Newspaper Page Text
GEORGIA - (iiiAiiv CounvA.
'I'ii tlio Mou. I’liil (look, Secretary
, statu, Atlanta, Georgia:
The undersigned, whore signed
By each of them, mid residences, uro
hereto attuohwH bring this our putitillon,
in pursuance to an Ae.t of tho General
Assembly, of the State of Georgia, ap
proved 'lteeeinle' 20, 180ft, and Acts
amendatory thereof, mid respectfully
1. That we desire to form a corpora
tion for the purpose of currying on the
business of hanking.
2. The name and style of the pro
posed corporation ahull be Tho Farmers
and Merchants Haul;.
3. Tiie location and principal place of
business shall lie in the City of Cairo,
County of Grady, and State of Georgia.
• A. The amount of eupltul stock is Thir
ty Thousand ($30,OOO.hO). .Dollars, divi
ded into Three Hundred shares of One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars each.
.j.. The purposes mid nature of tho
Imsiriets of the proposed corporation
shall lx; that of a bunk, witli continuous
succession for a term of thirty (30) years,
with the rigid of renewal for a like term.
To sue and be sued. To liave and to use
a common seal, and at pleasure to ulter
the same. To appoint such officers and
agents us the business of the ebrporation
requires, prescribe their duties, fix their
compensation, and remove thomat pleas
ure. To make such by-laws as may be
necessary or proper for tlie management
of its properly and regulation of its af
fairs... Ter hold , purchase, dispose of and
•convey, such veal and personal property
as may be necessary for its use and busi-
, ness. To discount bills, notes, or other
■evidences of debt; to receive and pay out
deposits with or without interest; to re
ceive on special deposit money or bullion
•or foreign coins, or stocks or bonds or
other securities; to buy or sell foreign or
domestic exchange, or other negotiable
paticr; to lend money upon personal se
curity, or upon pledges of bonds, stocks
•or negotiable security; to take and re
ceive security by mortgage, or otherwise,
us property, real or personal; and gen-
-erallv to do and perform all such other
matters and things not hereinbefore enu
merated as are or may be incident fo tho
business of banking.
We herewith enclose tho charter fee of
Fifty ($60.00) Dollars, and pray to be in
corporated under the laws of this State.
. W. A. Walkeh,
Cairo, Ga.
AY. T. Crawford,
Cairo, Ga.
Them. Wight,
Cairo, Ga.
Walter L. Wight,
Cairo, Ga.
Tyil. Browne,
Cairo, Ga.
«#. P. A’anI.andinoham,
Cairo, Ga.
P. M. B.uiOKTr,
. . Cairo, Ga.
B.J-H. Plll-Ev h
Ocliloeknee, Ga.
L. Lebtord,
Attorney for Petitioners.
BORGIA—Grady County.
Before me personally appeared the un
dersigned petitioners, who on oath do-
JjoScs and say that Fifteen Thousand
($15,000.00) Dollars of the capital stock
subscribed to The Farmers & Merchants
Bank for which bauk deponents are now
seeking incorporation by the Secretary of
State, has actually been paid in by the
subscribers, and that the same is in fact
field and is to be used solely for the busi
ness and purposes of the said corpora
W. A. AV.Ai.KEa,
W. T. Crawtoro,
Thos. Wight,
• • Wai^br L.. Wight, „
• T. d.BUownb, . . ' '•.
P. M. BiGGErr, ■<&
B. H. Pope.
■ thvorn to and - subscribed before me
this the 10th day of October, 1910.
P. H. Huubing,
Ordinary of Grady county.
STATIC OF GEORGIA, Office of Secre
tary of State.
I, Philip Cook, Secretary ot State of
fbe State, of Georgia, do hereby oortify,
(hat the three (3j pages of type-written
matter hereto attached, contain a true
and correct copy of the application of ( he
Incorporators of “The Farmer’s & Mer
chant’s Bank,’’ of Cairo, for charter, an
(lie original of the same appears of die in
this office.
In testimony whereof, I hereunto set
my hand and affixed the Seal of my Office,
at tho Capitol, in the City of Atlanta, this
12t.h day of October in the year of our
l.oriLOne Thousand Niue Hundred and
Ton of the Indejxmdence of the United
States of America, the One Hundred and
Thirty-fifth. Philip Cook,
Secretary of State,
(ieorgia—Grady County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the fam
ily of A, F, Richter, deceased, having
been filed in my office, all persons con-
corned are cited to show cause by tho
7th day of November, 1010, why said ap
plication for twelve months’ support
should not he granted. This Oct. 10,
1010. P. H. Mekuino, Ordinary.
Georgia - Grudy County.
Notico of application for leave, to Sell
land: Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned lias applied to the Ordinary
of said county for leave to sell land bc-
longing to,the estate of A. F. Riehter. for
the payment of debts and distribution.
Said application will he heard at. the reg
ular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the first Mon
day in November. This Oct. 10, 1910.
.1. W, Cannon,
Administrator upon the estate of A. F.
Georgia—Grudy County.
The return of the appraisers, retting
apart twelve, months’ support to the fam
ily of W. .1. Curry, deceased, having
been filed in my office, all persons con
cerned are cited to show cause by the 7th
day of November, 1910, why said appli
cation for twelve months’ support should
not he granted. This 12th October, 1010.
P. H. HERRING, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
To whom it may concern: T. M. Whig-
ha In having made application to me m
duejform to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of R. E.
Whigham, late of said county, notice is
hereby given that said- application will
bo heard at the regular term ot the court
of ordinary for said county to lie held on
the first Monday in November, 1010.
Witness my hand and official signature.
This Oct. 12. 1910.
P. H. HERRING, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
Pelham Land, Loan and Improvement
Company having made application to
require titles to be executed to it to cer
tain land described in. a bond for titles,
thereto attached purporting to be signed
by D. W. Chason, late of said county,
deceased, the said application alleging
that said land lias been fully paid for,
or the money tendered the administrator
of D. W. Chason’s estute, all parties con
cerned are hereby notified that said ap
plication will be heard before the Court
i of Ordinary for said county on the 1st
‘ Monday in November, 1910.
This 3rd day of October, 1910.
• P. H. Herring, Ordinary.
Georgia—-Grady County.
Mrs. Tansy Phillips having made ap
plication to require titles to be executed
to hereto certain land described in a bond
for title thereto attached purporting to
bo signed by D. W. Chason, late of said
county, deceased, the said application al
leging that said land has been fully paid
-i'6r, or the money'tendered in payment
thereof, all parties concerned are hereby
notified that said application will be
heard before the Court of Ordinary for
said county on the 1st Monday in No
vember, 1910. This October 3rd, 1910.
P. H. Herring, Ordinary.
Ben Franklin was the
best printer, of his day.
And we have some of the
Leaf of this day, - iSlo matter how
good a printer may be he cannot,
and will not, get results from old
worn out material. flJWell, all of
our material is new and up-to-date
and if you are “From Misouri" we
can “Show You" just try and see,
^We are like the "Baby Elephant"
an Infant in age but a “Giant” in
strength and size. €JJust keep on
your mind that we are h$re to
“Show Y ou."
GEORGIA—Grady County:
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has
applied to the Ordinary of said County for leave
to sell land belonging to tho estate of H. B. Ballard
for distribution and payment of debts. Bald ap-
S lication will be heard at the regular term of the
ourt of Ordinary for said county to bo held gn
the first Monday in November. 1910.
Mrs. J. F. Ballasd,
Administrator of ti. B. Ballard, Estate.
Ant. nl’ AaIvaIuh. 1(11(1
This 13th dav of October. 1910.
Petition for Letters
of Administration
GEORGIA-Grady County: , ,
J. S. Smith having applied to me In duo form to
be appointed permanent Administrator upon the
inty.notlcp is
lit he heard at
Office in Parker Bnilding.
Notice™: Public
Wl11111*—— | Hi aWllHWWntWItWHIliWWMNItHMff HMHWa 1 la a——— a Hs»S/a
W We’d Like to Have that Next Job of
A splendid assortment of newest and tastiest type
styles and highest grade y papers have just been in
stalled in our Job Department.
U Good Printing costs but little more than
5 poor work, and is much more satisfactory S
Let us figure with you on anything in the PRINT
ING line. We’ll do our level best to please you.
J* PHONE 14!.
Tax Notice First Round.
Whigham ----
Spring Hill..
Lime Sink —
Blowing Cave
Spence. -
Pine Park (afternoon )
Oct. 17
. “ 18
Ragan (G. w , Rehburgs Gyi ,
afternoon).,-.^—... 28
If you need water and want a deep
well, then you want to see us. We
drill all sizes of welte; we drill them
for small sarms on up to the largest
We guarantee water and a plenty of
it, and if we fail we ask for nothing.
We don’t want your money unless we
can give you something for it. We
never fail. We always leave our cus
tomer with a smilihg face.
Our cxpnrienca gives ua advantage of othera.
We have the best machinery that experience can
select or that money can buy. We will be glad to
figure with you on the water problem. Wo feel
sure that we can save you money. We handle all
kinds of pumping powers. If you need anything
in our line wo will be glad to have you drop us a
line. All of our work is done under contract, and
remember-that if we'fail to comply with our con
tract you owe us nothing.' Headquarters
Second Round
Duncanville.: —Nov. 14
Higdons.... “ 15
Whigham *—.“ 16
Spring Hill " 17
Lime Sink.... ...— “ 21
Blowing Cave “ 22
Spence .j
Pine I‘atk (afternoon).-,.. “ 28
Ragan (G. W. Rehburg gin
afternoon).! “ 29
Popes store (forenoon).....Dec.
Rigsbys (afternoon)...._..
Whigham--- “ 12
The dog tax law hka not- been re-
pealed and everyone owning a. dog
or dogs are supposed to pay the tax.
I am reliably informed by good law
abiding citizens of the county that
a great many dog owners have not
returned them for taxes, if my
friends throughout the county will
co-operate with me in finding out
who these parties are I will do all
in mv power In see that, the taxes
are puid. Not only are there dog
tux dodgers but people who do
not own dogs try to dodge tax every
year, I have caught many of these
in the past. Get a list of all hands
working at' these j mills and turpen
tine stills turn over to me and I
will guarantee over half of them will
be tax' defaulters.
R. IV Ponder.
Bring your Job Print
ing to The Progress
office. We have the
best equipped plant
in this section,,
We Fit Your Eyes
AND GU.V: A.VTBF. the III in Iwli
and frame-.. ,We have,loiters of
tip- highest ,'ir. iai from ->i-too '-rf. ,vlu>
iiHY'i |>> -h v:e: r .ig'om famous ,
cut Crystal ■ tiinsc- for yours. They
were fitted by mail ['(Meetly. -Wi-esin
do Che same for you. Write for: our
oye-testor and face measure.
Crystal Optical Co.
213 Temple Court
■Ride Easy When Yon Ride
— ■ ——— ■- jj
We have in our warehouse a jj~
complete stock of the
J. G. Smith and Franklin and Nor-
. man
And a large supply of other makes as
well as Harness and Wagons. Can
save you money by coming to see us ....
when in need of any of our goods,
W. a BAGGETT & SON. jj
v AGENT for the
Singer Sewing Machine Company/
Has opened headquarters in the store of
C. E. VanLandingham, formerly the
Reader Powell store.
He carries a full line of Sewing Machine Attachments,
Needles, Oil, etc ', for all makes, and will sell you a
SINGER or WHEELER & WILSON on easy pay-
■ • ments or for cash.
^ Be sure to call and see mp.
H AVING recently bought out the mercantile interest of K.
Powell, I extend an invitation to my friends and the gen
eral public-to call and see me.. It will be my purpose to carry
a stock of
I am now making a special sale on “PANTS," having
just received a new lot. Come soon, that you may be able to
get a fit in number of .selection.
)•()•( MOWMMMMMNMh Mi ci