The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, March 26, 1896, Image 2

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From * How Dr. Miler’ vine ! •- < One of Ket -;ky’ ' ‘ • * lC ll at? lisp -_f , j|^ NO IHSEASE tins ever presented so many peculiarities LaOrippn. No disease leaves Its victims so delillllatcd, useless, sleepless, nerveless, as LaGrippe. Mr. I). W. Milton, staLeagontof the Mut ual Life Insurance < 0., of Kentucky, says: “In ISfiD anti SO I had two severe alt,ticks of LaGrippe, the last ono attacking toy ner vous system with such severity that my life was despaired of. I had not slept for more than two months except by the use of nar cotics that stupefied me, but gave me no rest. I was only conscious of Intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily pain arid the (act that I was hourly growing weaker. When In this condition, I commenced using Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. In two days I began to improve and in one month’s time I was cured, much to the surprise of all who knew of tny condition. I have been In ex cellent health since and have recommended your remedies to many of my friends." Louisville, J an. 22,1895. I). W. lin/rojr. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores Health. '4 Popular Magazines (fc FOR THE HOME. BimiKun! FRANK LESLIE S Popular MONTHLY Contains each Month i Original Water Color 1 Frontispiece ; 128 Quarto Pages of Heading ' Matter; 100 New and High-class Illustra tions; More Literary Matter and lltustra tlons than any other Magazine In America. 28cts.; $J a Year. , Frank Leslie’s Pleasant Hours FOR BOYS AND CIRLS. A Bright, Wholesome. Juvenile Monthly. Fully Illustrated. The best writers for young people contribute to It. 10 cl a. : $1 a year. SEND ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ■ i Hb BARNb'SVILLE GA/d-TT.;' BARNESVILLE. GA. I K ANK 1.1 SA I 1 S PoI’tJLAR lONHILY And th* rA*i ti> both one yepi f. r $ 3.00 Frank 1.l NI ll ’K I'l.l ANANI' HOURS i-'OR H )YS AND ( ( I*l s fttid Tin-: GAXhrri: both fir one year* , • i.y . ' , Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers PF~iSYmf to Frank Leslie's Publishing House, X.Y., > for New Illustrated I‘remium /.ear. Free, 1 Are You SicK Of Being SicK? Then let us suggest a cure. Ten to one the trouble started with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head ache and a dozen other ailments. #knANeutalsiG (URfe goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again -the acid leaves you’re blood and you 're ‘ cured. Testimonial below: I cured my wife of neur*ll of ■even years' uLandlnx t>y the use of your medicine after the best doctors In Cincinnati failed. B W.PARKKK UW Fourth Street, ClncluuaU. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. The Leading Consenratory of AiMrica^-""^ Carl Fault**. Foondad i o ISU by COY K.TourflN t N Dii 11 " Send for Proepectn® --•* information. W. H*i *, General Miu{tt When A aid Wliat to Spray, [BY H. N. STARVES, HORTICULTURIST.] Onr last Press Bulletin contained a series of fortnulas for the manufacture of certain spraying mixtures, but want of space prevented the insertion of any directions for their use. This is here briefly done But it must not be concluded that spraying operations should necessarily be restricted to the schedule here {riven. This is a mere basis or beginning, and includes only absolutely essential work. Taking this schedule, then, as a start ing point, it will be well to amplify operations as experience is gaine 1, and gradually widen the field until it covers, practically, nil fruits and vegetables. 1. —Don’t fail to spray them. It will pay. Spray first with Bordeaux Mixture before the buds swell. For this spraying, however, tiro lime might be safely left out and the Bluestone solution used alone, as there is no foliage to injure. Spray 2d time just before the blossoms open with Bordeaux Mixture. Third spraying, Bordeaux Mixture and Paris Green (4 oz. Paris Green to 50 gals. Bordeaux) as soon us fruit is set. Fourth, when fruit is nearly grown with Bordeaux and Paris Green, and fifth some ten days later with Bordeaux and Paris Green. This will effectually ward off C idling Moth, Canker Worm and Scab, and ensure tine, smooth, solid apples. If aphides or plant lice appear on the leaves and young twigs, spray well with Kerosene Emulsion, and if not destroyed by first application {five them another dose in a week. If still persistent try Pyrethro-keroseno Emulsion, and re peat as often as necessary. This is made by filtering one (gallon of kerosene through pounds of Pyrethrum (Dal matian) powder. 2. Grapes.—Spray for all the rots — which, by the wav, affect the foliage as much as they do the fruit, thereby lowering tho vitality of tho vine as well us ruining tho crop. Spray Ist just before the buds swell, with Cop per Sulphnte (Bluestono) solution— Bordeaux with the lime left out. Spray 2d, just before tho blossoms open, with Bordeaux. Third, when flowers have fallen, with Bordeaux and Paris Green —tho latter for Flea Beetles, eto. Fourth, two weeks later, with Bor deaux alone, and sth, not later than Juno 15th, with Alwood’s Modified Eau Celeste. This is made by replacing the lime in Bordeaux Mixture by un equal quantity of Sal Soda and further diluting with water. Four lbs. Copper Sulphate (Bluestone), 5 lbs. Sodium Carbonate (Sal Soda) and 80 gals, water, is the formula. This will control every form of rot except Anthraonose, and perhaps par tially control it. Where, however, An throcnose is in tho hubit of making its appearance, it will bo well to dust be tween tho snraying with equul parts of lirno and flour- of sulphur. A good “powder guu” for this purpose is that l g~Zf\r\T\ ,s essential Uv/UU -to health. ) J'3 W You cannot hope to be well ‘ BLOOD f IS°IMPURE. 1 If you are troubled with BOILS, PIMPLES, ULCERS or SORES | your blood Is bad. A few bottles of S. S. S. will thoroughly cleanse the system, remove < all Impurities and build you up. All manner of blemishes are niCAncn AWAY < by Itß use. It is the best blood romedy ou earth. Thousands ___________ } who have used it say so. ■ jj|jii***i|lP“SeWFjisn "My blood was badlv poisoned last yrsr, which, got my whole system out of order diseased, uud a coustant source of suffering no appe . Bt%iwWlis?lwWs. VJI tlte, no enjoyment of life. Two bottles brought mo right out. There I!■ ■— 1 MW- Jre 1 ™ Mil is no bettor remedy for blood diseases. * A MPli * ll* HI JOHN GAVIN. Dayton. Ohio.” j) lYeutitt on k sod and thin dictate* mailed free. | SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. SCHOFIELDS IRON WORKS MANUFACTVRKRS OF Steam Engines, Steam Boilers. Circnhu] Saw fail Cane Mills. Kettles, .Etc. Schofieki m rrvmium Trusses for Pack ingfCot ton. Tin thelleadrfor Sixteen years and still on top ■, * lron *nd Brass Castings of every description, Iron Columns for Store Fronts, Lintels, Door Sills Grilling, Ventilators, etc. Headquarters for wrought iron pipe, pipe fitting*. and mill supplies Gv nernl ajfents for Oulletfs Light Draff, MagnolinjCotton Gin atul Cclchrnted!Haucoek Inspirator have money by addressing, J. S. SCHOFIELD SONS., & COMPANY, MACON, GA.* Central of Georgia Railway Company 50.4 |No u No i I SCHKDULK IN KIFKCT j No i Noil No 3 Doilv i Daily Daily HKB. 1, 1896, j Daily Daily Daily 750 pin 400 pm 730 am Leave Atlanta .... Arrive 1 805 pm. 10 45am 745 am 915 P sl9pmB 58 am [Arrive Griffin Arrive! 64'opmjg 21 am 616 an 557 ion t5O pmi jjo am Arrive Bartlesville Leave! 6oy pmjS 4V am 543 am 10 16pm 011 pm! 1000 am (Arrive l-’orsyth Leave! S3? pm!B it> am 511 am 11 18pm yl5 pin 1 11 00 am Arrive QMaeon Leave 440pm7 15 am 415 am 8 30 pm ........ 1 Arrive Milled Seville Leave 610 am OO a m 1151 pm Arrive Temnlle Leave 1 16pm 155 am •03 am j 140 pm Arrive Wadley Leave 115 pm 1150 am 3 ''.'am jOl pm Arrive Milieu Leave 1105 pm 1158 pm S3 O ain 600 pm ;Arrive Savannah Leave 900 am 9,00 pm 111! pm Arrive Kort Valley Arrive 305 pm 151 pm | Arrive Americus Arrive 1 35pm 305 pm (Arrive Dawson Leave 1117 pm 315 pm Arrive Albany Leave 1.150 am i Ol5 pm Arrive Thomnsville Leave 400 am 7 *5 am Arrive Jacksonville Leave i 10 pm TTs, IN COL NTV kAIL ROAD. No. S. No. 0 . No. 5. No. 7. I Daily Daily Daily Daily 505 pm 13 am Arrive Barnesville Leave 1030 am 615 pm 3 35 P m 700 am Leave ..Thomaston Arrive I 50 am 7 35 yin. 1 Hally exiept Sunday. Sleeping cars on night trains brt*ecn Atlanta A Savannah and between Atlanta ti Tampa l’arlor cars between Atlanta anil Macon. For tort her inlormatton apply to W. J. Vandiv Kent. Ilarncsrille, Ga. K. J ROBINSON, City Ticket Agent, Atlanta. G*. I. C. HA’ILK, Gen. Pass. Agt.* W. F. SHHi.I.MAX. Traffic Manager, Savannah. TIIKO. D. KL.INK Gen. Supt., Savanna manufactured by Leggett & Bro., 801 Pearl St., New Y rk. 8. Irish Pot ato es. —Spray repeatedly, as soon a 0 . ch- s high, with Bordeaux Mixture for the M:icr porium or Early Blight, and if FI a Beetles are present with i - mux -ixture and Soap <6 lbs. bap tithe barrel of Bordeaux). By “re; -utedly’’ is n. ~ut ten day inter vals. 4. Sw t Potato — —Before bedding in the t . sa.iu- seed tubers for two or! ehouisin Bluestone solution. This wi tc-1 in to a great extent to di minish o.iu-k rot when the crop is housed the next, -eason by destroying the germs of the fn us in the seal potatoes. Of course this will be of little value unless rotation is practiced; for, if the spores of the fun-rus are present already in the soil they wu infest the tubers of the re sulting cr p 5. Tomatoes.—Just as fruit has set spray with Bordeaux for rot and blight. Repeat*at ten day intervals for two more sprayings. It will of coarse pay to spray certain other fruit* and vegetables, but the list here given covers those crops most likely to lie benefitted by spraying, most easily injured if it is omitted, and those that are simplest to handle. Peach trees have not been included because it is so very easy to injure their foliage, and some little experience should be gained in the preparation and hand ling of spraying mixtures before ven turing to experiment with them. It may be well to also republish here the formulas for Bordeaux Mixture and Kerosene Emulsion. BORDEAUX MIXTURE. 4 pounds copper sulphate (Bluestone.) 5 pounds quick lime. 50 gallons water. Dissolve the Bluestone in 2 gallons hot water; strain through the copper seive of the sprayer into a 50-gallon barrel. Slake the lime slowly in a wooden bucket. When ebullition is overfill the bucket with water, thus diluting to a thick whitewash. Strain slowly into the Bluestone in the barrel, stirring thoroughly. Fill the ban-el with water. Always stir thoroughly before filling the sprayer and while spraying. The cost, of this mixture is less than 1 cent per gallon. KEROSENE EMULSION. 8 ounces hard soap (Ivory or Whale Oil.) 1 gallon boiling water. 1 quart kerosene. Dissolve the soap in the water, add the kerosene and pump back into itself over and over again with a cheap force pump into a barrel until the mixture emulsifies or thickens to the consistency of cream. Then dilute with 2> 2 gallons of hot water. This gives a 1-15 propor tion of kerosene and this formula will readily emulsify in ten minutes with either hard or soft water, which will not be the case if a larger proportion of kerosene to water is used than that given. COM GEORGIA. oj^nSi BLOSSOM Acts like a poultice, drawing out f ver and pain, and reinv;g orating the entire Female Sys tem. It removes all obstructions and creai es a healthy, natural flow of all secretions. It is the one natural cure for female troubles, because it is applied right to the diseased parts. Eon’t take internal rem edies for Female weakness,com mon sense requires a direct ap plication for immediate relief and permanent cure. “Orange Blossom” is a sure, p-inless cure for falling and dropsy of the womb, profuse, difficult, irregular menses, leu c.orrhaea, ulceration, tumors, sick headache, constipation, sal low complexion. “Orange Blossom” is apastile easily used at any time. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address on re ceiptof si. Dr. J. A. McGill&Co. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. For Sale by J. H. Blackburii DISLIKE NEW CLOTHES. .trainers of Animals Itun Risks Id Appeal* log In Them. ‘‘lt ia a strange thing,” 6aid a well known traiuer of animals, ‘‘how many outbreaks aud accidents have resulted from a trainer wearing a strange cos tume. Quite recently a lady performer who had made some alterations in her dress had a narrow escape. The tiger with whom she usually appeared turn ed sulky from the start, and at last ab solutely refused to do one of the tricks. Its mistress urged and threatened to no purpose, and dually attempted to nse the whip. The moment she attempted to do so the infuriated animal iiew at her, and if it had not been for a boar hound which was performing with them. Miss S. would probably have lost her life. The brave dog snapped at the tiger and distracted its attention until his mistress had succeeded in making her escape. Unfortunately he was injured by the tiger’s claws.” ‘‘How do you account for such out bursts?” ‘‘The tiger evidently did not recognize his mistress in her change of costume. Asa rule, very few alterations are made. The same dog always appears in the same act, and so ou, tlie idea of ac quaintanceship and familiarity thus be ing maintained. Why, even if a hat or a wrap happens to He within reach out side the arena the animal is sure to sea it; at once, and if it can get at it will promptly tear it to pieces.” ‘‘Have there been many such acci dents recently?” ‘‘About a year ago a lion tamer in New York wore a full dress suit instead of his usual military costume at oue of the performances. As soon as the Hon saw the change of clothing he made di rect at him. Now lions do not, tike tigers, try to kill instantly, but strike out with their paws to knock their ene my down. In this case the lion’s claws caught the trainer’s face, inflicting se vere injuries. But he is still at the busi ness, though the scars of the struggle are very plainly visible.” ‘‘Do tlieso outbursts ever have fatal results?” ‘‘Sometimes. Another lady performer made an alteration in her dress that dis pleased the tiger with whom she was acting, whereupon the savage beast pounced upon her, killing her instantly. This animal has never been allowed to perform since. ” —Nineteenth Century. Appreciation. Au anecdote, illustrating the urbanity of Dr. Max Nordau’s character, as well as his keen sense of humor, is told in connection with a story of I. Zangwill. Dr. Nordau had never met Zangwill, but was a great admirer of “The Chil dren of the Ghetto’’ audits author's lit erary causeries. One day a friend, know ing this, came to him and said : “Mr. Zangwill hasbeeu writingabout you in The Pall Mall. ” 4 ‘lndeed,” said Dr. Nordau, with an uir of great interest. “He gives a perfect appreciation of you,’’ the friend continued. “Do tell me what he said,’’ said the author, relaxing into au attitude of pleasurable anticipation. “He says you’re au idiot.” The funny part of the story is that during a recent visit to England Dr. Nordau met Mr. Zangwill and told him the incident. Next to Ice. Mr. Hankersoa—John, did you ice two dozen bottles of champagne, as I told you: The Bulter—No, sorr. The icebox wasn’t big enough for more than 20. Hankerscn—What have you done with the rest? The Butler—l set the cook and maids a-fannin 'em, sorr.—lllustrated Bits. It is my opinion that a man’s soul may be buried and perish under a dung heap or in a furrow of the field just as well as under a pile of money.—Haw thorne. The manufactures of Brooklyn are annually valued at #228,000,000. j A DOG THAT REASONED. He Knew When It Was Safe to Sle< on His Master’s lied. No ono that knew Boo'-r-V 1 ever doubted ;hat be reasoned ’ honglv, - but occasionally I would find • : ' mg' • who was not inchi. and to t- it. t then I woo Id tell him i e *-•.:<-win, • story: My parlor was af’ • • int-.;-- Which opened by on i” h ” ’ ' room, a back c .■ —. A ’.male may be desci h i- a of a fort, g ribi time, to hold a gun • ! > in time, of pea< e n are lilted up i t. ••. ' ■ ■ • r cers ands .1 ers. Bombshell hail Jus o- rt -a t' back casement, t . '■ 1 ' >*• * and would u.-e it * -•• -:t 1 ■ ■■■■• had tried to, bn a" habit, but had not beeu sac * I One day he came m wet a urb', and, as usual, curled up , > wince counterpane. The -df- vms awlui. As much as I bated to u > so, 1 fell obliged to give him a thru. bing. I never caught bun on my bed again. He would still get on it; bu*, noma ter how quietly I came in, I \v nld al ways find him on the floor, though ■ could see friun the rumpled condition of the bed that he had been on it, and of ten the spot where he had slept would still be warm. One evening I went out, leaving Bombshell lying by the parlor stove Out of curiosity I peeked through i'■ half turned slats of my shutters and watched him From my position Iv,. •• able to see the whole of both of my rooms. For awhile Bombshell did not mou then he raised his head and looked i the door; finally he got up, stretched I himself, yawned sleepily, walked to 1 Le bed, jumped up, and put his fore paws lon it. Standing in this position, a j thought struck him, and lie said to him ■ self: I “Suppose that my master hasn’t gone* He will catch me and thou I shall get a ! licking. I’ll go and make certain that he is not coming back.” I know that he said this because he took his paws off the bed, walked cau tiously back to the front door, and, with his ear close to the crack, he listened At last, satisfied that I had really gone, he trotted back to the bed, jumped on it, curled up and went to sleep. After such u clever act.l thought that he had earned his sleep, so I went away and left him.-—St. Nicholas. The war with France lasted from July 9, 1798, to Sept. 30, 1800, and the number of men engaged, in tho nave force alone, was 4,593. The land force raised for this- campaign cut no figure. The word “and” occurs 35,543 time;- in the Old Testament and 10,684 times in the New Testament. Gives Warning. Venomous snakes are slow in doing mischief. The cobra di capello, the toy 3f Indian jugglers, retains its fangs, but never uses them except to resent in juries, and then, opening its crest and hissing violently, it darts on its victim, who has notice to escape. Quick in t fleet, heals and le ve- HO scar. Burning, scaly skin erup tions quickly cured by DeWitt’s Wit -Li Hazel Salvo. Applnd to burns, scalds, (1 I sores, it is msgical in effect. Always cures piies. Db. W. A Wright. A Woman’s Heait \ ONE DISEASE THAT BAFFLES THE PHYSICIAN. Tlie Story of a Woman nlio Suffered for Nine. Tear*. How She ws I'uitd. (from the Newark , N. J., Evening News) Valvular disease of the heart has always been considered incurable. The following interview therefore, wiil interest the medi cal profession, since it describes the .'•access ful use of anew treatment for this disease. The patient is Mrs. Geo. Archer, of Clifton, N. J., and this publication by the JXeus is the first mention made of the case by any newspaper. All physicians consulted pronounced the patient suffering w ith val vular disease of the heart, and treated her without the slightest relief. Mrs. Aieher sail!: “ I could not walk across the Moor; neither could 1 go up stairs wilhoutstopping to let the pain in my chest and ieit arm cease. 1 felt an awful constriction about mv arm and chest as though I were tied with ropes. Then there was a terrible noise at my right ear, like the labored breathing of some great animal. J have often turned expecting to see some creature at my side. “Last July,” continued Mrs. Archer,"l was at Springfield, Mass, visiting, and my mother showed me an account in the Springfield Examiner, telling of the won derful cures effected by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. My mother urged me to try the pills and on November 25th last 1 bought a box and began taking them, and I have taken them ever since, except for a short in terval. The first box did not seem to benefit me, but I persevered, encouraged by the requests of my relatives. After be ginning on the second box, to my wonder, the noise at my right ear ceased entirely. I kept right on and the distress thßt I used to feel in my chest and arm gradually disap fieared. The blood has returned to mv face, ins and ears, which were entirely devoid of color, and I feel well and strong again. “My- son, too, had been troubled with gastritis and I induced him to try the Pink Pills, with great benefit. I feel that every body ought to know of my wonderful cura and I bless God that I have found some thing that has given me this great relief." Dr Williams’ Pink Pills are bow give* to the public as an unfailing blood builder and nerve restorer, curing all forms of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves, two fruitful causes of most every ill that flesh is heir to. These pills are also'a specific for the troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, all forms of weakness, chronic constipation, bearing down pains, etc., and in the case of men will give speedy relief Rnd effect a per manent cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. The pills are sold by all dealera, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, (50 cents a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50 —thev are never sold in bulk, or by the 100 i by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Com pany, Schenectady, N. Y. TICK HI. Si Positively cured, by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Tain in the Side, TORI’ID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. Grateful comforting. EPPS’ COCOA Breakfast— Supper. “By a I borough knowledge of the natl ural laws which govern the operations f digestion and nutrition,and by a. care ful application of the fine pioperties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has pro vided for our breakfast and supper a del icately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills It is by the judicious u eof such artic’as of • iiet that a constitution may be gradual ly built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” —Civil Service Gazette. Made simplg with boiling water or milk. Sold only in half-pound tius, by Giocers, la belled thus: JAMEs EPPS & CO., Ltd., Homoeopath ic Chemists, London, England. rdhichefttera Eiiffllnh Diamond iSrontf. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine. A, safe, always reliable, ladies ask f- 4C Druggist for Chichester s KwfPh Pin-mm %A \u lied and Goid sealed with bin- ribim... Take W i<;.>. VAT no lhv r. Befy- e dangerous evbstdu* y' I~ J - tens end imitations, a t Drigps's. or fend 4c. ! jJJ in stauipH for pnnicida: s. t stiiuomals anc \ Kf “Keliff for '■ 't-e. v returr —\ /> Ululi. j<',<>,M l‘ Sabir. Paper. v '-rrhlcl.c-trrCL nilfc! * '<.. !i,m Squilc Cold by all Lw..\ Druggists. -'(Lila., r : s3H3noi miuopD\pg AS P3U3UI6U3JIS SVjDBg MB9M TRADE QME MARK MINUTE COUCH CURE cures quickly. That is what it was made for. Prompt, safe, sure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it and adults like it. Mothers buy it for their children. Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Cos., makers of De Wltt’a Little Early Kisers, tho famoua little pills. THE GREATEST AUTHORITY IN THE WORLD PRESCRIBES CUSHMAN’S MENTHOL INHALER WlrSn COLDSIN HEAD ’ CA TARRH # d' SOFtE THROAT ’ LA GRIPPE, HEADACHE or ff Jy Any Bead or Throat Trouble. D*. J. t. BBOWME, LONDOW DR. Browne is Seulor Surgeon to the Central London Throat and Hospital. He declares himself iu a recent medical journal in em phatic tenne as folions; “The vapor of Menthol checks In a manner hardly In.* than marvelous, acute Cold* in the head. For ill form* of natAl dUraae*, causing obstruction to the natural breathway, 1 prescribe Cushman's Menthol Inhaler to the extent of hundreds per annum/* ▲ CHRONIC DISEASE LURKS IN KYERY BAD COLDt Then why do you go on in a deluded way trying to wear out yoor misery when Cishman’k Inhalxu will relieve*you instantly. it is a Conitr.nt Companion ! so.('(j worth of medicine for 60 cU. No ii kening or nautcatiug drugs to debilitate your system. Only a refreshing and healthful aid to you. Imliiper.snble iu traveling. Public tlnirrr* and speakers use it and tind it the greatest aid m strengtheniug the throat. ill Cl felSiiTA V DR J- H. SALISBURY, a distinguished IlYrkUEbEitH S physician of New York, said: "Inhaled Menthol iarnrticiilarlv dertructive to the life of the influenia bacilli.** CCA CIPtfyCCC V Dr. Beeley Thorn, in conramnlr*- vLK w"WlVfltCiu> ■ tlon in the London Lancet, say a ; *'l have found Cushman's Menthol Inhaler exercises a marked benefi cial effect in SeaSlckness ami especially in the and vertigo, which remains alter the actual vomiting and retching passed off." Mottville, N. Y., Jan. VI, ’92. nave had Catarrh about ten years. A friend sent me one of yoor lshakrt. it helped me the first'time 1 tried it. T. DOUGLAS MORTON. Kingston, N. Y. I haro used one of your Menthol Inhalers for about a month for Chronic Catarrh of twenty years' standing. It has given me mere relief than all other remedies I ever tried. 11. LATHAM. The most refreshing and Healthful aid to HEADACHE Sufferer*. Brings Sleep to the Sleepless. Oums Insomnia end TAervous Prostra tion. Don’t be fooled with worthless imitations. Take only Cl'SK* MAN'S. AOe. at druggists, or mailed postpaid on receipt of price. Writ* for Book on Menthol ana testimonials. CUSHMAN DKL’ti CO., Vlßeensie*, Ind.or No. 124 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Cushman's Menthol Balm I Is the safest, surest, and most reliable S remedy for I CUTS SALT RHEUM CHAPPED HANDS k BURNS ULCERS FROSTED FEET l BRUISES ITCH RINGWORM ► SCALDS ERYSIPELAS AND OLD SORES. ► Specially Recommended for PILES. £ Quick to Relieve Pain and Reduce Inflammation. Guaranteed to give satisfaction ; when you need* an *ure to gel Cushman’s Mentho’ C Balm. J>o not accept anything els* as being jua ? as good. This Balm is the Largest Box of Oine P ment and the best on the market. If you cannot get it of vour druggist send 25t ft for one box by mail. Sold by all leading druggist*. £ CUSHMAN DRUG CO. N VINCENNES. IND. *r *34 Drarbom 8t„ CHICAGO. £