The Weekly gazette. (Barnesville, Ga.) 1868-186?, December 03, 1868, Image 3

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If he V-Hhiv GAZITTE. terms of Subscription.: One year S‘2 00, Rates of Advertising. nne square, 10 lines or lee?, ftl 00 for the j , ,„a 50 cents tor earh snbsfquent ineer • ’ n-onths, $6 00, One jear sls 00. ‘“rmtract advertising- as follow*: !inp (onrth column, one month. $6 00, three . , tithe, sls 00, six months, $25 00, one year, half column, one month, sl2 50, three r ,nthß, S3O 00, six months, S4O 00, one year, 6 <l!e whole column, one month, S2O 00, three onthf - s4° 00 > BIX 11,0,1 th8 ’ ,w oue J ear AlOu 00,’ Payable quarterly in advauce. Legal Advertising. n dinaneT’ Citation? tor letter* ot Admiui3tra lion, Guardianship &>?., ©5 00 AuDlication tar letters of distr.isMon ‘ from Administration, 600 Application for iettersSil dismission ‘ of Guardian, 500 Application for leave to sell land* 6 Of) K)dcc to debtors and creditors, 5 00 Sales ot land, per square of ten lines, 5 00 “ perishable property per square, 500 herfW each levy, of ten lines, or lese, 500 Mortgage fi fa o>les, per square, 6 50 n> ix Collectors’ sales, per square, 2 mo. 500 Clerk’s foreclosure of mortgage, and otner inonihley’s. per square, each time, 100 j.’ tr v y notices, thirty days per square, 300 Thursday Morning, Dec., 3d, 1868. It cures dyspepsia, sick and nervous headache, chronic dB arrl oea, etc. ft relieves co9tivenese, despondent and meUncholy feelings, nervousness, etc. It prevents fever and ague, dropsy, consumption, jaundice, and bilious dis e isos. In fact, Simmons’ Liver Regulator bas no equal as a preventive or cure.— Examine and see the certificates of peo ple right here at homo that you know. Washington General News. Washington, December l.— Judge Chase decided several confiscation cases sustaining Judge Underwood's previous decisions. The decisions involve the declara tion that the confiscation laws are cpn- Bfitutional, and that where there was no appearance and plea by defendants, the Admirality District Court had full jurisdiction decree confiscation and sale. Judge Chase, however, desired that the question should come before the full bencli of the Supreme Court, and he granted appeal on writ of er ror. Rollins has returned. Full Cabi net to-day. Revenue to-day $692,000. The cigar makers, strike in New York bas euded by a compromise. Grant, in a letter to the Mayor of Boston, accepts, with thanks, hosj ital ities offered, but begs to be excused from public demonstration. lie will stop at St. James’ Hotel, and will be glad to receive persons who may cll. Richard H. Dana, of Boston, will represent the Government ii lire ar gumeut to quash the Davis indict ment. ISorth Carolina Legislature. Ha /.RiGff, N. C, Nov. 30. — The liurse of Representatives to-day dis cussed a resolution petitioning Con gress to remove tlie disabilities of all citizens of the State. The debate evinced afi improved state of feeling outlie paitof a majority. In the Senate, resolutions were adopted to investigate rumors of bri i cry and blackmail against members and others. Mr. Sweet, Repulican Senator, and a Northern man, said that he could prove bribery to accomplish tbe passage of certain schemes. Market Reports. I'AKNE'VILLE, Due. 3.—T110 mar-* ki't to-day id firm at. 21 he ; but during t * ie P ;is t week Las bad a downward tendency. Markets by Telegraph. b:\ liKpooL, Dec. I.—Cotton steady at life to lUd. Nkw Turk, Dec. I.—Cotton firm t,loll gh loss active, at2o£; sales 2506 bales. Augusta, Dec. I.— Cotton more ? clive / middlings 23c; sales 1267 bales. Swann ah, Dec. I.—Cotton is in P n 'ul demand at full prices ; sales 2000 bales at 24c. bmu’.LKSTo.x, Dec. I.—Colton firm •'i advanced and moderately ac t 'e; sales 800 bales j middlings 24c. Ni.\V Oki.kan®, Dec. I.—Cotton J Ct . lve ; middlings 231 c; sales 6400 Dales. 0l!1LE Dec. 1. —Cotton market 'i ll!e> Sa ies 850 bales ; middlings 23.^c. Universal White and Black —“X/’ under date of the 7.. l “ , lu 6t., writes as follows from rtsiiington to the Baltimore Gazette : Although it is a forgone conclusion . some amendment to the Consti lutlon conferring the ballot upon the I 1 a* > throughout the country will be l ao P led b y Congress, at the coming tSMon, th e details are by no means P tle . d ; Senator Wilson and Editor ree y desire to include a clause fl i"° ( V n 6 & and dis . 1 ‘ us fom the whites who were E a geu in the late war on the South- side. At the last session of Oon rirl? V\ 80n i learn, was only etp e * ed /f oln offering an independ** In "p lO P osb l° u having this end in view icn] 1 * c° Wn fj PP Osiilon of those Rad - ,i. ° n wrzativc& t " in the interest of trail' 11 Cei / ain democratic journals are v'. ul y tbe Democratic fiag in the trein CU r l ‘ ~dp°n this point the ex- W iU Radicals, as tliey are called, 110 opposlß oll (with the Surn ! T’ P erba P s > °f the monomaniac Tm. i ~o lber than from such men as Fowler, Patter what d ‘pton, who comprehend side nfo Cabe( l l be “Conservative’' ate j le Radical party in the Sn resti* .t ? atteu, P t will be made to elfct ICt l ‘| e Qft gro vote to the national this i? W - a nt bain afiaid that upon cal* w'n lbe “Conservative” Radi a m, 'j oii, y- nj ■“ade Ulliv = 'hj Ul tlle negro will be •\ . , * lusi&T * Waukegan, 111., Aleman 0 u,? 10 ?’ 000 from 8 >oung )’°ong i . i0 bad devised it to a Since the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchy in Spain, five hundred Jes uits have fled across the frontier to Portugal. In Australia they have fenced in 10,000 acres where ostriches are kept, and it is found that the feathers of a full grown bird will sell for SIOO a year. . “On quitting Poland, 1 ' says the Pa ris Figaro, of the 20tb, “the Czar signed a ukase interdicting moustaches and imperials. Henceforth the Poles are permitted to wear only whiskers. This year’s crop of tobacco in Cuba is twenty-five per cent, smaller than last year, but the planters get the same per cent, advance in price, so that they really receive nearly as much money Foreign News. Liverpool, Dec. I.—'The crew of the ship Fleet-wing, of Quebec, re cently abandoned at sea, have arrived here. London, Dec. 1. The Present Liberal majority is one hundred and i welve. j^STOVEFI" STOVES fS~g~ IT HE subscriber begs le-ive to inform th public that he ha* opened a tin shop in Btrnesville, where he will he pleased to manu facture any article in his line at the shortest notice. He keeps constantly on hand a good assortment of stoves, tin and sheet iron, ware of all descriptions, and house furnishing ar ticles. Guttering, rotrftDg and job work of all kinds done with neatuess and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. Dec, 3-3 t. CHAUNCF.Y 5. DURR, DR. W. A. WRIGHT. G. W. FOUCHE. THE PEOPLES’ DRUG STORE. MKSMm, mmm. * HAVING ass ciated ourselves together in business, would respectfully inform the Citizens ot Harnesville and surrounding couutry that we have now in Store a complete assortment Drugs an( hMedicines, Paints, Oi s, Dye Stuffs, Toilet Articles, Flavoring 1 Extracts, Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, and iu tact every article usually kept in a First Class Drug'Store. Also a good assortment of Confectioneries, Together with Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Molasses, Cheese, Crackers, Rice, Oysters, Sardines, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soda, Pot ash, Blue Stone, Coperas, Powder, Shot, Lead, Caps, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Snull, Cigars, and various other articles too tedious to enumerate. Having taken great pains in selecting our stock, and having paid cash for the same, and being exempt from house rent and clerk hire, we flitter ourselves that we can sell as good and cheap goods as any other house in Middle Georgia. A liberal share of patronage is respectfully solicited. Call once and we will try to induce you to come again. Prescriptions carefully filled by Dr. VV. A. Wright. IDIO.. c&? CO. novlO—ly “ !r. W. wyly, toljolcsrtlt ©react mth JJro&uce Jllmljant, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. o KEEPS constantly on hind a Large and Well Assorted stock of Slaple and Fancy Groceries Alsu Produce and Provisions, Bugging, Rope, <fcc. OH !!cLHCI Choice Upper Georgia Seed WHEAT, RYE, &e M &c., Prompt and careful attention given to orders. Prices Reasonable. B. F. WYLY, Late, Wyly & Car hall. nrvlii—3m to “rjagsi trSjdel VILE INVITE the attention of the trade to our magnificent stock of Tobacco, cen -7 f sisling in part of the following celebrated brands; Chewing Tobacco. Davis & Son’s Gold Leaf; Davis & Son's Rattlesnake; Davis & Son's Three Belles, Magnolia of the South, extra fine. Three Kings, Brown’s Best, R. E. Lee, T. J. Jackson, 11. P* Moore, Mountain Rose, Rosa Belle, Twist, McGee’s Best, Max 1 A, Max 2 A, Magnet, 'Tycoon, and many other popular brands. Smoking Tobacco. Pride of Virginia, Hiawatha, Here s Yer Mule, Fruits and Flowers, and a variety of other superior brands. JORDAN, HOWARD & HARRALSON, nov!2 —3m Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. 150,000 REWARD! WANTED BY jr m IVE. HOLBROOK, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia, Mink Skins, Otter Skins, 5,000 Red Fox skins, 25,000 Grey Fox skins, 25,000 Coon skins. 5,000 Wild Cat skins, 1,000 Beaver skins, 500 Bear skins, 5,000 Opossum skins, 50,000 Rabbit skins, 10,000 Musk Rat skins, (all must be case dried,) lor which the highest market price will be paid in Cash. Have your skins in good order, well stretched aud eased , and if the fur is good, you will get the highest price, but skins cut and torn and hull stretched will demand but a poor price. Bertrand Zachry will be on band to wait on his old Customers. 1 would also call the attention of the trade to my slock of Hat Sand CapS, which is by far the most extensive ever brought to this market. COUNTRY MERCHANTS can be supplied by the case or dozen at Greatly Reduced Prices. Also, a fine stock of Ladies’ Furs, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas and Canes. Remember the place. J. M. HOLBROOK, nov l2 —4t Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. USE W INSOW'S DYSPEPSIA CUKE. rpllE best remedy extant for the cure I and prevention of Dyspepsia, Malari ous Diseases, General Debility, &c. gold Everywhere. Hear what an emminent Baltimorean says of it. “1 have used your Dyspepsia Cure in my family, and can cheerfully recommend it to alt suffering from the diseases for which it is in tended. It has made me feel like anew being. I was induced to try it for Dyspepsia, and it has acted like a charm. 1 then administei ed it to my wife who was suffering from chills and fever. It effected a cure in her case also. Sever al of mv children took it and derived great beuetit 'from its use. I feel confident, it is the best article of the kind in the market. Yours, Ac., O. M. WALL. Baltimore, October 28th, IS6B. Use Murdoch’s Anti-bilious Pills For ;be core of Bilious Complaints, Colds andall diseases requiriug a purgative med iciue. Sold everywhere. BURROUGH BROS., Wholesale Agents, No. 54 &56 Light St,, Baltimore, Md. Nots -1 v Who wants to make a Good Investment ? HAVING become the purchasers of the Rtal Estate opposite the depot in the town of Barnesville, will either sell or lease for a term ot years, the Brick Stack with land suf ficient to build upon. Two good wells, already with a full supply of water to propei an en gine is attached to the property. A bargain is offered, aa the nvestment would not on'y be a profitable one to the pur chaser, but a public benefit. Call on J. & W. H. WOODS. Nov. 19th, 1866. if. EOB i[A, Pike CouNrv. M” VVheiea*, Thomas it. Reams app! ies to me for Letters ot Administration on the Estate ot Robert Piininton, late of said County de ceased. * These are, thherefore, to cite And acWniah an persons concerned to Ce and appear at my office within the time prescribod by law, to show causa, if ar.y they have, why Said Let teia ot Administration should not be grunted said applicant. Given under mv hand at office U*e Soth day of November, 1868. . „ J. J. HARPER, Ordinary. dec3- 30d—prs. fee $3 NOTICE. ALL persons who have not yet paid their Medical bills will please call and settle. 1 have immediate and pressing need for evory dollar that is due me. In my absence the money may be paid to J. W. Hightower or G. M. Rock we! v at Hightower’s Drug Storo, who have my books. GEO. M. McDOWELL. Dec. 3 2t FOR SALE. MYSlall on Lottery, sired by Joe. Lottery— bis dam a Morgan Mare—raised in Jas per county, George ; grandsire Burgess’ Joe. Lottery, from Connecticut. He is 15 1-4 hand j high-not grown yet- 6 years old past-a beautiful chestnut sorrel and an excellent traveller in single or dcnble harness. He can show some of the best colts in the State. Ap ply to W. C. HOOD, Barneeville Ga. Dec. 3-3 m, *** Macon Telegraph, Atlanta Intelligencer anil Nashvile Union & Dispatch copy 3 ms, weekly and send bill to this office. FOR SALE, A GOOD family horse, nine (9) years old. For further particulars call at this office. Dec 3 tf. KATIOKAL, HOTEL, ATLANTA, GA, Cor. Whitehall Street , and Western & At., lantic Rail Road. . E. B. FOXD, Proprietor. novl 2 —tf FOR SALE. I*TY Residence, which I now occur y, 2 va- ItJL cant lots, 30 acres of land, partly in the incorporaiion, aud iu first rate condition. I will also sell my stores, situat‘d in the centre of trade. I have 2 excellent Rooms with good shelving and first rate store furniture. 1 would not object to take a part in Dry Goods or Gro ceries, or any thing that can be comerted iuto money. Call soon as I expect to sell. J. W. ELDER. Barnesville, Ga., Nov. 12th, 1868.—tf VARIETY SHOPT John W. Waterhouse, Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds and Doors, at Dumas and Di key's old stand, Furniture made aud repaired with dispatch. Also Coffins made to or der. oct22 —ly JOB WORK done with neatness and dispatch at the Gazette Office. MACON AItVKKTISiNG. ~J. B. ROSS & m, WHOLES A.LE! DRY GOODS —AND— Grocery Merchants, 96 CHERRY asp 55 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. NOW UNLOADING. JUST ARRIVING ANU IN STORE, anovhef lot of that Extra Wide and Heavy Borneo Blanket BAGGING, which is now almost entirely used. Also, 100 sacks RIO and JAVA COFFEE cf all grades. 125 bbls. SUGARS, 75 boxes CHEESE. LIQUORS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SYRUP. FLOUR, in A sacks, and bbls. ARROW, WAILEY and BEARD'S Iron Ties, and in fact everything usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS WHOL.ESALE HOUSE. STA PLE And Fancy Moots mid Hats and €. 1 lot king, In Endless Variety, all of winch will be sold at a Small Margin. PLANTERS —AND— iIIIMiTS Respectfully invited to call and examin our LARGE STOCK. J. B. ROSS & SON, Wholesale Dealers, s' 96 Cbe r ry aid 65 Secoid Street. oet—Sm SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR Bacon, Flour, Lard, Hams , Tobatin, SnufiP, C igars, Candy, Crackers , Sardines, Raiding, Futs f Syrup, Cheese, Codfish, Mackerel, Soap, Starch, Core Oysters, Whiskey, Braudy, Wines, Case Liquors, Champagne, Osnaburgs f S irtins 8, Yarns, Strip**, Shirtings, She.tings, BAGGING, TIES, ROTE, BAL ING TWINE, &c., to SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO* OR if you wifi come to MACON and buy your goods in person, don't forget to cal! at the WHITE CORNER. WE guarantee our goods, in all cases to be as represented. Our stock cannot be equalled in Middle Georgia. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & C 0 BY.HCTOS’3 KaTELr J. t. Cjlngton, Proprietor Within 50 yards of the Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia A most excellent Bar and Barber Shod attached. oct29 tf M* FAPIEB FASHIONABLE BARBER, UNDER DYING TONS HOTEL, MACON, GEORGIA. —o — * HAIR-CUTTING, SHAVING, SHAM POOING and DYEING. Satisfaction guaranteed. oct29—t Jonathan Collins & Son, AT THE OLD GRATES & WQOLEQLK MiMIBSi/ THIRD STREET, MACON, Georgia. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE attention of their Planting friends, and Cotton Shippers generally, to the fact that their Warehouse, having beeD put in complete order, is now ready for the reception of con signments. Thanking them for past favors, onr utmost efforts shall be to deserve their confidence in the future oct‘29—lm—* DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR. 4 A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY A DERANGED STATE OF TI1S) LIVER. DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, Jaundice, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Cramp Dysentery, Chronic Diarrhoea, Affections ofthe Bladder and Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, Chills, Diseases of tha Skin, Impurity ot the Bl'jod, Melancholy or Depression of Spirits, Heart Burn, Colic or Pains in the Bowels, Pain in the Head, Fever and Ague, Dropsy, Roils, Pain in Back and Limbs, Asthma, Erysype las, Female Affections and Bilious Diseases generally. Frepared and sold Only by J. H. ZEILIX & CO., Druggists, JTIACON, G COItGI A. Read the following Testimonials. Messrs Zeilix Cos. Gentlemen :—1 have used SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, not only once but cf i ten, and cau confidently assert it has none me more good than any other Medicim I have ev ler used, 1 think it is the greatest medicine for 1 diseased Livef made in (he world. Many of I my neighbors hare used it, and all will say as much if not more than Ido for its virtues. 1 shall never be without it. JOHN J. ALLEN, Bibb co. Macon, Geo June 11, 1868. Hear Sir—A sense of gratitude compels me to thank you for your valuable medicine, (SIM MO NS’ LIVER REGULATOR ) I suffered for more than a year with indigestion, and during j the last six months I was very bilious, occa ! eionally having a dumb chill followed by fe l vers, which prostrated me for weeks. I took one package of your Liver Regulator, and for several months I have been as stout and hearty as any man could desire to be. I am thorough* ly satisfied that it is all it is recommended to be for indigeetien and bilious complaints, for mine was eertninlya stubborn case. I have heard many of my friends speak of it, and alt agree that it possesses all the virtues you claim for it. Very Respectfully, Voura&c.. A. H. .UGHTOWFR, Conductor M. & \V. R. R. I have used SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULA TOR with wonderful effect, in Bilious cholic and Dyspepsia, and am so much relieved that I can’t refrain from letting you know of the value of yotir excellent Remedy. I believe it will effectually cure me, it ought to be con* sidered a public blessing. MASTERSON, Firm, Grier & Masterson, Macon, Gal. Sold by Drug pats everywhere. oct29-8m PROSPECTUS —OF— THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. A FIRST CLASS FAMILY JOURNAL, MVQTEQ TO Science, Literature, Foreign and Domestic News, Music, Ag* riculturc and E ducat ion. IS PUBLISHED AT BARNESVILLE, GA., every Thursday morniDg, at the LOW PRICE of TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, Invariably in Advance; No Subscription taken for less than TWELVE MONTHS i We desire to ruake the WEEKLY GAZETTE one of the most interesting and val uable papers of the day. We will publish all the latest Foreign and Domestic Newi and shall endeavor to conduct it in the most lively and sprightly manner. OUR MARKET REPORTS Will be full, comprehensive and authentic, and we shull he careful that they are care* fully revised and corrected up to the time of going to press each week. OtE LITERACY MMRTMKHT # Will contain choice selections in Prose and Poetry from the best periodicals in tb4 Country. t£l)e department of Agriculture Will contain selections from the best Agricultural periodical together with contribd* tioiis from practical thinking farmers. OUR MUSICAL department Will be conducted by a gentleman of well known ability and experience, who will furnish weekly, a piece of original Music. We propose to furnish a piece of Piano Music once a month, the others to be mostly adapted to church services. Hence, AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM THE WEEKLY GAZETTE offers unusual facilities. We circulate largely in TIKE, BUTTS, COWETA. JASPER. JONES, TALBOT, MERIWETHER, FAYETTE. HARRIS, TROUP, CARROL, MONROE. UPSON, CRAWFORD, 8188, TAYLOR, MACON, SCHLEY, and HENRY” counties*; In FLORIDA, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, and TEXAS Wo will furnish the paper where it is directed to one address, and paid in advance, 11 copies for . ..S2O 00 20 copies for 35 00 m SHIMS Done with neatness and dis patch, at the most reasonable rates. Address FOUND LAMBDA, Editors & Proprietors.