Newspaper Page Text
. ... i.
Baths, hot and cold, at M. JR.
j Harrisons Banber Shop on Caa-
foal ave. Alii white barbers.
iRev. \V. E.
Wietknann Bnns., Big- American
Shows (Coming.
All (be children are wild with
joy, a show is corning to town; just
watch and see how many grown
ups find it necessary to take care of
tire children. You never see the
little ones so carefully watched over
as at circus time. Well, well! Any
excuse is good enough only it leads
under the circus-tent at Cairo, Fri
day, November 18.
Wson spent two
days of this wcdkiin his old home,
Nashville, Tenn., (returning Thurs
day night.
M„ B. Harrison conducts a
barber shop on Central ave. Your
tonsorial wants attended, to by
white barbers.
A Column or Sf*ro Abctu* the
Doings «i rromSnent Per
sonages and OaicrwJsr.
Made with Plain, Leaded and Plate Glass Doors
that don’t Bind
Goods That Will Satisfy:
Goods That Are Right
We talk Quality because we handle merchandise that will
stand the test, and we sell this class of goods at the price you us
ually pay for ordinary goods.
It is an easy matter to buy cheap goods—but it is not an
easy matter to buy the best goods cheap.
Buy From Us Once and You Will Buy Again.
All With a Reputation
Skirts, Shirt-Waists, Long Coats
Rain Coats, Sweater Coats,
Underwear, Hosiery
REGAL SHOES for men and women; every pair GUARANTEED
00 aCJ5«3J M
Subscribe for TJ«‘ Progress.
Phone the news to 348.
/ Get a shave at Harrison’s,
When you have visitors, tell us,
’Phone the names of your .visitors
te 341
Read Higdon-Herring Co’s., new
ad iiss this issue.
B, E Wilson is on an extended
visit to Madison, Fla.
All white barbers at M. B. Har
rison's Barber Shop.
It pays to advertise in The Prog
ress-Make ns prove it.
Rev. R. H. Harris was out of
town a few days this week.
J. J. Coppage spent Tuesday in
Ozark, Ala., on business.
Get a shave, hair cut or sham
poo at Harrison's Barber Shop.
Don’t fail to hear the cornet solo
Tuesday evening by Mr. Jonnison.
Born to Col. and Mrs. M. L.
Ledford, Wednesday morning, a
Go to the entertainment Tuesday
and hear V Why We Never Mar
ried . ’ ’
Those who attended the Thomas
County Fair last week report it a
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Roddenbery
and children visited in Moultrie one
day this week.
Notice the program in this issue
for the entertainment Tuesday even
ing at the City Hall.
Today is the day of all days in
the children’h minds. The circus
has arrived and balloons, red lem
onade, peanuts and pop-eorn will
receive a boost in prices.
Read J. D. Holman’s page ad on
the last page of this issue, There
is no doubt but that the Ellis buggy
is all they claim for it but read
the iul and see for yourself.
G. W. Helton was the lucky man
who received $5 in gold from Mr;
Aire Poller for trading the largest
amount, £75.00, during his recent
15 day sale which closed Saturday.
This sale is continued for two weeks
longer at the same prices mentioned
We are pleased to report the
probable return of Editor Majors
on next Saturday. It is our hope
that he will be able to assume
the reins on his return. The of
fice force, including the “devil,”
a mouse and two cockroaches,
again thank the public for over
looking our “errors” of this and
the past two issues.
Rich Deposit Fullers Earth.
The property of Rufus A. Connell
of Whigham, advertised elsewhere
in this issue has, according to the
United States geological survey, a
rich deposit of Fullers Earth on it,
making it valuable. The sale is to
be pulled off December 14th and
loth, 1910.
Last Thursday morning, at the
home of the bride's father, Judge
P. H. Herring, Miss Mary Her
ring was happily united • in the
holy bonds of matrimony to Dr.
G. B. Carter, of Faceville, Ga.,
Rev. J. B Wight officiating.
The couple left on the 10:20
train yesterday for Faceville,
where they will make their fu
ture home.
Wiedemann Bros., Big American
Shows Coming.
Cairo is to be honored with a veal
wild west show on Friday, Novem
ber 18, when the Wiedemann Bros’
Big American Shows will present
for the first time in our city that
A classy line of Dress
Goods, Dress Linings
of all kinds.
Butterick Patterns
Slok^rt) teke
“Made to Match most any Finish.’
Cairo Furniture Company
Slobc^Vcrtnckc BookcaSGS
Cairo Furniture Company
\ Slotc^roicke
Cairo Furniture Company
“Custer’s Last Charge,” when will
be seen upon our streets a war tribe
of real Souix Indians fresh .from
their camp fire and council, mak
ing their first acquaintance with
pale face civilization. The sing of
clouds, the blowing of the winds,
the movement of the birds and
beasts, all tell some story to the
Inditin'." He is a part of nature;.
Egypt and China.
In Egypt we dig and delve and year
by year recover the treasures she
holds. In China there Is nothing to re
cover, nothing to dig for. AU her past
Is huddled on the surface. Her music
and her musical Instruments of the
past are here today the same as they
'ever were. There are uo stages of de
velopment told no steps of ascent.—
Hermann Smt«h.
Preventing a Waste.
“Why Is Mrs. Jones standing bare
headed In the cold ?"
. . . , .. ... «y. "Oh. she’s got n half bottle of<eo»
he jq ill it and of it. He studies cure leftfrom last year, and she wants
to use it up to get the bottle out of
the way.”—Llpplucott-’*.,'
If you want the^new* when it
its news, *ubrcribe for this paper
it all: through his life; he can read
its language; i< is one thing that he
knows. A real tribe of Sioux In
diana ore with the Wiedemann
Bros-’ Big American Shows. Watch
for them Friday, November 18.
Had Dona It Too.
Kakker—Banking Interests
time* buy what they don't want to
•vert « panic. Booker—As I buy say
wife • drees -HarpoV’S Baser.
For first class commercial prinjr
*ng come to this office.
Did you say printing?
do all kinds.
Well, we
For Tip-Top coal burns free ot cinders.
Best for your grates’ and stoves—qbeaggjr
than wood. Apply Wli.'Senrey. -it
Leave to Sell Land.
UEOKUIA-Grady County.
Bv virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county will be sold at
‘ " outcry on the, tiist Tuesday in De-
public outcry on the, lust Tuesday m De
cember, 1910, at the court house in said
county between the usual hours of sale
the following real estate situated in Grady
county, to-wit: tf-tO acres more or less
of lot of land No. 5544, in the 17th Dis
trict of Grady county, Georgia. Terms
cash. This Nov. 7th, 1910.
.1. W, Cannon,
Administrator of A. F. Richter.