The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, April 27, 1899, Image 2

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mm l naif wen I Many persons have their good day and their had day. Others are about half sick all the time. H They have headache, backache, M and are restless and nervous. Food does not taste good, and the.digestion is poor; the skin mKL is dry and sallow and disfigured with pimpies or eruptions; sleep brings no rest and work is a burden. What is the cause of all this? fcjErf Impure-blood. And the remedy? m I flt clears out the channels ¥ through which poisons are carried from the body. When all impurities are removed from the blood nature takes right hold ■■■ and completes the cure. If there is constipation, take V Ayer’s Pills. They awaken the ■ drowsy action of the liver; they ■ cure biliousness. I Writs fa asm Doctor. I Wc liftvo the exclusive service* of ■ Hoe of til* moat eminent pit j.lclmia In ■■ the United Rule*. Write freely all the ■ ■articular. In your ce. You will ro- H eelve n prompt reply, without coat. . _ Adore.., DU. J. C. AYER. v W Lowell, Maaa. nil re ITCHING PILES ■ I Lto DWAYNE’S chntment •YJtt PTOM ft--Moisture t Intense Itehlnn and •tllflnci most ntnlghtt worms by amter bluff. If •llowed to continue tnmors form nnd protrude wlileh often bleed Mini iilferute, beemlug rer> •or- KW AY,\K’Nl,\ blooding, nbswrbsthe tnmors. Hold by drugprfsts or bv mitllbr frOcf. I'rcjmred by Dk.NuivmA Hos,Pbil*|i. Tho •iapii< sppllestloo of PjSWAYNE’S &FS g* OINTMENTfijr ths skin olssr, whits met >* •<44 br •fruggintii. i 'iil b* mail for 60 rin. AddreM !>s bosvss 4 Bos. PhiisdsipbifL, I's. Ask your 4rucl.u lor it ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. j vK Schodul© In Kffoot April 10th, ISOOt "" w . . N*. |No* No. I Nu. Northbound. „ | , 3 It. feruimwl.'k AHOn! W'JTm 4 00p U Hip At. Bvrrotl fl 30a 10 2&a A UUp 10 loji Ly. Jhu| ’ll ifijn .. .10 4M|i “ Bnrronoy 1204 u " Maslov 12 2SS|> 11 Up • Hiulotiund 12 Mp . ... I2M* “ Lumber City 1 25u 12 ITti * Helena 204|. .... 1246a “ Minder I8 p ;. “ Kastnmn 2 42p 1 418 “ Snipin' 1100|i tr. Hawkiimvlile 2_4Rp •■nSHCim.. *• a2i ***• 7 l “ Mac>u 4 4Ap 7 lo]> 80f8 " Flovtlla o aon •tOOplSllp a Ann “ McDonough lOoAm 040 p 8 60p JU\ Atlanta. . II lon T 4Apj 1 f.op 5218 Lt. Atlanta 4 ((Op 11 UOp. Ui Up A ;U* Ar. Chattanooga .... 8 40p tl ÜBl 6 (HB' 91X8 Ar. MemphU _.. 7-lOn 7 11lp 1 7 lOp 7 418 Ar. Louixvilu AAn 7 ;t,‘p 7 ;t*,p f 3.‘ V Ar. 81 IcmlH, Air Line, il ,Kt| 7 l.'ni 7 1-m 7 f2a Sr. Chn-inimti.Q. At C ’ 46n T9on thud iiiOp rr Atlanta. 4 lApi , A4Ua Ar. Birmingham iminp ’ 11218 “ Memphis 7 45n I PHOp “ Kansas City... 7 10a s!t6|J g tT Atlanta .mini n jjOp Ar \y aahiilgton jti42f StoAp .... ** Now York.. 112 t.'lp ! u aia Bo " thb "' > - r; iN, i "u tr. New York.. 4 aop . p Isn ... J| Washington.. •10 4ap 11 lAa u Ar. Atlanta. iIAAp Alda Et. Sansa.- City I it i|>, • • 7.; 10 40a “ Memphis PtMp . . . 7 ooa “ Birmingham .'IHIUn 4AOp Ar. Atlanta 'll Alt,.. . .. 1040 p Lt. Cincinnati, <J. & c] BUoj> B!tta sonp SHOa rr Bt. 1 ernis, Air Lino S,INI s 11 l-P 11 12 p I “ Ismlsvillo 7 lap T 4>>i' 7 45p 7 40a It. Memphis lauop k soup soup Lt. Chattanooga Ifl i.An 1U W| il 4Aa tllOp AT. Atlanta 11l Mm {>o a 11 .Via 10!>0p Lt. Atlanta 42i1),j ABoa 2uAp lO6UP “ MoDonongh JSi*p lIH.B 12A2p .. “ Flovilla i uU7p T 14k| 127p120.ii Ar. Matin 7 lOp 8 Uia 2 26p 1 UJn Ar.BawicipsvlUo loAAaj . ...... Lv.'tuipirc 777 10 nun I 77777 ...... “ Kastman I HIAAa 1 ... 2 62a “ Missler 11 20a ... I “ Helena . 11 38a .... ;! 2ita “ LnmU>r City I 1235 p .... 1018. “ Ha/lehut'st 12 AAp .. 4 13a “ Baxley i 1 g|p 4 418 “ Bnrruucjr i 1 A2p ... .| Af. Jesup . 2 38p . ~. A4:ta Lv. Kverett 7 00s 3 HU|i 7 30] > a ;t:>n Ar. Brunswick . , Kina 4 lioji 8 Alp, 7 818 K,w. 13 and 14.—Pullman SiteulttK ,'ars Is*- tween Brunawlek and Atlanta, ladwoen Jaek Jjmville. Fla., and C'tneinnati, Jacks.mville and Bt. Louis and Jacksonville ami Kansas t'itv Tia Kverett ami Atlanta Noa. 1A and 16.—Pullman Sleeping Cars tie tween Atlanta and Cincinnati, via Chatta nooga; also bt'twecn Chattatuxiga ami Stem pbiK. Nos. 7 and B—Pullman Shaping ,'ars lie tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. Nos. P and 10—Oliservation Chair Cars b tween Maun and Atlanta. Connection at Cnion D>pot, Atlanta, for all VptnU north, east and west. FKANK 8. CANNON. J. M. CI’LP, Third V-P. A Uen. Mgr., To,flic Manager, __ Washington, D. O. Washington. D. C W. A. TVBK, B. H. H ARDWICK. Oen’l Pass. Agt. Asst. Oen’l Pass. Agt Washington, D. & Atlanta. Oa. John Morgan's Champion Forager. Mr. Daniel Mitchell’s * return to Madison county, has revived in the minds of the Confederates that fol lowed Morgan through what is known as his Ohio raid, rather an interesting incident of that memorable journey. It was the duty of Mr. Mitchell, with others detailed from the various companies in Morgan's command, to forage and bring provisions for the rapidly moving army. It was notica ble that Mr. Mitchell brought in more provisions than any other toragers, and the reason for his good luck in gathering the provisions naturally cre ated tavorable comment, and inquiry was made of him how he happened to gather in so much. Mr. Mitchell explained his good fortune as follows: When my horse broke down I was compelled to get another horse or be captured by the Yankees, so as a matter of self preservation, I was forced to press into service the only animal I could find, which was a mare with a yearling colt. I desired to get rid of the colt and traded it in good faith for provisions. But the colt bounded out of all his new. enclos ures as often as I traded him, and then I learned that he could almost jump the moon and had become at tached to the army as well as its dam. Since my first swap I traded the colt for at least a thousand dollars worth of provisions, and there he stands, ready and in good shape for more service.”—Richmond (Ky.) Climax. WANTED—every body and his wife to go to his druggist and get a bottle of 1 )r. Tichenor’s Antiseptic, the most wonderful healing compound of the nineteenih century. It pre serves the flesh, prevents incarnation or suppuiation and heals like magic. Belasant as perfume and stainless as rose water. Drink's Madness. A man in Liverpool went home to his house drunk. A little child, two years old was crying. He said, “stop your crying!” The little girl knew nothing but that it was frightened, terrified: and the child cried on. What did the father do? Took up the baby two years old and laid it on the fire. Can you show me a man in the world who would be guilty of such horrible brutality as that, ex cept when he was drunk? An insane lunatic, at large from an asylum, would scarcely do it. It is only the madness caused by drink that pro duces such results.—Ex. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64 page booklet which will be sent Free for a short time to those who mention this paper. This book is published by the celebrated physicians and spe cialists—l)r. Hathaway Cos., of At lanta, Ga., whom you should address. Write to day. There are Olliers. Sir William Long tells a story of an old Scotch lady who could not abide long sermons. She was hob bling out of kirk one Sunday, when a coachman, who was waiting for his people, asked her: “Is the minister dune wi’ his mon?” “He was dude lang syne,” said the ohl lady, impatiently, “but he winna stop!”—New Brunswick Advertiser. Are You Wmix I Weakness manifests itself in the loss cf ambition and aching bones. The blood is watery: the tissues are wasting—the door is boingopetn-d for disease. A hot 0c of Browns’ ' Iron Hitlers taken in time will restore your | strength, soothe your nerves, make your blood rich nnd fed. Do you more good than an expensive special eonrse of medicine. Browns’lron Bitters is sold by all dealera- A tfoedoo for Chicken Thierrs. The timber of the scaffold on which four murderers were hanged at Ches tertown, M. IV, was afterward used in building a hen-house on ex-Sheriff Plummers farm. It is a significant fact that while other farmers in the neighborhood havt suffered from the depredations of chicken thieves, Plummer's hen house has never been robbed.—Philadelphia Record. Not ono child dies whore ten formerly , died from croup. People have learned j the value of One Minute Cough Cure ind use it for severe lung and throat j troubles. It immediately stops cough-, ing. Dr. W. A. Wright, j GENERAL PRESENTMENTS. , j We, ihe grand jury chosen and sworn for the April term 1899 of Pike superior court, desire to make the following General Presentments: We have made as thorough exami | nation of the business of the various offices of the county, as our limited 1 time would permit. ORDINARY. We find the books of the ordinary neatly and correctly kept, properly indexed and all papers pertained to that office on file as the law requires. CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. We also find the books of the clerk of the superior court correct, very explicit and fully up to the require ments of the law. , SHERIFF. The dockets and papers pertaining to the sheriff’s office we find correct and entirely satisfactory to our body. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND TREAS URER. We find the books and vouchers of the county commissioners and treasu rer coirect and well kept, together with correct vouchers for all disburse ments of the county funds for the past fiscal year to the amount of $13740.15; leaving a cash balance on ham! of $4100.00. TAX RECEIVER. We find the books of tax receiver well and neatly kept, and the duties of that officer well discharged. TAX COLLECTOR. We find also the books of the tax collector correct, and that his reports and payments have been promptly made to the satisfaction of our body. COUNTY COURT. We find the books of the county court and all the papers pertaining thereto correct and properly filed, showing the disposition of all civil and criminal business coming before that court. We commend this court to the people because of its great saving in expediting the civil and criminal business of the county. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. We have examined the public build ings and find the court house in good condition, and we approve the action of the county commissioners in re moving the tower from the center cf the court house and placing it where it now stands. The jail we find in fairly good con dition, except the sewerage pipe, which is broken down, the waste wa ter from the same wetting the floor. We recommend that the sheriff pro ceed at once to have it repaired. We find the poor farm in good con dition. We find eleven inmales there, three of whom are sick, and receiving proper attention. We believe the farm to be a necessity. COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. . We find the books and vouchers of the county school commissioner cor rect and neatly kept and his disburse ment of the school fund altogether satisfactory. We thank the county school commissioner for the valuable information furnished in his very elab orate report. We commend the board of education and the commissioner for their efficient work. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. We find the dockets of the justice of the peace and notaries public cor rect, with proper entries. We have elected E. P. Barrow no tary public and ex-officio justice peace to fill th<i vacancy created in the 592nd District G. M., by the removal of O. H. Eifsey from the county and W. A. Strickland notary public and ex-officio justice peace to fill the va cancy created in the 505th District G. M., by the resignation of J. B. Madden. TAXATION. We recommend that three and three tenths of one per cent be levied on the taxable property of the county for the present year for county purposes. We recommend that the advertising fees collected by the sheriff in the sales of real estate under tax fr fas. when the same has been advanced by the county, be returned to the county treasurer. PUBLIC ROADS. I We find the public roads in fairly good condition under our present sys tem of road working, and we direct the county commiss'oners to order the district commissioners of every district to thoroughly work and widen the pubjic roads during the summer months: also to remove all loose stones or other obstructions found on GRIPPE Grippe and influenza invariably leave the system with a bad cough. For such Dr. John W. Bull’s Cough Syrup is highly recommended. This won derftil remedy gives relief at once, conquers the worst cough overnight and soon effects a thorough cure. DtßulTs COUCH SYRUP Cures Grippe and Influenza. Doses are small nml pleasant to take. Doctor* recommend it. Price cts. At sU druggist*. of the comfort and security afforded to them by Or. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People tteadaches and backaches that come expectedly or unexpectedly are charmed away and the rich, red blood shows itself in the pink cheeks and bright eyes of those who these pills. They are not a pur gative; they give strength instead of taking it away. Wise mothers to growing girls. Be sure you get the genuine, THE DR. WILLIAMS MEDICIXE CO., Selienectadjr, X.Y. the road bed. We also direct the county commissioners to substitute in the future terracotta piping instead of lumber, for water way openings across the road bed. We direct that one thousand copies of these road instructions be printed, and have them distributed to each district commissioners, and said district commissioners to their respective 'overseers. We recommend and insist that the district commissioners of roads do re quire their overseers to pass over theirioads and remove all loose stones from the road beds at once. PENSIONING PAUPERS. We recommend that the present system of pensioning the pauyers of the county be changed in regard to the form and manner of making ap plication for pensions. We recom mend that the new form set forth that the applicant has been a resident of Pike county at least fifteen years. We think flie form ot application required by the state for the pensions to Con federate soldiers and widows is worthy of imitation by the county in this matter, and we recommend that the board of commissioners make the new form of application conform to same to such extent as they think best. We further recommend that the commissioners require the paupers already on the county to mace and submit application under the new form betore new disbursements are made. We recommend that the jail fees be reduced from $9.00 to $7-5° P er month for boarding prisoners. We commend the various officers for the efficient and faithful manner in which they have discharged the duties of their respective offices. We tender to Judge Reagan our thanks for the able charge delivered to our body, and the courtesy extend ed to us during the present term. And we thank Solicitor General Bloodworth for his kindness and the valuable aid given us in our investi gations. We recommend that these General Presentments be published in the Pike County Journal and Barnesville Gazette, and that each receive five dollars for the same. J. W. Dunbar, Foreman. R. Y. Beckham, Clerk. IB CURtS WHtKt ALL ELSE FAILS. Q ISI Best Coujth SjTup. Tastes Good, tso TZt Psl In time. Sold bT dniggists- Guaranteed. - Blenkins, said the travelling man, “can I sell you a few hundred pounds of our best brand of maple sugar this morning?” Not much, replied the grocer. “Eve got an acquaintance down in the country who supplies me with genu ine maple sugar—the real stuff.” “Would you mind telling me who he is?” “His name is Hudeleston. He lives in Camptown.” “This is some of his mample sugar in your showcase, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “Well it’s all right. It’s the real stuff. I sold it to him.” —Chicago Tribune. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or gans. If the liver be inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. “Electric Bitters” is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed Sold at W. A. Wright's Drug Store. 50c per bottle. According to the latest reports your Uncle Samuel has bitten of 'a “leetle” more than he can conven iently masticate, in the Philippine Islands. They now say that 106.- 000 soldiers will be needed to quell the insurgents. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or der by the occasional use oi Tutt’s Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. For sick headache, malaria, bil iousness, constipation and kin dred diseases, an absolute cure TUTT’S Liver PILLS Mrs. Amanda Robinson, wife of \Vm. Robinson, farmer and stockman, near Howesville, Cfay County, Ind., has for several years been in declining health and despond ent. For three months she, was so much enfeebled as to be not only unable to attend to her domestic affairs but too sick and feeble to be up and about. To-day she is in good health and able to attend her household duties. She relates her experience thus: “I was afflicted with troubles incident to my sex and was in a very delicate state of health. I lost my appetite, dwindled away in flesh, and was greatly depressed. After taking various remedies without being benefited, I was induced to try Dr. Williams’ Pink- Pills for Pale People. “ Early in the summer of 1897 I procured five boxes of them and began taking the pills as directed. Before consuming the seoond box I eould very perceptibly feel their beneficial effects. My appetite returned, com plexion improved, and I had renewed strength. After taking the five boxes I felt better in every way; I was able to do my usual daily work and I stopped taking the pilla.— From the Democrat. Brazil , Ind. A Mortgage on the Fig. The Coiambus Enquirer-Sun gives the following item, which shows con clusively how far some people will go in giving mortgages on their worldly possessions: “Among the crop mortages filed at the courthouse yesterday was one in which every article and animal in | the household and on the farm of the | person who gave the mortgage was enumerated. Among other things described, was ‘one little pig.’ This little pig will doubtless be a big hog when the paper becomes due. Some times in these paper the writers go into details. Recently a person took a mortgage on the household effects of some individual, and among the things specified was ‘one family Bi ble.’” FOR LA GRIPPE. Thomas Whitfield & Cos., 240 Wabash ave., corner Jackson st., one of Chicago’s oldest and most prominent druggists, re commend Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for la grippe, as it not only gives a prompt and complete relief, but also counteracts anv tendency of la grippe to result in pneumonia. For sale by J. H. Blackburn. ' Revenue Stamp on Kisses. The report that every husband who kisses his wife must put a revenue stamp on her is not true. The gov erment requires stamps to be used where profit occurs and makes no vain revenue laws. Stamps are only used where a man kisses other men’s wives and o.her men find it out.— Colliersville Star. For frost bite?, bums, indolent*sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially piles DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counter feit it. Its their endorsement of a good article. Wort bless goods are not imita ted. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Dr. W. A. Wright. POTATOES febL, l.Hrfpat Peed POTATO frozen In America. The**Knral New-Yorker”klvc* lltirlimt a yield f 464 bn*, per acre—ripe in day •. (tlnlotrvrfnr prlc**. Ourffifot J*ced Kook, Hi Kurin *oe! Kum?t , worth #H> toicct aotun. for j lOc. p<MtA|r . 40115 A. SALZK.asEElico..l*rroe.U.