The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 23, 1910, Image 6

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is now ih full blast; 477 pleased customers visited our stores
large packages, well satisfied that we are making good our
claim that “your dollars will do double duty'spent with us.” y
PAMF ? iPlHl IMF I While the Feast of Bargains last. Everything you need
vlvliLfl « at prices you can afford to pay. Men’s, Ladies’ and
Children’s Shoe.-, Oxfords and Slippers, Dress Goods, Ginghams, Muslins, Percales, Homespuns
yard wide, Brown Goods, Eleachings, Sheetings, Susine and Stan ting Silks, Pillow Cases, Sheets,
Bed Spreads, Mattings, Rugs, Art Squares, Ladies’ and Children’s Hosiery.
Suits, Men’s Hats, Bc^’s Hats-Caps for everybody-Men’s Coat Sweaters, Ladies’ Coat Sweaters, Children’s
Coat Sweaters, Ladies’ and Misses Coat Suits, Cloaks and various styles of wraps. Full line of ladies and chil
dren’s Hats. Look for Our Special Price Tickets. They tell the prices during OUR GREAT SALE.
Come expecting much; we are ready to make good. Come knowing in advance thafno merchandise of quesrion-
able quality will be shown you. Your dollar will do its truly best in supplying your wants.
Come! We Expect You. Bargains Await You.
We will sell ten yards of Good Calico for ONLY 25c., only ten yards to the customer. Calico Sale every day until further notice.
IQothing, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Caps.l
j Don’t fail to call and examine the goods. I promise to give $
won full satisfaction for your money. I have a small store and less x
| expense; I can sell cheaper than any store in Grady county. ~
Remember the Placo: Corner Broad and Bryant.
I. SHAPIRO, Proprietor.
Any Big Georgia Sunday
Could Support Missionary With
Chewing Gum Money of its
Yonng People.
Americans spend more money
f'ach year for chewing gum than
they do for foreign missions, ac
cording to statistics presented by E.
C. Callaway in aii address before the
Atlanta Baptist Association recently.
Kenny permitted soldiers to camp
on his farm when troops were sta
tioned Bracken county during the
last night riding warfare,
j The loss from last night’g night’s
School ’marauding will exceed $5,000.
First Steps Taken Toward Estab
lishing Great Distilling Plant
At Valdosta.
The first steps for the establish-
According to his figures the Ameri- ment of great turpentine disrilling
can public, mostly young girls, 1 p i unt operating under the patented
spend $11 ,000,000 per year for pjtt ma n system of steam distilla
chewing gum, : and only $10,000|000 tion, were taken at a meeting of
for misions: He believed ; that al- the Valdosta board of trade recently
most any big Sunday school m A company of outside capitalists
Georgia could support a missionary has been formed for this e
in China permanently for the mckds andwith the addifcion of litHe
keepers. The church, a little
wooden building, was opened yes
terday vyith a congregation of
A state law forbids a saloon with
in 200 feet of a church, wherefore
one saloon keeper, it is said, decid
ed to put his rival out of business
by building a phurch near h(m.
The property belongs to the salmon
keeper, and wits donated by him.
The other man says he will build a
church within 200 feet of his rival’s
place of business. The result may
be to force both out of business
when their licenses expire.
the young people of . that Sunday
school squander on a habit, which
thoughit is probably harmless, is
Authorities Fear. That Present
Ontbreak Will Resemble Ma
rauding Expeditions of 1909.
Maysville, Ky.—Night riders are
are again scouring the tobacco-grow
ing regions, leaving burning ruins
and tales of depredation in their
wake. Word was received here to
day that raiders burned the barns
and tobacco warehouses on the
grounds of W. C, Bradford and
George B. Kenny in Bracken coun
ty Wednesday night.
The authorities fear the present
Out-break is the beginning of a New York, Sept. 19.—A “spite
series of depredations which will j church” has been erected in the
resemble those of a year ago in an Bronx ns the result, it is said, of
■tiTow to pool the hurley crop. . business rivalry be ween two saloon
local capital the establishment of
the plant in this city is assured.
The heartiest encouragement of the
plant was given by the business men
at the board of trade meeting. The
Pittman system of steam distilla
tion not only obtains from the. de
spised pine stump an extra grade of
spirits of turpentine, but a number
other high grade products. One of
these is a combination of oil and
varnish, which, when applied to
the blacKgum and other swamp
woods turns them into high grade
hardwoods which vie with expen
sive imported mahogany, walnut
and finer woods. Samples of pine,
cypress, and blackgum which had
been treated by che Pittman pro
cess were exhibited at the board of
trade meeting.
Many Officers and Men Have
Good Savings Deposits.
It cost the United States $42,972,-
829 last yaar to pay the officer? and
enlisted men of the army, accord
ing to the annual report of Paymns
ter General Charles H. Whipple
made public today.
During the fiscal year, which
closedJune 80, 66,423 officers‘and
officers.and men deposited their sa
vings with the paymaster .general,
their savings totaling $1,503,898,
on which the government allowed
them $83 991 interest.
The total of expenditures was
$45,632,948, which included in ad
dition to pay of the soldiers, the
expenses of maneuvers, upkeep of
the war college and of West Point,
and $32,402 the expense to the
government during the last fiscal
year of the continued Brcwnsyille,
(Texas) court of inquiry.
Subscribe for Tiie Progress now
It gives you all the news and is the
official organ of Grady county.
Subscribe for Tub PuoGiutss.
We have in stock 50,000 Envel
opes and a large variety of other sta
tionery. Bring your job work here.
Come Right In
and see our samples of timely print-
shop things—tSsni* Jwtfto-
If you want the news when it
is news, subreribe for this paper-
Wanteilat Once
Three or. four nice
2 to 4-horse farms
from 3 to 4 miles of
Cairo. Price must
be right.
Smith & Coppage,
Cairo, Ga.
When in town call around a
let us put your name on T
Progress’ mailing list.