The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, August 17, 1899, Image 3

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A Buggy Body V. haftgs perfectly nu<t evenly, rides easier and looks K. neater, when hung with the Thomas Coil Springs. Simplest, most compact, durable and economical springs ever invented. Have Y _ fcJJL- The THOMAS 111 ill COIL SPRINGS i.5 : P ut °n your old side-bar buggy or on your new buggy " e /•? lip or surrey, and you’ll double the comfort of driving. / jwj mS \ , Any carriage builder will furnish them, or you can / [.\ order from us direct. Write for descriptive circulars. The Ruffnln Sprin A bear Cos., Buffalo. New York. 1 OF INTEREST TO LADIES. With the greatest pleasure we give below an article which appeared in the South Illustrated and which tv© doubt will prove of interest to the ladies: “Prominent awong those who cast their fortunes with the progress and development ©f Atlanta; and who have gained fame and fortune witfe its growth., are Hr. W. A. and Mas. Rosa F. Momnteh, M. D. Dr. W, A. Monnish was born in southern GernKEc.y, and comes from. a family of eminent surgeons and phy sicians. Hk grandfather was a an-ottccl surgeon and physician: an uncle was court physician to the Grand Drake of Mecklenburg. His father a pn*tm inent governmer.t official. Dr. Monnish - graduated at Atlanta Medical College after which he at tended the Royal Saxon Hospital for women at Dresden, Germany, af terwards taking another full course at the New ¥crk Postgraduate Col lege and Hospital. After returning from Germany associated hitsaseh with the Private Sanitarium for Worn en, established'by Mrs. R. F. Mon nish, M. D. Plis success has been consistent with the growth of Atlanta, numbering among his patients some of its best citiaans. Mrs. Rosa F. Monnish enjoys the distinction of being the first female physician ever graduated and prac ticing in the -seuth. She graduated in 188 1, afterwards attending a spec ial course in Berlin, Germany, then taking a post-graduate course in New York. She enjoys the reputation of being the most skillful female phy sician in the treatment ol the diseas es of women, in the south. She es tablished the first private sanitarium for women in Atlanta, in 1884. Her patronage is among 'the best and most refined women in the south. This sanitarium is situated in one of the most popular and healthy sec tions of Atlanta, is an elegant three -story stone structure (as shown by cut) fitted up with all modern conven iences and is the only institute in the south where ladies exclusively are treated and under the charge of a competent, graduated experienced German Female Physician. This ihas overcome a great obstacle, as ihe most modest young ladies will not feel the least hesitancy to consult with and be treated h.y one of their sex, which meets with the ap proval of all refined and imodest wom en who naturally object to come in contact with all classes and sexes commnonly met with in so-called private infirmaries. Patients remaining in the sanita rium receive separate rooiaas and have the strictest privacy combined with pleasant refined surroundings and all the comforts of a quiet home. A branch office for the treatment ot diseases of women, diseases of the skin and nervous system, in charge ot Dr. W. A. Monnish, is located in the Chamberlin—Johnson Building cor ner Whitehall and Hunter Sts.. Ladies requiring the services ot the above physicians can address or consult them at No. 3 Church St. from 9 am, to 6 pm, all their cor respondence and consultation is treated strictly confidental. POSITIONS KE.MS.K3 * vull ivUU wcure d, or will accept notes. Cheap board. Car fare paid. No vacation, hater any time. Open for both sexes. DRAUGHON'S S? //A PRACTICAL BUSINESS^ Nashville, Tenn. t Savannah, Ga. Galveston, Tex. NK Texarkana, Tex. Indorsed by merchant* and bank*™. JTi’jee months'bookkeeping wltb us equals ix, elsewhere. AH commercial branches taught. n " Home Study Course.” address‘•.W-'tmeat A, ■For college catalogue, wldrcw ** Dcpmlhwd* ADlllii iMSr’ SlriUlWsar-Jaa*: Uhhih h.m.wooi.lky, md, jWum im j> tttot nw BISMfIRGK. In his ‘“Throne Makers,” a book of ‘“portraits” of great men. Mr. Willtam Roscoe Thayer lias this to say afeout Bismarck and his work: “The magnitude of his w*3rk no man can dispote. Few centuries Eu rope awaited the unif.cation of Germ any as a necessary step in the'organic growth of both. Feudalism was the principle 'which bound Christendom together daring the Middle Age; af terwards, the dynastic principle oper ated to blend peoples into nations; finally, ip. our tine, the grrinciple of nationality has accomplished what neither (feudalism nor dynasties could -accomplish, the attainment of Ger j (many unity. In type, Bismarck be ! longs in’the Charlemagoes, the Crom wells, the Napoleons-- but, unlike •them, he wrought to found no king dom (for himself; from first to last fee was-content to be the servant oftfee monarch whom he ruled. Asa states ■man, he-possessed ir equal ntixfisßC •the-pualities of lion and of fox, which Machiavelli long ago declared imdlis pervsable to a Prince. He had mo scruples. What fcenefitted Prussia and his -K ing was tc him moral, lew (ful, desir-ahie; to them he was iSe?.i Dlvy loyal; Tor them he would suffer .papular -edium or incur personal •tlamger. ‘•But whoever opposed them wasito tbim an-enemy, tc be overcome fey ipersuasion, craft or force. We .<6is ,-oern in his conduct toward enemies mo more regard for than in -that of a Mohawk sachem toward (his Huron'fee. He might spare thorn, iWt from motives of policy; he might (persecute them, not to gratify a thirst for cruilty, but because he deemed -persecution the proper instrument in that case. His justification would fee that it was right that Prussia and Germany should be the first rank in Europe. The world never saw it was a field in which nations main tained a pitiless stuggle for existence, and the -strongest survived; to make fcis nation the strongest was, he con ceived, his highest duty. “He would have all Germany bound by rigid laws, but he would not be bound by them himself. He encour aged kis countrymen’s passion for conventionality and tradition, but re mained the most unconventional of men. Whatever might complete the conversion of Germany into a vast machine he fostered by every art; but he, the engineer who held the throttle* was no machine.*’ A CLEVER TRICK. It certainly looks like it, but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to the Liver and Kidneys, is a blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipation, Head ache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vege table, a mild laxative, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c abot tle at W. A. Wright's Drug Store. The Eiftel Tower is being put in readiness for the exposition. It is to be given a coat of enamel paint in five shades, graduated, from lemon chrome on the summit to deep orange on the pedestal. Two coats will be applied, for wh’ch nearly fifty tons Oi enamel will be required. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64 page book let which will be sent Free for a short time to those who mention this paper. This book is published by the cele brated physicians and specialists— Dr. Hathaway & Cos., of Atlanta,Ga., whom you should address. W rite today. An Indian Bridal Pair. Once I saw a pretty thing, a young I bride of the Kickapoos, on a sort of a wedding trip. She was tall and slight, and—so closely do the mem bers of a tribe resemble one another —she looked like the twin sister of her young husband. At first they were accompanied by " stout old chief, but he left after circus day. It is odd to see an Indian chief patron ize the peanut and lemonade stands and sit unmoved at the performance, and yet stand enthralled before the cages of animals . unknown on his native praries. The bride and bride groom spent three or four days in the town, wandering about as uncon sciously as Adam and Five in the gar den. The man was alread y masterful and protecting, the -girl, shy and sub servient. Day after-day they walked hand in hand, looking at everything, peoj&e, shops, 'cattle, but never speaking to anyone, never even to eacfc other, yet deeply content in the corrsciousness of companionship. They were a living example of the happiness -of “Simplicity, and while tfeey stayed in the hustling'town made n*any a civilized man end woman Chink of how far their own conduct as wives and husbands fell short of the standard of this unconscious Indian pair.—Amsleeb Magazine. |T £ niV.PV Is a deceptive j VIL/lxlu I disease, thov.-] TROUBLE s 7', s * and don t know i 'it. If .'you want quick results you •can maike nc 'mistake bv’ using Dr. Kilmer’s 'Bwump Root the great kid ney remedy. At druggists in fifty ■ Gent Hind doKar sizes. Sample bottle fey mail'free, also pamphlet telling 'you how 'to ffind out if you have kid ney trouble. Address T)r. Ril'tuer & Cos., Bing iharapton, 11. ¥., Some-sorap of a childish song tali •often been a truer alms than all the benevolent societies could give. This •is the best missionary, knowing when she may knock at the door of the ■most cwmiudgeoniy hearts, without •being turned avnty unheard. For 'poesy is love’s chosen apostle, and 'the very almoner ot God. She is the home of the eut-cast, and the wealth •of the needy.—Lowell. It is not alone what we do, but al -so wtiat we de not do, for which we are accountable.—Moliere. Bicyclists, base ball and foot ball teams will find Dr. Tichenor's Anti septic the very thing they “need in their business” when the race is end ed and the game is finished. F'or Sore muscles, Bruises, Sprains, etc., ■it is O. K., and “don’t you forget it.’’ Clean and pleasant as perfume and costs only 50c. Uncle Sill’s Ideas. Haste makes waste and too much waist makes people slow. Sometimes a man finds out that his better half is a counterfeit. The reluctance of servants to work in the suburbs one of their shortcomings. Some men will <£ ten dollars worth of hard work thinking of schemes to avoid earning an honest fifty-cent piece. Better have a good medicine and not need it than to need it and nof| have it. See? Then just before you j get hurt, buy a bottle of Dr. Tiche- j nor’s Antiseptic. It is a record break er for Wounds, Burns, Bruises, Scalds, etc., tor man and beast. 50c. a bottle at all drug stores. A John Allen Joke. No man in congress has a keener sense of humor than John Allen of Mississippi, who for various reasons has been much in the public eye during the past few months. Not long ago, in the midst of a very interesting speech, a member on the other side of the chamber asked: “May I interrupt the gentleman from Mississippi for a moment?” “Is it for applause?” queried Mr. Allen. “The gentleman from Missis sippi allows no interruptions except for applause.” In idleness there is perputal despair —Carlyle. Kdaeate Tear B<*wela With Cmcamh. Candy Cathartic, cure conßtipatioa forever. 10c, nc. UC.C. C. fail, druggitts refund mosey. Porter Asked For Clieck. A good story is told by the Denver contingent in this city on one of their j number who got rich suddenly by a ! lucky strike in the mines, says the Washington Pest. This ready-made Croesus had never ridden in a Pull-j man car, but be had heard all about the avaricious porter and his capacity for tips. He rolled into his berth on his first journey with his pockets creaking with greenbacks and his trousers laden with silver dollars. ! Along about dawn he was wakened by the porter, who held out his hand and said something about wanting a check. “•Money'll do just as well I reck on,'* said the capitalist. “You don't think I'm going to turn you over my bank account, do you?” He reached over in his narrow couch and extracted a handful of good round cartwheels from the pockets of his trousers and dropped them jingling one by one into the outstretched palm of the African. When lie had depos ited ten he thought he had done the square thing, but the porter did not tell him to stay his hand. “Look here," exclaimed the mine operator, “you must lie a hog, all right. I'd rather have your job than be president of the United States if you hold 'enn all up this way.” “Foh de Lawd's sake, boss,” ex claimed tfee Pullman autocrat, his eyes bulging out like tine cork of a champagne bottle, “Ah—All didn’t call foh no money. Ah axe 1 foh yo‘ berth check.” But he got the money to keep his mouth shirt. FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from a cold settled on tlw* breast, bronchitis, throat or Imm Troubles of any nature, who will cull at tollh 11. Blackburn's, will lie presented with a sample bottle of Boscliee’s Ger man Syrup,free of charge. Only one bottle given to one person, and none to children without order from parents. No throat or lung remedy eve: had such * salle as Kosehee’s German Syrup in all parts of the •civiltecd world. Twen ty years ago millions of bottles were given away, and your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. It is really the only throat and lung remedy generally endorsed by physicians. One To cent bottle will cure or prove its value Sold by dealers in all civilized countries HOW DO YOU FEEL? Are You Nervous? Do You Feel Stupid ? i IF SO TAKE A DRINK OF it is Delightful, Refreshing— Cures Heodache and Quiets the Nerves A splendid nerve tonic and cures that “tired feeling.” Get rid of that exhaustion by taking a glass. For sale at all soda founts; only 5 cents a glass. Try it. i t Dispensed in Barnesvillc at the founts of J. H. BLACKBURN, W. C- JORDAN & BRO., W- A.WRIGHT Wit, like every other power, has its boundaries. Its success depends on the aptitude of others to receive impressions; and that as some bodies, indissoluble by heat, can set the fur nace and crucible at defiance, there are minds upon which the rays of fancy may be pointed without effect, and which no fire of sentiment can agitate or exalt.—Johnson. Oh, it is the saddest of all things that even one human soul should dimly perceive the beauty that is ever around 11s, “a perpetual benediction!'* Nature, that great missionary of the Most High, preaches to us forever in all tones of love, and writes truth in alj colors; on manuscripts illuminated with stars and flowers.—Mrs. L. M. Child. A kind heart is a fountain of glad ness, making everything in its vicinity to freshen into smiles.—Washington Irving. AMERICA’S REPRESEN TATIVH FASHION MAGAZINE 44****44*<***i6£ r -A <, *** THE DESIGNER Published flonthly WITH HANDSOME COLORED PLATES. ALSO ILLUSTRATES THE CELEBRATED ~ —, Standard Patterns The only reliable patterns, because they allow seams. Subscription Price: SI.OO a year. 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal cash commission. Write for sample copy and terms to Subscrip tion Department, THE DESIGNER, 3a West 14th St., New York City. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from I*yspepd% Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A pec. feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drovrsi. ness, Ilad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tonguo Tain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. The* Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetables Small Pill. Small Do&e* Small Price. The war department has made public its first complete statement of customs transaction with the several ports of Porto Rico for the first six months of 1899. The receipts from i all sources for the six months named by the custom authorities are $746,- 742, San Juan furnishing $541,022 and Ponce $252,500. buck lkn s arnica salve: The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever S6res, Tetter, Chapped Hands- Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box for sale by W. A. Wright. Yellow fever has’broken out at the National Soldiers’ Home near Hamp ton, Va., and several deaths have re sulted. Rigid quarantine regulations have been established at the home and Surgeon General Wyman has sent his best men there and every possible means will be used to con fine it there and check its ravages. Bentity Ih Blooii UfOp. Clour) blood menus :i clean wit in. No beauty without it. (.'asenrets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimpled, boils, blotebea. blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking CuscnretH, - beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 26c.50c.