The Barnesville gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 187?-189?, August 17, 1899, Image 7

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"" rilfWl UshTßStl table Preparation for As similatmg lliePood and Regula ting the Stomachs and.Bov.els of —' ■ ■' ■ • ■ Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral, 2sot Narcotic. V Old DrSAMUELFffIZBEIt Pumpkin Se*tL~ Senna * PoeAtUf Sails - . Anise Seed * Ppperrrdnt - Ih Curd onatt Soda * f term Seed - Sugar . ; bhfryn*n Flavor. y A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of new Stork. • l EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. CASH STORE. SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. J. W. HIGHTOWER, HARDWARE, Stoves and Tinware, Apiltnral Implemsnts, Bellini Carriage Material, Cutlery, House iMiii Goods, Gobs. Pistols, AmciitiOD, Etc. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. My store is headquarters fcr all kinds of Farming Imple> I menis such as Plow Stocks, Cotton Planters , Plows , Chains , Collars, Backhands , Lines and almost everything needed by the farmer. House Furnishing Goods. I carry complete lines of Cooking and Heating Stoves , Til v ware, Wocdenware , Crockery , Cutlery , Silverware. Eiectrie Liglt and Waterworks Fiitnres. Call to see my stock , examine my goods , anof gre' prices, l will appreciate the patronage of the people. J. W. HIGHTOWER, BARSESVILLE. GEORGIA. The Barnesville Planing Mills HAVE JUST RECEIVED^ 50000 Feet Nice Kiln Dried Ceiling ,2* •L 50000 “ “ “ “ Flooring.^jp m Yard full of boards and framing. M 11/ Side track blocked with Shingles. Have Lime, Brick, Laths, and all kinds of Builders’ Sup plies We are headquarters for Paints and Glass, of which we always have a FULL STOCK, and can supply your wants on short notice. No trouble to make estimates and will gladly give any information in the construction ol anything in wood. Turner & Prout cm For Infa-rH oml Children. The Kir-ii Ymi Haifa Always Bough! _ 0 Bears the 0 * Signature /))[ \i“ ° f # (V Jr* The in/ Kind U* You Have Always Bought. CASTORIA THE CtNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. THE HONORHBE WOMAN. A man says that women have not as nice a sense of honor as men. “Oh," exclaims the woman who re • jects everything that is said of her ! sex except that which is flattering, no matter whether it is all true or not. This woman lias been spoiled—yes, she has. She knows her little short comings and when she finds the stern er sex winking at them just because, poor fellows, they have been taught to believe this gallant —she just smiles at her reflection in the looking glass and nods to it and thinks, if she doesn't say it, “you are a clever little woman to get your own way as you always do.’’ The Man says that he bases his as sertion that women have not as nice a sense of honor as men on the fact that they' are willing to shut their eyes to a lot of little personal obliga tions, particularly in money matters, that should be promptly and squarely met. Since the Man has said this and therefore, somewhat disturbed my old-time notion that women are at all times honorable in all things, I have looked for the woman who shirks her obligations, and thinks she has a right to, and— I have found her. This woman that I have discovered throws bills, when they come, into the corner of her desk and there they lie—well, until she is forced to look into the envelopes, find out which is which, and pay them. Now, do not think that this woman is foolishly ex travagant or purposely dishonorable. She simply does not acknowledge the fact, if she thinks of it at all, that the shopkeeper must pay his bills or go out of business, that he may spend sleepless nights because folks do not pay him, and so he cannot meet the demands for rent, and supplies and all the rest. This woman that I know, and perhaps you know her quite as well as I do, being in com fortable circumstances, keeping up a well-appointed home, and all that sort of thing, is regarded by the shop keepers as a desirable patron, and one that they do not care to trouble too much about the prompt settle ment of accounts for fear of losing hers and others’ patronage. Then there is the dressmaker, and the laundress and others, who toil for lit.tle and know before that little is earned just how it must be spent, and these are often neglected. not meant by the woman who puts ofl the settlement of their bills to defraud them. 1 tear me, no! She just waits until it suits her conven ience to pay them, and often, you know, she will wax quite indignant wi en a modest request comes that the bill be paid because the work woman is in need of her hire. Maybe the little seamstress has busily stitch ed on a ruffled frock all week with the thought that when it was deliver ed Friday night she would collect her money, invest at least a part of it Sat urday in a bewitching little hat and go on that delightful outing that she had promised herself for a long while. Without the new hat she would not be able to go, for the bit of straw and flowers she bought early in the spring by summer’s end is sadly faded. The woman receives' her beruftled dress on Friday, as the little seamstress agreed she should, so that she might wear it to a lawn fete Saturday, and sends word that she will be “sure to settle for it Monday.” Monday comes and she forgets about the bill. The little seamstress knows the woman has several more frocks to be made, and consequently hesitates to ask for the dollars that are due her. Now, it doesn't matter in the least whether a man is as prone to neglect his tailor bills. lam not trying to prove that men are more honorable than women. Simply because a man has said they are not as honorable has put me to spying out the little things that have given rise to his sus picions. There is a good old rule that many i a house keeping and home-making woman sticks faithfully to, and it is that nothing is ordered until there is ; a certainty that it can be paid for | with exact promptitude. A woman i who sticks to this rule, and teaches her daughters to do the same, has . missed many a shoal in her domestic J sea, has gained her husband s confi dence in household ironey matters, Be Careful No woman can be too careful of her condition during the period be fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall bo made comparatively easy. She had better' do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are xadi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs—they endanger life. Mother's Friend helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally—re lieves morning sickness—removes the cause of nervousness and head ache— prevents hard and rising breasts —shortens labor and lessens the pains—and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman: “I have been using your wonderful remedy, Mother’s Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as recommended,” DruggUts Mil It at $1 per bottle. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. Send for our free illustrated book, “ Before Baby is Horn.” and her daughters will do likewise when the lines of household manage ment fall into their hands. A part of the schooling of the coming woman should be the prompt meeting of small as well as large obligations. DeVVitt’s Little Early Risers benfit permanently. They lend gentle as sistance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing con stipation and liver ailments. Dr. VV. A. Wright, L H. Holmes, Barnesville. Milner. Aphorisms. Christianty is the highest perfection of humanity.—Johnson. Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtures—Confucius. Adversity borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience.—Bishop Horne. To what deep gulfs a single devia tion from the track of human duties leads.—Byron. I hardly know so true a mark of a litttle mind as the servile imitation of others.—Greville. It is not the place nor the condi tion, but that alone that can make any one happy or miserable, —J/Es- trange. HEAD ACHE “Motli my wild and ill y-cl I Rave been lining CA.SC A RETS and they are the best medicine we have ever had In the house. Last week my wlfo wax frantic with headache for twodayn. she ti led some of yoiirCASCAKETS, and they relieved the pain In her head almost Immediately. We both recommend Cascarets ' CIIAS. STKIiKFOKI), PlttsburK Safe Si Deposit Cos., Pittsburg, Pa. CATHARTIC toocw TRADE MARK HCOI9TVRCD Pleasant. Pnlatahlr*. potent. Taste Good. 1)0 Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. ](k:, 26c*. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling lltmedy lompnny, I'liieagw, Montreal, Kew York. 317 UA Tfl CAP Hold and ffuuranteed by all drtjtf llU* I U"DAb gihts to I JIK Tobacco Habit. ■ ■■■■■■■■■ I h.^m Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.—Horace Mann. Who has a daring eye tells down right truths and downright lies.— Lavater. Zeal is very blind, or badly regulat ed, when it encroaches upon the rights of others.— Pasquier Quesnel. George—You misunderstand me, Mrs. Motherly. I have always thought of it so seriously that I arn still a bachelor. —Somerville Journal. The world has not yet learned the riches of frugality.—Cicero. < ; Gun-shot wounds and powder burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insect stings and ivy poi soning,—quickly healed by DeVVitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Positvely p*e vents blood poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. “DeVVitt’s” is sake and surf. Dr. VV. A. Wright, L. H. Holmes, Barnesville. ■ Milner. COMMISSIONERS' REPORT. Board Commissioners met in tegu lar session Ai<g. 1, 1899. Present, Hons. IV. CAJenkins and J. L. Coggin. The following bills were approved and ordered paid: W. L. Stallings L. C. bringing prisoner to jail,Stella Fletch er $ 1.90 I W. 1,. Statlings 1,. C. bringing prisoners to jail, Jeff Jack son and Jno. Smith 3.85 Jno. Martin board Jones Black 2 weeks 3.00 Taylor Weldin rtpairing bridge 1.00 FI. M. Eppenger lumber for Molena district and fixing bridge 10.82 Maddux & Son suit of clothes for Jones Black, pauper.... 6.50 B. J. Milner repairing bridge Milner dist 6.15 Asa Waller 222 feet lumber 2nd dist 2.22 J. T. Bevil hauling lumber 2nd dist 2.50 VV. H. Newton & Cos. lumber Ist dist .70 W. 1). Davis & Bro. 6 picks and handles 3.60 VV. J. Franklin medicine co. farm 4.69 M. G. Harrison medicine,co. farm 3.05 Sullivan Slade & Cos. medicine co. farm 2.85 \V. J. Franklin medicine co. Zebulon dist 50 R. H. Yarbrough 4 bushels meal co. farm 2.60 C. P. Jones regular services co. farm 10.00 I. Roberts ditching Eppen gers dist 3.60 Alex Eppengers ditching Zeb ulon dist 7.00 J. H. Milner sheriff jail fees... 80.35 J. H. Milner waiting on co. court 4.00 J. H. Milner summoning jury. 3.00 Randall Rivers wife pauper pension 8 00 Mrs. Mary Moote pauper pen sion 8.00 C. T. Sawley bringing prisoner to jail, Luther Holmes.... 1.35 Floyd Slade attending ram... 1.00 Susan Wood pauper pension,.. 8.00 J. VV. Blade lumber Eppengers dist 8.92 J. L. Coggin regular and extra 24.00 Mathews & Adams lumber tor Meansville dist 7.73 J. H. Milner jailer washing blankets 1.50 I. J. Howell L. C. bringing prisoner to jail, G. W. Eu bank 1.65 Jno, Mangham keeping court- * house 6.00 Petition was received asking that Angeline Collier be placed on.patip .r list. Board ordered that William Waller, Willis Bussey and Theo Franklin be appointed commissioners to investigate her condition and re port at next meeting. Board ordered that the county tax rate for 1899 be and is hereby fixed at .005 or $5 per thousand. VV. C. Jenkins, > ~ , . ,? r Com. J. L. Coggin. j Chas. R. Gwyn, Clerk. * DeVVitt’s Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accu mulations, regulate the stomach, bow els and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melancholy, and give health and vigor for the daily routine. Do not gripe or sicken. Dr. VV. A. Wright, L. 11. Holmes, Barnesville. Milner. He who is sincere hath the easiest j task in the world, foi, truth being always consistent with itselt, he is put to no trouble about his words and actions; it is like traveling in. a plain road, which is sure to bring you to your journey’s end better than byways, in which many lose them-, selves.—J. Beaumont. God hath yoked to guilt her pale j tormentor, misery.—Bryant. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Pitts’ Carminative Aids Digestion,. Regulates the Bowels, Cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Teething Children, And all diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. It is pleasant to the taste and NEVER FAILS to give satisfaction. A Few Doses will Demonstrate its Superlative Virtues. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I POPE HDGDLEY, MJ. BARNESVILLE, GA, * Office hours, 10-11 a. m., 2-4 p. m. Phone, Office 57, Kes. 10. lluguley Building, JOHN M. ANDERSON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Barnesville. Ga. Office in Holmes' Imlldinc, over Roush Usenet Residence at Mrs. Connsllj’s on Forsyth Street. Calls |>roroptiy attended day or night in the city or country. A Pierce Kemp, M. D., GENERAL PRACTITIONER. ttSUOftice over Chambers Drug Store. Office 'phone 44. Residence Thomaston st., phone sr. 88. FRANCES McCANDLISS. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. OFFICE HOCKSI) a. m. to 11a.m.; ;i p. m. to 4 p. m.; 7p. m. to Bp. in. Residence and office at the (.'apt. IC. J. Murphey place. I’HONE; 20, W. B. SMITH, F. D. FINEST FUNERAL CAR IN GEORGIA. EXPERIENCED EMBALM HRS. ODORLESS EMBALMING FLUID W. B. SMITH, Leading \ Undertaker BARNESVILLE GA. Georp ff, Man, barber. Children's Hair Cutting A Specialty. Dyeing and Shampooing, Good Razors, Clean Linen. Twenty years at the business. Artistic taste. Call and see me. Next door to Post Office. GEORGE W. JORDAN. The Barber. St Germain -Female Fills The only original and genuine F’rench- Female Regular, of Mine. St. Ger main, Paris. Unsurpassed as being safe, sure and reliable in every' case. Sold under positive guarantee of money refunded. Get the genuine. Price si.oo per box by mail. Sol, Agents for the United States and Canada. KING IIA R VA RI) CO, Washington ist, Chicago. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificially digests the food arid aid 9 Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgla,Cramps, ana all other results of Imperfect and igestion. Prepared by E. C. DeWltt A Cos., Chicago, I>k. VV. A. Wright, Barnesville. L. Holmes, Milner. i^nAßii COUGH-CROUP expectorant tho Throat, Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. —a positive Specific fob Cboop. It rests with you whether you continue n. rv. K liiwitf t,,hn habit. mHHi r< fii'< v.-, t l. ; desire for toluco, w 1 f [Vff iJa ngSlKi out nervousUintresn. ex pt-ta 1 fi | MRT tine, purifies the blood, M m k ■tor*-* lost manhood,-^Tsi m I boxes makes you strong . |B I 400,000 in health, kj ft cured. Buy and |VnOTOBAC front book. own druggist, who ** man vouch for us. Take it with rEf will, patiently, persistently. On® usually cures; 3 boxes. $2 60, to cure, or we refund money. Starling ilrwedj La.. Chicago, Soot real, flew f or** JO.UJ -jj B)I *** HnnwiW U K 'AdTioo/WWa :o hi Ki-'i-anii-Hi ill A ■ fi Jl'd JO No,>;| ttlTld mo Ml I I I ■ ■ -HR.* -uiiod :h 0,-ijii.i WTm I 6 JfT U wrfu ashuum. t?“v IllllUS Is Highly Recom mended for CouoHS, Colds, Hoarseness, Souk Throat, Aeon* CHITIS, A tj TII M A, Whoopino Codoh. and All Diseases of