The Weekly gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1868-186?, November 19, 1868, Image 4

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Agricultural This important department of the (J \zkttk, the proprietors desire to make >.9 valuable and interesting a3 possible. We will take great pleasure in publishing any communication that mav he sent ns <m this subject. Our t n ,ners can give and gain a great deal of information if they will only deter mine to do so. lie that causes two ears of corn, or two blades of grass, to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, will deserve belter of mankind, and do more essential service to liis country, than the whole race of politicians put together. From tbe Ma lison A i r. Farmer’s State Convention at 31 aeon. Eatcst n, October 23, IS6B. Pe. uant to an invitation of the Execu five Committee of the Putmm County Agricultural Club, a meeting of the farm ers in attendance upon the Fair at Eaton ton was held in the Court House this daji for the purpose of discussing agricultural topics. The subject of labor and contracts was taken up and thoroughly discussed by lion. B. T. Harris, of Hancock; Cos . R. H, Ward, of Greene; Col. R. Jourdan, of Jas per; Col. H. f). Capers, of Putnam ; and 13. II True, of Morgan. The combined experiences and opinions of these gentle men went to prove that the present system of labor is a failure, and if * listed in will eventually ruin the country. All fa vored a plan of immigration. On motion, an immigration society, for the evening, was formed by calling Dr. J. T. Etheudge, of E - tonton, to }he Chair and electing B. 11. True, of Morgan, Sec retary. On motion the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WiiEttEAS, The agricultural interests of the State are suffering by the disorganiza tion of the labor system, by the absence <f working capital to reclaim the land and Introduce labor-saving machinery, for the want of skilled labor and actual settlers to buy m! improve our surplus lands ; There*, fore be it Resolved, That, with a view to meet these paessing demands, each county in the State he requested to pend one delegate to a Convention of farmers to be hel l in the city of Macon on the second Wednesday in December next, for the purpose of organizing a State I'm migration Association, the object of which shall bo to encourage immigra tion in such ways as the Association may deem expedient. Resolved. That the entire Press of the State be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting, and re. commend a general attendance of all who are friendly to the objects of the Convention. Ou motion, a committee of three was i ppointod by the chair, composed oi Harris, of Hancock, Capers, of Putnam, and True, ot Morgan, to pre pare ai: address to the people of Geor gia, on the subject of immigration. On motion, the President of the ■•dub was directed to apply to our res pective railroad companies for a free pis3 for one delegate to the State Convention from each county in the State. On motion, the meeting adjourned. J. I. DIIIERIDGE, Cbrn’n. B H. Tri e, Sec'y How lo make Hogs Fat. Hogs well fed and kept clean will itten rapidly. If tiue economy be consulted, tbo grain will be ground air! cooked. Hogs have good appe n is and a powerful digestive appa ratus. It. is a well known fact that the appetite will fail long before the !l, ' s ' hility to digest well is impaired by sobering. Though swine in thin ' il ‘- sli iatfen very rapidly, fat hogs in creas l in wmahf <d G -c..*,., fc icauy to the disappointment of their feeders, l ids i. s due usually to the failure ol the ippetite, an 1 in the case we want hogs ci v fat, we seek to remedy the diffi i ulty by varying the food and stimu lating a desire to eat, in various ways ceding little and often, in order to m ke the animals eat as much as pos sible- A good story was lately told ,:s (and several neighbors who year af<* ier year, vied with ono another in try i: g to produce the fattest hog, each aking a pig from the same litter, or vU some way starting fair and square with pigs ot the same age and size, nnd doing his best to make it as fat as 1" : : -k!e before Christinas. One farm er invariably beat the others out and out, so thoroughly tliat his good luck < ou: J not be accounted for as acciden al. The secret lie kept to himself, out being watched by someone deter .c.ii.- dto find out, the discovery was 1,! * e t:ia l jealousy is a grand appeti .ei for Jioga. First, the pet monster was allowed to fill himeelf to his heart's Cl n * on C fl nd, when his appetite was sati.-fied, a hall-starved shoat was let into the pen by a side door. The fat one would at once begin to fight it off, nod meanwhile, to gorge bimself, sim ply i° prevent the poor, squealing Mctim ot unsatisfied cravings getting any food. I his was a daily programme, and the result was as "stated. The fact is worth bearing in mind, for in preparing hogs for exhibition, or for t ne irason, we are often desirous of expediting the fatning process. I American Agriculturalist. Place for the Pig-Sty.—Desira ble as it is to have the pen within easy 1 < a from the Kitchen, it is yet a bar barous custom to Lave it so near that if - noisas and offensive smelis wii! pen etrate the house. Wherever it is, there should be a good walk provided lor convenience in carrying 1 0|)8 to it. i Nor should it be too close to the horse stable, There is a foolish notion abroad that a horse-stall next to a psn is hurt ful to the pigs, especially to breeding sows. The otily conceivable harm would be to the horse and his master, arising from the foul smell of the hogs. Common sense says, let the pig-sty be arranged on one side of the barnyard, so as to allow the pig manure to be mixed with that of the horse and cow as they severally accumulate. Oue apartment of the pen should open in to the yard, so as to allow the hogs to run out and work over the horse ma nuie, and to feed on such grain as they may find among it. The pig-pen should, of course, have its sleeping room well provided with straw, and the whole < > ablishtnent should be kept clem. Ru>al American. Tofficial.l PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. Whereas, It is reported by reliable citizens from many counties of the State, that prepara tions are being made to collect onerous taxes levied under authority of the Constitution ol Eighteen hundred and sixty five (1865,) and tailin'; lo collect, to apply the provisions of the present Constitution, and thereby exclude man citizens Irorn the privilege of voting. Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock. Governor and Coinmander-in-Cluef of the Army and Navy of the State of Georgia, and the Militia thereof, by virtue of the authority in me in vested by the Seventieth (70) section of the Code ot Georgia, do hereby suspend the col lection o| all poll taxes until the next regular session of the General Assembly of this State, and of this suspension the Comptroller General will forthwith give notice to the Tax Collectors of ihe severl counties. Given under my hand and the Great Seal ol the State at the Capitol, in the city of Atlanta, this twentieth day ol October, in the year ol our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety third. Rufus B. Bullock, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Dotting, Secretary of State. Comptroller Genl’s Office, | Atlanta, Ga., o<-t. 27, IS6B- ] To Tax Collectors of th p State of Georgia * In co urn ity witn tii ah- e piuclai i tion by his i’ixc t en ;y the Governo of the Su ie of Georgia, you aae hereby direc e I to sus end the collection of ell poll taxes, n our rr pec tive coumug, until the next i< * ular session ol the General A sernbly of ibis State. Respectfully, Mai>is< n Bei l. Comptrolh r General. ands papers in the State wi | copy six times and s ei ,and bills to Executive Office, with copies ol p> n r? containing this proclamation. cc.a? 6t. THE BALTIMORE HOUSE Keeps the NICEST DRESS GOODS, The PRETTIEST CALICO, The best JEANS AND CASSIMERE, THE CHEAPEST CLOTHING , The Neatest Hats, Boots and Shoes. So call next door to the HOTEL And get supplied for the Lea;t Money. JONN M. TURNER oct29 —6 m L.P. HUDSON. CABIMT SHOP. FURAITLRE OF ALL KINDS 6)nd door above Livery Stable. All orders ex feruled with neatness and dispatch, oc 22—tl. POWELL A IILCit/LEY ARE now receiving direct from New York the largest and best assorted stock of Merchandise ever brought to Barnesville. Nobody on Dky Land can undersell them. They stand ready to prove what they say. Try them. oct22—‘.f Parmer’s Almanac. For 1869. WE shall issue our Almanac about the 15th of October and solicit orders. Ihe calculations are upon the Greek Pi.av, and are made by Thomas P. Asii- Muke, Em]., of Lincolnton, Georgia. It will contain besides the regular As tronomical Calculations—much valuable matter, suoh as Agricultural and Garden ing Hints, Statistics, etc., etc. Price per single gross, SI,OO. Five gross with im print on first page, and half page on back for advertisement 1 1 $3.50 per gross. Ten gross or more, with imprint and one pa"e fer advertisement at $3.00 per gross. Or der early before the pressure commences- Address J. W. BURKE & CO., Macon, Ga. TO ADVERTISERS. j The Farmer’s Almanac has an immense | circulation, from 60 to 100,000 annually aod is a good adveitising medium We will take a few first class advertisements; lf .P a^ e ’ 60 00 ! A age ’ 35 00 inis Aananac circulates extensively in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, and the Caro linas; fehall take but few. Address J. VV. BURKE & CO.. novl2 ~ tf Macon, Ga. for sale ‘° P /' ce * 260 - Coat at A1 - CiU'Yn ’ As I desire to use A Hums’ Cotton Screw. £. <j 10l T JND J. A. HUNT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BARNESVILLE, GA. WILL practice in the counties comprising Lie Flint Judicial ciieua and in the Su preme C irt ot the State. Office over Drug Store of J. W. Hightower. oci22—ly CHEAP ram now receiving the largest lot of Confcc Lotteries, Groceries and Fancy articles evei irought to this town, consisting of Candies Vuts, Pickles, Sardines, Oysters, Crackers. Jbeese, Soda, Peppar, Spice, Ginger, Tobacco tnutt, Cigars, Indigo, Madder, and also a com o -te assortment of Dry Goods, Boots am ihoee, llats, Caps, Yankee notions, stg., &c Also a lot of those cheap Horse Collars >0 , is , eacb. Ken,ember as you pass the Cheap Cash Stori fou an sleeping over your interest. JOHN B. GARDNER. 0c122—3 m J & W' H. WOODS DEALERS in Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, with a general stock of Groceries always on hand to the retail trade, cheap lo cash, or in exchange for country produce. Scrap Irons, and sll kinds of Pot Metal. • k ,or o her wise worthless, taken in ex h for g -ta Glean Rags bought at ai imes at this house. Oct. 22. 3m. ~T. M. JONES, WITH F. W. SIMS & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants. Savannah, G i oct22—3m READ THIS. \NY PERSON desiring to buy pure blood .or half breed Chester White Pigs, can do so by calling on'tfte subscriber, five miles south ol Barnesville on the Culloden Road. MORGAN G. HOWARD. oct22 —3m GUN-SMITHING DONE at short rota , In the most appjov ed style, at the low st cash prices. Shop up-stairs over Dickey & Dumas' Carriage Shop, Barnesvill fii Special attention paid to repairing Sewing Machines. All work war ranted. DAVID HIGGINS. oct22—3m VA RI El YS HOP John W. Waterhouse, MANUFAC I CJRER of Sash, Blinds and Doors, at Dumas and Dickey's old stand, Furniture madeand repaired with dispatch! Also Coffins made to or der. ocik2—ly Dr. g. m. McDowell WILL CONTINUE in the practice of his profession. OFFICE at J. W. Hightower’s Drugstore oct22, —ly JOHN T. CHAMBERS RESTALBANT and Fancy Confectionery, Oysters. Game and Fish, respectfully in forme the public that he has opened a Confec tionery and Toy shop in the building adjoining the Livery Stable on Thomaston street, where he would be pleased to serve his friends and the public generally, Meals served at all hours of theday and night, at 50c. each; Also all kind of Tropical and Northern Fruits. ct 2- 3m PROJDCJCJE AND GROCERIES. THE undeisigned will continue to keep on hand a good stock of Produce a>d Groce ries, consisting of Corn. Seed Oats, Barley and Lye, Bacon, Sugar, Coflee, Molasses, Syrup, Cheese, Mackerel, and a variety of articles too tedious to mentmn am ’ 1 jVr. JENKINS & CO. oct22— 6m WATCHES! WATCHES! IE you want to buy a nevr watch JfVa or have s’ our o,(i onft unde as good as new. go to O. S. HIGGINS’ Jewelry Shop, Sign of the Big Watch, at the well know'n stand of Powell & Huguleye corner of Thom— aston A Zebu lon-streets, Baraesville.Ga. oci22— tf vv. p. TYLER RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public that in connection with Dry Goods, Notions, & c. f he keeps on hand a c-ood supply of MILLINERY. Mrs. Ttlkr will be pleased to atteud to all orders in that line. Oct29—tf NOTICE* FOR TAILOR. I ° FF J :R for * ale a No - 1 Hov e’s Sewing ■.Machine. Any person desiring to buy one can t do better than to buv mine. Any one de siring any work in the Tailoring line done by me, please send it in early as I intend to re main here only till 10th, November. JOHN MAYER. oct22-tf MILLHSTERY r Mas. M. G. fiOQQWYK TAKES pleasure in informing her former customers and friends that she is still at her Ponn F A (r t° m \ E> Corner ’ e cond floor of / ound s brick store,) where she will be pleas- wait on them at any time. 0c(29 -tf EUROPEAN HOUSE 7 7 HE undersi g n ed most respect fully informs the pnblio that he has opened an eating house on the EUROPEAN PLAN , ... , , In connexion tmvppn e c aS3 °: tr 7 en FANCY C3NFEC- J lOi LRILS, which are sold at astonishing! y ow rates. Would be pleased to have my friends to call around at the P. O , and ask for what they want and pay T<Jr what they pet eoct22- -3m O. M. GRADDICK. WCKBV & DUMAS, A F *heir old stand, contiuue to serve the puolic as heretofoie ; making and repair ing all wood and iron work, done at short no tice, with neatness aud dispatch. Many thanks “ *■* WcKEY& dpmxs. mmm, eem & ©®. 1 I r " TIE OLDEST HOUSE IN TOWN! Dea ts iu Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, b\ots and shoes . f IIATS AID CAPS , HARDWARE , CUTLERY, , CROCKERY, ; CORN. FLOUR. BACON, LARD , CHEESE, BAGGING, ROPE AND TIES\ COOKING STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. j - , -!- • at ''' "/ "C ' ■ CC".' GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, n(1 fcO every thin > ; an I with an experience of 20 years, beg leave to inform our CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS, ind i e public generally, that we have now on hand and to arrive one ol the largest and best stock of Goods, both as to quality and price, ever offered in this town. We are Uso Agfa, for M ssrs. WILCOX, GIBBS, & Co’s. MANIPULATED and PHOENIX / I ~T~ A “TVHr which we can recommend Irom our own expe VJI y~V 1 " rience last year, and can furnish ;n any quan tity. Wcjjan also furnish the genuine Peruvian, OR ANYiOTHER KIND WHEN DESIRED. We feel honored and thankful for past patronage, and respectfully invite ail lo come and s e*us. WE WILL SELL AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND SEE THAT NONE GO I AWAY DISSATISFIED. HIGHEST MARKET price PAID 11ST CASH OH OOODS FOR ALL COUNTRY PRODUCE, HIDES, TALLOW, Ax. oct 22 —3m PRO BONO PUBLICO. DRUGS, DnXJGS, DHUGS. CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST for CASH. CASH, CASH. THE UNDEPSrGNED respectfully calls the attention of the Citfz'ns of Barnesville and surroundinr country to his extensive and complete stoek of Drugs, Medicines Chemicals Paints oils. Dvr Stuffs, Putty and Window Glass Soaps. P rfnmerv and Toilet articles. Hair’ Nail, looth and I aint Brushes, Stationery. SnufT, Kproeine Lumps and Oil, Siarrh and So''a together with " >ree st„rk ot the most popular Patent Medicines of the day. Pure Whisltv Brandies and Y\ ines for Medical purposes, nil of which he is offering to the public at remark ably low prices tor CASH or its equivalent in GREEN BACKS. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT ALL HOURS OF THE FfIGIIT AND DAY. -srsEasMsssjag- J. W. HIGHTOWER. 0,t22_,f SIGN. GOLDEN MORTAR. E. H. Bloodworth. j. F Hanson BLfIOimOUTII & IIASVSO.Y, WAREHOUSE -AND Commission Merchants, Barnesville, Ga, WE would announce to the planters of Yike and surrounding counties, that we have elected a large WAHEHOTISE, R,ii R “ d,nd are COTTON and OTHER PRODUCE A-s advantageously as it can be done in any in tenor town. 3 Onr rates for vvetffffing, including one months storage, ar*L#ifiy cents per bale, which ib ilwijs paid bjrthe purchaser, if Cotton ib sold here, and TWenty five cents gtorage ner mouth, after fi*t month. P VVe are prepared to advance liberally on all consignments lor MACON and SAVANNAH l T iake no charge for ehipping. or sellinir -.on here. Give us a fair trial and we wifi guarantee satisfaction. Ct29-Iy BLOODWORTH k HANSON. CARR I AG E -AND BUGGrY manufactory. ” AV,NG „ enlarged our Shop and Business, we are w\iy.i prepared to build to order roc^aways, BUGGIES and WAGONS of oil DESCRIPTION and LAIEST STYLES. We use the best Northern-Material ib all our W'ork, put up by accomplished WIIfTE MECHANICS. We have on hand a large stock of BUGGIES and WAGONS, which we are ottering at a r duced price. REPAIRING in all its branches, strictly at tended to at the shor'est notice. HORSE SHOEING, PLANTATION WORK and GENERAL SMITHING done with neatness and dispatch. Give u3 a call before purchasing elsewhere. SMITH & SUMMERS, No., S. Zebulor., Street, Barnerville, Ga. cel 22 6no * W.H. KEIFER, —AND— % HARNESS MAMFAtTIRER. STILL at hia old atard, at the corner of Pound’s Brick Store, ia now fully prepared with a good stock ot material of the best qual ity, to munufucture SADDLES, ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIHLES, WHIPS, 4*6’. Ail work done neatly, and with despatch. Feeling thankful for former patronage, Bnd believing that tie has given full satisfaction heretofore, he hopes for the future to receive a liberal share of patronage. Having a heavy stock of Saddlery Hardware* purchasers would do well to give him a cal l before purchasing elsewhere. Bartlesville Oct 22, 1863 1 —ly BARKBSVXXiXiE j] 'J fi jJ SEjJML THE undersigned having leased the prem is<s for a term of years, have established the following COURSE OF STUDY: Ist Year.— Spelling, Beading, Writing. G -"trraphy, History United States and Arith metic. 2nd. Year —Spelling, Reading, Writing, Geography, History United States, Arithmetic Grammar and Analysis. 3d. Year.— Spelling, Reading, Writing, Geography, Hi'story England, Latin, Algebra, I Grammar, Arithmetic and Composition. 4ib. Year —Latin, Greek. Ancient History, Rhetoric, Philosophy, Rook fileentno, Algebra, Gramtfier, Use of tVords and Geometry. sth. Year' —Latin, Greek, Ancient History ) Logic, Rhetoric, Book Keeping, Chemistry) Physiology, Mensuration, Geometry and As tronomy. 6th. Year.—Latin, Greek, Universal His tory, Moral Philosophy, Political Economy, Geometry, Use of Globes. Surveying, Algebra applied to Geometry, and Descriptive Geo®, raphy. For healthfnlncss of climate, and the high moral toue of its community, Barnesville can not be surpassed by any town in the state. GOVERNMENT: Our discipline will he mild yet de isive, cur rules few but comprehensive, students being required to maintaingoed orderadattention to their studies. A good education does not consist in how much a person knows, as facts, but in the ap plication at that knowledge to practical pur- Sposes ; hence it is our object to teach not only how, but why, in short to direct tfhe mind in such a manner as to enable it to tbink rathe? than rely upon the “ipse dixit” of another. No one will be allowed to pass into a hipher class until he or she shall have mastered the sludica of the preceeding class, and in order to insure this, a quarterly examination will fee held, in every one will be required to stand upon his own merits, upon the result of which he will take rank in his class. It i3 hoped that parents and guardians will not permit their children to absent themselves without absolute necessity. Without their ac tive co-operation "frith the teacher they cannot expect their children to make the greatest pro gress of which their talents will admit. Monthly rpporfs showing the average stand ing iri each study will be st nt to parents which thev are requested to examine, sign and return to the faculty. RATES OF TUITION: Ist Yea n rings— per month, $3 00 2nd. ft 3d, Y’kar Class- per month, 400 1 til'’ B —pr n o 500 Mush- pr. month, (instrument exfa.) 500 two ern Lan- ung<s, arh pr month. 200 A clas* in vora l m-sHc ia formed of ihoee ivvhcvftePHv to prtiei ate, which meets every W-dnesday and Friday a'tertiood, for which no additional charge is mads The Elements of Linear and Perspective Drawing will be taught wtihout extra charge. Competent and experienced Instructors wilß be engaged in all- the departments. Thankful'for the liberal p-.tronage that has heretofore been given us, we hope bv c. ntin ned energy in our profession to merit its con tinuance. C. E. & A. M. LAMBDIN. E. T. POUND dealer in dry goods —AND— @mek§. Continues at hie same c!d stand, In the corner brick store, With supply equal to demand, To be sold from first floor. Feeliog thankful for favors past, Hopes to merit full share, Of kindness bestowed first and lasi, By friends both far and near. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF REA DY MA DE CL 0 THING. CALICOES ; BLEA CHED and BROWN D OME ST ICS, OSNABUROS, CAMBRICS, JDeLAINES, ALPACCAS , d- c . Cassimers, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Tick ing, Denims, and a good lot of stripes, notions generally, &c. Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Mackerel, Candies Flour, Meal, Molasses, Syrup, Salt, Baggio and Ties, Hats-, Caps. Boots and Shoes, Hard ware, Cutlery, Crockery and Glass Ware. In fact anything that he has not; hia'neigh bors have. So be sure to give Barnesville a fair |r ial this season, us prices are at the lowes point. IT affords much pleasing to wait on OUr customers, esp e cially when can offer such inducements. N# * “ T,w “* *• ** *ii * Just consult, the lines found below- Of Calico and Jeans we still have supply, a Ui And a good sto. kof or <-> “‘v* vltjf;ijs til' Cheap enough to buy. / U: Now if this you doubt, come and m-i- , test— Ukv A* e know our goods are very W . * the very besr< 0( vV hen '■ • coil e, Ir: g M t < ,. (u # frit is so, ' " Them's what induces us to sell omi „n - J d • You may -earcl the t.>vrn all ov-r evert store look, '*° dln No better hargars curt to it find Hi ~,V i offered by ELDER & coot Oct 29, -tf * *• J J® tew Li II OK OCT FOR THE BIG boot: BOOTS and . SHOES NORTHERN and HOME MALE LEATHER and FINDINGS BUGGY and WAGON IlAiiNESs' MADE and REPAIRED* WORK AND MATERIAL WARRANTED. FAMILY GROCERIES, and STAPLE GOODS, TIN and HOLLOW WARE, 1001 NOTIONS. A GOOD ASSORTMENT of PLAIN FURNITURE, All of which I offer very low for cash. J. R. WALKER. oct22-3;n PIKE DECEMBER SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL be so and before the Court house door, in the town of Zebulon on the First Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale—Lots of land Nos. twenty-three. ($3) twentv-lour, (24) and forty-two, (42>; and the 'South half of lot No. forty-one, (41) and forty-one and three-fourth acre on the North side of said lot No. forty-one (41) the line running from the public road to Elkin’s creek. All in the Ninth (9th) Districtol originally Mon roe now Pike county. Levied on by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor ol John Neal vs. John F Evans, property pointed out in said fi. fa.' A £SO At the same time and place will be sold Lot of land No. two hundred and six, (206) in the Bth District of originally Monroe,, now Pike eounty. Levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of John A. Mitchell Ex’r. vs, Na th n Boyd. Property pointed out by plt’ffs Att’y. ALSO At the same time and place, will be sold Lots of land, Nos. two hundred and fifty, (250) and two bundled and fifty-one, (251)’ in the Bih District ot originally Monroe now Pik,' county. Levied an by virtue of a fi fa issued 1 from Pike County Court in favor of A. E< Eubank vs. James M. Sullivan, to satisfy said fi. fa. anefr others in nsy hand. Prop erty pointed-out by Def’t. ALSO At the same time and place, will be sold Lot of land No. one hundred and seventy, (170) and one hundred acres of lot No, one hundred and sixty nine, (t 69) in the Bth D'strict of originally Monroe, now Pike county. One black horse about 9 years old, one yoke of oxen, one a brind'e, and the other a pale red. Levied on as the property of David F. Riley and Mary J. Rilev, to satisfy a fi. fa issu id from Pike County Court in favor of Nevel Smith vs. Dtvid F. Riley Princi pal, and Mary J. Riley Security.. Proper ty pointed' out by Plat’ffi also At’tHe same-time and pLce, will be sold Nine Hundred pounds of Seed Cotton, (more or less). L-vicd on as the proper ty of S. L. Davis to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the County Court of said county n favor of Hardaway & Carter, vs* S. L Davis; and one issued fn m the Superior Court of said county in favor of T. S. M. Blood worth vs. Stephen L. Davis and Thos. J. Cook. Property pointed out by Plt’ff- ALSO At the same time and place, will be sold’ One hundred and one and I acres of land, it being the North half of Lot No. eigh teen, (’8) in the 7th District of originally Monroe now Pike countv. Levied on as the property of Morgan G. Howard to 4 satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the County Court of said county, in favor of John 0.- McLean, vs. J. H. Connelly and E S. Con nelly Makers, and Morgan G. Howard En*- dorser. W. H. McCLENDON Sb'/h Cct. 29, 1868—tds Georgia, pike county: Whereas, Marcellus F. Cochran a plies to me for letters of Administration on the on the estate of Wilson. W* Dozier, > late ot said County deceased." These are, therefore,-to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to be and appear ?at my office within thetime prescribed by law,-to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted said ap plicant. Given under my hand and official signs-' ture, at offiee, Nov., 4th, 1868. J. J. HARPER, Ordinary. nov6—Bod Georgia, pike county - : Joshua G. Harris has applied for ex*- emption of Personalty 4 , having no home stead. I'will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock on the 23d day of November at my office. J* J. HARPER, Or’dy. mvl2—2t JOB WORK done with neatness and dispatch at the Gazette Ofiee.