The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 23, 1910, Image 3
ATLANTA WILL TRY TO SECURE NEXT M0SMIC NATIONAL COONVENTION Governor-Elect Hoke Smith And National Committee-man Clark Howell Are Behind Movement- Governor Brown Endorses Idea There is something peculiarly timely, from a general political standpoint, about this newest idea of the Georgia Democrats to bring the next national Democratic con- yention to Atlanta. The eyes of Democracy are on the South, and for the grst time since the civil Avar there'is serious talk about putting a Deriioratic presidential candidate in the field. The Domoratic conven tion has never been South in the present generation, and if it is ever coming South again it is believed that noAV is the time. Tne movement to bring the con vention here Avas suggested by tAVO men who have been opposed in poli tics, but both of whom have worked for Democracy in the Avay they be lieved best—Hoke Smith, governor- elect of Georgia, and Clark HoAvell, editor of the Constitution and Demo cratic national committeeman from Georgia. Both of these gentlemen are enthusiastic over the idea, and believe, Avith proper co-operation, that it can be put through. Gov. Brown is also in sympathy with the movement. Savshe: “It Avould be a .magnificent thing, and I Avould be greatly pleased to see it. The result is problematical, but I, on my part, Avill promise to do every thing in my poAver to help in the Avork of endeavoring to secure it. ’ ’ It is believed that nothing Avould unit the Democratic party more solidl'v for the next election than to hold .the convention on Southern ground. f ^ NAY HAVE TOBACCO WAR. Reports From Decatur County Say That Much Feeling Exists For many years the tobacco grow ing belt of Kentucky has been a scene of all kinds of laAvlessness, due to the fact that the tobacco growers and the buyers could never agree upon prices. All of the night riders’ raids and outrages have been traced to this one cause. The tor bacco groAvers Avere trying to do the tobacco growers all the harm pos- ible and were trying to do all the damage they could to tobacco groAV- ers Avho did not belong to their union and Avho did not abide by their terms. It is said that over about Appa- pulgus ki Decafur county, there has been a good deal of feeling against a large tobacco syndicate that h: s acquired about thirty-five thousand acres of land in that county. Re cently the prices have fallen off a good deal and it is claimed by the tobacco groAvers that the syndicate has been forcing doAyn the prices in order to depress the value of land sb'that it could buy up the land. It is said that several nights ajro tAVO large tobacco barns belonging to the syndicate Avere burned, and there is nobody Avho seems to know hoAV the fire originated. It "is also said that a number of growers burned up ten thousand pounds of tobacco rather than sell it at the present prices. It is said that the farmers Avho oAvn this tobacco stated that they had plenty to live on and that they did not have to sell it for loss than it Avas worth. It is said that a great many people in Deca tur county are very much afraid that a tobacco war Avill break out there beforo long. . The PnooaEss is the official or gan and leading paper of Grady. We Can Sell You Property in the Banner County ol the Stale and Lend You Half of the Purchase Price at a Low Rate of Interest. G. fl. WIQHT, PRESIDENT' W. T. CRAWFORO, QbN’L MDR. AND SEO'T AND TRBA 3 THOS. WIQHT, VlOE-PREIDBNT, ‘ R. O. BELL, GENERAL COUNSEL. SOUTH : GEORGIA COMPANY CAPITAL, $10,000.00. City, Farm and Timbered Real Estate, 5 Years, 6 per cent. .Farms and Loans Negotiated. Cairo, Grady County Georgia. Keep it on your mind that the South Georgia Land and Loan Company, Cairo, Ga., buy and 'sell farms and city property at all times. » ** ' * . ^ ‘ ' ' Parties who d«oire to sell will profit by seeing us, those wanting to buy can be suited with some of the many desirable properties that we have S FIGURE WITH VO W. T. CRAWFORD, Business Manager* CITY PRESSING CLUB... \ ROY W. PONDER, Proprietor. ’E clean and press your clothes for $L00 per month. Extra work done on short We have in our warehouse a complete stock of the J. G. Smith and Franklin and Nor man Buggies And a large supply of other makes notice. We Clean, Block and Reband Straw Hats for 50c to 75c. LADIES’ SKIRTS CLEANED and PRESSED, - 75 to 50, GIVE US A TRIAL. If you are pleased tell your friends; if not tell us. nd a large supply or otner makes as well as Harness and Wagons. Can save you money by coming to see us when in need of any of our goods. J§ JUST RECEIVED! W. G. BAGGETT & SON, One car Chattanooga Cane Mills, Su gar Kettles and Evaporators. We also have good stock Grate Bars and Pan Wy.;,, , Bottoms. Will have car Golden’s Cane Mills to arrive next week. Inform the public what you have for sale through the columns of The Yours truly, Wigkt Hardware Co, Cairo, Georgia.