The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, March 19, 1896, Image 8

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Newsy andOther wise. If tboso overhanging fences along some of the side walks are nut fixed some body is g< ing to get huit! This is plain talk, but we mean what we say. Mr. W. B. Smith will begin pome time shortly the erection of a hand some two story home on Thomastou street where h. j present dwelling is located. The plans were drawn by Bruce & Morgan, Atlanta, and it will be beautiful. This in one of the hap piest families in ILrnesvilleand their friends will be glad to see them in their elegant new home. Ever’’ body should encourage the flower show lor Barnesville, which is to be held next, fall. The show it self will do much good, but the incut good probably will come Irom the growing of tne flowers in Barnesville. "Who cun estimate the value of flow ers in refining and elevating man kind ! Let every beme have a yard of flowers. The young ladies ol Barnesville are now to organize a “Cooking Club.’' Mrs. J. T. Blalock and Mrs. J. W. Hightower are the moving spirits in the good work. The mem bers are to study and practice the art of cooking- They will meet on Saturday and at each meeting difl r ent m'mhers will be expected to bring certuin cookeries, thus show ing practically then-knowledge of the art. Hen, of course, are dt buried fioin participation, but they will doubtless participate in the good woik during the years that are to bo. It is remarkable bow Barnesville gets all the honors, wherever she has a contestant. This iias b<en demon strated a hundred times. In the den tal department of the Uni.ersity of Maryland at Baltimore, Barnesville bos two boys. Mr. W. F. Connolly is chairman of the Executive Com mittee, and Mr. Charles H. Perdue is vice president, of the class. It is quite complimentary to them, and we again Lave reason to bo proud of our representatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arnold al ready have a nice home on Elm street, but some very important im provement will be made shortly,that will greatly enhance the value of the place and add much to its beauty. It is one of our best homes. Rev. G. H .Perdue, w ho has devot ed much of his life to teaching, is now out ou his farm near town, hav ing given up teaching on account of his health. He gives it as his opin ion that farmers are in good condi tion. He says that probably never before have they done more aud bet ter work in the way of preparation than this year. He also thinks that the acreage in cotton this year, wdl be about the same as in 1894, or un increase of about 17 per cent over last year. Farmers are not neglect ing food crops, and therefore they are m better fix for making cotton. Last week the Gazette said that the fragrant flower and the mellow blossom everywhere coming to view indicated the approach of spring The next day it snowed. Itvv. C. W. Oliver will preach the fuueral of Alvah Irvin at Ebenezer church at 11 o’clock a. m, Sunday, March 29th. In tho uiteruoou of The same day at 3 o’clock, ho will preach at Milner Cross roads school house. Every body invited to at tend. Mr. aud Mis. G. M. Rockwell are now elegantly domiciled in tho new Anderson home on Elm street. Mr. A. 55. Hardy left Tuesday for Way cross, to write up that place for the South Illustrated of At hint i. The li le of baskets iu thijstore of Mr. Edgar L. Rogers is a beautiful show. They were made by indians in the Indian Territory, and are as pretty as they can be, besides being useful. The ladies especially great ly aimiie them. Detective S. 13. Bankston, who in on the force in Atlanta, liad a hard tussle with a negro in the Gate City Monday, iu which Mr. Bankston came mar being seriously huit. H undertook to arrest the negro, uud the negro resisted and threw Mr. Bankston to the ground, when the re* suit would have b<en bad tor the de tective had not another officer urriv - eel just m tune. The negro was fiual ly locked up. Preaching servicts were largely at tended last Sunday, itev. W. \V. Brins held preached at the Methodist church and Dr. J. M. Brittain at the Baptist church. The congregations were good and the services much eu joyed. Messrs Quincy Nash, John Deuu'is Jr., J. M. bharp and Eugene Brittain Hbturned Monday from Augusta, where they attended the state con * Housekeepers Should Remember. The Government Chemists, after having- analyzed all the principal brands of baking powder in the market, in their reports placed the “Royal” at the head of the list for strength, purity and wholesome ness; and thousands of tests all over the country have further demonstrated the fact that its qualities are, in every respect, unrivaled. Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they in variably contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. vention of the Y. M. C. A. They re port a pleasant time and a piofitable session. Mr. R. B. Goodwyu whose foot was hurt s< me w< eks ago, is not improving very fast and he cannot as yet get about very much. His fri< nds hope t o see him improve more rapidly. The Barnesville Blues are coming out of their winter quarters and on getting to work. CapC Howard ex pects to have then, in tine shape for the encampment this year. He is tield in hitrti esteem by the company and hia efforts in behalf of the com pany are always appreciated. Dr. W. C- Blalock, who has been quite sick for some days, is still quite low. Little hope is entertained for his recovery. Everything possible is being done for him. Mr. J. B. Gardner has probably made some littie improvement, but he, 100, is quite ill. EASIER DRESSES. Miss. Sallie Mid Uebrooks is with Mrs. Jeuuie Williams this season and has the latest fashion books and is prepared to make up Easter dress es for the old aud young ladies. First class work done. M J. C. Ci llrer made a business trip to Atlanta yesterday. Mhp. Jeznie Williams is ready to receive orders for Easter hats. Mr. Robert Mitchell went to the Gate City yesterday ou business. Mrs. T. T. Smiley went to Atlanta yesterday for the purpone of being at tbe great millinery openings. She ’ will take them all in and her custo mers will get the benefit of her visit. Mis. Jennie Williams is receiving her new Huts, Flowers, Ornaments,! etc, and will have a lot of lovely Easter bats trimmed next week. Misses Jean end Lillie Mitchell and Muster George Mitchell went to Zebulon lust Saturday, the former of whom will remain there some days visiting relatives aud frieude Mrv. Ella Mills went to Ailinta yesterday tube at the Millinery open ings this week. She will remain there several days in order to take in all the opeuiugs and to familiarize herself with all the latest things in tbs milli nery line. She is certain to return better prepared for meeting tbe wantH of ber customers. meansthe prevention of scores of cases of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia, and consumption. Wet feet do not directly make the germs of consumption appear in the lungs; but they do cause coughs and colds and inflam mation of the throat and lungs; weaken the whole system. In this condition the germs of consumption find just the soil in which to work. Scott ’s Emulsion of Cod liver Oil, with Hypophos phites, is a most valuable rem edy for restoring the system to health before these germs get the upper hand. SCOTT’S EMULSION has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. {Ast your doctor.) This is because it is always palatable —always uniform- alwavs contains the purest Noru'egnan IW-/iwr Oil ana t/ypepkesf kites. Put up in 50cent and $i co sites. The small stze may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. Pure rich blood i the true euie for uervousuess aud Hood's Siren panlla i. tbe Oue True Blood Puri fier and nerve tunic. Council Proceedings. CALL MEETING. Council Chamber, and Barnesville, Ga , Mch.,ll, 1896. j 801 l called and foil >wiug present : Mayer Q. E. Huguley, Aldermen Murphey,Smith, Howard and Marsh buru. Absent, Swatts and Jenkins. Mayor Huguley made verbal re port of his trip to Allanta and that they had made trade as per instruc tions with J. B. Hollis electrician for plans and specifications for electric lights for $50.00 to go as a part of commissions. After general discussion of Gor don Institute additioo, Alderman Marsbburn moved that the council authorize Mayor to accept the prelim inary plans of Golucke & Stewart and Mayor be instructed to close con tract for SIOO.OO for the full plans and specifications. Akbrman Murphey moved that it is the sense of the council that the ori ginal contract with Messrs Bruce & Morgan for preliminary sketches for Gordon Institute building is hereby declared null and void on account of the failure of Messrs Bruce & Mor gan to comply with their pare of Con tract. No other business council adjourn ed. Council adjourned. G. E. Huguley, T. W. Cochran, Mayor. Clerk A Treas. Council Chamber. 1 Barnesville, Ga., Mch,l6, 189 G. j Council called to order and all pre sent except Aldermen Murphey and Jtnkins. Minutes read and approv ed. Finance committee recommended aud council ordered paid following amounts : Water Works sl2 50; Capitation Tax $25.75; Streets and Public Prop erty $17.92 ; Dispensary $113.69 ; A. & N. M. Block $16.23. Advertising committee reported progress' Chairman Howard of Dispensary committee made 2nd., quarterly re port an 1 ou inotiou it was received and ordered filed. Clerk and Treas, made following 2ud., quarterly report aud received aud ordered filed. Mch , 8 Cash on hau 1.... $4274 18. “ ltecd Dispensary 3393 45. “ Taxes 889 55. “ Police Fines 61.00. “Streets it Pub. Pr0p.5G.44 “ Water 283.47. “ Capitation Tax... 94.00. Paid per vchrs., $7157.36. Cash ou hind 1894.73. $9052.09. $9052 09. The above 2ud.’ quarterly rep >rt of Cloik amt Treas., uas b.-sn cueck ed aud examiu and au i found correct as per vouchers. A. C). Murphey, Cbrrn., Fiuauce Com. March 16,1896. Liabilities of council for 2nd., j quarter ending March 8, 1896. | A. A N. M. Block $703 95. Potts Thompson Liquor Cos., 94-95 1190.86. Potts Thompson Liquor Cos., not due 475.13. Loeb it Bro 148 10 Standard Oil Cos 18.13. Henry Stevens Sous 110.38. Galloway Coal Cos., 23.00. $2007 55. It was moved by Alderman How ard that, W. B. Smith be requested to on piny bauds to finish ditching Ihe Elder pend. No other business council adjourned. G. E. Hcgcley, T W. Cjchraxe, Mayor. Clerk A Trews. A REWARD. I offer a reward of $lO for the ar rest of auy person, with proof to con vict, cuttiug tuy telephone wires. J. J. Rogers* Baruesville Ga. tf. THE LIBERTY CLUB. Tbe last meeting of the club was held Tuesday evening at the pleasant home of Dr. J. H. Connally. It was a fine meeting. Nearly a hundred people were present, aud most eujoy -1 able occasion it wa“. ; Tbe next meeting will be held [ Tuesday evening Mirch 31st. at the | home of Mr. aud Mis. J. L. Kennedy j with the following as the program - PR GRAM Author— Byron. Music—Mr. and Mrs. Cochran. Paper—Sketch of Byrons Life— Mrs L. K. Rogers. Vocal Music—Mr. J, A. Blalock. Paper--Byron es an Autbm— Mrs. A. L. Taylor. Vocal Music—Miss A~lie Murphey. Recitation —Waterloo—Miss D .il ia Rogers. Music —Miss Kate Battle. Locals Mr. J. M. Cochran. Serves Are like Fire. They are Good Servants But make Poor Masters To keep your Nerves steady, Your Head clear, Build up your Strength, Sharpen your Appetite, You must have Pure Rich Blood The Best Medicine to Vitalize and Enrich the Blood, ix Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier Prominently in the Public Eye. niil. cureallliverllls,bilious. Hood S Pills 26c. Mr Hewitt Craik spent Sunday in Atlanta with bis family, returning to Barnesville Monday, to represent the Bankers Guarantee Fund Life Asso ciation. FOR SALE OR RENT. 1 have three horses and one mule for rent or sale. Terms reasonable. All good gentle plow stock. E. J. Murphey, Don’t t ike internal remedies for female diseases. Common sense re quires a direct application like “Or ange Blossom”. Sold by J. H. Black burn. 94 Edgewood Avenue, - Atlanta, Qa. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Wrought Iron, Steel Picket and Wire Fencing, For Lawns, “Parks, Farms, And Cemeteries- We also handle a line in Lawn Goods, such as Vases, Chairs, Set tees, Etc. Estimates on all kinds of Iron and Wire^Work. We Received The Highest Award At "The Cotton States and International Exposition” for neatest de signs and workmanship. GATE CITY FENCE CO., OFFICE AND FACTORY: , * tSBb ;i ■ 7 L ' gj] ' The Most Goods Forthe Least Money. I am now prepared to sell my customers Goods at Cheaper Prices than has ever before been offered in Barnesville! Below I will give you only a few of my prices! CLOTHING Nice Worsted Suits worth $7.00 My* price only $3.00 Nice Cheviot Suits sells at $9.00 My pice only $5.00 148 Men’s imported Suits cheap at sls to $18; will st 11 from $8 to sl2 00. Be sure to see these buits before buying. Si zes run from 33 to 48. Just received 75 and zm pairs Pants-; Sizes from 30 to 44 waist; prices from 48 cents to $4 per pair. SHOES SHOES Men’s Nice Sunday Shoes, $1 to $3. Ladies Dongola Button “ 95c to “ 2. 1 have also a nice line of Counter - pams, Table Cloths, Pillow Shams, Calicos, Ginghams, Lawns, and all kinds White Goods at prices to suit the times. All these goods will he sold exactly as adYertised. I won’t tell you “I am just out!” We are getting in goods eYeryday, and paying cash, and take atari - tage of the discounts. MORRIS JACOB BARGAIN STORE, BARNESVILLE, GA. NOT TO BE TRIFLED WITH. (From Cincinnati Gazette.) Will people never learn that a cold is an accident to be dreaded, and that when it occurs treatment should be promptly applied ? There is no knowing where the trouble will end; and while complete recovery is the rul, the exceptions are terribly fre quent, and thousands upon thous ands of fatal illnesses occur every year ushered in by a little injudicious exposeure and seemingly trifling symptoms. Beyond this, there are to-day countless invalids who cm tiace their complaints to “colds,’ which at the time of occurrence gave no concern, and were therefore neg lected.— When troubled with a cold use Chamberlain’s Cough is prompt and eflectual. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale *oy Jno.H.Black burn, Druggist. DOMESTICS 50 dozen Negligee un’.aundried Shirts, worth 75c sell for 35c. Nice L ; nen Shirts, 25 cents each. Heavy Working Shirts, 20 cents Good Boys Working Shirts, Suspenders, extra long, 9 cents Silk Suspenders, Paten* Buckle, 15c Boys Suspenders, 5 cents. Mens Hose, nice tan, 5 cents. Mens Best British Hose, 6 cents Mens Fast Black Hose, 10 cents Lidies Black Hose, 5 cents. Ladies black ribbed hose, worth 25 cents, only 10 cents. Childrens fast bl ick Hose, 5 cents Ladies Fancy Hair Pins worth 15 cents, only 5 cents. Lubies extra large Hair Pins, worth 50 cents, only 25 cents Nice Side Combs, worth 15c only 5c Silver mounted Side Combs, worth 25 cents, only 10 cents FIX IT UP. Do not fail to buy your fencing from The Gate City Fence Cos. At lanta Ga. They are prepared ts make your place beautiful if you will give them a chance, and at a very low price. Buy a fence from them and it will last years, save your money and always look well, Head their “ad--’to day. We reccommend them. Write them at once- Mrs, W. C. Staff >rd and Master Roy Blount returned to Barnesvdle from Florida yesterday morning af. ter sjme time iu the “Land of Flow er3.’’ The World's Fair Tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav ening power as the Royal.