The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 21, 1910, Image 5

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! to-wears? Have you bought your coat suit, long coats, capes', skirts, shirt-waists, sweaters or knit coats. We have fitted up hundreds and everyone a pleased customer, and we can please you. We see that you are perfectly fitted in every de- tail-every little alteration is attend ed to and it muft be right before it leaves our establishment. We sell nothing but the moSt supervision of Now gentlemen we want to talk to you about a suit for yourself. Every man appreciates a suit of clothes that fits him— no matter what it cost, whether he paid $10.00 or $20.00—then too he wants it to give him service. Now we have this kind of clothes for you—we do not handle junk and old styles, but every suit is of the latest styles and will give you the service you are looking for -come and let us fit you up. The boys suits we handle are the best -they are suits that look well and will give service—not the kind that will look old after the first wearing, or rip the first knot he hangs on. Not only this, but we have the right kind of hat, shoes underwear, hosiery, neck- in fact anything that a man or assisted by expert help ers are able' to give you service second to none. The very latest crea tions can be seen here. If you have not visit ed this department, we ask that you come ear ly and make your selec tions. Higdon-Herring Go. Cairo - - Ga. Stylish garments, and you absolutely run no risk when you buy of us. The garments are sold on a very small profit and they come in reach of all. In dress goods and dress trimmings we are showing the a test creations. wear, shirts, boy needs to wear. Cairo THE LOCAL g Phonograph § , Dr. Robert H. Harris, Messrs. John Shuman ;uul JL S. Roddonberry attended the annual session of. Mercer Baptist As- GRADY COUNTY LANDS A Column or Two About the Doings ol Prominent Per sonages and Otherwise. sociation a£ Funston this week. Woodland The farmers of thisconmiunity arc busy picking oottori and gathering corn. Our school is being carried on very nice by our efficient teacher, Miss Min nie Parker. Alfred Abridge and Walter Taylor at tended the Tent meeting at Gradyville Saturday night. -S. P. Vanhuadmgham was transacting business in tills section last week. J. L. Akridge, Tom Harrell, ]. 1). Singletary, Klislia Jones and their wives visited relatives near Meigs last Saturday and Sunday. Walter Taylor and Miss Mattie Fulford attended Sunday school last Sunday. We guess they had a line time. George Fulford visited Ins brother, J. S. Fulford, last Sunday. Henry Hughes kept busy hauling cot ton a few days last week. Subscribe for The*' Paouenuss if you want to get the liews. ■ "Lester. Dekle and Miss Minnie Parker attended Prayer meeting Sunday night. Sidney Jordan and Misses Louie .Ionian and Winiford Harper were out riding Sunday e veiling j., Mr. and Mrs. H. .L. Hughes visited re latives in Cairo Sunday. We are sorry to learn of Mrs. My ricks sickness. Ice cream suppers everywhere hut not any invitations. KIOHO OSOfiOBOtlOflOK Subscribe for The Progress. Read the new ad of l. Shapiro. Rev. W. G. Sellers was in town this week. Abe Poller has a new ad oil this week’s issue. John Bodiford hail a fine mule to die in Cairo Tuesday. Cane grinding will be on in full blast in about three weeks. ES. M. Beach, of Beaehtou lias a real estate ad in another column. Miss Mollie Cole, of Quincy, Fla., is visiting Miss Clyde Grimes. 'Yes, thank you, the subscription list of-The is growing. John A. Powell, of Edison, was visit ing home folk here this week. . : Kinder winterish weather and straw Southeast of Beachton, Grady county, Georgia. 1 he Jonas Courtney Plantation, 0/j acres . This is one of the best kept and most Fertile farms in Grady county. The present owner has made a fortune on the place, and his reasons for selling is that he is re tiring from business. 225 acres in pasture. 100 acres saw mill pipe. I '■ V' : ' 1 ‘ 1 -f; 250 acres cleared, All well fenced with woven wire. 2 good frame houses, and four tennant houses and numer ous out-buildings. The land has a red clay foundation, and lies well. One mile from school. Ru ral free delivery of mail. 8 miles from Metcalf. Pecan grove, figs, peaches, oranges and pears. Price $15 per acre. Will accept $4,000 cash, balance in 6 years if desired. '1 he Revill’s plantation, 600 a,cres 3 I -2 miles Southwest of Metcalf, Ga., 30 acres in Thomas county, Ga., balance in Leon county, Fla. 100 acres in timber. 450 arces open. 7 settlements. Red Clay foundation. Price $ 11.00 per acre. Half cash, balance in 6 years if desired. 8 per cent interest on notes. S. M. BEACH Beachton, Geor; Notice to Farmers. We will have our two hew English Gins for Long Cotton in op eration at Dyson’s Ginnery in Cairo for this season,in two weeks. We will pay Special Attention to the Ginning of your long cotton. Will also have Bagging and Twine. COPPAGE & CARR For Job Printing See Progress,