The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, October 27, 1898, Image 1

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THE BARNESVILLE GAZETTE. VOL. 31 SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO 4 • 4 Clothing, Gent’s Furnish ings, Shoes aud Hats. I have engaged the services of the best Auctioneer in the South, and on Monday Morning. November 7th. 1898. . I ' I will begin the only bona-fide Auction Sale of new and desirable merchandise ever held in Barnesville, Cotton is too cheap, the crop is too short and times are too hard to under take to sell a big stock in the regular way. This sale will cover my entire stock of CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, SHOES AND HATS, ( V There Will be No By-Bidders-The Highest and Best Bidder BE THE BUYER. The BEST GOODS WILL BE SOLD FIRST, m come early and get a chance at the choicest, Remember this stock is all new and desirable? but I am overstocked and am going to push them out at some price* Very Respectfully, * Edgar L. Rogers. Barnesville, Ga. • OF LOCAL INTEREST. The Hanson Crawley Cos., hare about finished their handsome build in** for their underwear mill. It is among the largest mills of the kind in the south and is in a very pros perous condition. Messrs. Jackson G. Smith & Sons sold a fine hearse to a Jackson un dertaker this week, making the third hearse which this firm has sold in Jackson within the past year. It was a beautiful vehicle. I umber for the three handsome ne w homes of Mr. E. C. Elder Mrs. p T Minhinnett and Mrs. M. r Middlebrooks, all on Thomaston Street, is expected to arrive every day and the work will soon be in ■progress. They will all be handsome dwellings. Mr. Edgar L. Rogers be gins the erection of a nice and * ellmg on Forsyth Street this week. Men tjon was made of it recently. The Oxford Knitting Mill is hum- ming. This week it was compelled to turn down orders for over twelve hundred dozen underwear. The plant will have to be enlarged to keep up with the orders. The recent Cai nival edition of the Macon Evening News was indeed a great success. It is one of the finest advertisements the city of Macon has ever had and the edition was a great credit to its publishers. It will be pleasant news for friends in Barnes ville to know that Mr. T. J. Simmons, 1 Jr., well known here, is the city Edi tor of The News, having recently been appointed to this position. He is making a good newspaper man. There were pleasant church servi ces Sunday in Barnesville. It was a pleasant day and large congregations were in attendance. Rev. VV. S.' Stevens, preached two extra good sermons at the Methodist church, Dr. J. M. Brittain delighted his con gregations with excellent sermons morning and evening and Rev. G. A. Whitney held Episcopal services in the Presbyterian church. It was a profitable day religiously. BARNESVILLE, GA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1898. Mr. A. A. Rose is now editor of a new paper in Cordele, to be known as the Daily Hornet. It is to be largely what its name indicates and will be run for political purposes, Mr. Rose is a splendid writer and the columns of the Hornet will doubtless stir things up. Mr. John Perry, well known here, will be in charge of the mechanical department. Atlanta’s Great Clothing Store. Special attention is directed to the handsome advertisement of Atlanta’s great clothing house, Messrs. M. R. Emmons & Cos., which is to be found in this issue. No store in Georgia is better known and it is per fectly reliable in every way. They afford the finest opportunity for be ing pleased, as they carry almost an unlimited stock of clothing and gent’s furnishing goods from which to select. When you go to Atlanta, be sure to visit their store. See what is said in their advertisement in The Gazette to day. PeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salv* Cured Pills, Scalds. Bums. Fred Brinson Dead. News was received in the city a few days ago of the death of Mr. Fred Brinson, which occurred last week. We have no particulars of his death. He is a young man well remembered in Barnesville. He graduated at Gordon Institute three years ago and was one of the most popular young men who ever went to school here. He was a splendid young man and he had a very prom ising future before him. The news created much sadness among all his acquaintances. Mr. Rose Sick. It is with much regret that we chronicle the illness of Mr. C. P. Rose. He has been confined to his room for several days with fever, and his pthysician, Dr. A. P. Kemp, fears that he will have a protracted illness. His friends wish an early recovery for him. OASTOniA. B#*r th /y The Kind You Haw Always Bought ‘rr A Pilifil Acctfeat. Mr. John Leach, an employee in the ginnery of Mr. E. Rumble at Goggansville, had his left arm tear fully crushed on last Wednesday, whilst at work by the machinery ot the gm. Dr. S. Rumble was called to attend Mr. Leach, and amputated his arm. The amputated arm is healing rapidly and it is thought that Mr. Leach will recover in a short while.— Forsyth Chronicle. The Feaay Karkot. In this edition of The* Gatette will be found a special advertisement of the Penny Racket, of which Mr. J. R. Deavorous is the wide awake proprietor. This store is a valuab'e enterprise for Barnesville. It carries a large stock of goods and you can . find a thousand and one articles there, all sold at the very lowest pos sible price. Mr. Deavours is a good business man and he deserves to suc ceed as he is doing. Call to see his stock and get his prices. Read his advertisement to day and from time to time. Pits Ad Entirely Different Color On The Whole nig. K’ s aN right to talk about ffll © BJw * cheap Drugs and keep on talk -08% fcj * to. ing about them, but when J&'v/Grr—seme one asks, “Are they W j® U ~ any good ?” the aspect is some VjvM Tli ft times changed. Then is the Y time for us to step up and say, ! \nf \ || jtV\ Yes sir! Ours are good right ll f/v r straight through. They are szruQ a. affjj medicines that make sick folks well again. The best is none to good for our customers, I >!' am still after your trade. John H. Blackburn. A. L. HILLS. SHOES! lb! The time is on to buy winter SHOES. We want to say to you when you get ready to buy shoes dont fail to see us. We have a big stock and they must be sold. We have added to our stock a line of EDWIN CLAPS FINE SHOES for men. If you want the best shoe on earth buy EDWIN CLAPPS shoes. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Ladies Capes. We can save you fully 25 per cent on capes. We bought direct from the manufacturers therefore saved the jobbers profit. We have capes from 5o cents up to slo.oo, don’t fail to see them when you get ready to buy. Millinery. We are recognized by all the fashionable people as head quarters for fine Millinery, our sales in this department has already surpassed our expectations. / We sell more mijjmery than all the stores in Barnesville admbined. We others copy. You will find nothi/g but c very latest styles and up-to-date goods with us, and at prices that no compete tion can duplicate, DRESS GOODS. We have a nice line of dress goods in all the latest styles when in want of a dress be sure and see our stock, we can save you money on these goods. When in town don’t fail to come to see us. Make our store head quarters, watch this space from week to week, It will save you money. A. L. mills: Bpwsrth Isaga* Masting. The Epworth League will have a special meeting at the Matthews Ho tel Friday evening, and it is quite likely that they will have a most pleasant time. The league is in a prosperons condition and is largely attended. The invitations sent out by the committee will likely draw a big crowd for Friday evening. The invitations read as follows: To the Matthews hotel at eight Friday night, Come help ns eat goobers and marsh nw'lows whits And uppleit and popcorn, perhaps chestnuts too. Be sure to come for ws really want you. ihlmvii Favorite KfWßemedy The one sure cure for J The fydneftlfrerand Blood A PRICANA will case anti 3cnsttar Ottm*. NO. 43