued the army again and remained until the sd of tne war, wh-n iu recognition of his bravery a pend u Was grai.t-d him by the guVt n.imut. The Stale of Georgia also gave him valuable laud. Dabney tilled it so skilfully as to become a wealthy man. He had neither wife nor chil dren. His benefactor. Harris, had died, leaving a helpless family, end the grateful negro gave ail of his means and life to their service. He support ed them as long as be lived, sending the oldest boy to college and then io law school. When at the ena of three years young Harris came up for examina tion, Dabney stood in the court-room trembling with anxiety. When the | Shoes We have struck it right this time Burt A Packards “knrreet,” shape for linen. Drew & tSelbys for ladies. New stock cf noth now here. Oor stock of shoes will be tbe largest and m' st up-to-date in Ge< rg?r. SBOOO invested in shoes in Barnes-- vilb, S6OOO invested in shoes in Thomastou. SI4OOO All together. We Hre in the swin for the trade of this territory and expect 10 bold the key to toe sttuaiion so long as we are iu business at either towr . Trade with us cash or credit. J.C. COLLIER CO OF BAILnEsViLLE. Pills That are hud for competitors t j swallow. Best calico 4 and sc. Good Sea lblanu sc. Fidp dress ginghams S' 1 . Hooks and eyes 1c., boy passed triumphantly and was welcome las a member of tbe b .r, the old negro burst into tears. He lived to a great age and was houored throughout bis Dative state, not only as a veteran whobad fougbt bravely for bis country, but. as a man of ability and high integrity. In tbe records which Afro-Ameri cans are now making, for their own encouragement, of the men of their race who have achieved success and distinction struggling apaiust heavy odds, they should put tbe story o) thej oor Georgian g< ldier, Austin Dabney.—Youth Con pamion. ANNIE ABBOTT, AT GRANITE HALL. Annie Abbott, “the little Georgia Magnet,” wiiil appear at Granite Hi.ll to-night, March 19r’a. and 20tb. She possesses some wonderful power and her performances always interest and entertain. She has been in Barnes ville before and was then seen by l uge audiences, Annie Abbott has been all ov< r the world and b.;s ex cited the attention of the most notod scientists cn the globe. Physicians have been baffled at her mysterious power and staited at her wonderful feat i. Admission prices will be 50 cents, reserved rests; 35 cents, general ad mission; and 25 cents in gallery. FACTS, We admire push and enterprise in business, a featue that is noticea ble in the business of Mrs. S. M Marsh burn. You can see from the changes made iu the appearance of the store as well as the character of goods they are getting in that they mean businens. The Dianager of the business, Mr. Y. O. Marshburn, is thoroughly op in the dry goods linej and will certainly be able to cope j with any competitor in prices and styles this Spring. He knows how and when to buy and all buyers cf dry goods, shoes clothing, etc should see them before buying their spring goods. DEATH CLAIM NO 4. Barnesville, Ga., Mar. 10, 1896. Banker's Guarantee Fund Life Asso ciation, Atlanta, Ga: Gentlemen — In acknowh dging receipt, of check for $2,000, and return of the Guar antee Fund deposit, amounting to $24 00, on luotirance Policy No. 1240, iu your association, held by <J. (_’. Holmes, deceased, I can but I appreciate the speedy settlements Payment was made in full three days after proof of dtath was furnish ed the association. Yours truly, J. G. Holmes, Guardian for Bessie Gray Holmis. Twenty and one-half months oid. About $3,500,000 insurance written. Only four deutfi claims. NOTICE. Ail parties indebted to the estat of Mis. Bessie G. Holmes and al* parties L-oldiug claims against this estate are hereby notified to report same to the undersigned. James G. Holmes, Administrator of the estate of Bessie G. Holmes. ‘•Orange Blossom” gives im mediate Relief and permanently cures all diseases peculiar to ladies. Sold by J. H. Blackburn. Pills Good note paper 2c. quire. Good white envelopes 2c. pack. Kubbertip pencils sc. J, z . Best Ink 2<\ ho*il>. Best needles 2c. paper. Brass pins Je. pap, r. Oak cornice p les 19c. Felt window shades 15c. Gloria Umbrellas worth £I.OO at 52c. 75'*. dress shirts at 42c. 100 French woven cutsets cut to 39c. Buggy whips 10 aid 15 •. 105> Bamboo ens*-ls at 50c.. 8c wash toweling nt 4c. Heavy socks s'. pair. Ladies B 1 ck hose sc. pair. Childrens ril beit “ “ Good thread 2 and 3r. Hair pine 3c. paper. Ladies belts sc. Good quality outing cloth sc. yd„ lfemuant (bullies 3c. J. c. COLLIER CO OF BaBNEsVILLE. COURT CALENDAR, MARCH TERM, 1896. 0 NONAS. Thompson,. Allen and King vs. T. W. Key,. Prin. W. B. Cook, en dorser. A. J. Robinson vs. Mrs. J. H. W ilson. Nancy Pilkinton vs. Dicey Rose. j. P. Baker u - I'. D. Daniel, i B. F. Guthrie “L. M. Lyle. Sarah Jordan “• Wes, Lovelace. J. A. Staffod “• S. M Howard. The Atlanta Wooden Ware Cos., vs. Hartiv-tit & Williamson. S. S. Coggni vs. It. F. Crawford. A. D. Adair & McOatiy Bros., vs. A. D. Biggie e r Trustee, M. S. Rig gin-,.Clint. J. W. Means <k Son vs. A. H. and P.. F. Foster. TUESDAY,. J. N.. Howe R. M. Williams, A. E.. Eubank PlffTn Fi Fa vs. A, J_ White, Deft, iu Fi Fa, Leonora White, Clml. John Silvey & Cos., vs. Carter & F* it lTt 11 • • T.. L Howard, Transferee vs. Mrs. Catharine Shelton, C. Shelton, Clint. Brauan Bros., Cos., vs. J. H. Col lier and E- F. Wilson, M. M. Elliott and M*- Wilson Clints. Sullivan and Peden vs. Mrs. M. F. Johnson and J. T. Johnson. S. 8. Coggiu vs. Charlie Reid deft. W. T. Lyle, Dep. Sheriff and W. B. Baker. J. C. Collier vs. Mittie Hawkins. 8-8. Coggin “ J. J. H. Parker, two cases. WEDNESDAY. P. W. Pullm vs. A. L. Cowing. T. F. Bethel, plff in Fi Fa vs S. H. Barrett deft in Fi Fa Janie Barrett,. CSaimant. R. L. Stafford vs Mattie J, and Wm. M. Taylor, J, P, Nichols Transferee vs E, V, McLean and J. C, C dlier, Claimant. J, W. F, Hightower Plff in Fi Fa vs TANARUS, J. Howard Deft,, in Fi Fa, M. E. Howard, Clint, Eq., Mort Cos., P ff in Fi Fa vs T. J. Blasingame, Adm, E, L. Dumas et al, Clints, Milner & Wilder vs G, W. Han son and Mary E, English, 2 cases. G. W. Butler, G mrdiun vs Mrs, E. C. Chandler. J, M, Brown as next firiend of Eunice A. Brown vs Mrs, E. G, Chan tlet, TANARUS, B, Sanders vs A, L. Johnson, 8, F. Whitaker vs John A, Park, M, J. Bark Adiux, Claimant, G, M, McDowell vs John A, Park M. J. Pdik Admx, Claimant. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt’s Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ness and all kindred troubles. “The Fly=Wheel of Life” Dr. Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had anew lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutt’s Liver PiHs