The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, November 03, 1898, Image 1

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the barnesville gazette. VOL. 31 SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO Clothing, Gent’s Furnish ings, Shoes aud Hats. I have engaged the services of the best Auctioneer in the South* and on Monday Morning, November 1898. <' I will begin bona-fide Auction Sale of new and desirable merchandise ever held inßarnesville* Cotton is too cheap, the crop is too short and times are too hard to under take to sul a big stock in the regular way* This sale will <k .♦ my entire stock of CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS* SHOES AND HATS* There Will be No By-Bidders-The Highest and Best Bidder BE THE BUYER. t The BEST GOODS WILL BE SOLD FIRST, to come early and get a chance at the choicest* Remember this stock is all new and desirable? but I am ove restocked and am going to push them out at some price- Very Respectfully* Edgar L. Rogers. Barnesville, Ga. Smith and Whittle. Last Thursday evening, OctoW 27th, at the home of the bride's pa rents, near Meansville, Lena Whittle was married to Mr. Harry D. Smith, of Macon, Ga„ the ceremony being performed by Dr. J. M. Brit tain. It was a very pleasant occa sion. Miss Whittle is the daughter of Capt. Thomas E. Whittle, one of Pike county's most prominent and wealthiest citizens. Mr. Mnith is a Kentuckian and is related to the leading families of that -rate. He now holds a prominent position with the Central of Georgia railroad at Macon, and is a most promising young man. Macon will be then fu ture home. The young couple start: their new life with bright prospects, and the best wishes of their numerous friends. Beautiful Chrysanthemums. Mrs. Jackson G. Smith rarely ever fails in growing beautiful flowers. This fall she has a large umber of very large and very beautiful chry santhemums. They have : sen great lv -'mired by ah who have seen them She has several v neties and many of them are very fme. Beautiful Delivery Wagon. The Summers Buggy Cos. has just turned out a beautiful delivery wagon for Mr. H. H. Gray, the grocer. It is very pretl.’ly painted and is quite attractive. Mr. Rose Better. The fr’ends of Mr. Carl P. Rose regret that he continues quite sick, but they are glad to know that he -is bet ter. They hope that he may rapidly improve. . l>r. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy Cures all Kidney. Stomach ~ —LIVER TROUBLES. Reagan Elected. Hon. E. J. Reagan was elected by the legislatuie this week as Judge of the Flint circuit. He was recently appointed by Gov. Atkinson to fill the vacancy caused by Judge Beck’s resignation. Col. J. Y. Allen of Thomaston was a candidate for the place, but withdrew from the race several davs before the election. BARNESVILLE, GA„ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3/1893. Odd Fellows’ Notice. You are hereby summoned to be and appear at your hall to-night at 7 o'clock (Wednesday). Business of importance demands your attention. We will have with us a Grand Chief Patriarch, J. T. Mills and Grand Rep resentative, R. T. Daniel, who will address the Lodge on “Odd Fellow ship'’ and with a view to the estab lishment of an Encampment Branch. Work is Expected in the initiatory degree. After the addresses and work the Lodge will have an oyster supper. Fraternally, Thos. J. Watts, C. H. Perdue, Noble Grand. Secretary. The Middlebrooks Hume. The Middlebrooks dwelling on Thomaston street is going up rapidly. Mr. C. H. Morris, the contractor, has a large force of workmen employ ed and will push the house to an early completion. It will be a handsome home. Ur, Miles' Pain Pills, "One cent a done." Thoma*tn Train Derailed. The Thomaston train had an acci dent Tuesday evening, after it left Parnesville for Thomaston. There was a detective rail just outside the city, which caused the passenger coach to he thrown from the track. Not a great deal of damage was done. Conductor W. T. Hammond was somewhat hurt, but is not dangerous. A negro woman was also slightly hurt. The damage was repaired and the train came in i?n time yesterday morning. fu fjtd Beat Cough .Syrup. Tauten Good. Due in time. Hold by drujggifttJi. cl They Return. Captain John F. Howard and Mr. j Paul Seaman returned to Atlanta yesterday, where they will take their places again with the Second Georgia. The other men from this comrnuniG will return also this week. Captain Howard and his men are inclined to remain in the service, provided satis factory arrangements can he made, whereby they can go to Cuba, Porto Rico, or Manila. Miss Sallie Middlelirooks Dendl After a lingering illness with com sumption. Miss Sallie MiddlebroSlcs departed this life last Thursday af ternoon, at the home of her mother on Zebulon street. Her death has been expected for sometime, but her friends and loved ones hated to give her up. Miss Middlebrooks was. a young lady, a member of the Meth odist church and a Christian who put her trust fully in the Lord. She was faithful in her church relations and none doubted her Christianity. The funeral sermon was preached in the Methodist church Friday after noon by Rev. W. S. Stevens, her pas tor, after which the remains were in terred in the Methodist cemetery. Her family is highly esteemed by the people of Barnesville, and they are extended tenderest sympathy in their sorrow. Bushings Meeting. A business meeting of the Epworth League will be held tomorrow (Fri day) night at the home of Maj. J. ”I'. Hunt. All members are earnestly requested to be present, as there will be considered matters of importance which pertain to the interests of the league. NOTICE. All accounts due me and not paid before the ioth will be turned over to my attorney for collection. W. H. Chambers. Shaving Soap_^ Is no longer a luxury. It's a necessity. The man who shaves himself appre- s"*) \ ciates this. But we are after the man ] [fvftx. 4 A\ V J' who thinks any soap is good enough I U ’ y; cv'YU to use. We are shaving soap of a \ good deal of its profits this week to let him learn diflerently. Try a cake V |u ,U ( //' TW of Amols Bouquet. Former price 25c. v \// /j s\ I sell one cake lor 15c. After that, \A /Vi I you won’t try to make a lather with ordinary soap and blame the razor V. s for its dullness. Leaves the Face G smooth and free from irritation. ' JBfe>“ He sure and see the 810 BAR- ' GAINS in TOILET and BATH |®iM ' \ SOAPS this week. A fe'Xjl MOTTO quality John Blackburn. A. L. HILLS. SHOES ! ms! The time is on to buy winter SHOES. We want to say to you when you get ready to buy shoes dont fail to see us. We have a big stock and they must he sold. We have’added to our stock a line of EDWIN CLAPS FINE SHOES for men. If you want the best shoe on earth buy EDWIN CLAPPS shoes. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Ladies Capes. We can save you fully 25 percent on capes. We bought them from the manufacturers therefore saved the jobbers profit. We have capes from 5o cents up to tfHo.oo, don’t fail to visit when you get ready to buy. Millinery. We are recognized by all the fashionable people as head quarters for tine Millinery, our sales in this department has already surpassed our expectations. We sell more millinery than all the stores in Barnesville combined. We orriVinate others copy. You will find nothing hut the very latest styles and up-to-date goods with us, and at prices that no compete tion can duplicate, DRESS GOODS. We have a nice line of dress jjoods in all the latest dyles when in want of a dress be sure and see our stock, we can save you money on these goods. When in town don’t fail to come to see us. Make our store head quarters, watch this space from week to week, It will save you money. A. L. MILLS. Mrs. Walker Dead. News has been received here of the death of Mrs. J. 0. Walker, which occurred in Marietta, Ga., on Octo ber r 9th. She was sick at the home of her husband in Carrabelle, Fla., but was carried to Marietta where she could be with her sister. She lived only a few days after she arrived there. The interrment took place in Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. Walker for merly resided in Barnesville with their family and they have a great many friends here, who sorrow over this sad news. Mrs. Walker was a daughter of Rev. E. H. Myers, once president of Wesleyan Female College at Ma con.and was a sister of Rev. H. P. Myers who also lived here fora num ber of years. Much sympathy goes out to Mr. Walker and the children in their sorrow. _Dr. David Kennedy* favorite Remedy Cures all kidney. Stomach .■— AND LIVER TROUBLES. Mirs. Miller Dies. Mrs. .Frank Miller died last Satur day at her home near Raymond church, and the funeral took place Sunday. Rev. H. A. Hodges preach ing the funeral sermon. She was a widow woman about thirty five years old and was much loved by those who knew her. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. 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