Newspaper Page Text
We will place on sale all our $12.50,
$15.00 and 17.50 Men’s Suits
at cash ' A ;|||||
All boy’s $5.00 suits at — - - $3.50 cas h
All $1.50 Men’s Hats at..... . 98c cash
All new styles-all new patterns and all
brand new goods
'• .■ '• , • -2^.' ,*
These prices will remain during November~-Never before
has such merchandise been offered at such low prices,but we
want your business. ■ •
j Phonograph
A Column or Two About the
Doings of Prominent Per
sonages and Otherwise.
tioo o«»«on»
Subscribe for The Progrews
’Phone the names of your visitors
For first class commercial prints
ng come to this office.
Mrs. L. A. Mohs, of Kt. Charles, La.,
as visiting her mother Mrs. T. F. Moore.
Rev. N. G. Christopher, of Whigham,
attended the meeting of the Board of Ed
ition Tuesday. •
We were forced to leave out a half doz-
wi interesting communications this week
Tor lack of p ye.
Misses flattie and Lena Mauldin left
Wednesday morning for Montit:ello, Kla.,
io attend the fair * •
Miss Marie Plowden deliglitfully enter
tained a large.; number of her music pu
pils on Hallowe’en.
Col. It. C. Hell was absent from the
city a few days last week. He journeyed
to La Fayette,‘ii. C., on legul business.
For Tip-Top|coal bums free ot cinders.
Best for your grates and stoves—cheaper
than wood. Apply Wli. Searcy. 4t
Col. IVC. Andrews, attended Justice
Fence courts two days this xflkik. Weu-
nesday at Blowing Cave and Thursday at
The School Improvement Club will meet
at the school house on Friday afternoon
of this week at It:45 o’clock. Mrs. lt. C.
. Bill president.
Dr. Peacock'desires to thank the peo
ple. of Cairo for the kindness extended to
him and his family during his illness. lie
was removed to an Atlanta hospital this
week on account of a severe stroke of
paralysis. ,
We will discontinue our ice deliv
ery on November 5th. Those de
siring ice will pleoao phone ns be- 12 o’clock;§ach day. Wight &
WANTED—Several parties witli teams
to log-on contract. Call on me at. once.
4k V. Am,Mi, Climax, Ga.
WU1 Pay Cash
For 5$ head well bred young 'heifer* or
heifer yearlings. Also 25 or i«0-horse
power'boiler. WV’p, BaIibkr.
Sept. ;!0-4t: .1
The marriage of Miss Susie -M*t\ Craw
ford gnd lyjr.^ Charles Williams,. MSjrgh.
man': was .one of'.tlm (boat beautiful' 1 home
weddings of the season.
The ceremony took place at' the homo
of the bride’s'father, Mr. John B. Craw
ford, irt Cairo, Gai’, Saturday -morning,
October 29 at ID o’clock. The ceremony
was performed l>y Rev. Walter 0. Jones.
The house was opened up beautifully
The:decorations were southern smilux,
palms, ferns, aud white chrysanthemums
artistically arranged. '
The brideworu a gn'en- - traveling suit.
Continued from first page.
Ittmbia, S. C., and Jos. Pearce of
South Florida; with one half-sis
ter, Mrs. J. D. Forester of Wa-
chula, South Florida. Fpur full
brothers ;also survive her-Messrs.
Charles and Hugh Cannon of
Cairo, J. W. Cannon of Grady
county and Will Cannon of Co
lumbia, S. C.
The dear one passed a w ay last
Saturday and her funeral took
place at her late residence, on
Mr. aud Mm. ;Murchmau left on the j g out h Broad street, Sunday af-
morning tram -lor Sonina, their future! ’ v
home ternoon.
Mi-s. Marchman as Miss Crawford was| The sad services were conduct-
«n» w. c. w ana
I * ■ * ” E. Towson.
tcrest to a large number of people. Mr.
Marchman, formerly principal of Cairo
High School and now principal of Brant
ley Institute, at Scnoia', anti basing been
popular with a host of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford gave a delight
ful course dinner to the out of town guests
Friday evening.
Mrs. R. S. Roddenbery, Misses
Dora Wood, Kathryn Brown, Ad-
die Lou Powell, Sallie Bell Coop
er and Lucile Stringer, with
Messrs. R. S. Roddenbery and
Kedar Bennett sang sweetly an i
touchingly, at appropriate times
-Notice to Business Men.
You are hereby notified to call at
my office in the court house at once dun " g the exercises and a large
and take out your license. Last number oi sympathizing friends
were present, in tender condol-
J. M. McNair, Jr.,
, Clerk and Trais. erice. tyjessrs. P. H. Herring,
■ " ' r LZZZi- ,, W. Bartlett, ih L..
Correspondents Wanted For ^ ter . Jamesfoulk and M. G.
We want a correspondent in every . McManeus were the pall-bearers
settlement in Grady county. and the beloved remains were
We will furnish paper, stamps, laj.| to rest in the new cemetery
etc., to those who will furnish us vvith becoming ceremonies^
the news from their section. Let ,
, , „ . “Mournfully wave, ye wintry boughs,
us have the news from your section, j tlor om . l( ,„i narrow;
/>•» || >| mm ^ - jf l'lnw. M of atimmer, your i.i.lor# j'lu*il
IsltV Hall I OP Sa e Gver the grave of the hallowed dead!
* I Ppaeefully sleep, thou cherished on-1
Rest from pain! thy suit'’rings ure
Sleep till .‘the trump,’ from the rend
ing skies,
Bids tliee from dust to glory arise!”
mmittee Rookrt H. Harris.
The Finance Committee is instructed to
receive bids for the Cairo City Hall.
Any person desirous of purchasing a
nion r,ioeo of property will please call on
either member of the committee.
W. l». BROWN t® 1
Cairo, Now 1st.’, J9ip.
This Week Playing For JeUer.
son County Fair.
Under the leadership, of Mr. C.
H;‘Jennisorv, the following named
meifrbhfs oftthe Oafro Gonc'ert Band,
Messrs, \V. A., ami ...Sam Sutton,’
M. A. Brown, Tom Jones, Stevens?
Alton Arlinc; Albert Walker, Roy,
W. Ponder and Carl Poulk, left on
“The Short” Wednesday morning
for Monticello. Fla., where they
arc to plav fpr the Jefferson County
Fair, dailyi until''tomorrow night.
The Cairo representatives were
joined in Thotnusvillo by a detach
ment of the Moultrie Concert Band
und there., is n«> doubt that , the
splendid combination thus former!
is furnishing music of the very
highest class for the occasion.
Tired Creek.
J. B. Watts was a visitor to Cairo last
W. D. Brown and wife were visitors to
Cairo Monday.
Messrs. R. B. and-R. H. Belcher are
helping to erect the residence of Tester
Walker near Tired Creek.
John Wimberly has’ moved to the
thriving city of Cairo. -
.T. B. Watts visited Cairo Wednesday
William Lewis,, of Cairo, has bought
the interests of the Harper A Mathis
Lumber Co. and is now running same.
Very dry weather in this section. Rain
needed very badly. Some body don’t
pay the preacher. Lookout, boys'!
Harrison Mills and son, Arthur, made
a business trip to Cairo Thursday.
R. W. Davis is hauling a .lot of cotton
seed to town this week.
When you see anything in The Brog-
■ ross it is allright, boys.
I The writer nearly froze when the cool
spoil" came.
Walter Davis had liis hand mashed in
liis cotton gin this nerdc. Hope it will
not be serious.'
•John K6lloy visited his sons at Whin-
ham Thursday.stnd;Fr)da.y, \
Misses Annie and Viola WAtts .were
visiting Mr, and Mrs. Kinhy Tirmson
B. B. Belcher has had a weo,,.,flpyghfet
uiii'mr fiY'liSo linitUn frVtt* • - ndif 'I’m*
tills seetidn yhis wctlit. '
Mr. ,BaVh*!» visited George HeltpA last
Sunday. i
William Helton spent lust Sunday ,with
hi* father.
to the public that we are pre
pared to write
Fire Insurance
•/ ; Y? | i’-lht'-l'
and would appreciate yourpat-
ronage if given us.
We represent several of the
best of fline companies. Act
wisely by insuring your prop
erty at once. The cost is light
and the protection great.